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Eugenio Isabelo Tomas Reyes Sanchez Jr.

or widely known as Bo Sanchez is an author, entrepreneur, preacher, celebrity and lay evangelist in the Philippines. He was born in July 11, 1966 in Caloocan City to Eugenio and Pilar Sanchez.[1] He started preaching at age 13 and wrote his first book at 20.[2] He has published more than 20 bestselling books since then. In 2006 he was a recipient of The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) award.[3] He publishes a magazine known as "Kerygma".[citation needed] He leads one of the fast-growing religious communities in the Philippines and worldwide, the Light of Jesus (LOJ). Through this, he founded two giant gatherings, the annual inspirational convention "Kerygma Conference" and the weekly fellowship and worship "The Feast". About Bo Sanchez Bo Sanchez is the author of 9 bestselling books and publisher of seven magazines. Bo also has a weekly TV show on ABC 5, Tuesdays, 10:30pm; a daily Radio program on Radio Veritas from Monday to Saturday, 5am, and Sunday, 8am; and a daily internet TV show called Bo is also an international speaker, travelling extensively around the world. So far, he has spoken in 14 countries, including 38 cities in North America. (Click FAQ for more information on how to invite him to speak.) He founded many organizations, such as Anawim, a special home for the abandoned elderly and the poorest of the poor, and Shepherds Voice, a media group that publishes the widest read inspirational literature in the country. He also founded the Light of Jesus Community and the Light of Jesus Counselling Center. (For your counselling needs, click here.) Bo was also awarded one of The Outstanding Young Men or TOYM for 2006. Privately, Bo is also a micro-entrepreneur. He engages in small business and real estate not only for his familys needs and for his various projects,

but also from his firm belief that one of the most important solutions to his countrys economic problems is to raise up more micro-entrepreneurs among his countrymen. He frequently teaches and writes about financial literacy, believing that our poverty is hugely a product of peoples low financial I.Q. on subjects such as debt-management, saving, investing, and business. Click here to attend a FREEFinancial Health Check-up by Bos Team of Financial Coaches. Or click here to attend Bos How To Be Truly Rich Seminar and the Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program. A firm believer in working with others, he has partnered with Gawad Kalinga and other groups that work for the poor. Recently, hes formed the KerygmaFamily a borderless, international, non-physical community. All over the world, people are signing up as members of this virtual communitywhere they receive a mountain of great stuff for their spiritual and personal growth. (Click here for details.) In another endeavor hes very passionate about, Bo started the Catholic Filipino Academy to help parents who want to teach their children at home. (Click here and read why Bo believes in homeschooling.) But above all these, Bo believes that his first call is to be a loving husband to his wife Marowe and a devoted father to his sons Benedict and Francis. They live in Manila, Philippines. If you want to get in touch with him, click here. Filed under: Blogs by bosanchez

Why I Look Like Tom Cruise I get interviewed a lot. Perhaps once a week, I get interviewed (No joke). My problem is that I get asked the same questions over and over again. So just to break the monotony, I give them the silliest answers. Let me share with you one interview today.

Despite the jokes, Im sure youll pick up something for your own personal growth. Here it is Q: Brother Bo, were going to ask you some very basic questions. Bo: No problem. You wouldnt know if my answers would be correct anyway, right? Q: (Laughs) When and where were you born? Bo: July 11, 1966 in Caloocan City. Or was that 1976? Let me show you my baby photo. (See below.) At least, thats what my mother said when she gave me this photo. But because the creature in the photo looks like a miniaturized sumo wrestler, Im wondering if it was really me. What do you think?

School, and finally landed in the Ateneo. Yes, I never got a Loyalty Award. Q: What was your course in college? Bo: AB Philosophy. Q: Did you take up Masters? Bo: I took up my Masters in Theology but never did my thesis. I was just too busy with my ministry. My purpose wasnt to get a degree. I just wanted to learn more. Q: Where did you work? Bo: In a normal job and normal company? Never. Im now 41 and Ive never had a Boss in my entire life. Ever since high school, I was already serving in ministry. And when I was in college, I was already working full-time in the ministry of the Lord. I

