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La entidad rectora de las normas, que nuclea a todas las acreditadoras posee en su pgina web el listado que se reproduce con fecha 15/2/2013 de quienes estn en condiciones de acreditar certificadoras de calidad.

Accreditation Body Member

Economy: Body: Contact: Argentina Organismo Argentino de Acreditacion (OAA) Ing. Carlos Barembuem President Bartolom Mitre 648, 1 piso contrafrente (CP: C1036AAL) Buenos Aires Argentina Telephone: +54 (11) 4349-3962/3/4 Facsimile: +54 (11) 4349-3962 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 17 September 2005 EMS 17 September 2005 Product 17 September 2005 Code of Conduct Adopted: 28 March 2005

Economy: Body: Contact:

Australia & New Zealand Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) Steve Keeling Director Technical Services JAS-ANZ 4 Phipps Close, Deakin, ACT 2600 Australia Telephone: +61 (0)2 6232 2005 Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6262 7980 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 6 September 2004

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Economy: Body:

Austria Akkreditierung Austria (Accreditation Austria)


Norman Brunner Head Akkreditierung Austria International technical-economic affairs Bundesministerium fr Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend (Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth) A-1011 Wien, Stubenring 1 Telephone: +43 (0)1 711 00-5411 Facsimile: +43 (0)1 711 00-8399 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 25 October 2002 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 11 October 2004

Economy: Body: Contact:

Belgium BELAC Mr. Bruno Buts Technical Manager Inspection and Certification FPS Economy, SME's, Self-employed and Energy BELAC secretariat Bd Simon Bolivar, 30 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 16 - 5th Floor B-1000 Brussels Belgium Telephone: +32 2 277 5434 Facsimile: +32 2 277 5441 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 29 September 1999 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 3 December 2003

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Brazil CGCRE (General Coordination for Accreditation) Mrs. Andrea Barroso Melo Monteiro de Queiroz, Head of Division for the Development of Accreditation Programs CGCRE Rua Santa Alexandrina, 416 - 9 andar, Rio Comprido 20261-232 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil Telephone: +55-21-2563-5529 Facsimile: +55 21 2563-2836 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 23 August 1999 EMS 8 December 2005 Product 16 March 2009 Code of Conduct Adopted: 30 December 2003

Economy: Body" Contact:

Canada Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Chantal Guay Vice President 270 Albert Street, Suite 200, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N7 Canada Telephone: +1 61 3 238 3222 Facsimile: +1 61 3 569 7808 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 4 February 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Chile Instituto Nacional de Normalizacion (INN) Eduardo Ceballos Head of Accreditation Division Instituto Nacional de Normalizacion, Matas Cousio N64, 6 Piso, 995 - SANTIAGO 1 Chile Telephone: +562 445 8820 or +562 445 8800 Facsimile: +562 441 0427 e-mail: or Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 23 October 2010 EMS 23 October 2010 Code of Conduct adopted: 26 August 2005

Economy: Body: Contact:

China China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) Mr. Xiao Jianhua, Chief Executive China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) 8 Nan Hua Shi Dajie, Chongwen District, Beijing 100062 P.R. China Telephone: +86-10-67-105288 Facsimile: +86-10-67-105089 e-mail: or Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 20 October 2008 Code of Conduct Adopted: 8 January 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Chinese Taipei Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) Nigel Jou Chief Executive Officer 23F, No. 27, Jhong-Jheng E. Road, Sec. 2, Danshuei 25170, Taipei Chinese Taipei Telephone: +886-2-2809 6159 Facsimile: +886-2-2809 0979 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 September 2002 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 26 October 2007 Code of Conduct Adopted: 19 August 2004

Economy: Body" Contact:

Costa Rica Costa Rican Accreditation Entity (ECA) Johanna Acua Lora Costa Rican Accreditation Entity, Rohrmoser, 300 meters east from Plaza Mayor, behind of Prisma Dental. San Jos, Costa Rica Telephone: (506) 22960782 ext 115 Facsimile: (506) 22326593 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Main scope: Management system (MS) certification - ISO/IEC 17021 Product certification - ISO/IEC Guide 65 - 8 September 2011 Sub-scopes: Level 4: Nil Level 5: MS: ISO 9001 - 2 Apr 2011 Product: Nil Code of Conduct Adopted: 29 July 2009

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Colombia Colombia National Accreditation Body (ONAC) Mr. Francisco Piedrahita Executive Director Colombia National Accreditation Body (ONAC) Carrera 7A 69 - 64 Bogot D.C. COLOMBIA Telephone: +(57-1) 7427592 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Not yet admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 11 February 2010

