Cari Petition To Return Home 2-13

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Case 3:12-cr-00017-AWT Document 267 Filed 02/14/13 Page 1 of 2

LOCAL FORM PS 8 (2/2013)


U.S.A. vs. David Morgan Cari Crim Number: 0205 3: 12CROOO 17 -002

Petition for Action on Conditions of Pretrial Release

Kim 1. Cerullo , the pretrial services/probation officer, presenting ----------------------------an official report upon the conduct of defendant David Morgan Cari , who was --------------------------------------placed under pretrial release supervision by the Honorable Holly B. Fitzsimmons ' sitting in ------------------------------date of January 2013 the court at Bridgeport, CT on the 24 under the following conditions:
The defendant is placed in the custody of Margaret Cari; The defendant is to report to the Probation Office as directed; the defendant is to reside with the custodian until otherwise ordered and not to leave Connecticut without permission of the Courtl Probation; avoid all contact with the witnesses or victims on the list provided by the US attorney; medical or psychiatric evaluation and treatment as directed; not to posses a firearm, destructive device, or other weapon and may not sell firearms without Court/Probation permission; not use or unlawfully possess a narcotic drug or other controlled substances, unless prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner; Participate in Home Incarceration and be restricted to 24 hour-a-day lock down at your residence except for medical necessities and court appearances or other activities specifically approved by the court. Submit to location monitoring as directed by the pretrial service office and comply with all of the program requirements and instructions provided with GPS; report immediately to the pretrial officer every contact with (please see attached page)



(If short, insert here. If lengthy, write on separate sheet and attach.) Mr. Cari was placed on Location Monitoring on January 24, 2013 and GPS on January 25, 2013. He moved into his mother's residence on January 24,2013. The search was completed on his previous residence on January 25, 2013. Mr. Cari completed his Mental Health assessment on February 8,2013 and submitted a complete financial update on February 11,2013. As per the Court's release conditions, the defendant has satisfied the required conditions and is seeking permission to return to his previous residence. All other conditions will remain in effect. Please note that the Government has objected to this modification and is seeking a bond review hearing on this matter.

PRAYING THAT THE COURT WILL ORDER a bond review hearing be scheduled to address this modification. ORDER OF COURT I declare under penalty of perjury that the Considered and ordered this 13 CL day of foregoing is true and correct. February 13,2013 Executed On ~""-~ , 20 13 and ordered filed and maqe part


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Kim J. Cerullo Supervising U.S. Probation Officer Place

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Case 3:12-cr-00017-AWT Document 267 Filed 02/14/13 Page 2 of 2


LOCAL FORM PS 8 (2/2013)

CONTINUATION. con't from conditions: law enforcement personnel, including arrests, questioning, or traffic stops; not to use excessive alcohol; Financial disclosure, as directed by Probation; sign all releases for disclosure of diagnostic/treatment information to Probation/Court; court will review conditions after the mental health evaluation and Probation has completed the search and assessment of the financial condition; authorize consent to search of the residence by probation team (including vehicles, outbuildings, phone bills); not use of color of police authority in any way; all other conditions originally ordered to remain in effect.

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