Do you see a neck? Nada. Zero. Zilch. Q: Who are your parents? Bo: Eugenio and Pilar Sanchez. The most fantastic human beings on the planet. Q: We read somewhere that they have a great love story. How did they meet? Bo: Mom was a pretty 19 year old girl when she met Dad. She was applying for work in his office. Dad, 6 years older than her, liked what he saw and, take note, secretly gave her the answers to the entrance examjust so that she would pass! He then hired her on the spot and asked for his first date. This may scandalize you, but three months later, Mom and Dad got married. Obviously, they never told me this shocking piece of information until I was 31 years oldwhen I was far and safe from the impulsiveness of teenage romance. Q: What was their religious background? Bo: Catholic. Do you know what was their first date? Q: What? Bo: Morning Mass. And from that day on, they never stopped going to daily Mass for the rest of their lives. Before Dad died last year, they celebrated 63 years of wedded bliss. Q: Where did you go to School? Bo: I switched schools like I switched shirts. I started in Stella Maris, jumped to San Carlos Boys, hopped to St. Josephs, switched to Claret High

founded 4 non-profit organizations and Ive always been the leader. I guess Im just lazy and I dont want to work for anyone. Q. Why did you become a preacher? Bo: I had a spiritual conversion at age 12. I experienced Gods love in such a real and intimate way. And I wanted to do two things. First, the force of that love overwhelmed me and I wanted to love Him back. Second, I wanted to live a life of significance. I wanted my life to have eternal meaning. And so I had this desire to serve God by preaching. Would you believe, as a 13-year-old kid, I would imagine myself standing before 30,000 people in Araneta Coliseum, holding a bible and a microphone, preaching Gods Word. Q. Did that happen? Bo: I gave my first talk in the Araneta Coliseum at age 16. That was a miracle. Let me prove it to you: Heres my passport photo when I was 16. Would you have listened to that uh, alien?

The Creature. Q. Was there a particular event in your life that caused you to become a preacher? Bo: At age 13, Aida, our prayer group leader prophesied that I would receive the gift of wisdom and that I would preach. So she asked me to give a talk that following Friday prayer meeting. So at age

13, I preached my first talk and never stopped ever since. I owe my ministry to that woman, Aida. She believed in me. She saw something in me that otherseven Ididnt see in me. And all through the years, Ive been trying to be an Aida in other peoples lives. I raise people up and release them to the world. Its been fun. Q. We have noticed that you talk about a broad range of topics. Do you have favorite topics now? Bo: After almost 30 years of preaching, my favorite topics now are about building peoples self-esteem, teaching people to see themselves the way God sees them, and helping them to dream again. For me to do that, I have to change their distorted images of God and of themselves. Another favorite topic right now is helping people raise their financial literacy and teaching them the right theology and psychology towards money. Can I plug? Q. Yes, please! Bo: I dont know if there are still empty seats available, but Ill announce this anyway. Ill be giving my life-changing How To Be Truly Rich Seminar this April 5, 2008, from 8:30am to 12noon. I love giving this seminar because it really changes the financial lives of people. How? By changing their psychology and theology towards money. Ive always believed that money problems are mind problems. So by changing their mind towards money, their money life will change as well. To find out if there are still empty seats available, they can email beaconlightevents@gmail.comright away. (Note from Bo: You can also read my P.S. at the bottom of this blog.) Q. Why do you use various media? You seem to use everything. You use television and radio and books and magazines and the internet Bo: Media is powerful. It multiplies my reach. I think if Jesus were alive today, Hed use the internet too. Can I make another shameless plug? In the internet, Ive created an international, borderless, nonphysical community of people who want to grow in their personal life. I supply them with a mountain

load of spiritual nourishmentlike daily Bible reflections, monthly magazines, etc All they have to do is log on at Its FREE. Q. Youre both a Preacher of God and also a Motivational or Inspirational Speaker. Is there a conflict? Bo: Truth is universal. So I give one message. But yes, Im a preacher in our prayer meetings because I can more openly talk about my sourcesthe Bible and our faith tradition. And Im an inspirational speaker in my corporate seminars where I source my message from history, secular authors, social sciences, etc. But the message remains the same because the simplest truth that changes lives is universal. Q. Why do you think thousands of people admire you? Bo: Because I look like Tom Cruise. You dont believe me? Our intestines, kidneys, and spleen really look alike. Okay seriously now. Gee, Ill be guessing here. Three things. First, perhaps because I try to be honest with my failures and weaknesses. I dont hide them. People know my sins. So perhaps they see themselves in me. Second, perhaps because I try to speak their language. I speak simply. I dont try to impress people with my knowledge. Finally, perhaps because I speak what matters to them, their most pressing needs. Because I want to help them where they hurt the most. Aside from those three things, I really think its the Tom Cruise thing. Q. How do you attain your own goals? Bo: I start small. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Second, I bring together a dream team around me. I dont go into a project without a fantastic group of people who will assist me in that project. Third, I keep at it. I keep positive. I keep faith. I keep focused. I believe that when a man is focused on his dreams with passion, he becomes a blessing-magnet. He doesnt even have to look for them. Every blessing that he needs to fulfill his dreams will come to him. He will find blessings