Economy: Body: Contact:

Czech Republic Czech Accreditation Institute, (esk institut pro akreditaci, o.p.s.) (CAI) Mr. Jiri Ruzicka Director Czech Accreditation Institute Olsanska 54/3 130 00 Prague 3 Czech Republic Telephone: +420 272 096 222 Facsimile: +420 272 096 221 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 29 September 1999 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 20 August 2004

Economy: Body" Contact:

Denmark Danish Accreditation (DANAK) Mr. Vagn Andersen DANAK Dyregaardsvej 5B DK-2740 Skovlunde Denmark Telephone: +45 77 33 95 36 Facsimile: +45 77 33 95 01 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004

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Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 7 January 2004 Economy: Body" Contact: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dubai Accreditation Center (DAC) Ms. Amina Ahmed Mohammed Director Dubai Accreditation Department (DAC) P. O. Box 67, Dubai Located in Dubai Central Laboratory Department Premises Administration Building-Office No. 316 Zabeel Road, Karama, Dubai. United Arab Emirates (UAE) Telephone: (+9714) 302 7444 Facsimile: (+9714) 3362381 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 28 September 2006 Economy: Body: Contact: Ecuador Organismo de Acreditacion Ecuatoriano (OAE) Blanca Viera Executive Director OAE Robles E4-136 and Amazonas Ave. Proinco - Calisto Building, Floor 6th, office 601 Quito, Ecuador Telephone: + 593 2 2902879 / 593 2 2903499 Facsimile: + 593 2 2902879 / 593 2 2903499 e-mail: Website: IAF MLA: Main scope: Management system (MS) certification - ISO/IEC 17021 Product certification - ISO/IEC Guide 65 - 4 January 2012 Sub-scopes: Level 4: - Nil Level 5: MS: ISO 9001 - 4 January 2012 Product: Nil Code of Conduct Adopted: 13 September 2011

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Economy: Body" Contact:

Egypt Egyptian Accreditation Council (EGAC) Mr. Mahmoud Eltayeb Executive Director EGAC Borg Riad Elmaadi (1) Korneish El Nil, El Maadi Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +(202) 2 527 5220 Facsimile: +(202) 2 527 5226 e-mail: Web site: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 19 October 2009 Code of Conduct Adopted: 1 October 2006

Economy: Body: Contact:

Finland The Finnish Accreditation Service (FINAS) Dr. Leena Tikkanen Director FINAS Finnish Accreditation Service P.O.Box 9 (Tekniikantie 1) FI- 02151 ESPOO Finland Telephone: +358 29 5054 000 Facsimile: +358 29 5054 399 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 4 August 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

France Comite Francais d'Accreditation, (COFRAC) Mr. Daniel Pierre General Director Cofrac 52, rue Jacques Hillairet, 75012 Paris France Telephone: +33 (1) 4468 8224 Facsimile: +33 (1) 4468 8221 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 30 March 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 12 November 2003

Economy: Body: Contact:

Germany Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) Dr. Thomas Facklam DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Spittelmarkt 10 10117 Berlin Germany Telephone: +49 30 670591-0 Facsimile: e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: TGA - QMS 22 January 1998 TGA - EMS 9 October 2004 DAP - Product 9 October 2004 DATech - Product 9 October 2004 DAkkS is the legal successor of TGA, DAP and DATech Code of Conduct Adopted: 19 March 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Greece Hellenic Accreditation System S.A. (ESYD) Mr George Anastassopoulos Chairman ESYD 7 Thisseos str, 17676 Kallithea, Athens Greece Telephone: +30 210 7204 502 Facsimile: +30 210 7204 501 e-mail: Web site: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 24 March 2006 EMS 24 March 2006 Product 24 March 2006 Code of Conduct Adopted: 11 January 2006

Economy: Body: Contact:

Hong Kong, China Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) Mr Wang-wah WONG Executive Administrator Innovation and Technology Commission, 36th Floor, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai Hong Kong Telephone: +852 (2) 829 4838 Facsimile: +852 2824 1302 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Main scope: Management system (MS) certification - ISO/IEC 17021 Product certification - ISO/IEC Guide 65 - 11 July 2011 Sub-scopes: Level 4: - Nil Level 5: MS : ISO 9001 - 9 October 2004 ISO 14001 - 11 July 2011 Product - Nil Code of Conduct Adopted: 10 October 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Hungary Hungarian Accreditation Board (NAT) Dr. Rzsa Ring Managing Director Hungarian Accreditation Board (NAT) 1119 Budapest, Ttnyi t 82, Hungary Telephone: + 36 1 204 5364 Facsimile: + 36 1 204 5075 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 26 July 2010 EMS 26 July 2010 Product 26 July 2010 Code of Conduct Adopted: 6 August 2010

