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Trejo 1 Sandra Trejo Ms.

Devaney Senior Capstone, Period 2 14 February 2013 Hashoo Foundation: Living a better future Proposal I. Introduction In January, Cristal Montanez, Executive Director of Hashoo Foundation, came to our school, Sharpstown International to talk about the foundation. She was talking about how the refugee women, the beekeepers, lost their beehives due to the devastating floods that left them homeless, with no food, and in desperate need of aid relief. She also talked about the Plan Bee Project, which will help the beekeepers get their hives back. Plan Bee also trains rural women in honey bee farming and creates jobs for women, it provides access to quality education for their children, provides better healthcare, and nutrition. Also how some kids havent finished with their education and theyre trying to help them so they could have a better future. Its sad to know that there are kids that dont go to school because of the economy theyre in. Honey pays for education, Hashoo Foundation buys the women beekeepers' honey for 20% above the market price. Then successfully send the honey to the markets of 5-Star hotels in Pakistan. This helps the families to agree to send their children to school, have regular health check-ups and improve nutrition at home. I was thinking about being a volunteer for them and help Hashoo Foundation and raise money. I want to be able to help woman get their beehives, be able to work and help the kids with their education, and let the kids have the opportunity to finish school so that they can have a better life. I want to volunteer with the local refugees on Plan Bee in Houston. Also to fund raise money for Hashoo Foundation by hosting carwashes and sell snacks and food at school and if possible at church. My goal is to raise more than $500. My initial argument is that changing the economic stability would help kids finish school and the beekeepers who lost their beehives. There are a lot of kids not going to school because of the economy and a lot of woman who lost their beehives. I want to help the Foundation by volunteering for the foundation and raising enough money. The challenges that I will face are trying to get volunteers to help me with the car wash events. Maybe not a lot of people would want to go and wash cars. Another challenge is to fundraise more than $500. Doing this for my Capstone would a give me an opportunity to help others. Also it would help me to develop my writing skills. This Capstone will get us college ready by us turning things on time by looking at our timeline.

Sponsor approved: _____ Date: ____ Ms. Devaney: _________ Date: ____

Trejo 2 II. Learning Objectives A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. To learn about the Hashoo Foundation To volunteer To fund raise money, our goal is more than $500 To help the kids that dont go to school have a better future To help the plan bee beekeepers by raising money To be able to make a change in Houston To support the foundation by volunteering for them To learn the process of making honey


Activities and timeline

Writing and Research Activities We will find a sponsor for my capstone I will finish my proposal I will turn my draft paper to Ms. Devaney We will have our first meeting with our sponsor Ms. White I will revise my proposal I will continue to research I will draft my argument paper I will revise my argument paper with Ms. White I will turn my final argument paper to Ms. Devaney I will present my work to Ms. Devaney, Ms. White, and SIS students Learning Experience Activities We will schedule a carwash with Ms. Reuter We will get Volunteers We will promote the carwash We will contact the Hashoo Foundation to meet with the local refugees We will host the carwash We will visit the refugees We will volunteer in the local refugees IV. Form

Timeline February 6, 2013 February 7, 2013 February 8, 2013 February 11, 2013 February, 2013 February, 2013 March, 2013 March, 2013 April, 2013 May, 2013

Timeline February, 2013 February, 2013 February-March, 2013 March, 2013 March, 2013 March, 2013 February-April, 2013

I would like to do my Capstone in the two forms, being able to have an argument paper, and a presentation, I want to make a PowerPoint or prezi showing information about the Hashoo foundation and our process. My Capstone will be a research paper from 6 to 8 pages long talking about the Foundation and what we did for volunteering and fund raising. My paper would also have citations and work cited. Sponsor approved: _____ Date: ____ Ms. Devaney: _________ Date: ____

Trejo 3


Preparations To complete this capstone I will need: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. A binder to put my papers in A USB to save all the work I do To finish all my work on time Corporate with my partner and sponsor Have meetings with my sponsor Approvals from Ms. Li-Thai, Ms. Reuter, and Ms. Devaney To put a lot of effort on this project Fund raise enough money Get volunteers for the carwash

My biggest obstacle on this Capstone is going to be turning things on time, I need to really pay attention to the deadlines. Another one is to getting ideas for fundraising money, and getting enough volunteers for the carwash. The first step in launching my Capstone Is going to let people know about my capstone, also to gather as much people to volunteer and be able to help.

Sponsor approved: _____ Date: ____ Ms. Devaney: _________ Date: ____

Trejo 4

Works Cited "Hashoo Foundation." Hashoo Foundation. CyberVision International, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2013.

"HASHOO Foundation USA -- Plan Bee Affected by Devastating Floods in Pakistan."HASHOO Foundation USA -- Plan Bee Affected by Devastating Floods in Pakistan. Cristal Montanez, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2013.

Sponsor approved: _____ Date: ____ Ms. Devaney: _________ Date: ____

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