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Adjustment of training programs in management to market demands

(Information management profile)

By: PhD, professor V.Ya Afanasiev


SUM alumni employers

Administration of The Council of Federation, Central Bank of Russia, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Foundation of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Gazprom JSC, Russian Railroads JSC, Aeroflot JSC, Danone Group Ltd.

Professional Approach

All business positions today require IT knowledge anyway.

Job candidates are required to confirm their IT skills in majority of companies.

2011 education concept of IT literacy for SUM graduates

Concept Idea Special training (special IT training) of modern information to facilitate consumers their access to information resources and cultural values of the society, new ways of life and business activities in hi-tech information environment, interaction and efficient use of its advantages and decrease disadvantages.

IT literacy of SUM alumni. Concept of development.

Professional oriented IT literacy and SUM alumni competences in IT technologies and information systems can be divided into next groups:
1. Information processing skills (basic IT competence). 2. Skills in Management and business analysis systems implementation (management competence). 3. Operational skills of handling professional industrial information systems (business competence). 4. Software programming skills, development, and administrating (technical competence).

IT skills are required from secretary to top manager

Better job opportunities: employers pay great attention to job candidates IT skills, it caused by the following fact a candidate is trained easier and more adaptive to computer business environment. Higher income: enhancing computer literacy person becomes a more valued worker. It does not mean, that to increase ones income he/she must to be a computer specialist: the ability to carry out special objectives using a computer is highly valued.

Requirements for output basic bachelor competencies in Russian Education Standards competence codes
- general cultural competence; professional competence

Subject list for IT training according to SUM training line ( bachelor qualification/degree)

Joint Project: SUM TechnoServ /

SUM is the first Russian university, that has included in its higher management education program
2004 - SAP business supplement training subject 2006 - Oracle business supplement training subject 2009 - IBM Maximo business supplement training subject
11 May 2006 SUM, the leading Russian university in management, Oracle division in CIS, and TechnoServ A/C, the largest Russian system integrator company have started in SUM the first in Russia training program on Oracle business supplement.

SUM graduates get a SUM diploma together with a special course certificate signed by ORACLE Vice President, and ORACLE CIS General Director


IT Certificate Center in SUM

14 December 2011 an agreement between SUM and Vellum-Development of International Certification was signed that granted the right to SUM IT certificate examination center to hold exams according to the International Exams Division of the Cambridge University (UK) programs International Diploma in IT Skills Standard & International Diploma in IT Skills Proficiency.


2011 Project participants SUM Center Cambridge

The State University of Management (SUM) the Russian leading University in management education. Cambridge University one of the leading world universities, member of the elite group of cooperation of 20 best UK universities (Russell Group). Vellum ICE an exclusive representative of the International Examination Division in Cambridge on certification programs promotion facilitating computer literacy, IT Skills Standard & IT Skills Proficiency in Europe.

Advantages for students

Operational skills in modern business information management systems can provide special in professional career. Certified specialist status gives an advantage to job seekers, for while graduating from University they get not only a standard academic diploma but also highly valued international diplomas and a certificate of a world known university.

Advantages for employers

Employers are aware of the fact that hiring an incompetent worker can cause them serious problems and entail losses to their business, partners and clients. According to Employment department companies suffer additional losses in such cases amounting to about 1/3 of the workers annual salary. According to the research almost 61% of CVs contain false data. In contemporary world where you require more and more diplomas and certificates to get a job, knowledge validation becomes more important.


Advantages for university

Integrating IT in educational environment

Taking into account the modern trend to integrate higher education by mergers of universities, establishment of a single data environment is of great importance that will provide for: Efficient educational process management Remote training opportunity Implementation of integrated educational resources, cloud technologies, etc. Integration process require computer literacy from all its participants


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