Economy: Body: Contact:

India National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) Mr. Anil Jauhri Director National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) Institution of Engineers Building, 2nd Floor, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 India Telephone: +91 11 2337 8056 Facsimile: +91 11 2337 9621 e-mail: : Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 September 2002 EMS 26 October 2007 Code of Conduct Adopted: 27 January 2004

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Body: Contact:

Accreditiation Body of Indonesia (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) (KAN) Dr Suprapto Secretary General

National Accreditation Body of Indonesia (KAN), Komite Akreditasi Nasional, Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok IV Lantai. 4, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Senayan Jakata, 10270,Jakarta 10270 Indonesia Telephone: +62 21 574 7043; +62 21 574 7044 Facsimile: +62 21 579 02948 e-mail:; Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 10 November 2000 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 19 October 2009 Code of Conduct Adopted: 29 July 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Iran National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI) Mr.Mohammad Hosein Kalantar Motamedi President National Accreditation Center of Iran PO Box 14155-6139, Tehran, IRAN Telephone: +98 21 88897934 Facsimile: +98 21 88909309 e-mail: Date Admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 10 October 2005 Economy: Body: Contact: Ireland The Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) Dr. Adrienne Duff Manager INAB Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2 Ireland Telephone: +353 1 607 3251 Facsimile: +353 1 607 3109 e-mail: Web site:

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Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 29 October 1999 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 4 December 2003 Economy: Body: Contact: Italy ACCREDIA (Italian National Accreditation Body) Dr Filippo Trifiletti General Director ACCREDIA Via Guglielmo Saliceto, 7/9 00161 Rome Italy Telephone. +39 06 844099.1 Facsimile: +39 06 8841199 Email: Website: Date Admitted to MLA (formerly SINCERT): QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 23 January 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Japan International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan) Mr. Kotaro Yoshida Manager of International Affairs Group IAJapan 2-49-10, Nishihara, Shibuya, Tokyo, 1510066, Japan. Telephone: + (81) 3481 1948 Facsimile: + (+81) 3481 1937 e-mail: Website: Date admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 9 October 2012

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Economy: Body:

Japan Japan Accreditation Board (JAB)


Mr. Shinjiro Fujimaki Managing Director, Director-General Accreditation Center Japan Accreditation Board Gotanda AN Bldg. 3F, 22-1 Higashigotanda, 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan Telephone: +81 3-6823-5702 Facsimile: +81 3-5475-2780 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 22 October 2010 Code of Conduct Adopted: 5 March 2004

Economy: Body: Contact:

Japan Japan Accreditation System for Product Certification Bodies of JIS Mark (JASC) Mr. Motoharu SHIRAI Director Office for JIS Mark Scheme Operation Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku,, TOKYO 100-8901 Japan Telephone: +81-3-3501-9222 Facsimile: +81 (3) 3580 8598 e-mail: Website: Secretariat: Horie Takashi (Direct e-mail: ) Date Admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 3 August 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Japan JIPDEC Mr. Masahiko Kobayashi Managing Director JIPDEC IMSPC Roppongi First Bldg. 1-9-9, Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan Telephone: +81-3-5860-7570 Facsimile: +81-3-5573-0564 e-mail: Website:

Date Admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 26 May 2008 Economy: Body: Contact: Korea, Republic of Korea Accreditation System (KAS) Mr. Kwang Hyun SEO Managing Director, Korea Accreditation System, #2 Jungang-Dong, Gwachon, Gyunggi-Do, Korea, 427-716 Telephone: +82 2 509 7230 Facsimile: +82 2 509 7414 e-mail: Web site link : Date Admitted to MLA: Product 26 October 2007 Code of Conduct Adopted: 4 September 2004

Body: Contact:

Korea Accreditation Board (KAB) Dr. Il-Geun OH Chief Executive Officer Korea Accreditation Board (KAB) #1301,World Meridian Venture Center 60-24, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu SEOUL 153-801 Republic of Korea Telephone: +82 2 2113 8509 Facsimile: +82 2 2113 8525 e-mail: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 29 September 1999 EMS 9 October 2004

