Wedding Day Timeline

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-/. .c// .c..

8:30Ish..- Wake up!! We're gettIng wAHHIGO
TIBave house-keeping come into the ioom befoie eveiyone aiiives to make the beu anu clean up
the ioom so it looks pietty foi photos
:30am- LllLCllL /lll\C
breakfast delIvered and mImosa's popped!
10:00am- lll 1LLl1 have arrIved and begun
|om's haIr wIth KarI
Lee's haIr wIth Kelly
11:00am- FlCLC1 arrIves and makeup starts, haIr contInues
Carol's makeup wIth FIquet
Colleen's makeup
Lee's makeup
|andy's lashes
Amanda's haIr wIth KarI
|eghan's haIr wIth Kelly
12:00pm- haIr E makeup cont.
*ClCCllCl 8 i1lCl lll\C 1C CC1 LlCCL Vl1l ClCCl*
Amanda's makeup wIth FIquet
|eghan's makeup
Colleen's haIr wIth KarI
Karen's haIr wIth Kelly
1:00pm hcr cnd mckeup s ]nshed; weddny dress yoes Cl
wGIGlll\C (llC1CClllL)
- SCCTTlll\C(\lLCCClllL)
**pIctures gettIng dressed/|eredIth/Scott vIsIt boys room too**
hen begIn suItIng up together
1:30pm yrls deart Marrott jor camus, rejer to drectons A!
1:45pm llC1C Ci /llL
**gents Ieave harrIott refer to dIrectIons A!**
2:00pm Fll1 LCCl (prIvate moment/brIdal party may look on at a dIstance)
**IhhE0IATE famIIy Ieaves harrIott by 2:30, refer to dIrectIons A!**
2:40pm LllLL ll1L llC1C,
amanda E meghan
amanda E mandy
amanda, meghan, E mandy
amanda E lee
amanda, mandy, meghan, E lee
nIck E pat
nIck E chase
nIck, chase E pat
full brIdal party
2:50pm illLL llC1C Cl CllL,
***ALL EXTEN0E0 FAhILY LEAVE FDP CHUPCH Y 3:00 refer to dIrectIons ***
amanda E mom
amanda E dad
amanda, tom E carol
amanda, tom, carol E tyler
amanda, nIck, tom E carol
amanda, nIck, tom, carol E tyler
amanda, nIck, carolIne, E macy
tyler E erIca
nIck E dad
nIck E mom
nIck, todd, and colleen
nIck, todd, colleen, claIr
nIck, colleen, and sal
nIck, todd, and karen
nIck, todd, karen, claIr
amanda, nIck, colleen, sal, claIr, chrIs, macy and carolIne
amanda, nIck, todd, karen, claIr, chrIs, macy and carolIne
brIde E groom and ALL famIly members present/cny other combos l ]oryot
3:20pm- pcrents 8 brdcl pcrty lecve ]or church **PEFEP TD 0IPECTIDNS C**
3:40pm illLL lCl1ll1 LCCll 1 ClLlCl (outsIde balcony::)
amanda, nIck and full Ivey famIly
amanda, nIck, mema E papa
amanda and full benton famIly
nIck and full carr famIly
amanda, nIck, mIke E marIe
nIck and full dIllman famIly
amanda, nIck, thom, E judy
4:20pm yuest beyn to crrve; 8rde 8 6room yo to sepcrcte plcces!
4:30pm *VlLCl* begIns playIng guItar musIc of choIce
*CllC* asks guests to sIgn guest book upon arrIval
*LlEl* begIn showIng guests to theIr seats, brIde =left, groom = rIght
photos wIth ElIzabeth E KatherIne downstaIrs
groom's grandparents are seated
thom E judy
mIke E marIe
brIde's grandparents are seated
bIll E hIlda
groom's parents are seated
colleen E sal
todd E karen
brIde's mother Is seated
5:06pm ProcessIonal 8egIns
Feverend, Croom, E groomsmen enter through sIde door
|andy begIns walk
|eghan beIngs walk
CarolIne E |acy walk
5:08pm 8rIdal |arch
5:0pm Ceremony starts
5:30pm- ****lECEl1lCl \ElLE l E1 1C CC FCl CLE1
5:40pm Ceremony ends
brIde E groom exIt *Meredth/Scott et to receton venue*
flower gIrls exIt
meghan E pat exIt
mandy E chase exIt
ushers escort mothers out
followed by fathers, grandparents
5:50pm brIde E groom go and sIgn marrIage contract wIth the reverend
ImmedIate famIly and brIdal party head to receptIon after
