You're Welcome: Part 1 (Week 41)

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Depression Sadness; gloom; dejection; dullness or inactivity.

Monday, February 18th 12:56 AM Afghanistan Top o the mornin ta ya, luv. Why are ya up so later? Trevor says to Rose who hes on the cellular phone with. Trevor is wearing black military attire, tee shirt, pants, and boots. Trevor is wearing a smile on his face as hes saying, Is it really three in the afternoon over there? Ah guess Ahm losin my sense o time over ere in this hellhole. Ah jus wanna come ome ta ya, luv. Ahm growin tired o this war after war. Ah jus wanna live a regular life, wit ya. Ah jus wanna come ome. Its not that simple, Ahm in too deep n Ah gotta finish what Ahd started. This is my life, an endless chaotic circle o mayem. Ah jus wanna come ome ta ya. Abdul yells, MR. TREVOR! MR. TREVOR! HELP! HELP!

Trevor says, Rose, let me call ya back. Abdul is avin nother night terror. Ah luv ya ta. Bye for now. Trevor ends his call with Rose and quickly races out of his room to Abduls aid.

5:11 PM Robert and his wife are sitting in their reading room. Robert is playing around on his iPad and his wife is reading a book. Robert calmly utters, Holy shit. Sharon looks up at Robert with attentive facial expression. Sharon says, Whats wrong? Robert gazes into Sharons eyes with an expressionless stare on his face. He then says, Were number one. Sharon says, Who? Robert says, The Amazing Poof Show, its number one this week. Sharon says, Youre surprised? Robert franticly utters, Yeah, no, I meanI dont know. I am just in awe. Sharon says, Babe, dont be surprised. You deserve it. You have been workin so hard, hun. Robert says, I know but still, wow. Sharon walks over to Robert only to kiss him on his forehead and she then says, Congrats. I am proud of you. Let me go get you something to drink, hun. Sharon walks out of the room as Robert silently gazes off into space while uttering, UmTh-Thanks. Wednesday, February 20th 10:24 AM Mercy is pacing around her living room as shes talking on her cellular phone. Shes wearing a calm almost somber facial expression. Mercy is saying, Hey C.J., this is Mercy, just checking in on you. I know youre hurting from Zoey being missing but I am a little worried about you. I know you do not pay me for caring but I do

care about your well being. I know you want to be alone right now but I just want to make sure youre alive and didnt do anything stupid. Just call me back and you know I am so sorry for your lost but please give me a sign that youre alive, Cee. OkayBye. Mercy ends her call with C.J.s voicemail. Mercy places her cellular phone on the arm of her sofa and begins to walk out of the living room. Her cellular phone begins to vibrate and she rushes back to her phone. She picks up her phone and there is a text message saying, From: Boss Man Time and Date: 10:26 AM, 2/20/13 Message: Im alive kiddo. Dont worry, Im fine. Thanks for caring. J TTYL. Mercy smiles once she finishes reading the text message.

4:32 PM Jay walks into Sonias bedroom while Sonia is lying across her bed. Jay calmly says, Whats the deal? I know Im an ex-junkie but still I love ya and I am clean now cus of ya. I am just sayin, baby, give me a chance. I can make ya so fuckin happy. Just trust me! I just wanna be with ya from here on out. If its a no, then say it but if its a yes then lets do it and let me show you who Im really am. Sonia smiles and then says, Awwwww, that is so sweet, Jay, but I need to let you know that I am still married and kinda separated. Jay says, What? What? What is kinda of married? Sonia says, Ive wanted to tell you so bad. That is the only reason I didnt want to jump into movin in together but were finishin up our divorce in a month. I am sorry, Jay. Jay calmly sits on the bed in such a defeated manner, he looks down at Sonia with a blank facial expression. He says, What? ManWow. I didnt see that comin. Sonia says, I really do love you and if you still wanna move forward I will. So, lets do this, lets move in. Ill give you all my heart and mind. Jay stares into space with his mouth slightly open, as he calmly utters, Wow. Sonia says, I am sorry, Jay. How can I make it up to you? Ill do anything. Anything? And I mean anything.

Jay raises his right eyebrow with an intriguing expression and a smile calmly appears on his face. Jay looks down at Sonia and says, Anything? Sonia seductively bites her bottom lip and says, Anything. Jay says, Hmmmm. I just might can forgive ya but lets make up by lookin for a new place together, first thing in the mornin. Sonia says, Deal. The two lovers meet with a passionate kiss. Thursdays, February 21st 1:46 AM Afghanistan Trevor is lying on his back in his bed on his cellular phone with Rose, Trevor is shirtless. Trevor is wearing a smile on his face as shes saying, Ah miss ya, my butterfly. ow is ya day goin? My day was well. A lot of stakin out n preparin. Ta strike. Were gonna take this origination down once n for all wit one swift blow. Ah know, that did sound very superhero cheesy. Hahahahahahaha. Ah miss ya makin me laugh. Ahll be ome soon n when Ah come ome were gonna spend the rest o our lives tagether Dont be silly, Ah am not proposin ta ya but jus know Ahm not goin no where, Ro. Jus know Ah luv ya n Ah only ave eyes for ya.

