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MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGERIS KERTAS 1 TAHUN : 5/2012 NAMA MURID : ......................................................... KELAS : TAHUN 5 TARIKH : ............................... MARKAH



There is a new bus ________ at Jalan Melur A tunnel B hangar C terminal D warehouse

Encik Ramli is riding a ________ to his office. A car B taxi C lorry D motorcycle

The _________ was packed with people who had come to watch the hockey match. A court B gallery C stadium D auditorium

That ___________ and shuttlecock belong to Sani. A bat B club C stick D racquet

Questions 5 - 7 Choose the best phrases to complete the paragraph.



Last weekend, Irham and his family stayed in a hotel in Cameron Highlands. In the morning, they had ____ ______ (5) for breakfast.

Later, they went to the hotels (6) ______ (7) ______

. There was

in the pool and all of them were having fun.

5 A bread and butter B bread and eggs C bread and jam D bun and toast 6 A fish pond B mining pool C wading pool D swimming pool 7 A a crew of people B a bunch of people C a crowd of people D a spectator of people

Questions 8 - 10 Study the following pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.


014/1 A B C D The two girls are crying. The two girls are reading. The two girls are writing a letter. The two girls are playing with their dolls.

9 A The boy on the wheelchair is playing a trumpet. B The children are singing in a choir. C The girl is dancing gracefully. D The boy is playing a guitar.



The children are playing together. The boy is holding a frying pan.

C The boy is holding a carrot. D The girl is holding the pot.

SECTION B Questions 11 - 15 Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

Do you want to watch a movie with me ?


A Im sorry. I have to meet my father. B Do you have any horror movie? C Why do you ask? D I dont like you.

Please give me a kilo of sugar.

A A moment, please. Ill get it for you. B Please buy a kilo of flour. C The sugar is very cheap. D Come back tomorrow!

Help me to arrange the chairs.

A No, I am too tired. B Sure. Ill do it right away. C There isnt any chair here! D That is not my duty to do it.

14 A Where are you going? B When are you leaving? C How are you going there?

D Why are you going there?


15 A We can go to the hospital.

B Lets go to Noodle House. C I dont want to cook. D No, thank you.

SECTION C Questions 16 - 20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 16

Father is looking at ____________ in the mirror. A itself

SULIT B herself C himself D ourselves



A ____________ of football players came from Singapore this morning. A mob B team C gang D crowd The artist drew ____________ pictures for his brother. A a B less C a few D a little My father bought ____________ umbrella for me. A a B an C few D some He is looking for his red pen ____________ a ruler. A of B or C and D with




Question 21 Choose the word that has the similar meaning as the word underlined. 21

We saw many ancient buildings when we visited Malacca. A new B old C beautiful

SULIT D unique


Questions 22 - 23 Based on the pictures, choose the answer with the correct spelling. 22 Sharuls ambition is to be an _____________. A enjinier B enginer C engineer D engeneer


He uses his _____________ for the snorkeling activity with his friends. A goggles B googles C goggels D googels

Questions 24 - 25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. 24


Those are the boys caps. Those are the boys caps. Those are the boys caps. Those are the boys caps. Do you want some more rice. Do you want some more rice! Do you want some more rice? do you want some more rice?



Questions 26 - 30 Look at the picture and read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.



Puan Aini is a ___________. She is sewing clothes in her shop. She uses a (26) _____________ to sew them. She just ___________ a few rolls of cloth for her stock. (27) (28)

There ___________ several ready-made clothes hanging in the wardrobe. She also (29) keeps all the folded clothes in the display rack. She puts the unsewn clothes in a big basket _________ her. (30)


A sailor B grocer C cobbler D seamstress

27 A sewing machine B washing machine C laminating machine D photocopying machine 28 A buy B buys C buying D bought 29 A is B am C are D was 30 A over B beside C between D in front of


SK Bandar Baru Bangi 4th Annual Sports Day

Duty Roster

Date: 31 August Time: 2.00 p.m. Place: School field

SECTION E Name Duty Questions 31 - 35 Tarmizi Halimi 1. Mohd to give out the programmes Nirash Presanth carefully and to arrange the chairs in the Read2. following duty rosterand Ahmad - answer the questions. the Al Fikri main tent 3. Nurul Najwa and Nelissa to prepare drinks for the Hamid competitors 4. Diana Zafira to give out drink coupons to all the House Captains 5. Nishanti Bala to write down the scores 6. Nigel Kraal to carry the school flag 7. Tiffany Lo to hold the tape at the finishing point 8. Farah Yasmin to be in charge of prizes 9. Amanda Jayne time keeper 10. Faiez Aripi in charge of sports equipment




What is this passage mainly about? A B C D The duties of pupils in a hostel. The household work that pupils must do. The responsibilities of pupils during a school event. The jobs that pupils do during their school holidays.


How many times has this school held its Sports Day in the past? A B C Two Three Four


When will SK Bandar Baru Bangi hold its 4th Annual Sports Day? A B C D On Canteen Day On National Day On Childrens Day On Childrens Day


What will Nirash Presanth and Ahmad Al Fikri do?

A B C 35. They will see to the seating for the guests. They will arrange the trophies on the table. They will keep the record of the points scored.


Nurul Nadia is a 100 metres runner. From whom will she get her drinks? A B C D Nelissa Hamid Diana Zafira Faeiz Aripi Tiffany Lo

Questions 36 40 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Jamal was fast asleep when he suddenly woke up. He looked at the clock by his bedside. It was two in the morning. What had disturbed him? Then he heard some strange noises from downstairs.

Thinking that thieves were trying to enter their house, Jamal woke his father up. Together they went down to the kitchen to investigate.


Then they heard the sounds of chicken squawking and ducks in the backyard. Jamal and his father dashed out of the house. Bravely, Jamal entered the chicken coop. Suddenly, he jumped out in horror. He had touched something cold and slippery. They shone their torchlights and saw a python. It was about five metres long and it had something in its mouth. Without wasting anytime, Jamals father ran to get a long pole and a piece of rope. After a short struggle, they managed to trap the creature. Then they bound it to a nearby tree. In the morning, they discovered that the snake had swallowed five chickens. The python was still alive and had coiled itself around the tree. At about nine oclock, a van arrived to take the python away. They knew where the snake would be taken to and given a new home. What a relief it was for everyone.


What do you think had caused Jamal to wake up from his sleep? A B C D The noise from downstairs. His father in the nest room. The python in the chicken coop. The sounds made by the frightened poultry.


What was Jamals reaction after he touched the snake? A B C He was frightened. He decided to run away. He got out of the coop in fear.


It had something in its mouthwould probably mean that A B C D it was about to bite a chicken. it was swallowing a chicken. It was swallowing Jamals hand. it had bitten Jamal and his father.

39. It can be concluded that the snake was taken to the A B C D 40. zoo jungle market museum


The python is a creature which belongs to the family of A B C reptiles mammals amphibians




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