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Advance Acquisition

Assignment A


Submitted to: Mr. Sakin Shrestha Faculty WLC College, Nepal

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II Roll No: 15747

Date: September, 2012

This report has been written as partial fulfillment of the requirement for Professional Certificate Level II (PCL-II) course for the module Talent Acquisition. I would like to express our thanks to all those persons whose valuable support and suggestions have helped to complete this assignment in the present shape. In fact we received guidance, support, encouragement, suggestions, necessary information and valuable ideas from different people within and outside organization. I would like to thank our lecturer and supervisor Mr. Sakin Shrestha, for providing us all the necessary study material, guidance, comments and recommendations which were very valuable. I am also thankful to our former supervisors in WLC who shared their knowledge and gave us their piece of mind and helped know the subject in detail.

Pravina Thapa PCL-II

Contents..................................................................................................................... 3 1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 1 2 Objectives of Assignment........................................................................................1 3 Case Background: Company Profile.........................................................................1 4 Definition of terms ..................................................................................................1 4.1 Pre-Joining ........................................................................................................ 1 4.2 Pre- Joining schedule.........................................................................................2 4.3 Appointment Letter...........................................................................................2 4.4 Job offer letter................................................................................................... 3 4.5 Relocation Support............................................................................................3 4.6 Joining Bonus.....................................................................................................3 4.7 Notice Pay Buy-Out............................................................................................4 5 References ..............................................................................................................5 6 Bibliographies.......................................................................................................... 5 Appendix..................................................................................................................... I 1 Pre Joining schedule for Manage HR, Mr. Bharat Chand....................................II 2 Offer Letter Sent Via Email...............................................................................III 3 Appointment Letter sent via Email....................................................................V 4 Joining Documents .........................................................................................XII ASSIGNMENT A- Question..................................................................................XIV

1 Introduction
This report has been written as partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Professional Certificate Level II (PCL-II) course for the module Advanced TalentAcquisition. As per the aforementioned reason, this assignment has been designed to present understanding of particular topics that were covered in the session 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the module. The topics discussed in these sessions are; Pre-Joining Support and Retention Management Expectation Management Appointment Letter, Probation, Confirmation and Legal Compliances Joining Formalities, Logistics Support and Internal Compliances

2 Objectives of Assignment
There were list of objectives that were pen downed in order to acquire the knowledge required to develop a good and thorough project. The objectives are as follows;
To analyze the case and understand what is being asked To review the study materials and understand the process entailed in them to develop proper formats and templates required in the process of new talent acquisition. To design new talent support management

3 Case Background: Company Profile

Company Name Nature : Nice Consultancy, Bangalore : Career and Education consultancy provider Employees Name Mr. Bharat Chand Post Manager Human Resource(HR) Materials required in Pre Joining Schedule the pre-joining stage Offer Letter with relocation support Appointment Letter service

4 Definition of terms
4.1 Pre-Joining
Pre -joining Support refers to the process where employer branding and association as a preferred employer is created at initial touch points for a candidate. It is series of activities which alters the perception of an employer towards a positive magnitude. (Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -1; Level-PCL-II) Enhancing the Company/ Organizations Image as a Preferred Employer Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II Page 1

Initial reduced turnover Better Interpersonal relationships before on-boarding of a candidate. Increased retention of offered candidates

In todays global cut throat competition of business, survival of the fittest is not merely about the product or services or processes and systems, it has gone beyond that & includes providing strong support to all Employees from their Pre-joining to creating a highly engaged Workplace with High Per Person Productivity & Employee Retention. An Effective Pre-joining Support to New Recruits is a vital step towards Employer Branding.

4.2 Pre- Joining schedule

Pre-joining schedule is a list of activities, roles and responsibilities of individuals, time and date of the activities to be performed. The list is a guide map for proper management of the new-joinee so that the there is no misunderstanding and the employee objectives are met considerably. (Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -1; Level-II) Reference to Case A schedule adapted by the Nice Consultancy to welcome and comfort the newly joined HR Manager has been illustrated and presented in Appendix- 1 Pre Joining schedule for Manage HR, Mr. Bharat Chand pg II

4.3 Appointment Letter

Simply An appointment letter is written to inform a person that he or she has been selected for a particular position in an organization. (Wiki 2012} An Appointment Letter is a legal document that serves as a written confirmation that an organization has agreed to employ someone and that the person has agreed to work for the organization in return for pay. The basics of appointment letter entails; (Advanced Talent Acquisition- Pre Study-3) The Appointment Letter entails all the main terms and conditions of employment. It must state all the fundamental terms without fail. Fundamental terms are those terms described as going to the root of the contract. The contract stands or falls depending on whether these terms are stated or not. If Appointment Letters fail to mention the fundamental terms; complications can arise later on But it is not wise or recommended to state every conceivable terms and conditions. It will become too long and difficult to manage.. In any event some terms and conditions of employment are implied. These are binding although not stated. Reference to the Case