rolling down at his feet, begging that he receives them. Q. We heard that you dont send your kids to school. Instead, you homeschool them. Why such a radical decision? Bo: It was a difficult decision. But after 4 years of homeschooling our kids, we see the fruits. Weve been able to form the values in our kids. We enjoy a very strong relationship with them. To get my complete answer, log on at In that site, youll also know the 16 reasons why we homeschool our kids. Q. How is your relationship with God? Bo: Alive. Intimate. Happy. Fun. Real. Honest. Worldly. I experience Him in the most secular moments of my life. Q. You seem to be a very different kind of Preacher. You dont only preach. You want to help the poor. You want to change the world. Why? Bo: I began to understand that essence of Christianity. It is love. Ill say something that will shock the daylights out of you. I believe that Salvation isnt about going to Heaven. I believe Salvation is about bringing Heaven down on earth, especially to those who are suffering the mostthe poor, the sick, the abandoned, and the spiritually lost. My faith is meaninglessmy prayer meetings, my liturgical rituals, my bible reading, my religious beliefsif I do not love my neighbor. Q. What are you plans for the future? Bo: Ill continue to preach about Gods love. Ill continue to teach people to believe in the God that believes in them. Ill continue to share very practical ways of living the Christian lifein their families, in their jobs Ill use media more extensively to share this message. As a community, we will give half of our funds for evangelism and the other half for our work for the poor. Specifically, we will do developmental work for the poorest of the poor, establishing micro-credit and livelihood facilities. We

will work with other groups to eradicate world poverty. Q. Thank you very much. You have inspired us again. Bo: Thank you too. You gave me great questions. Friends, I hope you enjoyed this interview as much as I enjoyed answering it. May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez PS. By the time you read this, I dont know if therell still be available seats. There are always so many people who want to get into my How To Be Truly Rich Seminar, we end up turning people away. (So sorry! We cant fit all of you in the seminar.) Im giving again the How To Be Truly Rich Seminar on April 5, 8:30am to 12noon, at Quezon City. By the way, I give this Seminar to companies at P7,000++ per person, but because I want to help more people, I give this Seminar to the public at the subsidized cost of P475only. (Yes, thats not a typo.) Bonus: You join the Truly Rich Club. Call up Beckie at Tel. (02) 7229562 right away before you run out of seats (we always do). (Office hours: 9am-5pm, Tuesday to Saturday) Or email her at Note: At this incredibly low price, we even still give an early bird discount to the first 9 callers. Dont delay and reserve now! PS2. Attention: For Serious Students Only! For a select group of people who are very serious about reaching their financial dreams, my own Financial Mentors and I will give 2 days of intensive training that we call the Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program.It will be on April 11 (2pm to 9pm) and 12 (9am to 4pm), 2008. We shall show you how you can invest in mutual funds, stock market, real estate, and your own businesses. If each of our mentors charged for the time spent coaching you (compared to how much they earn in their own businesses), the Truly Rich Coaching Program would be priced at P95,000.00++! But because of their desire to give back and help others, most of our mentors give their

time for free. To get into the coaching program, your investment is only 5% of that figure, or P4,975 only (Please add P1000 for 2 power lunches and 2 snacks). This is a huge steal. (We reserve the right to change this price at anytime.) We highly encourage married couples to attend this program together, so youll be of one mind and heart in your path towards financial abundance. Married Couple rate is P7,975 only. CRAZY 100% Money Back Guarantee + P500! If at anytime along this Program, you feel you didnt learn anything to improve your financial life, just tell uswe will return 100% of your tuition feeno questions asked. Thats how much we believe in the wealth education of our program. In fact, were so serious with this offer, well even add P500 more, for your inconvenience and your loss of time in attending this Coaching Program. PS3. Are you a young person serving God? Attend YOUTHWORKS! Leadership Training Seminar for the Youth (April 5, Saturday, 8am 5pm). Speakers: Arun Gogna; Obet Cabrillas; George Gabriel, and Jhute Malinao (Fee: P250 only) The youth are our future leaders. This leadership seminar focuses on authentic character building having a heart for God is what true leadership is all about. The activities will help discover, develop, and deliver the gifts of the young. Techniques to reach out to other young people will also be shared. Empowering the youth always works! For reservations and inquiries, contact Noel Gayas (02) 8239546 or 09154493600 / 09282109765

circulation in the country. Another of these organizations is Anawim, a home for the abandoned (Anawim means poorest of the poor). Only recently, he has founded the Kerygma Family, a virtual community in which members receive guidance for their personal and spiritual growth. He also started the Catholic Filipino Academy to help the parents who wish to homeschool their children. He also wrote his first book at the age of 20, and now has 9 bestselling books to his credit. Bo is also a Catholic lay preacher, reaching out to from Metro Manila and the provinces to as many as 14 countries, including 38 North American cities. Asides from writing, Bo is also an advocate of microentrpreneurship. He engages in small to medium enterprises and real estate with the belief that the country's economic problems can be solved by raising more micro-entrpreneurs among Filipinos. Moreover, he also teaches Filipinos financial literacy, believing that poverty comes from the low financial knowledge of the Filipino. But most of all, Bo believes that his most important calling is that of being a father to his children Benedict and Francis and a loving husband to his wife Marowe. They currently reside in Manila, Philippines.

