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Advantages and disadvantages Multimedia SMS, also referred to Multimedia Messaging Service or MMS, is a enhanced version of Short Message

Service text messages. MMS offers enhanced content delivery, making it not unlike email between phones. However, MMS is a more costly messaging service and may not be supported on all phones. In comparison, SMS has been fine-tuned over a longer period of time, and is supported on all phones.

Read more: The Advantages & Disadvantages of Multimedia SMS Content

The most significant advantage of MMS over SMS is multimedia content. SMS only supports text, whereas MMS supports images, videos and audio in your message. MMS messages can include photos and videos recorded on your phone or media added to your phone from your computer. On some phones you can use emoticons via MMS. This higher level of personalization allows you to deliver voice messages and add more context to your message than using text alone. Length SMS messaging limits your messages to 160 characters -- including spaces and punctuation. MMS messaging not only allows you to embed more styles and format your text, but also allows significantly longer messages between phones. There is not a set character limit for MMS, though your phone may apply one. Being able to send a longer message makes MMS a more effective method of communication when email isn't available, such as on feature phones that don't offer Internet access.

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Turn your first RM50 AdWords spend into RM200 worth of advertising now Viewing The effectiveness an MMS message depends on the recipient's phone; what may be an entertaining video for someone with an iPhone may be too hard to watch for someone with a feature phone. Pictures taken with different resolutions or dimensions may be hard to view on a different display, with corresponding loss of detail. Sound on your recipient's phone may not as be as clear as on your phone.

Support Unless you've explicitly asked, you have no way of knowing if your recipient has a phone that supports MMS. Although smartphones with multimedia support are becoming commonplace, many people still use feature phones. Beyond that, not everyone has MMS enabled on their plan. Different phones may support different media types as well; the format your phone records a video in, for instance, may not be playable on your recipient's phone. Cost Sending and receiving MMS messages may cost more on your plan and your recipient's plan, especially if text messages are paid per message. Costs vary depending on your cellular plan; some may define the MMS cost per message, while others do it per kilobyte. Messages are charged to both the sender and recipient. Check with your carrier to understand any costs associated with MMS.

Read more: The Advantages & Disadvantages of Multimedia SMS Benefit and advantages -Faster service within hospital settings as can reach experts wherever they are -Potential to provide multimedia information direct to an individuals mobile phone -Could save patients time and travel in the first instance

MMS With capabilities far beyond SMS messaging, the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) was designed to be the bigger brother the smarter, prettier, load-bearing, fourth dimension of mobile messaging. SMS and MMS are based on the similar principles and data transfer methods, but only MMS allows for rich text, video and audio attachments, using WAP to access and display the content. These messages are created with data usage in mind, rather than a character count and this is evident in the pricing which far exceeds that of SMS. One concern that MMS raises is that of security. This messaging platform has been known to transfer malicious software and the cost of the message is often shared between both parties. Currently, read and response rates for MMS are not as good as for those messages sent via SMS. Since recipients need to agree to retrieve the content, theres no guarantee that they will open the message. In the case of basic phones, the message may not be compatible with the phone and will therefore go unread.

Even feature and smartphone users need to have their connection settings up and running if they're going to receive premium, multimedia content. MMS allows for easy bulk-messaging, which is not always available directly through the service provider, but rather through a dedicated bulk-messaging service. Depending on the network provider, the sender is able to see when the content is downloaded and can therefore measure the penetration. Multimedia Possibilities Multimedia content creates wonderful branding possibilities. Newsletters can contain text colour corresponding to the brand identity. Brand logos have can have a bigger impact than textual brand names and videos can speak much more than 1000 words. With the multimedia possibilities of modern phones, their applications and online connectivity, user generated content has never been so accessible, interactive or hands-on. Users now have the ability to create and distribute content; meaning consumer participation has never been as much fun. Combining MMS with mobile Internet connectivity can be used to drive your audience to a Social Media profile, mobile or traditional website. With creative instruments in their hands, inspiring a culture of user participation between MMS messaging and your websites can be a rewarding experience for all concerned. Advantages of MMS

- Direct and personal - MMS messages can be stored and forwarded -Delivery and read-reply reporting -WAP Push potential - Benefit potential for sender and receiver -Varying message billing options - Segmentation - Increased user interactivity through multimedia - Image, video and other media rich content allows for better branding

Disadvantages of MMS

-Not compatible with basic phones

Content is not always adapted as expected due to factors such as screen size and resolution variations between models Users who have opted into an MMS database dont necessarily have an MMS enabled phone (which leads to excess messaging at additional cost). Sending bulk MMS messages is often only available through a dedicated messaging platform rather than a network Users are unsure of the costs associated

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Expensive and not ideal for a technologically-challenged audience, MMS messaging may allow for greater customisation and additional bells and whistles. That said, it is not always the right channel for communication.