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Code of Conduct Adopted: 10 August 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Kosovo (under the UNSC Resolution 1244/1999) Kosovo Accreditation Directorate (DAK) Ibush Luzha Director Kosovo Accreditation Directorate (DAK) Str. "Ismajl Hajdaraj", Lagja e Universitetit, Prishtina, Kosovo Telephone: + 38 200 36 563 Facsimile: + 381(0) 38 212 807 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: Yet to be adopted Economy: Body: Contact: Luxembourg Luxembourg Office of Accreditation (OLAS) Mr. Dominique Ferrand Head of OLAS Office Luxembourgeois d'Accrditation et de Surveillance 34, avenue de la Porte Neuve L-2227 Luxembourg Telephone: +352 46 97 46 41 Facsimile: +352 46 97 46 48 e-mail: Web site: IAF MLA: Main scope: Management system (MS) certification - ISO/IEC 17021 Product certification - ISO/IEC Guide 65 - 12 September 2011 Sub-scopes: Level 4: - Nil Level 5: MS: ISO 9001 - 12 September 2011 MS: ISO 14001 - 9 May 2012 Product: Nil Code of Conduct Adopted: 12 January 2006 Economy: Body" Contact: Malaysia STANDARDS MALAYSIA Madam Fadilah Baharin Director General, STANDARDS MALAYSIA Century Square, Level 1 & 2, Block 2300, Jalan Usahawan, 63000 Cyberjaya, Malaysia Telephone: +60 3 8318 2211 Facsimile: +60 3 8318 2244

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e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 29 September 1999 EMS 9 February 2006 Product 9 July 2009 Code of Conduct Adopted: 21 November 2003 Economy: Body: Contact: Mauritius Mauritias Accreditation Service (MAURITAS) Mr. Robin Gopee Director Mauritius Accreditation Service (MAURITAS) Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Consumer Protection, 8th Floor, Air Mauritius Centre, Pres. J. Kennedy St, Port Louis Mauritius Telephone: +(230) 208 1690, (230) 210 7100 Ext 259 Facsimile: +230 210 6101 e-mail: or Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 3 February 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Mexico Mexican Accreditation Entity, (Entidad Mexicana de Acreditacion) (EMA) Fabin Hernndez Colotla Manuel Ma. Contreras No.133- 2do. Piso, Col. Cuauhtmoc, Mxico D.F. 06597 Mexico DF Telephone: +52 (55) 9148 4359 Facsimile: +52 (55) 5591 0529 e-mail: ; Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 3 November 2001 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 27 July 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Netherlands Dutch Accreditation Council (Raad Voor Accreditatie) (RvA) Mr Jan van der Poel P.O. Box 2768 3500 GT UTRECHT the Netherlands Telephone: +31 30 2394500 Facsimile: +31 30 2394539 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 11 August 2004

Economy: Body: Contact:

Norway Norwegian Accreditation (NA) Geir Samuelsen Director General Norwegian Accreditation, Fetveien 99, 2007 Kjeller Norway Telephone: +47 64 84 86 00 Facsimile: +47 64 84 86 01 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 30 July 2004

Economy: Body: Contact:

Pakistan Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) Mr Khalid Mahmood Director General Pakistan National Accreditation Council, Ministry of Science & Technology, 4th Floor, Evacuee Trust Complex, Agha Khan Road, Sector F-5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan. Telephone: +92 51 9206044 Facsimile: +92 51 9209510 e-mail: Web Site: Date Admitted to MLA:

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Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 23 June 2005 Economy: Body: Contact: Peru National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property National Accreditation Services (INDECOPI-SNA) Hebert Tassano President INDECOPI Calle de la Prosa Nro. 138 San Borja, Lima 41, Peru Telephone: + 00511-2247800 ext. 1260 Facsimile: + 00511-2247800 ext. 1329 e-mail: Web site: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 23 July 2010 Code of Conduct Adopted: 26 March 2010 Economy: Body: Contact: Philippines Philippine Accreditation Office (PAO) Ms Perla F Baje Officer-in-charge Philippine Accreditation Office, Department of Trade and Industry, P.O. Box 3328 MCPO, 1200 Makati City Metro,, Manila Philippines Telephone: +632 751 3235 / 3128 Facsimile: +632 751 3262 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 September 2002 EMS 26 October 2007 Code of Conduct Adopted: 10 August 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Poland Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA) Mr. Eugeniusz W. Roguski Director PCA ul. Szczotkarska 42 01-382 Warszawa Poland Telephone: +48 22 355 70 00 Facsimile: + 48 22 355 70 18 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA:

