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ECVET Earth Building Handbook I

ECVET Earth Building Handbook

Part I Procedural Instructions for ECVET Earth Building

ECVET Earth Building Handbook Part I - Procedural Instructions for ECVET Earth Building pdf-document Ganzlin 2009 FAL e.V. Am Bahnhof 2 D - 19395 Ganzlin

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Procedural Instructions for ECVET Earth Building

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List of contents
Foreword 1. Introduction 2. ECVET Earth Building Conception and expectations
2.1. The requirements and expectations of the project partnership LearnWithClay on an ECVET Earth Building 2.2. Concept of the ECVET Earth Building


3. The tools of ECVET Earth Building

3.1. The ECVET Earth Building unit 3.2. The six units which form the qualification Designer for clay plasters (HWK) 3.3. The ECVET units in detail 3.4. Level 1- 4 3.5. ECVET credits 3.6. Examination, evaluation and certificates

4. ECVET Earth Building and Mobility

4.1. Training placements abroad 4.2. Opportunities for sponsorship 4.3. Contract Building blocks for sample contracts 4.4. Recommendations for preparation 4.5. Glossary

5. Recommendations for action on career development and mobility in Earth Building for learners with a background of migration 6. The LearnWithClay Partnership Contract 7. Application fields for ECVET Earth Building 8. Learning paths with ECVET Earth Building 9. Training courses and addresses 10. Partner organisations and contact addresses 11. Products and ordering addresses Publishing information

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A whole new business sector for the use of Earth in low impact building is emerging. However there is a shortage of trained craftspeople to exploit these opportunities, because to date there has been little professional training and accreditation. The LearnWithClay project now makes it possible for practitioners to learn earth construction techniques across Europe with the LearnWithClay partners. Based on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and European Credit system for Vocational Education Training (ECVET) LearnWithClay has designed units of learning outcomes, which can be individually assessed within either formal or occupational training environments. There are six units describing learning outcomes in the Clay Plaster sector in terms of knowledge, skills and competence with each unit being supplemented with assessment criteria and indicators. Each unit is broken down into levels representing understanding, depth of knowledge and skill allowing trainees to tailor training programmes to match their individual requirements reflecting their occupational areas of competence. The units cover the full spectrum of Clay Plastering looking at materials, plaster preparation, method of application, design and business management. This comprehensive course content allows individuals to map out a career path in the Clay Plastering craft from practical application on site through to design and management. The project supplies training providers with a toolkit of training materials for the clay plastering course in the form of a CD-ROM in 6 European languages, as well as a handbook containing the ECVET Earth Building Units and an outline on how to use these within mobility exchange programmes. Achievement of the ECVET learning outcomes will be recognised as part of the Clay Plastering Certificate and create flexibility in training provision as part of a mobility exchange programme agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding between the European partners. Congratulations to all of the partners who have put together a comprehensive training programme with excellent supporting material. This work will create opportunities for crafts people to discover the advantages and versatility of clay as a building material and help training providers in promoting and delivering recognised and flexible programmes of training. Simon Holmes Heritage Training Advisor ConstructionSkills

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This handbook represents the results and products of the European LearnWithClay project. On the basis of the European Qualification Framework and of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training, the partners from Bulgaria, Germany, France and the United Kingdom have developed, with ECVET Earth Building, a system which makes possible the acquisition, assessment and transfer of learning outcomes in this specialist area. LearnWithClay has been sponsored by the European Commission from 2007-2009 within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Transfer Projects programme. ECVET Earth Building is intended to make qualifications within the earth building sector transparent and comparable. For this purpose, learning outcomes have been defined independently of the particular learning context. This permits qualifications to be made more comprehensible across national borders and thus promotes trans-border mobility. The project encourages trainees to combine the old tradition of journeymanship with the current requirements of the working world, and to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in earth building at qualified educational establishments. In addition to this, special procedural recommendations for trainees have been evolved, in order to also improve the future vocational opportunities in earth building for people with a background of migration. The ECVET Earth Building handbook is directed towards those responsible for education and also towards instructors in earth building. It explains processes and opportunities by which ECVET Earth Building can be used in vocational training and by which lifelong learning in Earth Building can be promoted. Also described are the regulations on examinations and the issue of ECVET Earth Building certificates, which have been agreed by the LearnWithClay partnership.

The ECVET Earth Building handbook consists of three parts: Part I introduces the tools of the ECVET Earth Building: the learning unit as the smallest transferable unit of learning outcomes, the six units which have been developed for the Clay Plasters sector and the procedures for the determination and evaluation of learning outcomes, with additional recommendations for instructors, such as the notes on application of ECVET Earth Building in mobility and recommendations for the advancement of learners with a background of migration. The possible application fields for ECVET Earth Building are illustrated on the basis of eleven different visions of individual learning paths. Part II contains the tools and associated documents: The ECVET Earth Building Units 1-6 developed for Level Stages 1 to 4, the associated indicators, criteria and assessment sheets, the specimens for the LearnWithClay certificates and vouchers, specialist word lists and sample contracts for ECVET Earth Building in the mobility sector, a list of useful links and the LearnWithClay Partnership Agreement and recommendation for action for the advancement of learners with a background of migration. Part III offers background information on the two subject complexes of the project: Earth Building in vocational training and the European Qualification Framework (EQF). We explain our starting situation and the results of the evaluation of the Leonardo da Vinci pilot project Clay Plasters and conclude with a perspective of the future for expansion of the ECVET Earth Building in the partner countries.

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2.1. The requirements and expectations of the project partnership LearnWithClay on an ECVET Earth Building
At the start of the project, the project partners formulated their expectations of the project result as follows: Within the framework of the EU project LearnWithClay, the project partnership will develop an ECVET system for the Earth Building sector, which relates to the partial sector of Clay Plasters. This partial sector encompasses the learning outcomes of the course Clay Plasters and Design with the three modules Basic Principles, Design and Marketing. Within the framework of the LearnWithClay project, we do not have the financial and personnel resources to work out ECVET learning units for the entire earth building sector. However, we will develop suggestions with regard to how the ECVET learning units can be integrated into an ECVET system for the earth building sector as a whole. The ECVET Earth Building (learning) units developed for the partial sector of clay plasters, including the associated criteria, should be transferable to other earth building sectors and can serve as a model for these. We are conscious of the fact that, within the framework of our project work, it will not be possible to assign the ECVET learning units developed by ourselves to all of the desired recognised professional qualifications in the participating countries. Amongst other things, this is due to the fact that clay as a Building material is not represented in the relevant Building trades (bricklayer, plasterer, painter). Also there is the fact that the development of the ECVET system is still at an early stage. We will, however, provide suggestions for an integration of the ECVET Earth Building units into existing qualifications for all participating partner countries. ECVET Earth Building should offer trainees the opportunity to rise from an entry level to the level of an independent craftsperson via various different paths. Already acquired learning outcomes should be accumulable and should be recognised as counting towards existing qualifications.
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ECVET Earth Building Conception and expectations

ECVET Earth Building should make it possible that acquired ECVET learning units can also be recognised in non-construction sectors. Examples for this would be an additional qualification in child or youth education or in the (ecological) Building materials trade. ECVET Earth Building should secure the preconditions such that existing knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in Building practice can also be recorded and recognised. It is not possible within the framework of this project to achieve the evolution of a methodology for the assessment of existing individual competencies in Earth Building. ECVET Earth Building should allow the transnational European mobility of trainees. Within our partnership, we plan to organise exchange projects via the Leonardo da Vinci Mobility programme.

2.2. Concept of the ECVET Earth Building

At the start of the project, the project parWhat considerations have led us towards the development of an ECVET system for Earth Building? Why do we wish to present the (still nonexistent) Earth Building-qualification as a system of smaller, more manageable (learning) units? In the first place, the division into smaller, more manageable units allows more people to have access to learning. They can integrate these shorter learning phases more easily into their everyday (working) life. The proof of completion of these smaller learning outcomes can encourage them to go on to further training, or improve their employment prospects, even if they cannot, or do not wish to, acquire the entire qualification. The central idea behind the concept of the European Qualification Framework is, however, the desire to improve the mobility of learners. It should be possible to transfer the units of learning outcomes which have been achieved and evaluated in one learning environment to another learning environment. They should be comparable and transferable between countries, and capable of being translated into existing national training systems.

