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half-hour comedy series about what happens when youre forced to move halfway around the world and leave success behind.

NELSON LIPSCHITZ is at the peak of his career. After two decades spent struggling as a comedian, hes nally landed everything he ever wanted: a hot movie career, more money than he could ever spend in a lifetime and the respect of both his fellow comics and the public at large. Hes in demand, and enjoying every moment of it. But when he receives an unexpected message informing that the mother he thought had died when he was a boy is alive and living in her native Prague, it throws his entire world out of whack. Told she only has a week to live, he jumps onto a plane and makes his way to Europe to try to make peace with the mother who abandoned him four decades ago. When he gets there and discovers that not only is she not dying, but shes a theater owner and con artist who cant be trusted, he immediately regrets coming. But circumstances intervene, and he nds himself stranded in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Unable to speak the language, and with nobody to rely on, he has to make peace with his mother while deciding whats more important: family or success?

NELSON LIPSCHITZ is a world-famous movie star in his early forties.

Whip smart and a perpetual wise-ass, hes nevertheless a modest, likable guy whose image in the press of being down-to-earth is more or less entirely true. But his charmed life of starring roles, beautiful women and a rosy L.A. life hides a less-than-savory secret: his father is a terminally ill alcoholic who lives in poverty, while his mother vanished when he was just a baby.
TERESA LIPSCHITZ is an actress and theater owner in her early sixties.

Beautiful and elegant, she keeps her theater aoat with petty crime and by living on the edges of the law. She gave up Nelson when he was an infant to escape her husband at the time, and reinvented herself in her native Prague.
HANA TESAROVA is a gorgeous student from the Czech Republic who has

recently returned from studying at UCLA to get her law degree. When she and Nelson meet during a ight from Los Angeles to Prague, they nd themselves instantly drawn to each other. She will have to overcome her disapproving family and the cultural gap between she and Nelson if theyre going to give their relationship a chance.

Nelson Lipschitz is at an appointment with his psychiatrist, whos asking him how he feels about being one of the worlds most successful comedic actors yet not having ever know his mother. Nelson says he feels wonderful. His newest movie just opened at the top spot at the box oce, and hes one of the most in-demand actors in Hollywood right now. The doctor says that Nelson didnt answer his question. Nelson says he has no interest in the mother who abandoned him as a young boy, and has some less- than-savory words for her. At that, the session ends and Nelson goes out in the gorgeous Los Angeles sun and begins to drive home in expensive convertible. He chats with his beautiful girlfriend Cynthia, who says that since his forty-third birthday is on Friday, shes going to arrange a threesome with her best friend as his present. Nelson is appreciative, but its obvious that he feels slightly jaded about everything due to the fact that theres nothing that he cant have. As he goes about his business, he passes billboards for his movie and people recognize him everywhere he goes. He returns to his enormous Bel Air mansion, and takes a dip in his swimming pool. His agents calls him, and tells Nelson that hes been oered $3 million to be in a Japanese TV commercial. He says hell think about it. Cynthia seductively oers to come over that night, but Nelson says hes tired after his busy day. After he gets o the phone, two $1,000 an hour call girls come over. The following day, Nelson gets another call from his agent. Theres a strange old man with an accent in the agents oce, and he needs to speak to Nelson right away. Its about his mother. At that, Nelsons eyes become wide and he immediately throws on some clothes and hops into his car.

Nelson races to his agents oce, and meets an elderly Czech man named Ivan who claims to be Nelsons grandfather. This claim makes Nelson and his agent smirk at rst. Its fairly common for people to pretend to be the long-lost relatives of wealthy movie stars, and Nelsons tragic past can be discovered by anyone with a subscription to People magazine. But after Ivan tells Nelson a few things that only an actual relative could know, Nelson is convinced. Ivan tells Nelson that Nelsons mother is dying, and she wants to see Nelson one more time before she dies. Nelson is dumbfounded. His father had told him that his mother died in a car accident when he was a young boy. Ivan shakes his head. Nelsons father was simply so hurt by his mother leaving that he lied about her departure. Nelson asks why his mother waited so long to get in touch with him, and Ivan says that his mother was terried because of how abusive Nelsons father was. Nelson agrees to go to Prague to see his Czech mother before she dies. His agent warns him not to go until everything can be veried, but Ivan insists that theres no time to lose. Nelson visits his father, a broken down alcoholic, and confronts him. The man conrms everything that Ivan says, but warns Nelson against going to Prague. He says that Nelsons mother is a liar and a criminal, and shes only contacting him now because of Nelsons fame and fortune. Nelson says that no matter what, he has to go meet his mother. While waiting for his plane to take o, he meets a gorgeous young Czech woman at the gate. Hana is a law student who is returning home to her native Prague after having nished law school at UCLA. She comes from a wealthy aristocratic family who lost their extensive holds and properties when the Communists came to power after World War II. She wants to get everything back for her father, and has become a lawyer to help achieve that goal. Nelson and Hana fall in love immediately, and ride from L.A. to Philadelphia to Frankfurt to Prague together. When they arrive, she gives him a slip of paper with her phone number on it, and they make a date to have dinner later in the week.

Nelson gets in touch with Ivan, who brings him to see Nelsons mother Teresa. Nelson is surprised to discover that Teresa is actually totally ne, and in perfect health. Nelson immediately assumes that his father was right: Teresa was just hoping to get some money from him. But the two spend a little bit of time together, and Nelson learns that theres more to the story than he had originally been told. He discovers that Teresa never abandoned him. It turns out that she was visiting the U.S. and had an aair with Nelsons father, and she wouldnt marry him so that she could stay in the country because he was an abusive alcoholic. Nelsons father got her deported, and kept the baby himself. Nelson also discovers that Teresa is the owner of a respected avant-garde theater in Prague renowned for its absurdist plays. The theater company, however, is on the verge of shutting down due to lack of money. Teresa has kept the theater aoat by becoming a petty criminal, and engaging in various cons and crimes to make enough money to keep things going. Meanwhile, Nelson has trouble navigating life in Prague because he cant speak the language, and he doesnt know anybody. He calls Hana, who shows him around and introduces him to some of her friends. They also end up spending the night together, and strengthening their growing relationship. The situation comes to a head when Nelsons agent tells him that he needs to return to L.A. in two days to meet the director of the Japanese commercial, and Teresa breaks her leg after falling while being chased by the police after committing a scam. Ivan has a heart attack and so is unable to take care of Teresa, and so Nelson decides to forgo appearing in the Japanese commercial and staying in Prague to take care of Teresa.

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