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Immunology Final Exam Questions / Class 2009

1) Which of those can stimulate apoptosis? Answer: TNF

2) Which of these is not a cause of secondary immune deficiency? Answer: Genetic disorders

3) The most common deficient antibody in CVID: Answer: IgG

4) Which cell produces IL-12? Answer: Macrophages

5) ALL of these drugs are immunosuppressive except: Answer: Imiquimod

6) MHC restriction means: Answer: T cells recognize peptides that are bound to self MHC molecules

7) Tetanus toxoid vaccine: Answer: Artificial active immunity

8) Which of the following tumor antigens is a developmental protein? Answer: Carcinoembryonic antigen

9) Bence Jones protein is a finding; this type of cancer affects: Answer: Plasma cells

10) Cyclosporin blocks: Answer: Calcineurin

11) Anti-horse serum antibodies cause: Answer: Serum sickness

12) Aspirin inhibits: Answer: Prostaglandin (cyclooxygenase pathway)

13) First test to check in transplantation: Answer: ABO Compatibility

14) Which part of the HIV binds both CD4 & chemokine receptor? Answer: gp120

15) In which stage of T cell development commitment to gamma delta lineage occurs: Answer: Double negative stage

16) Best stem cells source: Answer: Cord blood

17) Mismatch: Answer: Human Herpes Virus 8 lymphoma

18) Severest stage of T-cell depletion is associated with infection with: Answer: M. avium

19) Disadvantage of using mouse monoclonal antibody: Answer: Production of human anti-mouse antibodies

20) HER-2: Answer: Breast Cancer

21) Low IgG and IgA, high IgM [Hyper-IgM syndrome]: Answer: CD40 ligand mutation

22) HIV can attack: Answer: Glial cells

23) Reduce risk of human anti-mouse antibodies production: Answer: Use of chimeric and humanized antibodies

24) Oligoclonal bands in CSF electrophoresis that are not present in serum electrophoresis is a strong finding of: Answer: Multiple sclerosis

25) ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia): Answer: Pre B cells

26) Complement deficiency that results in repeat infection caused by Neisseria: Answer: C5-C9

27) Not involved in the respiratory burst: Answer: Phospholipase C

28) Which association is false? a. TH2 cell IL-6 b. Mast Cell IL-10 Answer: most probably a

29) MHC down-regulation activates: Answer: NK cells

30) Case: eczema, low platelets, infection, and malignancy: Answer: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

31) Used for detecting antibodies against donor HLA: Answer: HLA cross matching

32) Which virus infection is associated with Burkitt's lymphoma? Answer: EBV

33) The most difficult transplantation procedure and requires the best HLA matching: Answer: Bone marrow transplantation

34) Person had a rare pan-T-cell deficiency. In the FACS machine, which cell marker will be the least in number? Answer: CD3

35) How can we increase the cytokines' half-life in the body? Answer: Adding PEG molecule

36) The gene that is related to cancer: Answer: Oncogene

37) Cyclosporin and Tacrolimus are part of which class of drugs: Answer: T cell signaling blockade

38) ALL are true about TCR EXCEPT: Answer: Undergoes somatic hyper-mutation to get better-fit receptors

39) If we were to produce a drug that blocks Ag expression on MHC I, this drug should interfere with: Answer: TAP molecules

40) ALL about IgG are true EXCEPT: a) the source of child immunity up to 2 years b) transported through an active process to placenta c) transported to the fetus in the last month of pregnancy d) bind to Fc receptors on the placenta Answer: Not sure! ALL these seem to be true!