Improved mobility means that, following a placement abroad, trainees come back with a certificate which is recognised in their own training system or learning context, whether vocational school or occupational training, a practice which has already been introduced at university level. In occupational training however, with the introduction of the National Qualification Framework in the countries of the European Union, it is only now that the preconditions for the transferability of learning outcomes are being created. A considerable obstacle to this development is presented by the different training systems in Europe, but still more by the lack of trust in the quality of vocational training of the other countries. Particularly in craft trades, it is suspected that the quality of work varies greatly throughout Europe. Doubts exist that the trainee will learn the same level of quality abroad as he or she would at home. Expert knowledge in crafts mostly relates to the national level. Beyond that, there is ignorance, if not prejudice, about what is taught and how it is taught in other countries. ECVET Earth Building, with defined units of learning outcomes and the associated criteria and indicators, can contribute towards the promotion of a high technical quality standard in European Earth Building. In addition to this, mobility would not be an option if one had to complete the entire vocational training abroad only a small number of people would be able to go to another country for three years. When however the training is subdivided into several smaller learning units, mobility is much more simple to achieve. And trainees always have the opportunity to attend the Earth Building sites or schools which are best suited to their vocational emphasis and their specialisation, and there to acquire transferable certificates for their learning outcomes. ECVET Earth Building can also play a door-opening role with regard to the integration of Earth Building into vocational training. The threatened climate catastrophe has significantly increased interest in, and awareness of, the necessity for sustainable Building techniques. It is not essential to produce an entire new training course for Earth Building. Existing training courses and qualifications in the con-

ECVET Earth Building units.

struction sector are opening up to sustainable Building methods and, with ECVET Earth Building, have the opportunity to develop these subjects. Similarly, new and existing qualifications in the sustainable Building sector can incorporate selected individual

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Tools LearnWithClay

Preparing training placements abroad


Assessment of one or more units

Certification by a LearnWithClay partner

Validation in BG, DE,FR,UK by all other LearnWithClay partners

under construction

National validation

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The tools of ECVET Earth Building

Contract building blocks For specimen of a training agreement between training providers Check list Recommendations for preparation and follow-up of a training placement Glossary general terms specialist terms

Training material of the CD Clay Plaster and Design ECVET Units Knowledge, skills and competence

Recommendations for action on career development for learners with a background of migration Skills evaluation criteria per unit and level Evaluation sheet


non passed

Certificate of achievement

Certificate of attendance

Memorandum of Understanding

3.1. The ECVET Earth Building unit

ECVET Earth Building describes learning outcomes in earth building on the basis of learning units. A unit of learning outcomes, in brief known as a learning unit or simply unit, is a meaningful package of knowledge, skills and competencies which can be individually tested and evaluated. In accordance with the recommendations of the European Parliament

and Council1, the units are accumulable and can be counted towards existing national qualifications. Units corresponds with the above-mentioned recommendations of the European Parliament and Council.

1 rECOMMENDatION OF tHE EUrOPEaN ParLIaMENt aND COUNCIL of 18 June 2009 for the establishment of a European Performance Points system for vocational training (ECVEt) (2009/C 155/02)

The units of Level Stage 4 are allocated to the further education qualification Designer in Clay Plastering (HWK) of the Chamber of Crafts, Schwerin (DE). The qualification Designer in Clay Plastering (HWK) Each unit is identified with encompasses the 6 units a logo, which relates to the developed for Level Stage 4. principal activity. The units of Level Stages 1 to 3 are currently not allocated to any qualification.

A unit of learning outcomes, also known as a learning unit or just unit, is described by naming the knowledge, skills and competencies involved.

The name of the unit is selected according to the principal activity of the unit.

Abbreviation for European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training The numbers merely serve for simple designation of the unit; they have no further significance and also do not reflect any order of priority. The units can be certificated independently of each other. The classification of the units into Level has been carried out in accordance with the European Qualification Framework. The EQF has stipulated 8 Levels. An allocation to the Levels according to the national qualification framework (NQF) has not been made, since this does not yet exist in the partner countries. The credit or ECVET points for learning outcomes. Since the total weighting of the qualification Designer for Clay Plasters (HWK) has not yet been determined, here percentage data for the qualification as a whole are given. We cannot yet give a percentage weighting for Level Stages 1,2 and 3; this will only be possible when the particular unit is assigned to a definite qualification.

Application of Clay Plaster

Qualification : Designer in clay plastering
(Chamber of Crafts, DE)

ECVET Unit n 2 Level 4

Credit: 20%

Different kinds of surfaces to be plastered Properties and criteria for assessment of the background: roughness; absorption capacity; stability; homogeneity; rigidity Areas of use for clay plaster; particular considerations for areas of high humidity and for exterior clay plaster

Carry out the background preparation Protect adjoining surfaces Prepare all fixing points for services and furniture Apply all shaping preparation for joins, corners, openings Apply the plaster and produce a flat surface

Structural characteristics of the plaster - thickness, Produce straight and rounded edges, finish inter- nal and external corners, openings and joins function, number of layers and reinforcing mesh Apply reinforcing mesh The main methods of bonding layers Technical details for fixing services and furniture Technical details for finishing internal and external corners, second fix carpentry, openings and ceiling Design and execute different surface finishes and floor joins and textures Finished plaster quality to achieve the required standard for the particular conditions of use Select, calculate and source materials Wind and air tightness of plasters and joins Surface finishes and how to create them Suppliers Preparing the background and applying clay plaster: Current legislative workplace requirements for quality of work and materials Tools, machinery and equipment The order of work Safe and healthy working practices Select and use appropriate tools, machinery and equipment to prepare the background and apply different layers including the final surface finish Apply at appropriate intervals key coat, base and finish coats and achieve the desired finished plaster quality

Organise the building site

Comply with current legislation, official guidance Relevant codes of practice and current standards and workplace safety requirements at all times

Assess the characteristics of the background and make an appropriate choice of bonding layer and an appropriate choice of plaster structure (the mix, number of layers, thickness of layers, reinforcements) Plan and organise all the steps involved from preparation of the background through to the finish for usual and predictable building sites Control the quality of the work throughout preparation, application and the finish Supervise and co-ordinate the plastering process from preparation through to the finish Input into decision making process for the plaster work including choice of final finish Advise on plaster structure, application and finish

the structure of the ECVEt Earth Building

Is described in the sense of the assumption of responsibility and self-reliance Theoretical and/or factual knowledge

Both cognitive skills (logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and also practical skills (dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments)

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3.2. The six units which form the qualification Designer for clay plasters (HWK)
The starting point was the division of the qualification Designer for clay plasters, which is awarded by the German Chamber of Crafts (HWK) in Schwerin, into six units. Each of these units is characterised by a meaningful package consisting of knowledge, skills and competencies and represents the smallest part of the qualification which can be evaluated and validated. The result was the creation of the following units, which mainly correspond to the range of tasks in established clay plaster businesses. 1. Preparing clay plaster 2. Application of clay plasters 3. Maintenance, repair and surface treatment of clay plasters 4. Interior design with clay plasters 5. Decorative elements made from clay plasters 6. The business of clay plastering These are now individually assessable as separate units. Their sequence has no significance. Each unit can be independently certificated and examined. Independently of this, trainees are given recommendations by the training partners on sensible sequences, combination possibilities and desirable preparatory knowledge. From what considerations have we divided the qualification Designer for clay plasters into six units, and not for example three, as with the course materials of Module 1 - Basic Principles, 2 Design and 3 Marketing. The training course developed in the previous project Clay Plasters placed the emphasis on the learning process, and not predominantly on the real activities in a professional Earth Building company. The ECVET units however, reproduce the knowledge, skills and competencies which are necessary to master the working procedures and tasks which make up the Building process. With ECVET Earth Building, the opportunity now exists to define an examination for an individual unit. For example, someone wishes to certify only Unit 1
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Preparing clay plaster, which may accurately correspond with the requirements which are necessary for a job. Or someone works for a company which only specialises in the application of clay plasters; he or she can simply complete Unit 2, without wishing to or having to complete the entire qualification. Or someone can, for example, also obtain certification for Unit 4 only, and can thus concentrate on the manufacture and design of coloured clay surfaces. The skills and competencies set down in the units are necessary to be able to carry out corresponding real working procedures on a construction site or within a Building company. They describe a work process or an activity which can be carried out by one person. So for example it is possible that in a large company one person manufactures the plaster mixture, another person specialises in ornaments. The learning outcomes of the particular unit could therefore be sufficient for the professional activity. Regardless of this, our recommendation is still that existing national qualifications should be acquired in their entirety, in order to get to know and understand the relevant contexts. The areas of activity described here are for units one to six of Level 4, see following chapter. They can be adapted to all Level Stages of the European Qualification Framework.

3.3. The ECVET units in detail

For the vocational field Clay Plasters we have defined the following principal fields of activity:
Unit 1

UNIT No. 1 Preparing clay plaster

UNIT No. 2
Unit 1

Application of clay plaster

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 6

The manufacture of clay plaster mortars, like the hand mixing of conventional mortars, is subject to rules and regulations. The clay specialist can and must be in a position to adapt the recipe according to plastering location, application technique or surface quality. To this extent, knowledge of the composition, including the calculation of the base material, knowledge of the properties and influences of the most diverse additions and supplements, forms the basis for high quality clay plaster mortar.

In modern Earth Building, the processing of clay plaster is no longer different from that of conventional plaster. Those applying it assess the substrate, prepare it if necessary so that good plaster adhesion is ensured and select the appropriate plaster composition. They can produce different types of plastered surface. Clay plasters can be flicked on with the trowel, smoothed on with the float or also sprayed on with plastering machines as normally used by the trade. The use of plaster silos is similarly possible. The safe operation of the machines and devices customarily used in Building forms the basis for the correct application of clay plasters. Details of the technical fittings of the house, as well as connections and edges, must be taken into consideration during execution. To this is added the responsibility for control and monitoring of the site work and checking for adherence to applicable standards and regulations.

