Decoding: Casual Dining

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Exploring the codes that define the casual dining scene of the 1950's and comparing them to the

facinating happenings of today. The forces that drive our eating habits, routines, and rituals must be understood in order to figure out what's next.

ashley deshields & Curry aycock


McDonald's Menu

1. meal

White castle
3. mode of delivery 2. place

The Denny's Bo oth

new thing! No brain 1.-PRE-FIXED: Pick from a pre-fixed menu. Combinations are theGuarenteed consistency.power required. All preparation is done before you get there. Minimal wait time. -MASS PRODUCTION: Low quality, inexpensive, and produced for the masses. Rotation of the same flavors. --FROZEN FOOD TECHNOLOGY/COLD STORAGE PRODUCE: Frozen and ready for the grill, the start of the frozen food age. -MACDONALDIZATION: The design of the counter provided a new structure for the industry. Customers are in and out efficently and there is a systematic way of operating the system.

2.-A TREAT FOR ALL Treat your family to a nice outing while you enjoy the experience of dinner in a booth.
-INTIMATE SETTING IS THE NEW TRADITIONAL: A space for socializing. A hub for teens to congregate. Diner booth setting afforded them to experience this new way of eating. STEREOTYPE: The booth and diner setting brought about various stereotypes of the 1950s. The typical American family enjoying an all American meal.

3.FOOD FRANCHISE: restaurants of the same chain can open up throughout

the country. AGE OF DRIVING: Located usually next to highways so that eating can be on the go. TEEN CULTURE: A new place for teens to gather and hang out outside the home



1. meal

3. mode of delivery

food Trucks

2. place

"The BEAN"

1.-CUSTOMER CRAFT/FLEXIBLE : Personalized orders with endless options- there is something for everyone.

-ACCURATE & EFFICENCENT: Quick/easy. Ready to serve staff. Face to face communication. Take it to go! -TRANSPARENCY: Nothing is pre-prepared. No behind the scenes, it all happens right in front of you. -PREMIUM & ULTRA FRESH: Top of the line ingredients (farm fresh, homemade, wholesome.) FAST FOOD CAN BE GOOD AND EQUALLY AS FAST: Health and convienence are becoming less of a tradeoff. Informality is the norm.

2. THIRD PLACE: A place that has a home away from home feel, but can double as a work-

space. WIFI: A space for work and entertainment using technology COFFEE CULTURE: how coffee is made and tastes has become almost as important as the food we eat.

3. FOOD IS MOBILE: Approachable and informal. Mobile is the new traditional. Less emphasis on notion of eating out -INCREASED LEVEL OF AUTHENTICITY/ADDED DIMENSION OF UNIQUENESS: Our response to rejection of processed foods. Varied styles of presentation/sustainability/packaging PREMIUMISATION: Its all about quality and status now. Local/Organic/Authentic FOOD WITH A STORY: Non commercial, new flavors of regional cuisines,worldly flavors. DIFFERENTIATION: Media (social) swarms the food truck culture and creates hype. EXPENSIVE CONVIENENCE: Pricey, high demand, curb side (accesible)

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