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Amber Reohorn

Feedback Questionnaire analysis 1. Are you male or female?

100% of all respondents were Female. 80% of the people who filled out my questionnaire were between 15-17 year olds. 10% of them were 18-26. And finally the last 10% were over the age of 31. 40% of my respondents were in Part time employment. Another 40% were unemployed and the last 20% were in full time employment.

2. What age are you?

3. What is your current occupation status?

4. Do you think my magazine fits the indie/rock genre?

100% of all the people who responded to my questionnaire said yes they
thought my magazine fit in with the indie/rock genre.

5. Would you purchase my magazine in the shop? Why?

90% said yes they would purchase my magazine in the shop. Nobody said they wouldnt. And only 10% said they would maybe purchase it.

The reasons were o o o o It looked professional Unique and different Eye catching

30% 10% 20%

The other 40% didnt give a reason.

6. Do you think my front cover would stand out to you on the magazine shelf in a shop?

70% said yes they think my magazine would stand out against the other magazines on the shelf to them. 30% said maybe.

7. What did you think stood out the most on my front cover? Why did they stand out to you?

Logo Cover lines Image Other o Colour

30% 10% 50% (fun, bright, attractive, bold, focus on artist). 10%

8. Do you think the colour scheme throughout my magazine is bold and effective? (Explain why below).

80% of the people said yes they do think the colour scheme I used in my
magazine was effective because they were consistent throughout my magazine and they found the black and white complimented each other. And the other 20% said not all the time.

Amber Reohorn
9. Do you think my magazine is consistent throughout and why?

The colours Good structure Themes

50% 40% 10%

10. What do you think are the strengths of my magazine?

Good quality images

The Models The Double page spread 10% The Structure and layout throughout my magazine 20% The colours 30%

30% 10%

11. What do you think are the weaknesses of my magazine?

Could improve cover lines More colourful

30% 50% 20%

Allow the images to suggest its a music magazine

12. What do you think I could improve on in my magazine?

Making my cover lines stand out more Improve my images (if so which one) page0. Use more colour 20% Other 0%

60% 20% 9One on the contents

13. What do you think about the image on the front page?

Stands out/bold/iconic. Shows the girls personality/fun. Effective 20% Colourful 30%

30% 20%

14. What do you think about the images on the contents page?

Stands out Effective

40% 30% 10%

Like the fact they are taken in different locations Could have used a prop 20%

15. What do you think about the image on the double page spread?

Interesting Striking

10% 10% 50%

Fits in with genre Effective 30%

Amber Reohorn
16. Do you think my magazine is professional? And why?

100% said yes they thought my magazine looked professional. Because they
said it looked like a magazine from the shelf, the structure and layout throughout my magazine was neat, my article looked interesting, I had good images that stood out and finally the colour scheme was consistent throughout.

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