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Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 3

UNIT No. 3 Maintenance, repair and surface treatment of clay plasters

UNIT No. 4
Unit 3

Interior design with clay plaster

Unit 4

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 6

The incorrect application of clay plasters, construction faults or the omission of maintenance measures can lead to a wide range of faults and damage in both old and new Buildings. Those carrying out the work must thoroughly analyse the damage and thus deduce the necessary remedial measures. They apply paints, glazes, fixatives or other coatings, such as protective or decorative surfaces, both in new builds and in the course of renovation. In this context, not only do the care of historical monuments, ecological and Building physics aspects play a role, but also the wishes and expectations of the user. They give advice on the care and maintenance of clay plasters and also carry out this work.

With the supplementation of the customary, handcoloured clay plasters with the industrially-manufactured high quality clay plasters, the clay colours, and also the clay brush renders, interior design with clay plasters has clearly gained in popularity. The implementation of acceptable design solutions requires a broad and detailed knowledge of colour and room design. This includes knowledge of the effects of colours and contrasts, the influence of light, of surface division and accents, as well as options for the treatment of surfaces. From the draft stage to completion, craftspersons can extend their field of activity in a creative direction, by manufacturing or varying mixtures themselves with the use of colouring or texture-enhancing additives..

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Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 4

Unit 5

UNIT No. 5 Decorative elements with clay plaster

UNIT No. 6
Unit 5

The business of clay plastering

Unit 6

Unit 6

Decorative features, whether in the form of relief, ornament or coloured detail, have long formed a special branch of design. A convincing use of decorative features, however, requires a high degree of creativity, design knowledge and craftsmanship. Craftspersons can offer advice and, in co-operation with the customer, work out draft designs which are acceptable from both a design and aesthetic viewpoint. They create templates or patterns. They select suitable plaster structures and mortars, as well as the necessary tools and design techniques, such as sgraffito and moulding.

In addition to the quality of the expert craft work, marketing forms the basis for the success of a company. In order to ensure survival in the market, correct calculation and subsequent cost analysis are just as important as the capability to carry out successful discussions with customers and to be able to process orders reliably. The areas of activity described here are for units one to six of Level 4, see following chapter. They can be adapted to all Level Stages of the European Qualification Framework.

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3.4. Levels 1 to 4

The classification of the units into levels is carried out according to the levels of the European Qualification Framework EQF. The EQF has defined 8 levels, levels 1-4 are described in the following table.

LEVEL 1 Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at level 1 Knowledge:

basic general knowledge Skills: basic skills required to carry out simple tasks Competence: work or study under direct supervision in a structured context

LEVEL 2 Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at level 2 Knowledge:

basic factual knowledge of a field of work or study Skills: basic cognitive and practical skills required to use relevant information in order to carry out tasks and to solve routine problems using simple rules and tools Competence: work or study under supervision with some autonomy

LEVEL 3 Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at level 3 Knowledge:

knowledge of facts, principles, processes and general concepts, in a field of work or study Skills: a range of cognitive and practical skills required to accomplish tasks and solve problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and information Competence: - take responsibility for completion of tasks in work or study - adapt own behaviour to circumstances in solving problems

LEVEL 4 Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at level 4 Knowledge:

factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study Skills: a range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in a field of work or study Competence: - exercise self-management within the guidelines of work or study contexts that are usually predictable, but are subject to change - supervise the routine work of others, taking some responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work or study activities

2008 From the brochure: the European Qualification Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF), Publisher: European Community,
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ECVEt Earth Building units developed within the framework of the project

Official assignments of German qualifications to the levels of the national qualification framework for Germany DQR and suggestions for classification within the European qualification framework EQF are not yet available. We were therefore unable to refer back to any comparable case. Following examination of the reference level of the EQF and the Special legal provision for examination of the continuing training course as Designer for Clay Plaster (HWK), we have assigned the qualification Designer for Clay Plaster (HWK) to Level 4 of the European Qualification Framework. In order to also be able to offer training courses for different levels with a qualification on completion, the six units for the levels 1- 3 were also developed. Unit 6 The business of clay plastering is only available for level 3 and 4; for level 1 and 2, in our experience, there is no demand for it.

Thus the ECVET Earth Building goes beyond the German qualification Designer for clay plaster and permits, independent of the particular learning context, Europe-wide qualified ECVET units of different level stages, which can in turn be counted towards existing qualifications. Depending on the level, the particular knowledge, skills and competencies necessary have been adapted accordingly. Associated criteria and indicators ensure that the quality corresponds with that of real working requirements and is applicable to the jobs market, irrespective of which unit or level is concerned and independent of whether the task is performed independently or under instruction.

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3.5. ECVET credits

3.6. Examination, evaluation and certificates

Each ECVET Unit can be examined individually. The examination should prove whether or not the candidate has actually acquired the knowledge, skills and competencies described in the unit. Within the LearnWithClay partnership, we have agreed that the method and procedure of examination should correspond to the recognised national rules. Firstly because the stipulation of a common method could be prevented by national regulations, secondly because this could also impede the use of innovative examination methods. Nevertheless, in order to ensure comparability, we have made the following binding stipulations for the three parts of the examination. Knowledge is examined in writing. Skills are tested practically. Unambiguous criteria and related indicators are to be developed for the skills of each unit. Competence will be examined in a technical discussion. Criteria and indicators A list of evaluation criteria has been drawn up for the skills of each ECVET unit. Unambiguous indicators are assigned to each evaluation criterion. This means that it is clearly regulated for all those taking part in the examination a) according to which evaluation criteria the skills are appraised and b) according to which indicators the evaluation criteria are appraised. The performance of the work, tolerances and accuracy should always correspond to the relevant standards in the particular national context. The criteria sheets, together with the list of relevant national standards, can be found in Part II of the handbook. The criteria sheets make a significant contribution to the transparency and comparability of the units and simplify assessment of performance.

At the point in time of our project processing, there was still no stipulation of how the overall weighting of the learning outcomes should be evaluated. For this reason, we have initially undertaken the evaluation of the individual ECVET Units relative to the qualification Designer for clay plaster as a whole. When deciding the percentage share, we worked on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Relative importance of the learning outcomes which make up the unit for participation in the jobs market, for the acquisition of further qualifications or for social integration; 2. Complexity, scope and volume of the learning outcomes in the unit; 3. The necessary effort required to obtain the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for the unit.

Level UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 TOTAL 4 4 4 4 4 4

ECVET credits in % 15 % 20 % 10 % 25% 15 % 15 % 100 %

allocation of ECVEt percentage credits to the units We have not yet assigned any credit evaluation to levels 1 to 3. In our view, this will only be possible when these stages have been assigned to existing qualifications.

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Application of Clay Plaster

Criteria for the Evaluation of Skills

ECVET Unit n 2 Level 4

Suitability of the plaster

The surface is sound (hard, not dusty or sandy, resistant to damage) for the particular conditions of use The surface has no cracks The plaster adheres firmly to the background The layers are well bonded

Quality of the surface

The surface flatness is according to the specifications The surface is homogenous The finish accords with the specifications

Quality of detailing

The joins are neat where plaster meets a different material. A straight and neat separation line is executed at junctions with flexible building elements. The corners are straight and their degree of curvature conforms to the specifications Pipes and conduit are properly fixed within the plaster leaving no visible trace

Plaster Structure

The mix and thickness of the different plaster layers conform to the specifications The drying time between the different layers is sufficient The reinforcing mesh is entirely embedded in the plaster layer


The adjoining surfaces are protected If necessary the background has been cleaned; moistened and keyed If a background key has been applied, it has been applied correctly

Ensure that standards of work and materials comply with relevant codes of practice and to current standards.

Evaluation criteria regarding the skills for Unit 2, Level 4

Apart from the technical aspects there will as be an assessment of the method of work, where trainers will look at the following criteria: - organisation - economy of materials and time - use of tools and machines - work place - time - safety - wastage - communication.

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Example of an assessment sheet

Assessment sheet The results of the examination are entered into an assessment sheet. A suitable assessment sheet has been developed for every unit and every level. The sheet is in four languages, so that it can be understood immediately in all partner countries without translation. By placing a cross in the particular column during the test, rapid recording of performance is possible and hence stronger concentration on the actions of the candidate during the test. The clear statements on the assessment sheet

permit the rapid and uncomplicated recording of performance. IThe evaluation key, with its progressive percentage division, corresponds with the specifications of the regulations, in the case of examination of further training measures of the German Chamber of Crafts. We have provided this key in order to permit recognition of the learning outcomes acquired (also abroad) by the Chamber of Crafts towards the qualification Designer for clay plaster.

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Specimen of a completed LearnWithClay Certificate of achievement

Specimen of a completed LearnWithClay Certificate of attendance

The examination has been passed when in all three parts of the examination (testing of skills, evaluation of knowledge and evaluation of competence) the candidate has scored at least 50%. A certificate of achievement documents the corresponding unit and level stage. If less than 50 % is achieved in only one of the three parts of the examination, the examination has not been passed. In this case the candidate receives a certificate of attendance. Samples of the certificates of attendance and achievement are available in the languages of the four partner countries, BG/DE/EN/FR. In the top left-hand corner they bear the logo of the European Qualification Framework, in the heading the LearnWithClay Logo, the background is a faintly discernible map of Europe. The particular unit is marked in the ECVET matrix. In addition, the name and level of the unit is entered.