The Multimedia Messaging Service can be an effective tool for relaying a dynamic message such as a newsletter, but simpler messaging platforms such as SMS can often be better for frequent use. The bottom line; always research your audience and budget thoroughly before embarking on a massMMS messaging campaign.

How mms works? This document describes how MMS works, with considerable technical detail and jargon. For information about higher level APIs used for sending MMS messages, including PHP scripts for sending MMS, please refer to Submitting MMS Messages, or for a simplified web interface to send MMS messages, see Send MMS Message.

There are two important standards that define MMS technology, one published by the 3GPP (3GPP TS 23.140), and the other a series of MMS specifications published by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). These two standard bodies cooperate to define the MMS protocols.

When MMS is discussed, you will often hear details of different MMS related protocols, such as MM1, MM3, MM4, MM7, as well as proprietary protocols such as EAIF, and various vendor specific proprietary variations of MM7. (You might also wonder about MM2, MM5, MM6, MM8, MM9, and others, but they are beyond the scope of this document, and are defined in 3GPP TS 23.140.)

MM1 is the protocol that is used between a mobile device and the MMSC Messaging Server. It defines how mobile phones send and receive messages through the MMSC. (For information on creating MM1 messaging content independent of an MMSC, see Sending MMS Notifications and Content.)

MM3 is the protocol that is used between an MMSC and other messaging systems. It is not so much a protocol, as much as a definition of requirements for how an MMSC must be able to interoperate with other messaging systems. In the real world, this is primarily done via the SMTP e-mail protocol.

MM4 is the protocol that is used to interconnect MMSCs. It is an SMTP-based protocol with additional headers defined.

MM7 is the protocol that is used to allow Value Added Service Provider (VASP) applications to send and receive MMS messages via an MMSC. The MM7 implementation defined by the 3GPP is a SOAPbased protocol which involves the exchange of XML and MIME content over HTTP POST. Because early versions of the 3GPP MMS specifications only defined MM7 at an abstract level, several vendors of operator MMSCs have defined their own versions of MM7 which are not compatible with the MM7 SOAP-based protocol defined by the 3GPP.

EAIF is a Nokia defined proprietary protocol which extends MM1 so that it can be used by Value Added Service Providers.

As mentioned earlier, the 3GPP ( defines MMS in 3GPP TS 23.140. This specification defines the overall architecture of MMS. However, it defines some MMS related protocols only at a higher level architectural level, leaving out the important implementation details. In particular, the MM1 protocol is only defined in somewhat of an abstract fashion within this specification, while the MM4 and MM7 protocols are defined with complete implementation details.

The Open Mobile Alliance ( has a series of specifications regarding MMS, and these specifications define the MM1 protocol in detail. (In OMA terminology, MM1 is the MMS Encapsulation Protocol.)

In practice it is the OMA specifications that provide the specific details of how mobile devices send and receive MMS messages. So to better understand MMS, it is best to first focus on this layer of communication.

MMS messages are delivered using a combination of SMS and WAP technologies.

When a mobile phone receives an MMS message, what it is actually receiving is an MMS notification message which it receives over SMS (WAP Push). This MMS notification message contains header information about the MMS message, and a URL pointer that the recipient must fetch in order to retrieve the content of the MMS message.

This URL pointer is a dynamically generated URL for the MMS message content which is stored on the MMSC. In a typical phone-to-phone MMS transaction, the process of sending and receiving the MMS message works like this:

The sending phone initiates a data connection that provides TCP/IP network connectivity, usually over GPRS. The sending phone performs an HTTP POST to an MMSC of the MMS message encoding in the MMS Encapsulation Format, as defined by the Open Mobile Alliance. The encoded MMS message includes all of the content of the MMS message, as well as header information, including a list of intended recipients for the message. (Note: In most environments, the HTTP POST will be routed through a proxy server. Some devices will use wireless profiled HTTP and TCP through a WAP 2.0 proxy server, while other devices will use the Wireless Session Protocol, WSP, through a conventional WAP proxy server/gateway.) The MMSC receives the MMS message submission and validates the message sender. The MMSC stores the content of the MMS message and makes it available as a dynamically generated URL link. The MMSC generates an MMS notification message, which is sent via WAP Push over SMS to the message recipient(s). This MMS notification message contains a URL pointer to the dynamically generated MMS content. The recipient receives the MMS notification message. It then initiates a data connection that provides TCP/IP network connectivity (usually over GPRS). The recipient phone performs an HTTP (or WSP) get to retrieve the MMS message content URL from the MMSC.