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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An appointment letter to Mr. Bharat Chand mentioning his salary scale, probation, working hours and other relevant information is mentioned in Appendix - 3 Appointment Letter sent via Email pg V

4.4 Job offer letter

A formal written document that is provided by an employer to a candidate selected for employment which outlines information regarding the employment terms, such as the date employment is to commence, the position the individual is being hired to perform, the agreed upon salary, benefits to be provided, etc. The employer usually requires the candidate to sign and return the letter as a formal acceptance of employment. (Human Resource- a division of IQPC 2012) Relevance to Case A Job offer letter has been circulated to Mr. Chand via his email address The excerpt of this mail is attached in the appendix section. Please refer to Appendix - 2 Offer letter sent via mail pg III

4.5 Relocation Support

Relocation support is an assistance provided by the employer to an existing employee on transfer or a new hire on joining the company, with boarding and lodging support for a defined period of time. It is an effective tool used by many organizations these days as an effective recruitment tool. The Relocation Support program includes a new-hire package, such as company home purchase options, numerous house-hunting trips, extensive temporary housing allowances and childor elder-care assistance; high-level executives might be reimbursed for transporting boats, art collections, or secondary house contents. (Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -2; Level-PCL-II) In the case of Nice Company as well, the new employee, Mr. Bharat Chand has been appointed as a new HR Manager which requires him to relocate to Bangalore from Chennai. Appendix includes some of the relocation support package offered to Mr. Chand. The support will definitely result in Employee Value Proposition. Please refer to Appendix - 2 Offer Letter Sent via Email pg III.

4.6 Joining Bonus

To attract the right talent, many firms are luring prospective employees with joining bonuses, which is usually over 10 per cent of their overall cost to company. Introduction of joining bonus was a result of an uncertain situation caused to rise in the demand of skilled workforce was high and the competition to get the best amongst the companies is fierce. Hence, to fill some of the most challenging, competitive and strategically aligned positions, joining bonuses has been a lucrative tool to attract them. The trend of joining bonuses is more seen in sectors such as BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance), IT/ITeS, Services, Power, Energy and Infrastructure. (Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -1 PCL-II) The main reason for offering joining bonus is to ensure that the company gets the right talent at the right time.

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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Reference to Case Mr. Bharat Chand was also considered to be one of the desirable talents in the industry and was lured from ABC Company. Hence, to make him feel that he did the right decision and also to ensure satisfaction, Nice Consultancy, Bangalore has offered Mr. Chand a joining bonus of Rs.9,00,000/- (Rupees Nine lakhs), which will be reimbursed to you in installments of 3 months (i.e 3 months, 6 months, 9 months). The subject to joining bonus can be found on Appendix under the heading 3 Appointment Letter sent via email pg V

4.7 Notice Pay Buy-Out

Notice Pay Buy-out refers to the practice of the new organization giving the employee the money required (normally the notice-period basic or full salary) to pay off his/her current firm and join the new one immediately Notice Pay Buy-out only with Prior Approval of CEO/ Head HR & only when the New Employee submits his/ her Full & Final Statement from Previous Employer that the Notice Pay has been Paid/ Deducted from Leaves Payable etc (Advanced Talent Acquisition Pre- Study ppt, Level-PCL II) Reference to case In the case, the Notice Pay Buy-out of Mr. Bharat Chand turns out to be Rs.75, 000/-. Hence, Nice Company has agreed to pay the mentioned amount to Mr. Chand so that he is abrupt enough to leave ABC Company and can join as soon as possible. The subject to Notice Pay Buy-Out can be found in Appendix under the heading 3 Appointment Letter sent via email pg V 4.8 Pre- Joining Documents Check List This is a check-list of documents that a new employee needs to submit to the Human Resource Department of the organization. These documents provide legal proof of the existence of a particular employee. These documents are important for further screening and development of the employees in the future. Some of the examples of joining documents are; Resume Passport Size Photograph (10 Nos.) Copy Of Birth Certificate Medical Fitness Certificate Copies of all Educational Certificates Attested Copies of all Experience Certificates Attested Certificates of any Extra Qualification Attested Any important record of Medical History Relevance to Case Joining documents for Mr. Chand can be found on Appendix 4 Joining Documents pg XI