The certificates can be called up in the internal sector of the Internet portal www.earthbuilding. eu. Documentation Each examination carried out is documented as follows: Written examinations, practical examination tasks formulated in writing, assessment sheets and copies of the certificates are kept by the testing organisation for a period of 3 years. These documents also form the basis for the planned evaluation, following the three year trial phase.

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ECVET Earth Building and Mobility

4.1. Training placements abroad
ECVET Earth Building allows the issuing of certificates for small, manageable units of learning outcomes at different Level Stages both at home and abroad within Europe. Practical learning in the teaching workshop or on the construction site also functions even with limited language skills. A practical examination in a foreign language is also possible. However, difficulties start to arise in the case of theoretical instruction and the theory examinations. ECVET Earth Building can however have recourse here to the instruction material of the CD Clay Plasters and Design, which is available in the languages Bulgarian, German, English, French, Polish and Greek, from 2010 also in Slovakian, Slovenian and Czech. Teachers who instruct in and examine the ECVET Earth Building units are recommended to use, distribute and display the supporting materials in the appropriate languages, in particular the graphically arranged info sheets on the subject matter of the units.

The LearnWithClay partners also organise sponsored training placements abroad for their trainees where possible. You can find an overview of receiving and sending partners in Chapter 9 Training offered by partners.

4.3. Contract building blocks for sample contracts

The LearnWithClay partners integrate ECVET Earth Building into the training placement abroad. Receiving and sending organisations agree in advance which ECVET learning units will be taught and examined during the placement, and agree on the issue of a LearnWithClay certificate of attendance or of achievement. For this purpose we have developed contract building blocks which can be used in conventional learning agreements between the participants, the sending and the receiving organisation. A sample can be found in Part II of this handbook. It is not essential that every sending and receiving organisation which wishes to use the ECVET Earth Building in the context of mobility is a member of the LearnWithClay partnership and has signed the partnership agreement. The deciding factor is that the examining institution is a member of the partnership, so that the ECVET certificates can be issued.

4.2. Opportunities for sponsorship

So that as many interested parties as possible are able to take advantage of the offer to learn abroad with the LearnWithClay partners, they are directed towards the possibility of financial support. The best known and most widespread opportunity for training placements in other European countries is sponsorship within the Leonardo da Vinci Mobility programme. This provides a flat-rate grant for travel, accommodation and administration costs for the sending partner. No grant is payable to the receiving partner. The programme promotes training placements abroad for trainees in the initial training phase, for those already employed and for teaching personnel. You can find notes on the conditions for sponsorship on the Internet pages of the Lifelong Learning programme and of the relevant national agencies. You can also make use of the advisory services of the national agencies.

4.4. Recommendations for preparation

Many helpful brochures have been produced recently with regard to preparation for a training placement abroad, produced by the national agencies or by associations and societies for special target groups. You can find helpful Internet addresses in our link list, in Part II of the LearnWithClay handbook. With regard to practical and cultural preparation, the LearnWithClay partnership has access to a rich fund
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of experience. The European Earth Building Network, from which the LearnWithClay partnership has arisen, has already been co-operating since 2002 in various areas on the subject of vocational training in European Earth Building. This has given rise to many travel reports and presentations on European Earth Building traditions. These texts are available on the project Internet page www.Earth and can be used for preparation purposes. In order to prepare for a training placement with ECVET Earth Building, we have produced a checklist, which can also be found in Part II of the handbook.

List B - Specialist terms, thematic sorts 200 specialist terms for the clay plaster sector according to the following subject groups: CLAY PLASTER ACTIVITIES MATERIALS TOOLS / DEVICES / MACHINES / EQUIPMENT List C - Specialist terms, alphabetic sorts the 200 specialist terms of List B alphabetically List D - Session plans refers to the learning units (session plans) of Module 1 from the instruction materials of the CD Clay Plasters and Design. The most important terms regarding materials, equipment, tools and activities of the practical instruction units D1 to D5 and P1 to P4 are dealt with. The subjects of Module 1 basis of the CD Clay Plasters and Design approximately correspond with the subjects of the ECVET Earth Building Units 1, 2 and 3. You can find the complete word lists in Part II of the handbook. A further specialist word list in the languages German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian can be found on the Internet pages of Dachverband Lehm e.V.,

4.5. Glossary
With regard to language preparation for the training placement abroad, 4 glossary lists are available in five languages: Bulgarian, German, English, French and Polish. The words are sorted alphabetically or according to subject groups. List A - General terms refers to the subjects: FOREIGN TRAVEL / EXCHANGE DAILY LIFE GENERAL DAILY LIFE PROFESSIONAL DAILY LIFE LEISURE MEETING OF TWO CULTURES

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Recommendations for action on career development and mobility in Earth Building for learners with a background of migration
Special learning conditions for migrants
A precondition for successful and sustainable learning, in addition to an optimal learning environment, is always the level of individual motivation. This includes on the one hand the expectation that the effort of learning will be rewarded with success, and on the other hand, that the growth of knowledge and ability contributes to an improvement of the personal situation. It is important at an early stage, in order to avoid failure and redundancy, that the learning process takes into consideration in its conception the learning biographies and experiences of the trainees. People with a history of immigration frequently possess experiences and competencies which differ from those of their colleagues who do not have a history of migration. In addition, a differentiation must be made between migrants whose educational and professional socialisation took place to a large extent in their homeland, and those (mainly young people) who have completed their education in Germany.

considered to be a backward and worthless method of construction. Recent developments in the area of ecological Building scarcely play a part in the public awareness of the countries of origin of the migrants. To this extent, offers of qualification in the area of Earth Building come up against what is familiar on the one hand, and what is alien on the other.

Young people with a background of migration

In the case of young people with a history of migration, the preconditions are somewhat different. On the basis of many experiences of failure, they have learnt to avoid making an effort in terms of school or career. The greater part of them have a low tolerance of frustration and have little confidence in their own abilities. Added to this are the difficulties frequently posed by inadequate language skills and many experiences of discrimination. As regards their practical experience of working with clay they have, like German young people, little in the way of knowledge or skills. In addition, they normally associate clay as a Building material with exactly the same prejudices as do young people without a history of migration.

Adult migrants
Prior to emigration to the big cities, the majority of adult migrants lived in the more rural or small town regions of their native land. In many countries of origin, especially in the countryside, people still work with clay. These types of work also traditionally come within the duties of women, therefore female migrants frequently have non-professional experience in the area of Earth Building and clay plaster which they have accumulated in their childhood and youth. This knowledge and skill, primarily acquired by learning by doing in their own families, is therefore rarely regarded as a qualification. At the same time, Building with clay is

Conclusion: Modular qualification

For both groups it applies that their life and training biographies are characterised by many interruptions. Training disrupted by the migration process, periods of unqualified employment (often also due to rights of residence issues), precarious employment relationships, are just a few examples of the problems of people with a migration background. These factors should be taken into consideration during the conception of measures for the career development and mobility of people with a history
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of migration. Against this background, a qualification in individual modules, which are also separately certifiable, is a good step in the right direction. In the first place, partial qualifications acquired can be directly utilised, and in the second place, units which have already been successfully completed provide encouragement to acquire further certificates. ECVET Earth Building permits the trainees to acquire partial qualifications for the sector of clay plasters from the entry level through to the level of independent craftsperson, and to have these certificated. In the LearnWithClay test group female migrants it has been shown that the entry level can also be very much of interest to vocational fields not associated with crafts: e.g. the Unit 1 Preparing clay plaster for pre-school teachers or Unit 4 Interior design with clay plaster for specialist sales personnel in the Building supplies trade.

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The LearnWithClay Partnership Contract

In a Memorandum of Understanding, ten LearnWithClay partners have agreed to offer training and course opportunities for the ECVET Earth Building units which have been developed, and to carry out examinations for the ascertainment of the resultant learning outcomes. Within this context, they pledge to use the agreed evaluation system, consisting of criteria, indicators and assessment sheet. The certificates acquired are mutually recognised by all partner organisations of the LearnWithClay partnership. Ten organisations are members of the LearnWithClay partnership: Akterre (FR), amazonails (UK), AsTerre (FR), BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V. (DE), Berufliches Schulzentrum Leipziger Land (DE), Deutsch-Bulgarisches Berufsbildungszentrum DBBZ (BG), FAL e.V. (DE), le Gabion (FR), LehmbauKontor Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (DE) and the Knobelsdorff-Schule (DE).


Certificates can only be made out by organisations which are members of the LearnWithClay partnership. On the basis of mutual trust, we can guarantee the quality of the qualifications. The LearnWithClay partners have mutually agreed a three-year trial period. At the latest following this period, they will meet again to jointly evaluate the implementation of the ECVET Earth Building, to renew the alliance and also to extend it, where necessary. The partnership is, however, already open to new member organisations. Their acceptance requires the agreement of all ten members.

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ECVET Earth Building has the aim that certificates which are acquired abroad can be counted towards existing qualifications in the home country. The legal preconditions for this, however, are either not yet in place or are still in the trial phase. As a first step, the LearnWithClay partnership will mutually recognise the certificates among its partners. The six units represent a beginning. They can serve as a pattern for the development of other ECVET units for other common fields of activity in the Earth Building sector, such as clay masonry construction, wet clay techniques, clay dry walling techniques and rammed earth construction. ECVET Earth Building however can already represent an enhancement to existing qualifications. For example, the units can enhance existing qualifications as bricklayer, painter, plasterer and stucco worker.

