Effective Communication

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1.) What is Communication? *compare w/ the meaning of effective communication. *compare also w/ the meaning of oral/ speech communication.

2.) When do we say that communication is effective and what are the criteria for making the communication effective? 3.) What are the elements of communication? *compare to the oral communication elements. Draw the communication cycle. (Gen.) Draw the oral communication cycle. (Spec.) -Label the elements. 4.) What are the types or levels of communication? Refer to 4 types- Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, public... 5.) What are the barriers/ obstacles for effective communication? *What are it's categories? -each barriers has a category. 1.) Communication Communication is referred to as the process of imparting or interchange of thoughts, information, opinions, by means of speech, writing or signs. Communication is derived from the Latin word communis, meaning to share, which is basically the main objective of the act. The communication process requires a sender, a message, and a recipient. The process becomes complete once the receiver has understood the message imparted by the send. Effective communication requires feedback which is critical to both parties. Effective Communication Communication, as mentioned above, is the process of sharing information and requires a sender, a message, and a recipient. Effective communication extends the concept of the act to require that the transmitted message is received and understood by the recipient in the way it was intended. It also requires to understand the emotion behind the message being sent. Effective communication aims to create a common perception and to acquire information between the parties involved in the process. Oral/Speech Communication Oral or speech communication is referred to as the communication through mouths. This kind of communication includes individuals (the sender and the recipient) conversing with each other. Oral communication could be a direct conversation or a telephonic conversation. Known forms of oral communication are speeches,

presentations, and discussions. When a direct interaction is need, oral communication is highly recommended. 2.) Criteria of Effective Communication In order for a communication to be effective, there are several things to consider to achieve effectiveness on the process. The criteria are as follows: Be clear. Always apply the KISS formula Keep it short and simple. Choose familiar and short conversational words and construct effective sentences and paragraphs. Be complete. Always answer all questions asked and give something more when desirable. Answer the five Ws. Be concise. Shorten wordy expressions and only include relevant statements. Avoid being redundant and the use of abstract subjects and passive verbs. Be correct. Use the right level of language and always include accurate facts, figures, and words. Be concrete. Use specific facts and figures in statements. Choose clear, and image-building expressions. Be considerate. Focus on the reader or listener and show how the recipient will benefit with the message. Emphasize positive and pleasant facts and avoid negative words. Be courteous. Use words and phrases that set a positive tone. Be sincere, thoughtful and appreciative and avoid expressions that can irritate and hurt the recipient.

3.) Elements of Communication The seven elements of communication: The Source Idea is the process by which one formulates an idea to communicate to another party. This process can be influenced by external stimuli such as books or radio, or it can come about internally by thinking about a particular subject. The source idea is the basis for the communication. The Message is what will be communicated to another party. It is based on the source idea, but the message is crafted to meet the needs of the audience. For example, if the message is between two friends, the message will take a different form than if communicating with a superior. Encoding is how the message is transmitted to another party. The message is converted into a suitable form for transmission. The medium of transmission will determine the form of the

communication. For example, the message will take a different form if the communication will be spoken or written. The Channel is the medium of the communication. The channel must be able to transmit the message from one party to another without changing the content of the message. The channel can be a piece of paper, a communications medium such as radio, or it can be an email. The channel is the path of the communication from sender to receiver. An email can use the Internet as a channel. The Receiver is the party receiving the communication. The party uses the channel to get the communication from the transmitter. A receiver can be a television set, a computer, or a piece of paper depending on the channel used for the communication. Decoding is the process where the message is interpreted for its content. It also means the receiver thinks about the message's content and internalizes the message. This step of the process is where the receiver compares the message to prior experiences or external stimuli. Feedback is the final step in the communications process. This step conveys to the transmitter that the message is understood by the receiver. The receiver formats an appropriate reply to the first communication based on the channel and sends it to the transmitter of the original message. Elements of oral communication: Knowledge of the Subject and Clarity Effective oral communication requires knowledge about the subject which is being talked about. It also requires a presentation of clear message during the process. Remember that it is difficult to talk about something you know nothing about. Good research and background on the subject is a key to clearly present the subject to the recipient. Attentive Listening Communication is a two way process between the sender and recipient. Being the recipient of the message, it is good to be an attentive listener. It is actually good to also learn how to listen aside from doing the talking. Effective communication requires the recipient to understand the message, thus being an effective listener contributes a lot in achieving an effective communication. Expressive Speech