You can configure NowSMS to function as an MMSC, supporting this type of user-to-user messaging traffic with the MM1 protocol. That is one type of use for the NowSMS MMSC.

However, many people look to use NowSMS as an MMSC for supporting application generated MMS messages. In these situations, NowSMS might be functioning as an MMSC, or it might be acting as a gateway for interfacing with other MMSCs. Lets explore these two types of configurations:

1.) Direct MMS delivery - In this configuration, NowSMS is an MMSC. Users and/or applications submit MMS messages to the NowSMS MMSC. The MMS message content is stored on the Now SMS & MMS Gateway, and the NowSMS MMSC publishes a dynamic URL for access to the MMS message content. NowSMS generates an MMS notification message to the recipient device which is sent over SMS, and this notification includes a URL pointer back to the MMS message content on the NowSMS server.

2.) MMS Gateway routing messages via an operator MMSC - NowSMS supports all of the major MMS related protocols, including MM7, MM4, MM1 and EAIF for this purpose. NowSMS also supports vendor specific proprietary versions of MM7, including the non-standard variations from Ericsson, LogicaCMG, and Materna AnnyWay. NowSMS also supports a generic SMTP interface which can be used as an MM3 implementation. Any of these protocols can be used for connecting to an operator MMSC. Most frequently, at least as a starting point, what we see is the use of MM1 where NowSMS makes a GPRS connection over a GSM/GPRS modem, connects to the operator WAP gateway that is designated for MMS usage by the operator, and submits the message to the operator MMSC via the WAP gateway over the GPRS connection. (The operator MMS gateway then generates the dynamic URL and MMS notification message that is ultimately received by the recipient device.)

The default configuration of NowSMS is to use the first approach (Direct MMS Delivery as an MMSC). When you perform direct delivery, the receiving MMS client needs to be able to connect to the NowSMS server in order to retrieve message content. In this case, it is important that the MMSC HTTP Port of the NowSMS server be accessible either over the internet or over the relevant mobile operator network(s). It is also important that the Local Host Name or IP Address configuration setting of the NowSMS MMSC be configured to a host name or IP address that is externally accessible.

The problem with the Direct MMS Delivery approach is that the MMS client on every mobile phone is pre-configured with settings for how the phone sends and receives MMS messages. To send or receive an MMS message, the phone makes a GPRS connection (to a GPRS APN). It then usually connects to the MMSC for sending/receiving messages through a WAP proxy/gateway. The preconfigured MMS settings on many mobile operator networks are setup to connect to a special MMSonly GPRS APN which connects to an MMS-only WAP gateway and this GPRS APN/WAP gateway is configured only to allow connections to the operator MMSC. If the recipient mobile phone is subscribed to an operator that has this type of setup, and you attempt direct MMS delivery, you can send the MMS notification to the phone over SMS, but the phone cannot retrieve the MMS message from your MMSC server because the GPRS APN/WAP Gateway does not allow it.

In those cases, the only alternatives are:

a.) Use the second approach, and configure NowSMS to route messages via an operator MMSC. Additional information on this type of configuration can be found in the section Connecting to an Operator MMSC.

b.) Change the settings in the receiving mobile phone so that it can receive messages from external MMSCs. This is usually just a matter of changing the GPRS APN and WAP Gateway IP address that is defined for the MMS client . You could change them to match the similar settings already configured for the WAP browser, which should allow access to external sites. Note that in doing this, you may no longer be able to send/receive MMS through the standard operator MMSC, so this is usually only a good solution for deployment in closed user communities.

c.) Use an alternative to MMS, such as the Multimedia WAP push function in NowSMS. In this case, the multimedia objects are pushed to the WAP browser in the phone instead of the MMS client. NowSMS can be configured to convert a submitted MMS into this format for delivery. More information can be found in the section on Multimedia WAP Push. How Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Works

How can one create a multimedia message? The answer is quite simple take pictures with ones built-in camera phone or upload audio/video clips into ones cell phone via the Internet, a USB port, or Bluetooth wireless technology. The only condition is that the recipient should have a compatible cell phone. If ones phone does not support MMS, one cannot send or receive multimedia messages via MMS.

Once someone sends an MMS file, the intended recipient will receive the message even if his/her phone is switched off. The recipient receives the MMS as soon as the phone is switched on. In a nonroaming situation, the message goes directly into the phone and is downloaded automatically without prior notification. Users can save their MMS and send it to any other users phone.