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QMS 16 February 2005 EMS 16 February 2005 Product 16 February 2005 Code of Conduct Adopted: 2 August 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Portugal Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC) Leopoldo Cortez Director Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC) Rua Antnio Gio, 2 2829-513 Caparica Portugal Telephone: +351 212 948 201 Facsimile: +351 212 948 202 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 12 November 2006 EMS 12 November 2006 Product 12 November 2006 Code of Conduct Adopted: 2 October 2006 Economy: Body: Contact: Romania Romanian Accreditation Association (Asociatia de Acreditare din Romania (RENAR) Cristian Dorin Nichita General Director, Romanian Accreditation Association, #18 Plugarilor Street, Sector 4, zip code 040443 Bucharest, ROMANIA Telephone: +402 04 71 Facsimile: +402.04.70 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 9 October 2004 EMS 27 August 2009 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 18 August 2005

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Russian Federation Scientific Technical Centre on Industrial Safety (STC-IS) Mr Matvey Belov Deputy Director Scientific Technical Centre on Industrial Safety (STC-IS) 34A, Taganskaya st., Moscow, 109147, Russian Federation Telephone: + 74 9 5500 5198 Facsimile: + 74 9 9763 7021 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Yet to be admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: Yet to be adopted

Economy: Body: Contact:

Serbia Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) Ms Jasna Stojanovic Acting Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2 11070 Novi Beograd, Republic of Serbia Telephone: + 381 11 313 03 73 Facsimile: + 381 64 8872 815 email: Website: MLA: Main scope: Product certification - ISO/IEC Guide 65 - 25 October 2012 Sub-scopes: Level 4: - Nil Level 5: - Nil Code of Conduct Adopted: 6 September 2012

Economy: Body: Contact:

Singapore Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) Ms Chang Kwei Fern Director of Accreditation SPRING Singapore Level 13, Solaris 1 Fusionopolis Walk #01-02 South Tower, Solaris Singapore 138628 Telephone: +65 6279 1847 Facsimile: +65 66590640 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 29 September 1999

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Product 23 January 2007 Code of Conduct Adopted: 29 July 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Slovakia Slovak National Accreditation Service (Slovakia) (SNAS) Mr. Martin Senck Director SNAS Karlovesk 63 (P.O.BOX 74 ) 84000 Bratislava 4, SLOVAKIA Telephone: +421 7 6541 2963 Facsimile: +421 7 6542 1365 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 19 September 2003 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 4 August 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Slovenia Slovenska Akreditacija (SA) Dr Bostjan Godec Smartinska 152 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Telephone: +386 1 5473 250 Facsimile: +386 1 5473 272 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 7 October 2006 EMS 7 October 2006 Product 7 October 2006 Code of Conduct Adopted: 29 October 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: South Africa South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) Ms Christinah Leballo Ground Floor, Block G dti Building 12 Esselen Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002 South Africa (Private Bag X23 Sunnyside, 0132, South Africa) Telephone: +27 (12) 394 3760 Facsimile: +27 (12) 394 0526 e-mail: Website:

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Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 29 October 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 18 August 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Spain Entidad Nacional de Acreditacion (ENAC) Mrs. Beatriz Rivera C/Serrano, 240 7th Floor, E-28016 Madrid Spain Telephone: +34 91 457 3289 Facsimile: +34 91 458 6280 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 26 July 2004 Economy: Body: Contact: Sweden Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (SWEDAC) Mr. Hans-Eric Holmqvist Director General Box 878, SE 501 15 Bors Sweden Telephone: +46 8 4068301 Facsimile: +46 3310 1392 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 16 August 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Switzerland State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS) Mr. Konrad Flueck State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS) Lindenweg 50, CH-3003 Bern-Wabern, Switzerland Telephone: +41 (31) 323 3520 Facsimile: +41 (31) 323 3510 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 20 February 2004

Economy: Body: Contact:

Thailand National Standardization Council of Thailand (NSC) Mr. Yannapat Uthongsap National Standardization Council of Thailand (NSC) Thai Industrial Standards Institute Building, Rama 6 Street, Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400, Thailand Telephone: + 66 2 202 3418 Facsimile: +66 2 354 3133 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 10 November 2000 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 16 September 2010 Code of Conduct Adopted: 3 August 2004

