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Pike County Elementary School Advocacy Plan 2011-2012

A Group Project for FRIT 7132 November, 2011

Alexandria Elikwu , Lindsay Hodges , Roshiba McCrary , Kayse Morris , Kathy Zellner

Introduction The mission of Pike County Elementary School is to To promote Pride, Cooperation, Excellence and Success to ensure academic achievement for all students. A chief component of this mission is to make available materials and equipment necessary for teachers to provide varied instructional opportunities to all students. In order to be advocates for the media center, we must build groups of supporters. Two of the most important supporters we can have are our teachers and administration. The media center has many tools available to teachers and students that can be used in meeting the mission of the school. However, in order to do this, students and teachers must be aware of the materials and equipment the media center has to offer The following plan of activities focuses on increasing teacher awareness of media resources available and also to provide a forum for teachers to communicate additional resources that are needed.

To increase awareness of media resources available from the media center and resources needed by teachers at Pike County Elementary School.

Target Group
Classroom Teachers, Administration

Strategies for Communication

Linking 21st Century Educators with 21st Century Media Centers

In order to effectively link our educators with the vast resources available via the Media Center, Media Specialist must communicate to teachers that the library is more than a mere area in the building for book circulation. There are many teaching tools in the Media Center at all educators disposal. The following communication tools will be used to promote and increase teacher awareness of media resources.

Media Center Open House:

Customarily schools sponsor Open House Night prior to the

start of the school year. An open house night will be hosted to highlight resources available in the Media Center which hopefully will serve as a spring board for encouraging use of Media Center resources.

Media Center Wiki (w/Blog) The inclusion of a website promoting services, tools,
technology, etc. available is created for quick access. Updates on upcoming events and services sponsored by the Media Center will be posted.

New Teacher Orientation Presentation:

Media Center mini power point will be included in New Teacher Orientation to acquaint them with tools at their disposal.

Daily School-Wide Media Cast: Programming will be on closed circuit television complete
with daily announcements related to school sponsored events. Cast will also be used to promote and communicate Media Center sponsored events.

Teacher Resource Area:

Promotion of the teacher resources area where teachers can

utilize the ScanTron machine for quick scan of assessments, poster maker, materials for creating samples for hands-on projects in the classrooms and laminating machines to name a few.

Teacher Mini Workshops: The Media Center will host mini How-to-Workshops to
promote the use of lesson enhancers such as United Streaming, Windows Movie Maker, and EdModo (to name a few) complete with How-to brochures. Resources Available (and planned):

1. DESTINY library system 2. CPS (clickers) (automatic feedback) 3. Document Cameras (like Elmos) 4. Digital Camera 5. Video Camera 6. United Streaming now called Discovery Education 7. Media Cast in-house video/audio distribution system 8. GeoSafari old technology, but still useful for individual student learning centers 9. VesaTiles not technology, but great for individual student learning centers 10. ScanTron for quick grading of multiple choice tests (quick feedback) 11. Windows Movie Maker program

12. PowerPoint uses such as recording sound for individual student learning centers (flash cards, assignment information) 13. Math Literature Books with Lesson Plans 14. Encyclopedia On Line

Item of the month showcases will occur monthly to promote one particular tool at educators fingertips with one trip to the Media Center.

Spotlight Item of Month:

Scheduling Calendars: Teacher Surveys:

Scheduling Calendars will be available on the media center wiki as

well as at the circulation desk in the media center. Teacher surveys will be utilized to determine teacher needs and to gather

feedback on media center activities and offerings.

Strategies for Evaluation

1. Pre/Post Survey of teachers - 2. Pre/Post Materials/Equipment Circulation Data - http://bemedia/backoffice/servlet/ reportFileName=output/CRWReportJob/202/CRWReportJob104647_0.html&site=202& showBreadcrumb=false Example of Report: Teacher Circulation Report
Report generated on 11/25/2011 6:35 PM

Homeroom: None
Due Date 5/1/2008 6/3/2011 6/3/2011 Name - First Allison Allison Allison Name - Last Bennett Bennett Bennett Title/Name Texas Instruments TI-108 Class Sets of 10 Cart - Book. Multiplication

3. Comments/Suggestion Box - Low Tech way to receive feedback. This box will be located in the teacher resource area.

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