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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5 References
Answers (2012) What is an appointment Letter? [Online], [accessed: 08/12/2012] Human Resources- a division of IQPC (2012) Job Offer Letter, [accessed 08/12/2012] Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -1; Level-PCL-II (Wigan and Leigh College Portal [online] [Accessed 08/14/2012] Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -2; Level-PCL-II (Wigan and Leigh College Portal [online] [Accessed 08/14,2012] Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -2; Level-PCL-II (Wigan and Leigh College Portal [online] [Accessed 08/14/2012] Advanced Talent Acquisition: Pre Study Material -2; Level-PCL-II (Wigan and Leigh College Portal [online] [Accessed 08/14/2012]

6 Bibliographies
Bhattacharya, D.K (2008) Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Excel Books Riggio, R.E (2003) Industrial/Organizational Psychology, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Prasad, Dr. M (2008) Management Concepts and Practices, Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House Mamoria, C. B et al (2008) Personnel Management Text and Cases, Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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Contents 1 2 3 4 Pre Joining schedule for Manage HR, Mr. Bharat Chand ..................................II Offer Letter Sent Via Email ......................................................................III Appointment Letter sent via mail...............................................................V Joining Documents.................................................................................XI

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

Page I

1 Pre Joining schedule for Manage HR, Mr. Bharat Chand

Date July 15, 2012 Purpose Offer letter Responsibilities Sending offer letter to Mr. Bharat by Assistant, HR, Megha Dixit on behalf of CEO through email Assistant HR sends Email News and IT department to dispatch the latest information via email

July 15, 2012 July 15, 2012 July 18, 2012 July 24, 2012

Appointment Letter Information sharing

Introduction to co- Co-workers will be introduced via email workers sent by Assistant HR, Megha Dixit

Fun facts and News and IT department to dispatch the achievement latest information via email sharing July 28, 2012 Reminder of Offer Assistant HR via Email and Appointment Letter Assistant, HR, Megha Dixit, is responsible to clear queries of Mr. Chand via telephonic or email conversation.

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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2 Offer Letter Sent Via Email

Company Letter Head of NICE Consultancy, Bangalore

Date: July 15, 2012 Dear Mr. Bharat Chand, We are pleased to offer you the position of Manager, HR Acceptance and Commencement Your appointment will be effective till 1st August, 2012. Please contact us immediately if you require an alternative joining date. If you do not confirm your acceptance or we are unable to set an alternative date, this offer will be withdrawn. Please report on the joining date at 10:30 a.m. Please note that it is important to be on time to complete the joining formalities.. On your joining date, please bring (i) the original and 1 photocopy of this letter duly signed and dated by you; (ii) 1 self-photograph (passport sized, color photos with a white background), (iii) the originals and 1 set of photocopies of the following documents:

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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3 4 5


9 10 11

* Please note that all of the above documents are mandatory We have acknowledged that since, you are from Chennai and our company is situated in Bangalore, the company will provide you the following as a relocation support system.
Assistance with the sale of existing home (including/excluding brokerage fees, closing costs, guaranteed offer, purchase if not sold, etc.) Home-buying trips with/without family to new location Assistance with purchase of new home (including/excluding mortgage fees, advance down payment, closing costs) Temporary housing for six months ; Moving of household goods (excluding unpacking and storage) Acclimation services such as employment assistance for trailing spouse, and information or assistance in finding schools, pre-school care, etc.

Please contact us at 01-55-66-248_ for any queries regarding your employment offer. Sincerely,
Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II Page IV

Hema Shrestha Chief Executive Officer

3 Appointment Letter sent via Email

(As attached in the email and the hard copy will be signed by both the employeeMr. Bharat Chand and Employer- Nice Consultancy upon acceptance and will be duly recorded for office purposes)

Company Letter Head of NICE Consultancy, Bangalore

Date July 15, 2012 Mr. Bharat Chand Chennai Dear Mr. Chand, Subject: Appointment Letter For Manager Human Resource Further to our letter of offer dated July 01, 2012, we are pleased to inform you that you are hereby appointed as Manager in the Human Resorce Department Department of our Organization to be based at Bangalore as per terms and conditions discussed and agreed upon as under :1. This appointment is effective from August 01, 2012 the date of your joining our Organization. 2. Your salary and other allowances statement[ Refer Annexure]. shall be as per enclosed