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Tunisia Tunisian Accreditation Council (Conseil National d'Accrditation, CNA) (TUNAC) Mr Taoufik Rezgui General Director TUNAC Rue 8451 N 8 par la rue Alain Savary Cit El Khadhra 1003 Tunis TUNISIA Telephone: +(216) 71 806 431 or +(216) 71 806 916 Facsimile: +(216) 71 809 407 e-mail: TUNAC@TUNAC.TN Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 23 October 2010 EMS 23 October 2010 Code of Conduct Adopted: 23 August 2005 Turkey Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK) Dr. H. Ibrahim Cetin Secretary General TURKAK Esat Caddesi No:41 06660, Kucukesat Ankara, Turkey Telephone: +312 410 8210 Facsimile: +312 419 8700 e-mail: website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 26 October 2007 EMS 20 October 2008 Product 20 October 2008 Code of Conduct Adopted: 28 June 2007

Economy: Body: Contact:

Economy: Body: Contact:

United Kingdom United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Mrs. Lorraine Turner Divisional Director, Technical United Kingdom Accreditation Service 21-47 High Street Feltham Middlesex TW13 4UN T: +44 (0) 208 917 8517 F: +44 (0) 208 917 8608 Email: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Product 9 October 2004

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Code of Conduct Adopted: 12 December 2003 Economy: Body: Contact: United States of America American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) Mr. Robert Miller Accreditation Manager A2 LA 5301 Buckeystown Pike Suite 350, Frederick, MD 21704 United States of America Telephone: +1 301 644 3248 Facsimile: +1 301 662 2974 e-mail: Website: IAF MLA: Main scope: Product certification - ISO/IEC Guide 65- 16 May 2011 Sub-scopes: Level 4: - Nil Level 5: - Nil Code of Conduct Adopted: 5 November 2009 Body: Contact: American National Standards Institute - American Society for Quality National Accreditation Board LLC (ANAB) Mr Randy Dougherty ANAB PO Box 586 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0586 United States of America Telephone: +1 414-347-9858 Facsimile: +1 414 298 2506 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 22 January 1998 EMS 9 October 2004 Code of Conduct Adopted: 1 January 2005 (from 22 July 2004 as RAB)

Body: Contact:

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Mr Lane Hallenbeck Vice President - Accreditation Services American National Standards Institute 1899 L St., NW, 11th Fl. Washington, DC 20036 United States of America Telephone: +1 (202) 331-3612 Facsimile: +1 202) 293-9287 e-mail: website:

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Date Admitted to MLA: Product 20 October 2008 Code of Conduct Adopted: 26 November 2008

Body: Contact:

International Accreditation Service (IAS) Ron Coiner Program Manager International Accreditation Service (IAS) 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601, USA Telephone: + 1 562-699-0541 Facsimile: + 1 562-699-8031 e-mail: Website: IAF MLA: Main scope: Product certification - ISO/IEC Guide 65 - 26 May 2011 Sub-scopes: Level 4: - Nil Level 5: - Nil Code of Conduct Adopted: 19 May 2011

Economy: Body: Contact:

Uruguay Organismo Uruguayo de Acreditacion (OUA) Liliane Somma Executive Director Organismo Uruguayo de Acreditacin Sarandi 690 2E, Montevideo Uruguay

Telephone: + 598 2 916 42051 Facsimile: + 598 2 916 41 95 e-mail: Website: IAF MLA: Main scope: Management system (MS) certification - ISO/IEC 17021 Sub-scopes: Level 4: Nil Level 5: MS: ISO 9001 - 26 September 2011 ISO 14001 - 26 September 2011 Code of Conduct Adopted: 29 September 2011

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Economy: Body: Contact:

Vietnam Bureau of Accreditation (BoA) Mr. Vu Xuan Thuy, Director BoA 8 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Cau Giay District , Hanoi, Vietnam Telephone: +84-4-37911552 Facsimile: +84-4-37911551 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: QMS 20 October 2008 Code of Conduct Adopted: 11 December 2008 Albania Directorate of Accreditation (DA) Prof.Dr. G KARAPICI General Director Directorate of Accreditation Blloku Vasil Shanto, Rr " Viktor Eftimiu", ish Godina e KESH-it, kati i II, Tirane Albania Telephone: + 355 422 69 325 Facsimile: + 355 42 340 364 e-mail: Website: Date Admitted to MLA: Not yet admitted Code of Conduct Adopted: 28 November 2008 Korea, Republic of Kosovo Luxembourg Malaysia Mauritius Mexico Netherlands Norway Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Tunisia Turkey United Kingdom United States of America Uruguay Vietnam

Economy: Body: Contact:

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