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MBA- Semester 1 Assignment Set 2 Marks 60 (6X10=60)

MB0038- Management Process and Organizational Behaviour - 4 credits

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Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Question 1- What are the consequences of conflict in organizations? Answer: - In an organization, there may be various reasons for conflict. Behavior designed to defeat, reduce or suppression opponent may cause conflict. Increasing the era of competition and globalization also a major reason for conflict, In competition the participants wants to defeat or suppress each other where have a mentality to inhibit the attainment of goals by another person or group. Sometime conflicts show good results and encourage new solution to problems and enhance the creativity in the organization. If the conflict is positive then it leads to new ideas it creates an identity of self or a group, which further effect organization. In case of positive conflict superior should encourage his subordinate to lead it. In other hands conflicts are also negative, which can be created by person or a group. The positive and negative consequences of conflict have shown below;

Positive Consequences: 1) Leads to new ideas. 2) Stimulates creativity. 3) Motivates changes. 4) Promotes organizational vitality. 5) Helps individuals and groups establish identities. 6) Serves as safety valves to indicate problems. Negative Consequences: 1) Diverts energy from work. 2) Threatens psychological well- being. 3) Wastes resources 4) Creates a negative climate. 5) Break down group cohesion. 6) Can increase hostility and aggressive behaviors

Question 2 State the characteristics of management. Answer:- The are 10 major characteristics of management have been shown below: 1) Goal-Oriented: In an organization, the Organizational goal must be well-define and properly understood by the manager. Manager instructs & manages the organization according to the Goal. 2) Economic Resource: Economy plays an important role in the success of any organized group activity. It assembles and integrates a relation between labor, capital and material. 3) Distinct Process: Management consist many of the functions like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. It also involves decision making and putting of decisions into practice. 4) Integrative Force: The management is a combination of Human and other resources. Mangers apply knowledge, experience and management principles for getting the result from the workers by the use of non-human resources. 5) Intangible Force: Management is an intangible force, which can be seen by necked eye but it can be feel according to the result oriented like effectiveness of management on an organization. 6) Result through others: In an Organization, only manager cannot do everything themselves. He should have ability to get work complete through effort of other. 7) A Science and an Art: Management skill consist both Art and Science. A manager should have the knowledge of principle & techniques, specialized knowledge. The skill acquired by a manager are his personal possession management is viewed as an art 8) System of Authority: Managers at different level in an organization possess varying degrees of authority. Manager represents a system of authority, a hierarchy of command and control. Authority of managers plays an important role in the information transfer and management in an organization. 9) Multi-disciplinary subject: Managers should have skill of multi-disciplinary field Like Engineering, Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology. The multi-disciplinary knowledge help into the understanding the work and Psychology of employ about job. 10) Universal Application: Management is need of every organization even in a family management play an important role. The Principle and techniques of management are equally applicable in the every field like business, education, military, government and hospital. Henri Fayol suggested that principles of management would apply more or less in every situation.

Question 3 Explain the four processes of Social Learning Theory. Answer: The four processes of social learning theory are following: 1) Attention processes: Any people learn from any source, when he pay attention and recognize to its main feature. To learn any term, there must be required to attention. The learning model makes the more possibility and makes easy the process of learning. 2) Retention process: A models influence will depend on how well the individual remembers the models action after the it is no longer readily available. The ability to store information is also an important part of the learning process. Retention can be affected by a number of factors, but the ability to pull up information later and act on it is vital to observational learning. 3) Motor reproduction processes: A person has seen a new behavior by observing the
model, the watching must be converted to doing. The ability to store information is also an important part of the learning process. Retention can be affected by a number of factors, but the ability to pull up information later and act on it is vital to observational learning

4) Reinforcement processes: Individuals will be motivated to exhibit the modeled behavior if positive incentives or rewards are provided. Finally, in order for observational learning to be successful, you have to be motivated to imitate the behavior that has been modeled. Reinforcement and punishment play an important role in motivation Principles of social learning are as follows: 1. The highest level of observational learning is achieved by first organizing and rehearsing the modeled behavior symbolically and then enacting it overtly. Coding modeled behavior into words, labels or images results in better retention than simply observing. 2. Individuals are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior, if it results in outcomes they value. 3. Individuals are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior, if the model is similar to the observer and has admired status and the behavior has functional value

