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EC3023 COMPUTER NETWORKS PROBLEM SHEET #2 (15 FEB 2013) 1. This problem is about the Ethernet/IEEE 802.

11 access protocol. Suppose that if a host detects a transmission while it is transmitting a frame, then: (i) if the host has already transmitted the 64-bit preamble, the host stops transmitting the frame and sends a 32bit jamming sequence; (ii) else the host finishes transmitting the 64-bit preamble and then sends a 32-bit jamming sequence. Suppose the packets are 512 bits long, which is the minimum length allowed. Hosts A and B are the only active hosts on a 10 Mbps Ethernet and the propagation time between them is 20 s, or 200 bit durations. Suppose A begins transmitting a frame at time t = 0, and just before the beginning of the frame reaches B, B begins sending a frame, and then almost immediately B detects a collision (ignore the inter-frame wait time in the Ethernet protocol). (a) Does A finish transmitting the frame before it detects that there was a collision? Explain. (b) What time does A finish sending the jamming signal? What time does B finish sending the jamming signal? (c) What time does A hear an idle channel again? What time does B first hear an idle channel again? (d) Suppose each host next decides to retransmit immediately after hearing the channel idle. After the resulting (second) collision: When does A next hear the channel idle? When does B next hear the channel idle? (e) Suppose after the second collision, A decides to wait 512 bit durations to retransmit (if it hears silence after that long) and B decides to retransmit immediately after hearinga silent channel. Is the transmission of host B successful? 2. Discuss the capture effect in Ethernet. Suppose the Ethernet MAC is modified to use a linear instead of an exponential backoff. That is, after k collisions, each node picks a random value between 0 and k (inclusive), rather than between 0 and 2 1. Would this make the Ethernet capture effect more or less likely? 3. The minimum packet size for 10 Mbps Ethernet is 512 bits. Assuming that 100 Mbps Ethernet operated on networks with the same maximum propagation delay, what should the minimum packet size be in this network? 4. Consider the following two possibilities: (i) Creating an Ethernet and putting 20 hosts on this Ethernet operating at 10 Mbps; and (ii) creating two separate Ethernets, with 10 hosts operating on each of the Ethernets, and each of the Ethernets operating at 5 Mbps. Suggest one potential advantage and one potential disadvantage of approach (i) compared to (ii). 5. Does the use of RTS-CTS exchange prior to data transmission with IEEE 802.11 eliminate all packet losses? Why? Why not? 6. Draw a timeline for the sliding window algorithm with SWS = RWS =10 frames for the following two situations. Use a timeout interval of about 2 x RTT. a. Frame 21 is lost. b. Frames 21-30 are lost.

7. It is required to transfer a file of size 120,000 bytesbetween a source-destination pair. It will be transferred in 1,500-byte data packets, for which 60 bytes are taken up with headers. The size of acknowledgement packets is 100 bytes including header. Every packet is acknowledged. The communication is bidirectional and the bandwidth is 150 Mbps (megabits/sec) in each direction. Hosts can send and receive at the same time. The latency from source to destination is 4 ms, as is the latency in the opposite direction. The time to process a packet is very small, so the receiver can send an acknowledgement as soon as it receives a data packet, but not before it receives the entire data packet. Likewise, for sliding window the sender can send packets back-toback (to the degree that the window size permits). Assume no packet loss. a. How long will it take to transfer the file using Stop-and-Wait? 120,000 bytes over the total time required to transfer it). c. d. How long will it take to transfer the file using a sliding window protocol with SWS=RWS=3. What is the throughput? If SWS and RWS are set to the bandwidth-delay product (bandwidth of the path times the round-trip latency of the path), then how long does it take to transfer the file, and with what throughput? e. If SWS and RWS are set to twice the bandwidth-delay product, how long does the transfer take, with what throughput, and why? 8. Consider a link of length 1000 miles with a 1 Gb/s data rate connecting a sending and receiving node. Assume a fixed packet length of 1250 bytes. Assume that the sender always has packets to send and that packets are never lost or corrupted. b. What is the corresponding throughput (total amount of user data transferred =

a) What is the utilization of this link for a stop-and-wait (SAW) protocol? b) What is the necessary window size to achieve 100% utilization for a sliding window
(SW) protocol? 9. Suppose the RTT for Ethernet is 46.4 microsec. The minimum frame size is 512 bits (here 464 bits correspond to propagation delay and 48 bits of jam signal. a. What happens to the minimum frame size if the signalling rate is increases to 100Mbps? b. What are the main drawbacks of using the frame size obtained in (a). 10. a. Suppose that N Ethernet stations, all trying to send at the same time, require N/2 slot times to sort out who transmits next. Assuming average packet size is equivalent to 5 slot times, express the available bandwidth as a function of N. b. Suppose it is required to design a sliding window protocol for a 1 Mbps point-topoint link to the moon, which has a one-way latency of 1.25 sec, assuming that each frame carries 1 KB of data, what is the minimum number of bits you need for the sequence number? c. Repeat part b for a 1 Mbps point-to-point link to a stationary satellite revolving around earth at 30000 km altitude.

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