Technical Note Air Admittance Valves AAVs Jan 2012 Web

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Technical Advice Line 1300 360 897

Air Admittance Valves (AAVs)

Water Tempering


Heat Traps

Safety Valve Drains

Pipe Lagging

Securing and Positioning

This Technical Note has been developed with the assistance of the Plumbing Industry Reference Group and is issued as a guide to the Western Australian plumbing industry for the correct use and installation of Air Admittance Valves (AAVs). 1. Permitted uses for AAVs: As a trap vent in: (a) the fully ventilated stack system of plumbing (b) the fully ventilated modified stack system of plumbing (c) the single stack system of plumbing (d) the sanitary plumbing system - where a fixture discharge pipe exceeds the maximum permitted distance. As a group vent in: (a) the fully ventilated modified stack system of plumbing (b) the sanitary plumbing system - where a common discharge pipe connecting a group of fixtures requires a vent. As a stack vent in: (a) any sanitary stack system of plumbing. As an upstream drainage vent in: (a) any sanitary drainage system branch drain. AAV(s) shall only be used in sanitary drainage systems that have at least one (1) open upstream vent off the main drain. Where three (3) or more residential buildings on an allotment drain to the sewerage system, the sanitary drainage system to each building shall have an open upstream vent. The upstream vent shall be sized as a drainage vent in accordance with Clause 3.9.3 and shall be at least DN50 in size. (Note : See item 6 below, an AAV shall not be used for the upstream venting of the main drain). As a downstream drainage vent in: (a) any sanitary drainage system incorporating a boundary trap (b) any sanitary drainage system connected to a vacuum sewer system. 2. Locating AAVs AAV(s) shall be located so that: (a) they are accessible for service and replacement (b) adequate air can enter the valve (c) when installed within a wall space, ventilation openings are provided. (The minimum free air required is 1.5 times the cross sectional area of the connecting pipe) (d) they are not installed where air is contaminated with solvents (e) the valve shall be clear of any ceiling or wall insulation (f) the water discharge temperature does not drop below 0C or exceed 60C (g) they are protected from insect attack, ultraviolet rays and mechanical damage. 3. Selecting AAVs The selected AAVs shall have a determined airflow capacity not less than that shown in Tables 6.6 and 6.7 on pages 2 and 3 extracted from AS/NZS3500.2:2003. The determined airflow in Litres/second (L/s) shall be indicated on each valve along with a WaterMark and Licence Number. 4. Sizing examples of AAVs As a trap vent: (a) An AAV with a minimum airflow capacity of 1 L/s is suitable for any trap vent size. Reason - The minimum air flow capacity of 1 L/s is suitable for maximum of six (6) fixture units that is also the maximum fixture unit rating assigned to any single fixture (water closet pan with flush valve). An AAV as a group vent or upstream vent on a branch drain: (a) The principles for sizing AAVs for a single group of up to 10 fixtures connected to a common discharge pipe is not that dissimilar to sizing a group vent. AAVs are based on total fixture unit loading of the common discharge pipe whereas a group vent is based on the largest section of common discharge pipe, which has been derived from certain factors that includes fixture unit rating.

March 2009 Version 2 - issued January 2012

Plumbers Licensing Board

Technical Advice Line 1300 360 897

TECHNICAL NOTE Air Admittance Valves (AAVs)

AAVs shall be provided for a fixture group of two (2) basins (2 fixture units), two (2) showers (4 fixture units) and three (3) water closets with cisterns (12 fixture units) equalling a total of 18 fixture units. CALCULATION: From Table 6.6 below, 18 fixture units require 3.3 L/s of airflow and therefore an AAV capable of supplying 3.3 L/s to the common discharge pipe shall be installed.

Table 6.6 Minimum determined airflow capacity of AAV when used as a trap vent, group vent or branch drain vent Fixture unit loading of discharge pipe 6 9 10 Minimum air flow capacity of AAV, L/s 1 2 2.4 2.7 3.3 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.0 5.3 5.7 6.0

March 2009 Version 2 - issued January 2012

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
5. Installing AAVs

When installing an AAV (other than those that form an integral part of a fixture trap) the valve shall be: (a) installed within 5 of a vertical position (b) connected to a fixture or common discharge pipe in accordance with Clause (Note: Traps with integral AAVs need not comply to Clause (c) connected to the sanitary piping in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Examples include: (i) the AAVs shall have a 100mm minimum air cushion from the soffit of the graded pipe to the inlet of the valve (ii) for trap vents and group vents no more than 1000mm below the flood level of the fixture served by the AAV. (See Figures 1, 2 and 3 on page 4)

Plumbers Licensing Board

Technical Advice Line 1300 360 897

TECHNICAL NOTE Air Admittance Valves (AAVs)

(d) connected to a fixture discharge pipe as for a trap vent (Figure 1), or to a common discharge pipe as for a group vent (Figure 4), or to a discharge stack as for a stack vent (Figure 5) (e) for a stack AAVs should be sized in accordance with Table 6.7 below (f) only installed as a stack vent where the stack extends through no more than nine (9) floor levels. (Note: Should the discharge stack be fitted with a relief vent, the relief vent shall extend separately to open air, as AAVs cannot act as a relief vent).