Contribution To Society Bo Sanchez has been an inspirational writer for years now. And he has inspired multitudes of people, not only locally, but also in the widespread international scene. His generally light-humored books with very profound messages have pulled the heartstrings of so many people and have inspired them to lead a life closer to the Lord. Lately, Bo has been writing books on how to achieve real wealthwhether it would be financially, spiritually, and the likeand it has enjoyed very good reception from his avid readers, saying that his works are very instrumental in them reaching their goals of achieving real wealth. Bo is also the editor-in-chief of Kerygma Magazine, the most widely-read Catholic magazine in the Philippines. Like all of his works, Kerygma is a pool of inspirational stories and insights on how to live a life closer to God. In all of these works, Bo has really contributed so much for the society and its inhabitants, inspiring them and giving them the passion that there is still hope for a change for the better.

Biography Eugene Isabello Tomas Reyes Sanchez, most commonly known as Bo, was born in 1966 to Gene and Pilar Sanchez in Caloocan City. He started preaching at the age of 13 to a small group of 30 people, all invited by his parents. This was the start of the Light of Jesus Community, a Catholic charismatic community which now has more than 5,000 members scattered all across the nation and abroad. Along with the Light of Jesus Community, he also pioneered many organizations. One of them is Shepherds Voice, the publisher of Philippine Catholic literature with the widest


Thank God Hes Boss

This book chronicles Bo Sanchez first experiences as a Catholic lay preacher. One of these is his conversion experience and the start of his preaching ministry. Similar to Bos other books, Thank God Hes Boss is laced with his trademark down-to-earth humor along with deep, thoughtprovoking insights. It tells different everyday experiences and how God is always therein every simple joy and sorrow of life.

individuals. In this book you will learn that you cannot accomplish anything without passion and faith in the Lord.


Prayer Books

Embraced, Prayers That Nourish The Soul

The Way of The Cross

Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

Special Prayers for the Holy Rosary

The BOSS Series

Your Past Does Not Define Your Future is served

on a wholly unusual mood. Unlike Bo Sanchez other books, which are filled with light stories of humor and wit, this particular book, in Bos own words is written in blood. It opens up Bos sufferings as a child and as a young adult, among them being sexually harassed by a youth group leader. Bo says that his intention of writing this book was to give something to relate with to people who are suffering. And for them to heal together. You Have The Power To Create Love (Third Collection) Compilations You Can Make Your Life Beautiful (Second Collection) How To Be Really, Really, Really Happy (First Collection)

40 Stories of Passion This book is a collection of interviews Bo Sanchez conducted with 40 inspirational people from all walks of life. He calls this book a personal 40-Day Retreat since he encourages the reader to read one chapter from the book per day and then reflect on it. These 40 ordinary people have gone through a lot of challenges in their lives before they have reached the peak of their success, happiness or personal triumphs. According to Bo Sanchez, we have to realize that everything happens for a purpose and that trials enter our lives in order to help us grow and become better

Thank God, He's Boss!

Fill Your Life with Miracles

40 Stories of Passion


Your Past Does Not Define Your Future.

One True Love Series

How To Find Your One True Love.

How To Find Your One True Love 2 : Workbook

Simplify Series

(Foreword only)

Simplify and Create Abundance

Think Rich Pinoy

Teaching Audio CDs/DVDs Simplify and Live the Good Life Build Your Throne

Wealth Series

8 Secrets of the Truly Rich.

Fill Your Life with Love (10 talks)

7 Secrets to Real Freedom

How to Receive Financial Blessings (5 talks)

How to live a life of Miracles


How to Love Yourself The Way God Loves You (10

Children's Book


Eagles don't fly, they soar: The Adventures of Billy

How to Love God When He Seems Far Away (3 talks)

Periodicals (regular contributor and publisher)

Nurture Your Spiritual Life (8 Series)

KERYGMA, a Catholic Inspirational Magazine

FiSH, The Zany Side of Loving God ACHIEVEMENTS


Mustard Kids Magazine, Sowing Seeds of Fun and

Author of 8 Bestselling Books The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) in 2006 The 2007 CMMA Serviam Awardee

COMPANION, a Catholic Scripture Diary REFERENCES

SABBATH, Scripture Meditations for Daily Life Bo, Sanchez. 40 Stories of Passion. Quezon City: Shepherd's Voice Publications Inc., 2008.

DIDACHE, A Daily Bible Reflection Guide for Catholics Bo, Sanchez. How to Live a Life of Miracles. Quezon City: Shepherd's Voice Publications Inc., 2008.

GABAY, Pang-araw-araw na Pagninilay para sa Katoliko

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