6:45pm- ntroductIons
6:48pm- FIrst 0ance
6:50pm- Father/0aughter 0ance
6:52pm- |other/Son 0ance
6:55pm- Toasts (fInal dInner selectIons beIng set up at thIs tIme)
8est |an
|aId of Honor
Father of the 8rIde
8rIde E Croom
7:00pm- 8reak for dInner/mInglIng wIth guests
7:30pm- LlClCl start to JA|
:00pm- 0Ickens take J0 mInutes break
Cake CuttIng
Carter toss
8ouquet toss
:30pm- 0Ickens rock the house tIll tIme to leave!
10:30pm- L/1 C/LL iCl LCClCL
11:00pm- FeceptIon EN0S
11:05pm- PD| PD| exIt of 8rIde E Croom!!
12:00pm- venue Is pIcked up and all vendors have left
(-a // //a /c// . c/.
/ -a
AilCl llllC11 1C LCLL 1CVCl
1. Head east toward FAYETTEVILLE ST and performIng arts center (rIght out of maIn entrance)
2. Co 25 ft, turn PICHT of W LENDIP ST
3. Co .2 mIIes and turn LEFT onto S SALISUPY ST
4. Co .8 mIIes and take 3P0 PICHT onto hartIn Luther KIng Jr Ivd
6. ContInue on WESTEPN Ivd approxImateIy 1 mIIe
7. Turn PICHT onto PULLEN Poad (passIng DVEP the brIdge onto campus)
8. 0rIve .2 mIIes, contInue around the traffIc cIrcIe to the eII Tower
. Turn LEFT just before the eII Tower onto FDUN0EPS 0P
*we will toke pictures ot tbe Court of Corolinos first onJ Bell Tower seconJ, tbere is o porkinq lot if you continue
tbrouqb on IounJers Brive os for os you con qo {not for ot oll reolly) onJ pleose pork tbere onJ we will toke o brisk
wolk to tbe Bell Tower for finol pictures*
OFlCl l/lllC11/lEl/1Cl 1C /LL /ll1 CllCL OILGS
1. Head west on FAYETTEVILLE ST, (Ieft) towards the CapItaI uIIdIng
2. Co .3 mIIes (2 bIocks from Sheraton, 3 bIock from harrIott) and turn PICHT on E HAPCETT ST
3. Co .4 mIIes (4 bIocks) on E HAPCETT and turn LEFT onto S LDD0WDPTH ST
4. Turn PICHT ImmedIateIy Into the parkIng Iot (125 S LDD0WDPTH) It wIII say "monthIy account
hoIders" but It Is free parkIng on the weekends. You can see the back of the church from there.
1. From FDUN0EPS 0r take a LEFT onto PULLEN and get In PICHT LANE
2. FoIIow the traffIc cIrcIe In PICHT LANE onto HILLSDPDUCH ST
3. 0rIve .5 mIIes and at the traffIc cIrcIe take a PICHT onto W hDPCAN ST
4. 0rIve 1.4 mIIes and contInue on NEW EPN AVE .1 mIIe
5. Take a Ieft onto S EAST ST
OFlCl /LL /ll1 1C 1lE 1CCllCCl
2. Co 4 bIocks or .4 mIIes and turn LEFT onto FAYETTEVILLE ST
3. Take a LEFT onto FAYETTEVILLE ST destInatIon wIII be 354 on the LEFT
*porkinq for tbe stockroom con be porolleleJ on tbe street for free, bock ot tbe botel room onJ wolk 2 blocks, or tbe
closest porkinq Jeck is H00RFS S0ARF locoteJ on WllHlN6T0N ST*
GFlCl /LL /ll1 1C lCClE CL/lE l/llllC LECl
1. From LDD0WDPTH or S EAST ST turn LEFT and head SDUTH towards E HAPCETT ST
2. ContInue past Hargett DNE bIock and turn LEFT onto E hAPTIN STEET
3. Co 3 bIocks or .3 mIIes and turn PICHT onto WILhINCTDN STPEET
4. Take fIrst PICHT Into the parkIng deck rIght past easIey's Chuck's
IR0H TEF PARKlN6 BFCK wolk Jown to WllHlN6T0N ST onJ try not to use tbe cross wolk becouse if you cross
over Wilminqton Street tbere will be o cut tbrouqb lHHFBlATFlY in front of you. Toke tbe cut tbrouqb to
Ioyetteville Street onJ cross over to tbe otber siJe, tbere will be tbe Stockroom Joor next to tbe Nortb Stote Bonk.
All SaInts Chapel
110 S East Street
FaleIgh, NC 27607
The Stockroom at 2J0
2J0 FayettevIlle Street
FaleIgh, NC 27607

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