3. Your job functions and responsibilities as Human Resource Manager will be as defined broadly in the enclosed Annexure

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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4. As agreed by the board and company rules, you will be allowed a notice pay buyout from your previous organization at Rs 75,000/5. The company has also decided you a Joining Bonus of Rs.9,00,000/(Rupees Nine lakhs), which will be reimbursed to you in installments of 3 months (i.e 3 months, 6 months, 9 months). 6. You will be placed on probation for a period of six months and the said period can be extended by another three months and on the expiry of the period of probation or extended period of probation, if you are not confirmed in writing, your services shall be deemed to be automatically terminated. However, unless you are confirmed in writing, you shall not be deemed to be permanent. 7. During probation, the notice period for termination / resignation will be 24 hours from either side. After confirmation, the notice period required from either side is one month. 8. After successful completion of your probation , you will be confirmed in writing as a permanent employee of the Company. You will be entitled to statutory and service benefits and be governed by discipline and other rules existing or may come into existence from time to time , as and when applicable as per rules of the Company and such other benefits as applicable to employees in force from time to time to the location / place wherever you are working. 9. Your future increments or promotion or any other salary increase shall be based on merit considering your periodic and consistent overall performance, business conditions and other parameters fixed from time to time at the discretion of the management and shall not be considered merely as a matter of right. 10. During the period of service with the company, you shall not indulge and/ or take part in any activity of formation of council and / or association or become a member being part of management staff which are found to be detrimental in the interest of the company in any way. Such an action shall be deemed as infringement to service conditions of the company and amount to causing damage to its interest and shall call for disciplinary action being taken against you, as it may deem fit and appropriate. 11. You shall retire from the services of the Company on attaining 58 years of age.

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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Your date of birth for the purpose of Companys record is entered as April 05, 2012 as per xerox copy of 44-55-66 Certificate submitted by you. 9. During the tenure of your services, you will wholly devote yourself to the work assigned to you and will not undertake any other employment either on full or part time basis without prior permission of the Company in writing. Any contravention of this condition will entail termination of your services from the Company. 10. (i) Your services are liable to be transferred or loaned or assigned with / without transfer, wholly or partially, from one department to another or to office/ branch and vice-versa or office/ branch to another office/ branch of an associate company, existing or to come into existence in future or any of the Companys branch office or locations anywhere in India or abroad or any other concern where this Company has any interest. In such case, you will abide by responsibilities expressly vested or implied or communicated and shall follow rules and regulations of the department / office, establishment, jointly or separately, without any compensation or extra remuneration or provision of accommodation. You, thereupon, may be governed by service conditions and other terms of the said concern as may be applicable. The aforesaid Clause (i) will not give you any right to claim employment in any associate or / sister concern or ask for a common seniority with the employee of sister / associate concern.



In the event you are absent from duty without information or permission of leave or you overstay your sanctioned leave, the Management will treat you as having voluntarily abandoned the services of the Company. Your services are liable to be terminated at any time : i) ii) during probation or after confirmation, in case you are found to be medically unfit by the Companys Authorized Medical practitioner, on examination; as and when the Company comes to know of any conviction by the Court of Law during the tenure of your service with us or conviction and / or any bad record in the past under the previous employer, or because of your giving false information at the time of your appointment or concealed any material information or given any false details in the application form or otherwise as regard age, education
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Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II


qualification , experience , salary etc. if you are found to be not possessing desired qualification which do not conform to custom authority and / govt. regulation as may be required from time to time and necessary for continuation of business or its exigencies or on account of redundancy .


You will keep the Company informed of any change in your residential address that may happen during the course of employment of your service with the company. All documents, plans, drawings, prints, trade secrets, technical information, reports, statements, correspondence etc., written or unwritten and also information and instructions that pass through you or come to your knowledge shall be treated as confidential. You shall not utilize them for your own use or disclose to other persons during or after your employment. During the course of employment with the Company, you will acquire, gain, generate, gather and develop knowledge of and be given access to business information about products activities, know how, methods or refinements and business plans and business secrets and other information concerning the products / business of the Company, hereinafter called the SECRETS. You will be liable for prosecution for damages for divulgence, sharing or parting any of such information during course of employment and on cessation for at least 2 years period.



You shall faithfully and to the best of your ability perform your duties that may be entrusted to you from time to time by the management. You will be bound by rules, regulations and orders promulgated by the management in relation to conduct, discipline and policy matters. You will not seek membership of any local or public bodies without first obtaining specific permission of the management. In the event of your becoming member without following due process as mentioned , it shall amount to contravention of provision of employment condition and the management reserves the right to take appropriate action including dispensing with your services , as it may deem fit. You will not give out to any one, by word of mouth or otherwise, particulars of our business or administrative or organizational matters of a confidential nature which may be your privilege to know by virtue of your being our employee.