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Application fields for ECVET Earth Building

Additionally, individual units, such as e.g. Unit 3 Maintenance, repair and surface treatment of clay plasters, can be integrated into qualifications in the sector of the care and restoration of historical monuments. It is also possible to allocate individual units to other qualifications not associated with the construction sector; e.g. Unit 1 Preparing clay plaster could represent a meaningful addition to the qualifications of preschool teachers. FAL e.V. confirms that enquiries for additional qualifications in Earth Building are increasing from persons who offer Earth Building projects for and with children. Also Unit 4 Interior design with clay plaster can represent a meaningful enhancement to the qualification as sales professional in the building materials trade. Possibilities and perspectives for ECVET Earth Building in the four partner countries, Bulgaria, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, are explained in Part III of the handbook.

Learning paths with ECVET Earth Building

Thirteen examples of possible learning paths are given by interviews, and portray representatives from each partner country and from the principle target groups. The learning paths describe visions of the future. They anticipate the possibility of crediting the ECVET certificates towards national qualifications and their recognition and transferability between the vocational training systems of the participating countries. However, they also show what a diversity of learning, in particular in the sector of natural Building techniques, has already become reality throughout Europe. ECVET Earth Building allows these target groups to receive learning opportunities and qualifications which are tailored to their requirements.


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Audrey Touchaud (FR), 29 years old

Clay as a Building material was not really new to Audrey Touchaud. But when she received instruction from Sylvie Wheeler and was able to work for two weeks at one of her construction sites, she was however very surprised. I never thought that it was THAT: simply grains. Watching the clay being separated into its component parts through sieving has altered my world view. The graduate communications scientist has worked previously in many very different construction craft sectors. But when she discovered clay in Africa during a pupil exchange which she was escorting, and subsequently successfully completed training courses in working with the material, her vocational path was clearly determined. For over eight months she underwent training at LE GABION as a specialist worker in the care of historical monuments. She received an OPRP* qualification. In 2009 the 29 year old snatched a three-month apprenticeship in a small Breton company. She found the salary and training, sealed by an AFPA** contract, to be excellent. Now she knows the most important qualities of the building material, can use clay plasters, make Earth wrapping, apply clay coloured finishes and test and try the material.
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communications scientist and specialist worker in the preservation of monuments The grains have changed her world view
However, this is not enough for the Frenchwoman. She wants to combine her wide range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The more she learns about Earth Building, the better will be her advice to interested parties in the future. She wants to make a journey around the world, to exchange information at the places where Earth Building is used, to try out new techniques, penetrate to the primeval methods of processing, in order to then write an encyclopaedia of Earth Building.Her passion is for the colours. Clay and colour. Experimenting with the colour of the clay, developing and producing mixtures, that is what I dream of. Perhaps then she can take a degree course. In Unit 4, LearnWithClay offers a qualification in colour theory and interior design.
*abbreviation for Ouvrier professionnel en restauration du patrimoine (Specialist worker in the restoration of historical monuments) ** AFPA, the French educational institution, finances vocational training for adults.

Marjolaine Camus (FR), 30 years old

interior designer Childhood Connections
The interior designer Marjolaine Camus had her first contact with clay at a very early age, since it was part of her upbringing: her mother is a potter. Now 22 years old, she likes to use the clay unfired, as an ecological and decorative material which comes from the Earth, goes directly onto the wall and needs no transformation from extraction to building component, thus making living in a house practical, interesting and pleasant. During her two years studying applied arts at the Paris College of Art, she learned to apply and work plasters, prepare substrates for lime plasters and to hone her skills in colour theory and room design. She knows how to put decor into its correct perspective and how to create a certain mood, can play with surfaces and designs her own decorative elements. I want to work with clay in the same manner that I have learned with lime. The building material is natural and has wonderful aesthetic qualities - all those colours... The Frenchwoman has recently established herself as a freelance artist in the design sector, produces sgraffito, frescoes, mosaics, decorative plaster. She wishes to remain independent and creative, but can however imagine herself working with others on larger projects. Although she initially wished to continue her studies in the direction of monument preservation and art, she has now decided in favour of practical work. She now wishes to take short courses to get to know the properties of clay and its behaviour. In the ECVET Earth Building units 1 and 4 she will be able to find out how clay plaster mortar is made and how to use it imaginatively in interior spaces. The Frenchwoman is not averse to learning this abroad. In addition to her mother tongue, she speaks English and Italian. So a residence abroad opens up more new horizons, conceals the unexpected. Marjolaine Camus uses clay intuitively. As she does all other building materials. For her, what is important is to meet other craftspersons in the course of her practical work, to watch their hands and learn new skills.

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the diagram illustrates in the black part the learning path up till now, whereas the orange part illustrates a possible learning path in future, assuming a recognition of the ECVEt certificates in the participating countries.

Works as a self employed painter Designer in clay plastering (DE) training course and achieving ECVET Certificate Unit 1, 2, 5 and 6 Level 4 at FAL e.V. (DE) practical experience at site mobility placement at the company of Sylvie Wheeler (FR) gaining competences for units 3, 4 ECVET Certificates awarded by le GABION goes on a journey incorporating a series of work placements to further improve skills and knowledge

Mandy Kditz (DE), 20 years old

painter First, she is going on a journey

To build a house from the ground up, entirely of clay, every part from the floor to the roof ridge - that is the dream of this 20 year old. Mandy Kditz has just completed her training as painter/ varnisher at the Berufliche Schulzentrum Leipziger Land in Bhlen near Leipzig. During her training she took advantage of the offer of a three-week foreign residence with the French partner Batipole en Limouxin, Centre national de formation du btiment, financed via the Leonardo da Vinci Mobility programme. The painter first came into contact with clay as a building material at their construction sites.. It is so lovely working with clay, and also poses no health risk to hold it in your hands and model with it. The building material is good for the acclimatisation of rooms, and thus for the well-being of people. So says Mandy, who now would be happy to use this building material, e.g. for plastering walls. She wishes to find out more about clay architecture, rammed earth, adobe buildings. Before she starts her own business, she first wishes to go on a journey. She would like to travel - Europe-wide, worldwide. Perhaps she will join a guild. She has no desire to visit a succession of schools, but wishes to extend her knowledge and skills at private sites and in various different businesses. It is possible that she will find out even more about clay plasters and clay colour finishes in practice in the
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Awarded qualification as trained painter (DE) During Mobility exchange she comes into contact with clay as a building material and learns about clay plastering achieving the Certificates ECVET Units 1 and 2 on complition participates in a mobility exchange between her vocational school, BSZ Leipziger Land (DE), with Batipole en Limouxin (FR)

Training as an Apprentice Painter

painting business of Sylvie Wheeler, whom she got to know as an instructor during her stay in France and whom she describes as the top plasterer. Subsequently, Mandy could take an examination at the LearnWithClay partners Le GABION and obtain the ECVET certificate Interior design with clay plasters. In order to become her own boss, she needs to be able to do calculations and know how to successfully carry out discussions with customers. If she attends further courses with FAL e.V., she will be entitled to use the title Designer for clay plasters. She can also then register her business, with an emphasis on clay plasters.

Hywel Lewis (UK), 26 years old

dry walling specialist He is on his way as an ambassador for building

The place from which this 26 year old comes has a long tradition of house and wall building with natural stone and slate. In North Wales, a very harsh mountainous region, Hywel Lewis began as a child repairing stone walls on the farm. Today he works on and teaches strawbale construction, clay and lime plastering. His skill and comprehensive knowledge have made him one of the most sought-after specialists in dry-stone walling. This traditional technique is found throughout Great Britain and Ireland. Through his contact with amazonails, the Welshman has discovered that building with stone and strawbales can be complementary. He has attended various courses with the organisation and also passed a training course as ambassador there. Now he is travelling around as an ambassador for natural building, passing on his knowledge. I get a great deal back from this, learn from it continually and profit from these many contacts. He is currently working on a Welsh construction site. A 200 year old house, formerly of stone and clay, is to be restored. Unfortunately, over the past century, little maintenance has been done, and that of poor quality. The rain has washed out the stone walls. Now wet is penetrating into the house. This breaks the heart of Hywel Lewis. We must make good the cracks with clay mortar and protect it with lime, so that the building will survive for the next 100 years. The specialist in dry-stone walling will complete the various ECVET units in different European countries, in order to become familiar with the cultural dif-

ferences in earth building methods. He will complete units 1 and 2 at amazonails, he will be introduced to historical clay plaster techniques at LE GABION and will learn about fine quality coloured clay plasters at FAL e.V.. Next, the ambassador will go to Portugal, to help with the restoration of an old house and the new construction of a strawbale building, work with the local clay and research old formulations. I consider my work as that of a sculptor, intuitive and creative. Incorporating a wealth of ideas into the construction process is what I really enjoy.