Table 6.7 Minimum determined airflow capacity of AAV venting discharge stacks Fixture unit loading of discharge stack 1 2 4 6 Minimum determined airflow capacity of AAV, L/S 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13 15 16 18 23 26 29 41 51 58 65 72 92

March 2009 Version 2 - issued January 2012

10 12 15 20 25 30 40 60 80 100 200 300 400 500 600 1000

Plumbers Licensing Board

Technical Advice Line 1300 360 897

TECHNICAL NOTE Air Admittance Valves (AAVs)

Figure 1 Trap Vent

1000mm Maximum Fixture AAV 100mm Minimum Vertical Air Cushion

Fixture Trap

Waste Pipe

AAV Positioned as per Clause

Figure 2 Trap Vent

March 2009 Version 2 - issued January 2012



1000mm Maximum to AAV from Fixture Flood Level 100mm Minimum Vertical Air Cushion

Fixture Trap

AAV Positioned as per Clause Waste Pipe

Figure 3 Trap Vent

1000mm Maximum AAV 100mm Vertical Air Cushion


Fixture Trap

Waste Pipe

AAV Positioned as per Clause

Plumbers Licensing Board

Technical Advice Line 1300 360 897

TECHNICAL NOTE Air Admittance Valves (AAVs)

Figure 4 Group Vents Group Vents shall also be installed with a 100mm vertical air cushion and no more than 1000mm below the ood level of the highest fixture connected to the common discharge pipe served by the AAV. One group vent (AAV) shall be provided for each ten (10) xtures, or part thereof in any group connected to a common discharge pipe.

AAV branching from common discharge pipe AAV AAV branching from fixture discharge pipe


March 2009 Version 2 - issued January 2012

Connections of one common discharge pipe with another (Clause (b)) AAV branching from common discharge pipe 1500mm maximum downstream 1 (Clause 500 m ax. Relief Vent (Cause 7.5.3)

AAV branching from fixture discharge pipe (Clause (b)) Vertical drop 1500mm max (Clause AAV (Clause (c)) AAV from fixtures (Clause (a))

Vertical Drop 1500mm maximum (Clause


Connection to disconnector gully (Clause (c)(ii))

Where a common discharge pipe for a group of xtures (10 xtures or less) branches from another common discharge pipe, each xture group would require its own AAV. Each valves minimum airflow would be determined by the total xture unit loading on that valve. The above diagram is extracted from AS/NZS3500.2:2003.

Plumbers Licensing Board

Technical Advice Line 1300 360 897

TECHNICAL NOTE Air Admittance Valves (AAVs)

Figure 5 Stack Vents AAV

AAV used in lieu of stack vents must be installed and positioned in accordance with manufacturers specifcations. Free air movement is still required. Minimum 100 mm air cushion required.


Water Closet


March 2009 Version 2 - issued January 2012

Ceiling Space AAV used in lieu of stack vents must be installed and positioned in accordance with manufacturers specifcations. Free air movement is still required.


Basin Water Closet


Plumbers Licensing Board

Technical Advice Line 1300 360 897

Level 1, 31 Troode Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005 Postal: Locked Bag 12 WEST PERTH WA 6872 Plumbers Service Line (08) 9476 1377 Fax 1300 449 185

6. Do not use AAVs (a) as a relief vent in any sanitary stack system of plumbing (b) as the sole upstream vent of the main drain. The AAVs may be used on a sanitary drainage plumbing system in conjunction with at least one open upstream vent off the main drain (c) as a sealed disconnector gully vent in a sanitary or sanitary drainage system (d) as a vent serving: (i) greywater system holding tanks (ii) wet wells (iii) waste water holding tanks (iv) small bore macerator pumps (unless approved by the manufacturer)
Note: When used as a downstream vent for a boundary trap or vacuum sewer systems, the AAV shall terminate 150mm above ground or the adopted flood level. Downstream vents shall be supported if they extend more than 250mm above ground level (see Plumbers Licensing Board Technical Note June 2009).

(v) industrial waste arrester chambers (services providers requirements) (e) as an upstream vent on a sanitary drainage system connected to an industrial waste pre-treatment fixture, for example grease arrestor.

March 2009 Version 2 - issued January 2012

Notes The technical note series is issued by the Plumbers Licensing Board to assist the plumbing industry to comply with the Water Services Licensing (Plumbers Licensing and Plumbing Standards) Regulations 2000 (the Regulations) applicable to plumbing work in Western Australia. Each technical note is to be read in conjunction with Part 6 of the Regulations that currently adopt the Plumbing and Drainage Standard AS/NZS 3500:2003 (the Standards) but modified in certain matters to suit the States building approach and other local conditions. Changes are currently being drafted to the regulations aimed at adopting the Plumbing Code of Australia along with a national review of the Standards. If implemented, these changes may affect the content of this technical note. Feedback The Plumbers Licensing Board welcomes your feedback. If you have any questions on this technical note or any suggestions on any areas of plumbing work that the technical notes should cover, please contact the Boards Senior Technical Officer on (08) 9476 1377. Copies Technical notes are published at Printed copies may be made available on request by telephone (08) 9476 1377 or via email to

The material published by the Department of Commerce (Plumbers Licensing Board) is provided voluntarily as a service to the plumbing industry. The information and advice provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of publication. The information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed therein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information. Changes in circumstances after a document has been published may impact on the accuracy of the information. No assurance is given as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained after publication. This publication may be reproduced or copied without charge for research and educational purposes with due acknowledgement of the source. January 2012 Department of Commerce

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