Each multimedia message may contain more than one page, just like a PowerPoint slide show. Each page may have some text, audio file, or video clips attached, with specified time periods.

There is a general procedure to understanding how MMS works. In this procedure, a photo is being sent to another compatible phone.

Step one: Take a photo from a camera phone or download one via the Internet. Step two: Personalize the text, graphics, audio, or video clips. Step three: Add recipients number and send.

The recipient will receive a message alert. Once he/she opens the message, a picture message will appear on the screen. If there is any text, it will appear below the image. In case an MMS is sent to an incompatible cell phone, the recipient will receive the SMS with the default line, You have been sent a picture message!

The MMS has many challenges:

Adaptation of multimedia content: There may be a difference in the compatibility of multimedia content for different cell phone brands. If the network operator is supporting ones content adaptation, one can enjoy compatibility with more networks and vice versa. Cell phone configuration: Multimedia Messaging Service requires some parameters to be correctly placed in ones handset. Sometimes, due to poor configuration, one may not receive messages. Bulk messaging: Sometimes when someone sends an MMS to a large number of subscribers, they might have difficulty sending the message. Transactional overloads are now being optimized.

Moreover, there are several similar services such as Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) that are very similar to SMS (Short Messaging Service), which allow users to send or receive messages with some special text formatting options such as bold, color, sound effect, icons, etc.

MMS messages are delivered in a completely different way than SMS. The first step is for the sending device to encode the multimedia content in a fashion similar to sending a MIME e-mail (MIME content formats are defined in the MMS Message Encapsulation specification). The message is then forwarded to the carrier's MMS store and forward server, known as the MMSC. If the receiver is on another carrier, the relay forwards the message to the recipient's carrier using the Internet.

Once the MMSC has received a message, it first determines if the receiver's handset is "MMS capable", that is it supports the standards for receiving MMS. If so, the content is extracted and sent to a temporary storage server with an HTTP front-end. An SMS "control message" containing the URL of the content is then sent to the recipient's handset to trigger the receiver's WAP browser to open and receive the content from the embedded URL. Several other messages are exchanged to indicate status of the delivery attempt. Before delivering content, some MMSCs also include a conversion service that will attempt to modify the multimedia content into a format suitable for the receiver. This is known as "content adaptation".

If the receiver's handset is not MMS capable, the message is usually delivered to a web based service from where the content can be viewed from a normal internet browser. The URL for the content is usually sent to the receiver's phone in a normal text message. This behaviour is usually known as the 'legacy experience' since content can still be received by a phone number, even if the phone itself does not support MMS.

The method for determining whether a handset is MMS capable is not specified by the standards. A database is usually maintained by the operator, and in it each mobile phone number is marked as being associated with a legacy handset or not. It can be a bit hit and miss since customers can change their handset at will and this database is not usually updated dynamically.

E-mail and web-based gateways to the MMS (and SMS) system are common. On the reception side, the content servers can typically receive service requests both from WAP and normal HTTP browsers, so delivery via the web is simple. For sending from external sources to handsets, most carriers allow MIME encoded message to be sent to the receiver's phone number with a special domain.

How Does MMS

Miracle Mineral

Solution Work?

How does Miracle Mineral Supplement Solution MMS work?

Once its in your system, the activated sodium chlorite which is now chlorine dioxide in a dilute solution, targets those cells that are below a PH value of seven, or the acidic, acid +positive charged cells. Those unhealthy cells are oxidized.

MMS does not affect the healthy alkaline, negative charged tissue and cells, those that are more alkaline, or above the PH level of seven.

When you consume the MMS solution your red blood cells, or oxygen-rich blood cells, those blood cells pick up the MMS Miracle Mineral supplement through the stomach wall. The red blood cells continue on their appointed journey, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells and taking away the waste products. The MMS, now in the form of chlorine dioxide, is only attracted to low PH acid + positive charged cells, such as parasite, fungi, or diseased cells. The MMS is like a guided missile that will only seek out that which is unhealthy, based on its PH value and acid + positive charge which then attaches to and takes the positive ionic charge, rendering those harmful or foreign cells powerless.

If the chlorine dioxide doesnt find anything under that acidic 7.0 ph level it will deteriorate and release an electron or two. Once this occurs the remaining chlorine dioxide can combine forces with our immune system in the making of hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid destroys killer cells, pathogens and cancerous cells. Again, MMS does not attack healthy cells, leaving no radiation burns or hair loss from the intense chemicals of chemotherapy. When we have disease in the body we need more hypochlorous acid, and the MMS teams up with our immune system to strengthen this natural healing process

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