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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Title: Global Warming Description (1-2 sentences): Students will be a short video on global warming. The new chapter and vocabulary will be introduced as well as assigning a current event assignment to students. Subject: Environmental Science Instruction time: 60 minutes Students level by grade: 10-12 Standard(s) to be addressed: Natural and human induced hazards affect air quality and climate regulation Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions targeted in this lesson (for units created using the Understanding By Design framework only): What is the typical first day of spring? How does air pollution effect global warming? Learning Objectives for this lesson (Written using verbs from Blooms Taxonomy): Students will be able to explain the significance of the ozone layer and the effects of ground level ozone Students will be able to describe which human actions effect the carbon cycle Identified student needs and plans for differentiation: I will allow students additional time to complete their current event #1, due to lack of computers and time at home Specific resources needed for this lesson: Weather video- Current Event worksheet Computer w/ access to Echalk Instructional method(s) used in this lesson: Hook- Global warming 101 video Guided practice- High/ Low lab Independent practice- Current event How will you modify or adjust this lesson in the future? Next time when I introduce the chapter I will have students pair in groups to collaboratively preview the text and have them come up with major themes or an outline of chapter 13 notes

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