Question 4 - What are the 14 principles of management of Henri Fayol? Answer: Henri Fayol stated the 14 principles of management in his book General and Industrial Management, which has been shown below:
1) Division of work: tasks should be divided up with employees specializing in a limited set of tasks so that expertise is developed and productivity increased. 2) Authority and responsibility: authority is the right to give orders and entails enforcing them with rewards and penalties; authority should be matched with corresponding responsibility. 3) Discipline: this is essential for the smooth running of business and is dependent on good leadership, clear and fair arguments, and the judicious application of penalties. 4) Unity of command: for any action whatsoever, an employee should receive orders from one superior only; otherwise authority, discipline, order, and stability are threatened. 5) Unity of direction: a group of activities concerned with a single objective should be cocoordinated by a single plan under one head. 6) Subordination of individual interest to general interest: individual or group goals must not be allowed to override those of the business. 7) Remuneration of personnel: this may be achieved by various methods but it should be fair, encourage effort, and not lead to overpayment. 8) Centralization: the extent to which orders should be issued only from the top of the organization is a problem which should take into account its characteristics, such as size and the capabilities of the personnel. 9) Scalar chain (line of authority): communications should normally flow up and down the line of authority running from the top to the bottom of the organization, but sideways communication between those of equivalent rank in different departments can be desirable so long as superiors are kept informed. 10) Order: both materials and personnel must always be in their proper place; people must be suited to their posts so there must be careful organization of work and selection of personnel. 11) Equity: personnel must be treated with kindness and justice. 12) Stability of tenure of personnel: rapid turnover of personnel should be avoided because of the time required for the development of expertise. 13) Initiative: all employees should be encouraged to exercise initiative within limits imposed by the requirements of authority and discipline. 14) Esprit de corps: efforts must be made to promote harmony within the organization and prevent dissension and divisiveness.

Question 5 - Distinguish between internal and external forces of change. Answer: There are two types of forces applied in the change in the organization: 1) Internal Forces 2) External Forces 1) Internal Forces: Any change in an organization by internal factors is known as Internal Forces. Like change in the managerial personnel and deficiency in existing organizational practices. a. Change in the top management: Change in the top management and consequent change in the ideas to run the organization also leads to change in the system, structure and processes. Some times in any organization an managers or directors replaced by any new due to retirement, promotion and transfer. The new managers or directors will run or manage the organization according to his own ideas and way of working. b. Change in Size of the organization- Change in the organization structure and complexity. c. Performance gaps: when a gap between set target and actual result is identified, organizations face the forces to change and reduce the gap. d. Employee needs and value: Organizations changes their policies according to change of employee like attractive financial incentives, challenging assignment, vertical growth opportunities and autonomy at work. e. Deficiency in existing organization: Sometimes, changes are necessary because of deficiencies in the present organizational arrangement and process. 2) External Forces: Each organization has goals and responsibility related to others in its environment. The present day environment is dynamic and will continue to be dynamic. Change in social, political, economic, technological, and legal environment force organizations to change themselves. Such change may result in organizational changes like major function, production process, and labor-management relations. a. Technology: Technological changes are responsible for changing the nature of the job performed at all level in an organization. When there is a change in an organization. We have seen that technology has impact on organization structure, organizational processes, and behavior of people. b. Business scenario: Due to rapid changes in the business scenario with increasing competition and global economy, the needs and demands are also changing among the customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. There may be two types of forces which may affect the competitive position of an organization- other organization supplying the same product and buyers who are buying the product. Any change in these in these forces may require suitable changes in the organization. c. Environmental and National factors: Environmental factors such as economic, political and demographic and legal factors play a vital role in devising organization policies and strategy. For example organization may have to change their employment policies in accordance with the government policy, demand of the non-government organization. d. Social changes: Social changes refliect in term of peoples aspirations, their needs and their way of working. Social changes have taken place because of the several forces like level of education, urbanization sources.

Question 6 - Chanchal Das Gupta is a recruitment specialist. For the post of QC Manager, she interviews three candidates. Given below are the physical characteristics of the candidates. Candidate Mr. Ravi Mr. Gineesh Physical Characteristics Muscular, thick skin, rectangular shaped. Thin, delicate build, large brain. Tall. Soft, round muscles. shaped, underdeveloped

Mr. Ramgopal

From the above descriptions, what personality traits can Ms. Chanchal derive out of the candidates as per Sheldons theory of personality? Answer: According to Sheldon theory of personality the for the three different candidates, she derives: 1) Mr. Ravi: Psychologically he is Adventurous, Courageous, Indifferent to what others think or want, Assertive/bold, Zest for physical activity, Competitive, With a desire for power/dominance, And a love of risk/chance. 2) Mr. Gineesh: He represents Ectomorph body type. Psychologically he is Selfconscious, Private, Introverted, Inhibited, Socially anxious, Artistic, Intense, Emotionally restrained, and thoughtful. 3) Mr. Ramgopal: He represents Endomorph body type. Psychologically he is Sociable, Fun-loving, Love of food, Tolerant, Even-tempered, Good humored, Relaxed, with a love of comfort, and has a need for affection.

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