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Samir Outtar (FR) , 36 years old

bricklayer and Earth builder Many stones cleared from the path
The 36 year old has had to clear many stones from his path before he was able to found his own bricklaying company. When Samir Outtar came to France, 8 years ago, he did not have the right diploma. His vocational experience was not recognised for an adult training place at AFPA, although he had already learned with his grandfather in Algeria how to work with stone, clay and cement, although he had completed secondary education there and an apprenticeship as precision engineer. An accident then robbed him of this last strength. Despite this, he completed the training as bricklayer at AFPA and a practical course in rammed Earth, also a clay plaster course with Akterre. The decision to make a career of earth building was reached by Samir as he viewed clay houses during his training which had already been occupied by several generations. The houses are now in need of renovation. But there is a lack of skilled craftspeople. This is what the bricklayer is planning for the future: To give old houses a new lease of life, to repair
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rammed Earth walls - here a great tradition - and to build new ones, to decorate interior spaces, extend buildings - always using clay. The building material is almost like a medicine, especially for people with breathing difficulties. It reminds me of my homeland. He is considering further training in Morocco, where French associations offer courses on arches, domes and covings. Completing a course in Germany he currently sees as too difficult due to the language barrier, although he would find it very interesting. First, however, he must get some orders.. He could learn this in a course from the LearnWithClay partnership. But right now, there is neither time nor opportunity. At present his negotiations with customers are carried out by a young woman, since as a migrant he is faced with prejudice and therefore has less chance of success. Soon he wishes to employ another worker. He wants to pass on his knowledge of clay to others. Trainees from the organisation where he trained himself, AFPA in Saint-Etienne, will also be welcome.

Milko Stefanov Vakov (BG), 20 years old

drywall constructor and building technologist Young people quickly make contacts
The 20 year old has already gained experience of international youth exchange. Firstly in the cultural sector. However Milko Stefanov Vakov does not want to miss the opportunity to get to know other people and their cultures, and to find out more about the difference of their lives. So he can certainly imagine himself in a European country finding out more about clay, which seemed to have been almost forgotten in his homeland and has only in recent times - but still to a very limited extent begun to be used again. The trained drywall fitter and building technician would like to get a degree in architecture. He is preparing himself for the entrance exam at the university. When he was offered a test course in clay plaster during his training at the German-Bulgarian Vocational Training Centre DBBZ in Pleven, Milko was happy to participate, since he found it very pleasurable to try something new, which was not anchored in the traditional vocational training. Thus the Bulgarian will be able to acquire further basic and specialist knowledge of earth building, practical and theoretical, with the LearnWithClay partnership, both within Bulgaria and through the other member countries. There are six courses ahead of him, each with various levels, and each comes with a certificate. This equates to his concept of a thorough, training with other interested people and the learning of different techniques. He would very much wish to pass on all of this experience to his colleagues in his homeland. He doesnt see language as a barrier, and he can already speak a little Russian and English. Young people make contact quickly. They get together in an uncomplicated way. Gestures and body language are enough initially. And why not immerse yourself in the language on the spot? He still does not know how such learning programmes are promoted but knows he can rely on his former trainers, who will be able to help him to organise finance and maybe find grant funding.

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Rainer Mons (FR), 42 years old

joiner, strawbale builder Building side by side with others
It also works like this: Discovering clay on a journey Rainer Mons saw earth buildings on the reservations of the Navaho Indians, helped to fit a door to a clay wall there - became more inspired by the building method - and then plastered his own house in France with the spoil from the drainage work. The rooms are now super insulated. The trained joiner has taught himself a great deal. But it was the courses at FAL e.V. which allowed him to enter into the theory. The 44 year old had previously always worked alone, but now gained enthusiasm for group activity, which he learned to enjoy in May 2009 on the courses Mixing of clay plasters and Application of clay plasters, together with Finns, Dutch, Germans, Italians and French people. His aim is to build strawbale houses together with them, with the strawbales being coated on the room side with clay, thus making them fireproof. Both go together well, in his opinion. This is a group activity. The motivation of a group inspires me. Together with like-minded others, he now works practically on earth building sites. To experience the great joy of Building a clay house, side by side with others, is for him the greatest result of attending the training courses.
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Rainer Mons wants to encourage people to use this material from the earth. If he wishes to become an instructor at the AFPA, the French adult training institute, an ECVET certificate will be very useful. He next plans to attend the courses Interior design with clay plasters and Decorative features made from clay plaster at FAL e. V., in order to be able to finish rooms with professional colour and provide them with special extra touches. The self-employed craftsman still wishes to visit many countries. With his knowledge of four languages, he can make himself understood anywhere and thus get to know the various cultures. Since the world consists of so many facets.

Nora Kasanick (SK), 27 years old

Natural Builder For a sympathetic construction The Gentle Builder

It all happened very quickly: The Religious Studies student Nora Kasanick came into contact with Earth and strawbale building in 2006 during her European voluntary service in Turkey, and immediately, her love of building was rekindled. Already, as a child, she had helped her father with building in Slovakia. With great pleasure. However, the family decided that this career path was not suitable for girls. Since that time Nora Kasanick has met many women in the natural building world, and feels very much at home there. The meeting in Turkey with the German carpenter Fredi Fuchs, who owns her own strawbale company, was followed by the strawbale meeting in the eco-village of Siebenlinden, where in addition to Bee Rowan, one of the British founders of amazonails, she also met Martina Scharf. Both of whom supported her in her decision to carry on her studies in earth building. The Slovakian successfully completed a two-week course in clay plaster on a strawbale building in Italy. When I led a beginners group after a couple of days, it became clear to me that I would make a career in clay plaster. Even after just a week, I loved it so much... A course at amazonails in strawbale building, clay and lime plasters followed, then the successful completion of Units 1 to 3 at FAL e.V., also a course in Denmark with the world-renowned clay plaster experts from Arizona, Bill and Athena Steen. When she gave a clay plaster course for 20 people in the Czech Republic in 2009, it became clear to her that she still wishes to learn much more about the different techniques in various regions. She wants to know everything she needs to be able build a house. The 29 year old will visit FAL e.V. to take the courses for the further units 4 to 6, and has obtained a grant to learn carpentry work in the North of England on historic buildings (combined with an ICA* examination). The construction industry must alter its priorities with regard to materials selection and energy consumption. The 29 year old wishes to support this change everywhere in Europe through her work. She advertises herself as Nora The Gentle Builder.
* ICA - Intermediate Construction Award in Wood Occupations. The qualification corresponds with an NVQ2 Level (National Vocational Qualification) in the UK

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Funda Erdoan (DE), 44

pre-school teacher It was new to her as a building material

years old

integrates earth building activities in her child therapy work. ECVET earth building certificates improve her career chances as a pre school teacher and Child Care Worker.

works within a mobility exchange programme in Turkey restoring traditional earth built houses achieves the ECVET certificates 2 and 3 level 1 or 2

participates in an introductory course clay plastering at BAUFACHFRAU Berlin (DE) and recieves the ECVET certificate 1, 4 and 5 level 1 works as a Child Care Worker for disabled children and youngsters

Funda Erdoans grandparents live in a Turkish hamlet with a population of 13. The ancient houses are still sound, and are built from clay, stone and wood. During her visits there, she found that clay equalises temperatures, keeping it cool inside, when it is hot outside. A wonderful property of this building material. The little house could do with some building work, and perhaps one day she will be able to do that herself. In the past year, the 44 year old has attended an introductory workshop of BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V. at the multicultural neighbourhood garden in Neuklln, Berlin, in order to learn something new to do with her hands. It was a simple as that. And she was also able to improve her German at the same time. This was when she was introduced to Earth as a building material, although she was familiar with clay, which can be rolled and kneaded. It made her happy to discover something new to her, which called upon the knowledge of our ancestors. She now hopes to also be able to use Earth in her work with disabled young people. Children and young people love to play with Earth. When they produce something with painstaking effort, it makes them proud and dissipates aggression. As such, working with Earth on a small scale in this aspect of her work could be useful. If the Turkish woman receives a certificate for participation in an exam, this will increase her career and employment prospects as a child care worker. Funda now wishes to take further courses in earth building in order to learn structural building as well as plastering. The LearnWithClay partnership offers courses abroad, which are sponsored as part of the lifelong learning programme. If a Turkish educational provider were to join the LearnWithClay partnership, she would be able to move closer to her dream of obtaining a certificate and at the same time being able to maintain her grandparents house. And she could help to make earth as a building material known as a modern and future-viable building material in her home country, by passing on her experience as a role model and with practical examples. the diagram illustrates in the black part the learning path up till now, whereas the orange part illustrates a possible learning path in future, assuming a recognition of the ECVEt certificates in the participating countries.

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Martina Scharf (DE)

self-employed earth builder Her work is a process of constant learning

In her work, Martina Scharf from Mnster follows her intuition. This has led her to sample various occupations in different places. There was the motorcycle workshop, in which she plied her tools for half a year, her successfully completed course of study as social worker and the course as bricklayer at the Berlin Kirchbauhof, specialising in earth building. Despite unemployment, she has remained on the ball through further education, trade fairs and by contact with colleagues. Five years ago she became self-employed. She was the very first to complete the course at FAL e.V. as Designer for clay plasters. There she learned much about clay surfaces, received information from various suppliers on which mixtures were the best, learned to get to know the grain sizes and the mixing of pigments. She can now build walls with all types of Earth products, plaster, produce light wood/clay mixtures, design and produce high quality wall surfaces from fine clay plasters. It is a real turn-on for Martina totally, to produce straight walls with the material, it is to her an inner satisfaction, to produce something beautiful every day. The material is very forgiving, she says, since one can simply make it wet again, remix and try again. With each new order comes a new, previously unknown, challenge; her work is a process of constant learning. Martina meets with a European learning group every year, which is made up of the women from amazonails who have specialised in strawbale building, in order to work with each other, to learn and to hold courses. She overcomes language barriers with great patience. In the end, it is much to do with imitation and working together; for this, few words are needed. She loves the challenge, wishes to know more about the preservation of historic buildings and Japanese plastering techniques, by which an unbelievable number of very thin layers are placed on top of each other. Martina wishes to pass on her profound knowledge, in other countries too. Preferably to female trainees.

