Assignment 1

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Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

1.-Using pictures in a language classroom 2.-Learning strategies and learning autonomy



To create a training time table and a lesson plan to be used in your training. 1. Matching (1 PAGE). Match the six content areas to the following themes TOPIC Use of social forms Language learning process LLP Language learning process LLP CONTENT AREA

Learning in a group

Function of the Common European Framework Planning of Reference and evaluation PE Which are the different learner types Language learning process LLP The four skills Language teaching LT Language teaching LT Planning and evaluation PE

Speaking activities

How do we draw up a lesson plan?


Claudia Schuhbeck

Pgina 1 de 5

Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

How do I present a grammar structure?

Planning and evaluation PE Planning and evaluaDon PE Language teaching LT Planning and evaluation PE Self--assessment SA Language awareness LA Language learning process LLP Language and culture LC Language learning process LLP Language teaching LT Language and culture LC

Micro-peer teaching

Different types of exercises in language classrooms Using pictures in a language classroom

Feedback rules

Pronunciation training

Learning strategies and learner autonomy

Difficult classroom situations

Progress tests

The use of media e-learning / blended learning

Intercultural learning

2. Lesson plan (2 PAGES MAX). Choose two of the topics of the table of exercise 1. How would you teach these contents? Write a lesson plan


Claudia Schuhbeck

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Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

3. Time table (2 PAGES MAX). Elaborate a timetable of the two selected topics of your lesson plan. Elaborate a timetable according to the example. Using pictures in a language classroom Week 1 Monday 9:30-11:00 Warming up with pictures (Using Pictures in ESL Classroom) Introduction. 11:15-12:45 Learners styles. The two sides of the brain have different attributes and respond to different stimuli. Why pictures? (Part 2) -Convenience. -Comprehension. -Expanding students general knowledge. -Integrating other skills. 2:00-3:30 Haynes six types of learners: Auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, global, analytical & visual. Where to get pictures. -Using search engines. Pictures from news paper or magazines. -Posters and maps. .Asking someone for help. Wednesday The importance of a good usage of the pictures in class. Brainstorm. Choosing the right pictures. -Size and quality. -Students preferences. -Copyright and usage restrictions. Thursday Techniques for using pictures. Speaking and writing find 10 differences Techniques for using pictures. Grammar: if I where there Techniques for using pictures. Reading pictures as motivators (class) Examples. Techniques for using pictures. Vocabulary building or review. (class) Examples 3:45-5:15 Feedback and Test about the two sides of the brain and the Hayness six types of learners.


Why pictures? (Part 1) -Motivation. -Pre-teaching vocabulary. -Students confidence.

Activity: Search pictures according to the reason why pictures? and give an explanation of each.

Techniques for using pictures. All four skills.

All four skills. -Pre-Activity. -Listening. -Speaking. -listening and


Claudia Schuhbeck

Pgina 3 de 5

Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

writing. -Reading. friday The students and the pictures. -Expositions. -Draws. Vocabulary and pictures. Associating activities. Activity. Present a class using pictures (part 1) Activity. Present a class using pictures (part 2)

Learning strategies and learning autonomy Week 2 Monday 09:30 11.00 Maximing learning strategies to promote learner autonomy" Realization of language as a means of communication and interaction Academic learning strategy How is to build-up learner autonomy? Metacognitive strategies 11:15 12:45 Who are the autonomous learners? Management of affective demands 02:00 03:30 An active involvement in learning tasks. Evaluation of performance in the target language Affective strategy 03:45 05:15 Realization of language as a system. Active planning strategy



Social learning strategy Memory Strategies Affective strategies

Thursday Friday

Cognitive strategies Social strategies

Why should learners be promoted to be autonomous Compensation strategies Overall use of strategies

(Please find the example on the main menu of the platform) The time table should be part of one of the following trainings: a) The basic training course is designed for teachers with no or little teaching experience and consists of 50 contact hours.


Claudia Schuhbeck

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Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

b) The advanced training course which is suitable for teachers with teaching experience who have either taken part in the basic training course or who have gained their teaching experience elsewhere. (50 contact hours) The estimated workload for a trainee will require about 120 hours of individual work. This includes: reading, homework, learning journals, preparation of micro-peer teaching, etc. FORMAT: Word format 5 pages max. Typography: Arial 10 Cover (Name, e-mail, topic, etc.) Upload the file in a cloud application (dropbox, slideshare, scribd, Google Drive, Skydrive, etc.) and send the URL to course platform in appropriate forum. Please check your URL in other web browser before sending it.


Claudia Schuhbeck

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