Effective speakers possess the characteristic of being able to express and emphasize spoken words with the use of body language, various pitches, and rates of speaking. Oral speakers who are effective learn to use various tones and volume control to control the audience and avoid them from being bored. Maintaining eye contact is also a good part of effective oral communication.

4. ) Four Levels of Communication Intrapersonal Communication- is language use or thought internal to the communicator. Intrapersonal communication is the active internal involvement of the individual in symbolic processing of messages. The individual becomes his or her own sender and receiver, providing feedback to him or herself in an ongoing internal process. It can be useful to envision intrapersonal communication occurring in the mind of the individual in a model which contains a sender, receiver, and feedback loop. Interpersonal communication - is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, though most definitions involve participants who are interdependent on one another, have a shared history. Communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver. Communication channels can be categorized into two main categories: Direct and Indirect channels of communication. Group Communication- refers to the nature of communication that occurs in groups that are between 3 and 12 individuals. Small group communication generally takes place in a context that mixes interpersonal communication interactions with social clustering. Public Communication- It's at the heart of our economy, society, and politics. Studios use it to promote their films. Politicians use it to get elected. Businesses use it to burnish their image. Advocates use it to promote social causes. It's a field built on ideas and images, persuasion and information, strategy and tactics. No policy or product can succeed without a smart message targeted to the right audience in creative and innovative ways. 5.)

Barriers for Effective Communication Physical Barrier - This is the main hurdle or barrier in effective communication at workplace. This barrier in the company comprises large working area which is physically estranged from each other. Other things due to which physical barrier rises may be the organizational environment or noise coming from back. Various things can be included in physical barrier like large working place or working in one section which is physically separate from each other, closed office doors, separate place for people of different rank etc. Linguistic Barrier - Different language and vocabulary is another barrier in communication. Language is vague in nature and its words are symbols which hardly represent only one meaning. The meanings of these symbols or words are understood by the sender and receiver in their own way which can result in misinterpretation. If communicator uses difficult or inappropriate words or if message is not explained in proper manner then it can result in misinterpretation. It is the language only that plays vital role in every field so it should be kept in mind that proper language and words are used. In todays world if you send your message to another person in his language then it will be more effective and in this way the communication can be made effectively. Cultural Barrier - You will find diverse culture barrier to effective communication in this world. This communication barrier arise when two people of any organization belongs to different culture, place or religion. There are many other factors of cultural barrier like age, social position, mental difference or thinking behavior, economic status, political views, values and rules, ethics or standards, motives and priorities. The communication done without mixing any culture will not miss its meaning, but once a culture is mixed up with the communication then it may loose its exact meaning. Emotional Barrier - Every person takes the situations and affair in his own way as everyone differs from each other. Many times thoughts of the person become strong base for communication. There are many emotions which can be the cause of effective communication barrier. Examples include anger, fear, or hostility.

** Communication Cycle ** Aiming > Encoding > Transmitting > Receiving > Decoding > Responding

** Oral Communication Cycle ** Speaker > Idea > Language > Sound > Sound Waves > Sound > Language > Idea > Listener > Feedback > Back to Speaker

Mahal, natapos ko po assignment mo! Yung numbers 4 and 5 lang ang kinopya ko talaga mula sa Internet at yung elements of communication. Yung elements of oral communication at ibang numbers sariling salita ko na, purely rewrites. Time check: 4:25 AM. Send ko lang sa FB at email mo tapos sleep na ako. Good night baby! See you later. I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!

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