Okay, Ahll be up for a while. Just call me back when ya done. Ill be waitin. Cheers. Trevor ends his call with Rose and places his phone next to his pillow as he lies in his bed looking up at the ceiling in the darkness.

2:12 PM Robert, Mercy, Jay, Chris, and Rose are standing around in C.J.s office wearing serious facial expressions. Rose says, What should we do? C.J. needs us. Jay says, True but he doesnt want our help. Chris says, We cant force a grown man to open up and plus how would you feel if Sonia went missin. Jay says, I dont know. Maybe I would turn into Adrian Monk. Robert says, The TV show? Mercy says, Were not here for this trivia bullshit; we need to find away to help C.J. Robert says, But how? Hes not answerin his phone, e-mails, or texts. We have done our best. Rose says, But were his friends. Jay says, What do you want us to do, Ro? Kick in his door and force our friendship on him? Robert says, I dont know. Hes the face of the show. Mercy says, True. Jay says, Says who? Were just as much as the face as he is. Rose says, WTF is your problem? Its like since you have been sober you act like you dislike C.J. Jay says, What?! Rose says, You have been a dick towards C.J. Its like youre jealous. Jay says, Bullshit! Mercy says, HEY! This isnt about our egos, this is about C.J. Jay says, Like always. Everything is always bout him! Rose says, Shut the fuck up!

Jay says, Who the fuck are you talkin to? Rose says, You asshole. Shut the fuck up please OMG! Youre fuckin bitchy attitude is killin. Jay walks toward Rose with anger in his body movement but Chris pulls Jay away, out of the room. Chris says, Jay chill, lets go get a drink, yo. Hey guys, well call you all later. Okay? Cool. Jay and Chris exit C.J.s office as Rose looks angry and Robert and Mercy look uncomfortable. Friday, February 22nd 12:06 AM Chris and Jay are sitting next to one another at a bar, drinking. Chris is drunk as Jay drinks water as theyre talking to one another. Jay says, Did ya hear bout the ratings? Chris says, Yeah. Jay says, Are you excited? Chris looks Jay into his eyes while saying, Excited? Excited? Shiiiit. Were at the threshold. Jay says, Threshold? Threshold of what? Chris says, These are the final days of us bein regular citizens. From here on out people will always see us as figures. Public figure they can bother or feel as though they need to know our lives. We cant eat, fuck, or shit in peace from here on out. If this show beats records then we will change everything. We will warp the whole world into thinkin what we doin is regular, funny, and fun when its not. I do not wanna be seen under a microscope, I just wanna live as a man, not as anybodies idol. I am not an idol, I am just a basic man but our fans arent tryin to hear that, Jay. Fame dooms any man whoever chooses to embark on this journey. Welcome to the beginnin of the end. Chris throws back his drink and then slams the empty glass onto the counter of the bar. He then places his hand on Jays shoulder and looks him in his eyes to say, I gotta take a piss. Ill be back. Chris stumbles away from his seat and Jay through a crowded bar to the bathroom.

3:26 PM Rose is on her cellular phone, wearing a big smile on her face as shes in a store, shopping. Rose is saying, Hey my sexy bloke. What are you doin? Oh, how was your mission? Good! Good! So youre comin home tomorrow? YES! I miss you so much, sexy chocolate. Just know I got some good lovin for you when you get back home. I am just shoppin. I had a slight argument last night with Jay. Shit got real heated. I feel kinda bad. I havent spoken to him since last night. I kinda wanna call him and say sorry. I know. I know. I am gonna do it. I stepped outta line last night but I feel as though Jay is jealous of C.J. and I was bringin it to the light. Idk, I just feel that way about him. There is something Ive noticed whenever I talk to Jay about C.J. Its just not right. Trevor, I am just sayin. Jay just seems very mean lately. I dont know what it is. But whatevs. HEY! Guess what! My show was number one this Sunday! I know! We really need to celebrate! I am so exciHelloTrevorHelloHello. Rose looks at her cellular phone with a bewildering look on her face because Trevor and her call were abruptly ended on Trevors end. Rose looks at her cellular phone and then

shrugs her shoulders and then puts her phone into her purse. She continues to shop in the store.

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