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Kimberley Burgoyne (UK), 27 years old

training as plasterer There is Earth and chalk almost everywhere
Kimberley Burgoyne left school without qualifications in the South of England at a very early age, since her environment did not give her the support she needed for her dyslexia - and she became a herdswoman. Day and night, she spent her time with goats. Even as a small child, she wanted to build shelters for them and for herself from straw - cheap, energy-saving and safe. Animals are like people, when they live somewhere and do not like it there, they move. They need secure breeding places in which they can bring up their young, otherwise there are no offspring. A practical course in marine biology gave rise to the wish to work in a zoo. She wanted to search for solutions for the better housing of amphibians and fish. Working and living 24 hours a day with animals can be a little lonely, the 27 year old found, so she moved to Brighton, worked in trendy bars and pubs and decided that this much too fast, too hectic and unhealthy society was not for her either. And so she emigrated to India. Coming back to the
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North of England years later, she next learnt at amazonails how to climb a ladder properly, how to make houses weatherproof with lime, and attended further earth building courses with many other beginners. She now wants to become a plasterer. With this training she can work in many places, since there is Earth and lime almost everywhere. In the last few years she has always worked in the conventional manner and now wishes to see how far she can go with clay. Next year she will take ECVET courses 1 and 2 at amazonails, and hopes that she can soon take the NVQ1 courses 1 and 2 for lime and clay. In Ireland, together with practitioners from across Europe, she is currently learning how to apply clay plasters to strawbale and stone houses. Then it will be an earth building workshop in Italy, after which she wishes to build up contacts with Bulgaria, in order to be able to complete further ECVET courses in different places.
The UK currently does not offer an NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) in clay plaster, but as part of the UK partners vision on taking forward the work of the LearnWithClay project, they hope to create a new occupational standard and qualification - NVQ Clay Plaster, similar to the NVQ in lime plaster (Heritage skills).

Julian Lenz (DE), 21

vocational preparation year as bricklayer, with emphasis on earth building He is rather modern-minded
The 21 year old is happy to live in a high-rise building, and is rather modern-minded - you know, more wallpapers and metal. Nevertheless, Julian Lenz has decided in favour of clay at the Berlin Knobelsdorff-Schule in his career preparatory year. (He didnt find the wood or concrete options anywhere like as interesting). He was astonished: The things that you can do with it! The fact that the clay stays on the ceiling the way it does... that it can always be used again. That it can be worked thick or thin; corners or curves can be formed with it; that it can be coloured how you want... that clay is so versatile and that you can use your hands to build with it, something which is not possible with cement.. During the last year, Julian has caught up with his secondary school qualifications. For him, that was the most important thing. And through his practical training with a master builder, he has received certification for the qualification module Manufacture of building shells using earth building methods, as well as the ECVET Earth Building certificate Application of clay plaster for Level 2. Over three years, he wants to complete his training as painter/varnisher, the rather finer type of building work, in his opinion. He will concentrate on that. Julian has skilful hands, which is important for painting and for working with clay. However, he wishes to stay true to clay, through which he has quite suddenly found that his eyes have opened to seeing half timbered houses or pictures of mud huts in Africa quite differently, that he now literally sees the world quite differently. The same applies when he watches the progress of natural building work on the site of the childrens farm Pinke Panke. Following his training, he could start work in a small Berlin painting firm, which sells ecological paints and clay plaster and where his knowledge of clay would come in very handy. He would also have the option of taking more in-depth courses with the LearnWithClay partners in France or England. Perhaps his company would be able to get him a placement there, within the framework of a Leonardo da Vinci mobility exchange for instance.
geschtzter Spezialist in seiner Firma Mobilittsaustausch ber den Betrieb mit AKTERRE (FR), dort erhlt er das ECVET Zertifikat 4 und 5 Niveau 3 o. 4

years old

findet Arbeit bei einem kleinen kologisch orientierten Malerbetrieb

Gesellenabschlu Maler beginnt eine Lehre als Maler bei einem berbetrieblichenTrger erhlt ECVET Zertifikate 1, 2, 3 Niveau 2 (von der Knobelsdorffschule, DE)

besucht das berufsvorbreitende Jahr und erhlt das Zertifkat fr den Qualifizierungsbaustein Lehmbau und den Hauptschulabschluss.

the diagram illustrates in the black part the learning path up till now, whereas the orange part illustrates a possible learning path in future, assuming a recognition of the ECVEt certificates in the participating countries.
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Andr de Bouter (FR), 41 years old

course facilitator and trainer The energy changes
Andr de Bouters most valuable gain from his attendance of the courses at FAL e.V. was to be able see things through the eyes of others. The 41 year old came to learn didactic methods, in other words to find out more about teaching, and to exchange experiences. Born in Holland, he wishes to establish a school for strawbale building in France where he now lives, and to issue diplomas and certificates himself. He has had a wide range of experience with this type of construction. For six years now, he has earned his keep with courses on strawbale building, which also integrate working with clay and Clay and Art. Something special happens when you come into contact with the material, the energy changes. He wishes to turn this fascination into his career. First of all he will help others to discover nature, to then become more in harmony with themselves. During this process, he wishes to acquire a deeper understanding of clay as a building material himself. For this purpose he uses any meetings and assemblies of other interested parties, visits workshops, further courses and works with children. Andr de Bouter can make himself understood in four languages, but thinks however
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that the mind thinks in terms of pictures, and these pictures can also be activated in other countries. Andr de Bouter writes and translates books, reads all types of specialist publications with which he comes into contact, communicates via the Internet as a member of the Global Strawbale Network, and thus participates in the knowledge of experienced people and takes part in international strawbale meetings. He describes himself as without fixed occupation, SMF (Sans Mtier Fixe)*. He had his first experiences with clay in India, where he participated in a construction project with earth and cement additions. In 2000 he travelled with his wife 11,000 km through Europe, from one strawbale project to the next. He got to know more about ecological building in Indiana USA and in Mexico, at Builders Without Borders, at an intercultural build. This also included role playing, in order to experience cultural differences.

* A play on words in French: SDF = sans domicile fixe = without fixed abode = tramp


Training courses and addresses

The partner organisations offer various learning contexts, such as vocational preparation, vocational training, further training, free courses and learning on the construction site.

LehmbauKontor Berlin-Brandenburg and Asterre do both not offer their own training courses. Their members are however active as trainers and examiners for ECVET Earth Building courses. You can find current offerings under and on the Internet pages of the participating training institutes.
Levels of training and certificates you can gain

Host establishment

Home establishment

Offers for teachers



UnIT 1

UnIT 2

UnIT 3

UnIT 4 4 3 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 1

UnIT 5 4 3 2 1 1

DBBZ Pleven (BG)

Introductory seminars, child and youth education

Various European co-operative ventures in vocational training in the building sectors

FAL e.V. Ganzlin (DE)

Courses for lecturers and trainers from european countries

Qualification: Designer for clay plasters (chamber of crafts), multi-lingual lecturers (English, French)

4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

2 1 4 3 2 1

BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V. Berlin (DE) Berufliches Schulzentrum BSZ Leipzig (DE) KnoblesdorffSchule Berlin (DE) Le Gabion Embrun (FR) Further training for teachers

On-site learning and building instruction by and for craftswomen 1 Integration of earth building into conventional training 3 2 4 3 2 1 3 2 4 3 2 1 3 2 4 3 2

Further training for teachers

Certificated introductory module in earth building in vocational preparation Certified courses in building Continuous vocational training for craftspeople Regional historical building techniques; gypsum/clay plaster techniques

3 2 1

AKTERRE Saint-Quentin-sur-Isre (FR) amazonails Todmorden (UK) Ambassador for strawbale building and natural building techniques

Short courses available throughout France: clay plaster, decoration, earth building materials 2 1 4 3 2 1

Learning natural building techniques on the construction site or in the workshop; mixed groups, accessibility to minority groups, customised courses, team building in the construction process

3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

3 2 1

2 1

The ECVET earth building offered by the LearnWithClay partners for: young people people in vocational training trades, craftspeople and professionals

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UnIT 6 4 3 4 3 2 1

Senior project partner


FAL e.V. Verein zur Frderung angemessener Lebensverhltnisse e.V. Europische Bildungssttte fr Lehmbau Uta Herz Am Bahnhof 2, D -19395 Ganzlin www.Earth The Association for the promotion for economically and ecologically adequate conditions of life which is based in Mecklenburg, combines employment market requirements with sustainable regional development. Building on the local tradition of clay and brick construction, FAL e.V. initiated the Lehm+Backsteinstrasse (clay and brick street) with the focal points of the Clay Museum, Wangeliner Garden and European School for Earth Building.