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II



While you are in employment of the company , you may be given or handed over companys property and / or equipment for official use and you shall take care of them including their upkeep. On cessation of employment with the Company, you shall return all documents, books, papers relating to the affairs of the Company, purchased with the Companys money, which may have come to you, and also any property of the Company in your possession. Any balance of advance or loan taken by you from the Company, shall be fully recovered from your salary and any other legal dues including Gratuity , at the time of your leaving the services of the Company. While working as an employee if you enter into any business transaction with any party on behalf of the company within your permissible limits, it shall be your responsibility to ensure recovery of outstanding. If any outstanding remains at the time of leaving the services of the company, it shall be your responsibility to recover for remittance to the company before you proceed to settle your legal dues in full and final settlement of your account.



You are requested to return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of your acceptance of the terms and conditions of your employment. Hope that this will be the beginning of a long and successful career with us.

Yours faithfully, For Nice Consultancy,

Name Managing Director / Director Accepted: _______________


Bharat Chand Chennai

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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Annexure to Appointment Letter dated July 15, 2012

Of Mr. Bharat Chand, appointed as Manager, HR

Break-up of Gross Remuneration

Remuneration (1 ) Basic House Rent Allowance Personal Allowance Rs.(P.M.) 40,000/25,000/15,000/Rs.(P.A.) 4,80,000/3,00,000/1,80,000/-

TOTAL (1) (2 )



Annual Benefits
Medical Reimbursement Provident Fund TOTAL (2) TOTAL (1+2)

Reimbursement of expenses for one telephone at residence and one mobile for official use as per Companys policy existing or as amended. Payment of perquisites, allowances and reimbursements shall be subject to provisions of Income Tax, as applicable.

For Nice Consultancy Pvt Ltd

Managing Director / Director

Accepted: ____________________ (Bharat Chand) Chennai

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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4 Joining Documents




SL . PARTICULARS N o. 1 2 3 4 5 C. V. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM: DUPLICATE COPY OF OFFER LETTER DULY SIGNED BY PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEE Five (5) PASSPORT SIZE COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHS & 01 FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH: TWO (2) REFRENCE NAMES, DESIGNATION & CONTACT NO. FROM CURRENT EMPLOYER: PHOTOCOPIES: (All) - Degree Certificate & Marksheet - SSC / HSC board mark sheet (Please also specify what document has been submitted) IDENTITY PROOF: (Any one of the following) - Valid Passport Photocopy - Driving Licence Photocopy - Voter ID card photocopy (Election ID card) - Pan card Photocopy - Corporate Photo ID card To be filled by New Employee (Please mention what document Submitted) To be filled in by HR Department (Please mention what document Received)

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS PROOF:(Any one of the following) - Telephone Bill - Electricity Bill - Valid Passport Photocopy - Ration card - Latest LIC premium receipt LAST THREE (03) MONTHS SALARY SLIP FROM CURRENT EMPLOYER (Please also specify- what document has been submitted)


Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II




In the 4 preliminary sessions, you have learnt that relationship with the New Employee begins when the Offer is accepted by the New Employee. You have also learnt about Probation & Confirmation, about the Legal Compliances like Income Tax. You have learnt about Statutory Compliances like PF & ESI, Medi-claim Coverage, Group Personal Accident, Group Term Life Insurance etc. Attempt the Assignment keeping in mind these take-away points from the First 4 Sessions. Assignment Bharat has been employed for 2 years, at ABC Pvt Ltd in Chennai, as Assistant Manager HR. He has been selected as Manager HR for your organization in Bangalore at CTC of Rs 9 Lakhs. You are buying out his Notice Pay at Rs 75,000/- and have negotiated his Joining Bonus at Rs 1, 50,000/- payable in 3 installments (3 Months, 6 Months and 9 Months). As per the HR Policy of your organization, you are also going to give him Relocation Support. As the Talent Acquisition Specialist, develop a Pre-joining routine; Complete with Activity, Date and Responsibility. Mail him an Offer Letter and send him an E-mail explaining the Relocation Support and further mentioning the List of Documents that need to be submitted at the Time of Joining. As the concluding part of the Assignment, prepare Bharats Appointment Letter. Assessment Criteria The Assessment of the Assignment will be based on the Realistic Analysis of the Job/Role of the Selected Candidate and Preparation of a Pre - induction Checklist thereof. Quality of query handled via mail. Accuracy of preparing the Appointment Letter

Submitted by: Pravina Thapa PCL-II

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