41) In Di George syndrome, the most affected part of the lymph node is: Answer: Paracortex

42) ALL of the following can help in production of memory cell EXCEPT: a) Binding of epitope of Class II MHC to B cell receptor. b) IL-2 production c) CD28 and B7 d) CD40 and CD40 L e) Cross linking of B-cells receptor with polymeric antigen. Answer: a

43) Involved in the signaling of IL-2: Answer: JAK5 + STAT1 + STAT3

44) Case: with cANCA: Answer: Wegners' Granulomatosis

45) Case: Pain in the hand and the wrist + ESR (high) + CRP (high) + Rheumatic factor; whats the antibody involved in the pathogenesis of the disease? Answer: IgM anti-IgG

46) Febrile non-hemolytic anemia: Answer: Donor Abs against recipient neutrophils

47) Transplantation between individuals of same species: Answer: Allogenic

48) Which of these causes Adult T cell lymphoma: Answer: HTLV-1

49) B cell activation needs: Answer: Ag and cytokines

50) Clinically useful as anti-IL-2 receptor: Answer: Baciliximab

51) Celiac disease is associated with: Answer: HLA-DQ2

52) Isn't associated with T cell signaling: Answer: TdT

53) In which disease the serum contains anti-endomysial IgA: Answer: Celiac disease

54) IgG can be expressed on the surface of a B-cell only when: a) Surface IgM is selected and the genes is switched to the gamma genes b) Gamma chain gene is selected following isotype switching and the development of memory cells. c) A naive cell is exposed to an antigen for the first time. d) Clonally selected B cell that recognize non peptide antigen. e) The question is wrong: one B-cell express only one heavy chain isotype. Answer: b

55) Which one takes the longest time to develop after exposure to the antigen? Answer: Contact dermatitis

56) TLR: Answer: Used in recognition of G-ve bacteria

57) Case: 10-year-old child, lung & skin infection, staph. aureus with normal PMN count: a) complement deficiency b) low Igs with absent B cells c) low Igs with normal B cells d) abnormal NBT test Answer: d

58) A defect in the hypochlorus acid will affect: Answer: The acidity of the lysosomes

59) Autoimmune diseases: Answer: Show HLA association

60) Case: an immunologist developed a dye to detect a protein present on developing T cells; which of the following will glow the most: Answer: Thymus

61) When we do a cross match between donor's RBCs and recipient's serum we do: Answer: Indirect Coomb's test (IAT)

62) In MS, we have CD4+ involvement; which one is expected: a) IL-2, IL-4, IF-gamma b) TGF-B c) IFN-gamma, IL-2 d) IL-4, IL-5 e) IL-10 Answer: c

63) RAG-1 and RAG-2 are down-regulated in some stages of B-cell development, so that each B cell will only have one specificity. The underlying mechanism is: a) somatic hypermutation b) class switching c) affinity maturation d) allelic exclusion Answer: d

64) In which of the following actin is affected: Answer: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

65) MHC class I and II share this characteristic: Answer: Constitutively expressed by B-cells

66) C4: a) cleaves C5 b) can be activated by the MBL c) C4a is the most potent anaphylatoxin d) C1q can only activate C4 Answer: b

67) Which of these is used in active treatment of cancer? a) BCG vaccine b) radiation c) chemotherapy d) anti-CD20 antibodies Answer: a

68) ALL of the following can happen when thymus independent antigen cross link B cell receptor EXCEPT: a) It is the major principle of vaccine development b) Antigen processing and presentation will not take place c) Low affinity Abs are produced d) Only IgM antibodies are produced e) Signaling through the B cell receptor can pass through Answer: Not sure about it! Most probably the answer is a

69) Which one is not involved in B cell signaling? Answer:

70) C1q: a) needs Ab binding b) binds two CH2 of IgM c) binds one CH2 of IgG Answer: most probably a

71) A molecule that is expressed on tumor cells and on normal tissue from which they arise: Answer: Lineage-specific antigens

72) In Wegners' granulomatosis, antibodies form against: Answer: Proteinase 3

73) Which of these is found on the high endothelial venules and leads to leukocytes slowing down and stoppage? Answer: L-selectin

74) Case: a patient with various lung symptoms and has anti-glomeruli basement membrane antibodies: Answer: Goodpasture syndrome

75) Serum electrophoresis that shows a band in the gamma region reflecting a monoclonal immunoglobulin: Answer: M. Myeloma

76) Case: A patient had a bone marrow transplant. After 2 to 3 days, he developed diarrhea and symptoms related to the skin and liver. What type of reaction is this? Answer: HVGD

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