German-Bulgarian Vocational Training Centre Nicoletta Mintescheva Alexander Stamboliiski-Str. 16 BG - 5800 Pleven The German-Bulgarian vocational training centre in Pleven trains young people and adults in classic basic building trades, and offers continuous education and qualification courses.

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Partner organisations and contact addresses



Ute Mai Lehderstr. 108 D -13086 Berlin

Qualifies unemployed women in the sectors of ecological Building, Earth Building and the preservation of monuments, and trains female joiners. The association initiates hands-on social building projects in disadvantaged city areas for children, young people and adults with or without a background of migration.

Berufliches Schulzentrum Leipziger Land

Dietmar Schfer Marcel Schweder D - 04564 Bhlen

Vocational school for dual training, offers trainees in masonry/bricklaying and painting the option of an Earth Building qualification within their practical trade instruction and plans the development of a competence centre for Earth Building.


Handwerkskammer Schwerin Berufsbildungs- und Technologiezentrum

Matthias Markewitz Werkstrae 600 D -19061 Schwerin

LehmbauKontor BerlinBrandenburg e.V.


One of the basic tasks of the Vocational and Technology Centre of the Chamber of Crafts, Schwerin, is continual technical and economically effective continuous education in crafts.

Verein zur Frderung des kologischen Bauens Irmela Fromme Burkard Rger Am Hegewinkel 107 D -14169 Berlin This association for the promotion of ecological Building regards itself as a provider of inspiration and ideas in the eco-Building sector, with the emphasis on earth building. The members of the LehmbauKontor (Earth Building association) are craft companies, craftspersons, educators and planners who are involved in earth building and ecological construction.

Daniel Turquin 1498 Route de Montaud FR -38210 St.-Quentin-sur-Isre The Akterre company is a leading clay plaster manufacturer in St. Quentin / South of France. Their trademark products are coloured red clay plasters.



Oberstufenzentrum Bautechnik I Berlin Nonnendammallee 140-143 D -13599 Berlin The pupils own earth building company, under the leadership of Andreas Joerdens, qualifies young people in vocational preparation in Earth Building techniques. Trainees in wood and Building protection, masonry crafts and preservation of monuments (Technical Assistant) complete a one-week earth building foundation course.

association nationale des professionnels de la terre crue 67 rue Pierre Tal Coat FR -27000 Evreux The French umbrella organisation, founded in 2006, promotes companies which are active in Earth Building and offers them a platform for the exchange of ideas. The membership of specialists from other professions, such as e.g. planners and training organisations, enables the creation of comprehensive projects for vocational training and the recognition of Earth Building technologies.

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United Kingdom

Expert adviser
Dr. Hans-Jrgen Lindemann Wiesbadener Str. 14 a D -12161 Berlin


Richard Lacortiglia Domain du Pont Neuf route de St.-Andr FR -05200 Embrun The training provider Le GABION has given itself the task of passing on and preserving ancient craft knowledge, e.g. for application in the care of historical monuments, as well as developing modern, natural techniques in timber and Earth Building.

Hope Mill Bee Rowan Crescent St. Todmorden OL14 5HA UK Non-profit company and training organisation in the UK, leading in strawbale and natural Building techniques. Its aim is to strengthen communities through training and further education and, through positive examples of good practice, to promote CO2-neutral, energyefficient and affordable Building.


Prof. Dr. Johannes Meyser Dr. Michael Martin Technische Universitt Berlin Institut fr Berufliche Bildung und Arbeitslehre (IBBA) Franklinstrae 28/29 D -10587 Berlin


National Specialist Office Simon Holmes Charnwood Wing Holywell Park Ashby Road Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3GJ UK The council for vocational training in the construction sector for the entire United Kingdom has the task of promoting the qualification of workers within the construction sector. For this purpose, it develops national vocational standards and qualifications, provides certification, and itself acts as a training provider. 48 | ECVET Earth Building Handbook Part I


Products and ordering addresses

CD Clay Plasters and Design Contains teaching and learning materials for the course Designer for clay plaster, with the modules Basic Principles, Design and Marketing, on over 500 pages in total. Available in the following language versions: BG/ EN, DE/EN, FR/EN, PL/EN and GR Cost: 29 EUR Course folder Clay Plasters and Design Language: DE Folder containing teaching and learning materials on the modules Basic Principles and Design of the course Designer for clay plasters, approx.380 pages, includes the CD Clay Plasters and Design (DE/EN) Cost: 79 EUR


Project information sheet Lernergebnisse im Lehmbau europaweit zertifiziert Learning outcomes in Earth construction sector across Europe Free 6 page project overview, German with English summary Publisher: NA-BIBB Brochure Pathways to clay ECVET earth building - Learning across Europe Available in the languages BG, DE, EN or FR Attractively illustrated colour brochure in 4 language versions with explanations of the ECVET Earth Building range of training courses and description of possible learning paths in earth building. 24 pages, Cost: 5 EUR BG: ISBN 2-906901-61-X DE: ISBN 2-906901-59-8 EN: ISBN 2-906901-60-1 FR: ISBN 2-906901-58-X CRAterre ditions
Wege zum Lehm
ECVET Lehmbau Eine europische Gebrauchsanweisung

CD Photo Gallery, Clay Plaster and Design Language: EN Contains over 500 photos on the subjects of the course Clay Plasters and Design for teachers to print out for instruction and explanation purposes, in the English language. Cost: 49 EUR CD Les enduits en Terre Language: FR Contains a teaching film on the course module: Clay Plasters, Basic Principles and Basic Skills. Subjects: Function of plaster, composition, application, structure of clay as a Building material, substrates, foundation plasters, fine plasters. Instructors: Richard Lacortiglia, Julien Chabanne A film by Benjamin Guillot, le Gabion Total running time 26 min Cost: 29 EUR or free download from

PDF document, 3 parts Handbook ECVET Earth Building Available in the languages BG,DE,EN or FR Part I Procedural Instructions for ECVET Earth Building Part II Tools and Documents Part III Background Texts for ECVET Earth Building Free download from
Handbuch ECVET Lehmbau

Ordering address for all products: FAL e.V. Am Bahnhof 2, D-19395 Ganzlin Tel: 0049 (0)38707 20207 or via

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Publishing information

This handbook is a co-operative work within the European partnership in the Leonardo da Vinci innovation transfer project Lernpunkt Lehm - A European system for the identification, evaluation and recognition of competencies in Earth Building. Project number: DE/07/LLP-LdV/TOI/147057 Project duration: 24.10.2007- 23.10.2009 Contractor: FAL e.V., Ganzlin (DE) Partner organisations: amazonails, Todmorden (UK); AsTerre, Evreux (FR); Akterre, Saint Quentin sur Isre (FR); BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V. (DE); Berufliches Schulzentrum Leipziger Land, Bhlen (DE); BTZ der HWK Schwerin, Schwerin (DE); constructionskills, Norfolk (UK); DBBZ Pleven (BG); Knobelsdorff-Schule OSZ Bautechnik I Berlin (DE); Le Gabion, Embrun (FR); Lehmbaukontor Berlin Brandenburg e.V., Berlin (DE) Authors: Lydie Didier, Alexandre Douline, Irmela Fromme, Mary Jamin, Barbara Jones, Uta Herz, Tatjana Hofmann, Simon Holmes, Richard Lacortiglia, Ute Mai, Matthias Markewitz, Nicoletta Mintschewa, Bee Rowan, Burkard Rger, Dietmar Schfer, Rainer Schuhmann, Marcel Schweder, Sylvie Wheeler Photos Marie Bienaim, Yuriy Konov, Rae Parkinson, Vronique Popinet, Thomas Renault, Andrea Theis Drawings: Gerhard Lichtner, Andrea Silbermann, Arnaud Misse

Layout of handbook: Arnaud Misse Layout of ECVET units and certificates: Andrea Silbermann We offer our thanks for the interviews with: Kimberley Burgoyne, Marjolaine Camus, Andr de Bouter, Funda Erdoan, Nora Kasanick, Mandy Kditz, Julian Lenz, Hywel Lewis, Rainer Mons, Samir Outtar, Martina Scharf, Audrey Touchaud, Milko Stefanov Vakov We would also like to thank Batiple, in particular Anne Mervoyer and Dirk Eberhard, for making possible the first test mobility exchange, and all participants and teachers of the test courses and mobility measures for their co-operation. We offer our thanks for technical suggestions and advice to Oliver Baer, Anne-Marie Charraud, Pascal Dufour, Andreas Joerdens, Gareth Headland, Klaus Hirrich, Andreas Krewet, Hans-Jrgen Lindemann, Michael Martin, Jean-Marc Mei, Johannes Meyser, Michel Mourier, Gerhard Mller, Karin Klehr, Simone Rittershaus, Sabine Shlo, Arno Wiedemann, Daike Witt and all members of the national advisory councils. Liability All information has been compiled with due academic care. However, no liability can be accepted for the correctness of the information. The project LearnWithClay has been financed with the support of the European Commission. Responsibility for the content of this publication is borne solely by the authors; the Commission is not liable for the further use of the information contained therein.

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