Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Sun Services

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance


Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

edited 02/08 by LG

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. This product or document is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of this product or document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any. Third-party software, including font technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, Netra, OpenBoot, Solaris, Sun Enterprise, Sun Fire, Sun HPC Cluster Tools, Sun Java, and Sun StorEdge are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. U.S. Government approval might be required when exporting the product. RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions of FAR 52.227-14(g)(2)(6/87) and FAR 52.227-19(6/87), or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(6/95) and DFAR 227.7202-3(a). DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED AS IS AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. THIS MANUAL IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT AN INSTRUCTOR-LED TRAINING (ILT) COURSE AND IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ILT COURSE. THE MANUAL IS NOT A STANDALONE TRAINING TOOL. USE OF THE MANUAL FOR SELF-STUDY WITHOUT CLASS ATTENDANCE IS NOT RECOMMENDED.

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, Etats-Unis. Tous droits rservs. Ce produit ou document est protg par un copyright et distribu avec des licences qui en restreignent lutilisation, la copie, la distribution, et la dcompilation. Aucune partie de ce produit ou document ne peut tre reproduite sous aucune forme, par quelque moyen que ce soit, sans lautorisation pralable et crite de Sun et de ses bailleurs de licence, sil y en a. Le logiciel dtenu par des tiers, et qui comprend la technologie relative aux polices de caractres, est protg par un copyright et licenci par des fournisseurs de Sun. Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, Java, Netra, OpenBoot, Solaris, Sun Enterprise, Sun Fire, Sun HPC Cluster Tools, Sun Java, et Sun StorEdge sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques dposes de Sun Microsystems, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans dautres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilises sous licence sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques dposes de SPARC International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans dautres pays. Les produits portant les marques SPARC sont bass sur une architecture dveloppe par Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX est une marques dpose aux Etats-Unis et dans dautres pays et licencie exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd. Laccord du gouvernement amricain est requis avant lexportation du produit. LA DOCUMENTATION EST FOURNIE EN LETAT ET TOUTES AUTRES CONDITIONS, DECLARATIONS ET GARANTIES EXPRESSES OU TACITES SONT FORMELLEMENT EXCLUES, DANS LA MESURE AUTORISEE PAR LA LOI APPLICABLE, Y COMPRIS NOTAMMENT TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE RELATIVE A LA QUALITE MARCHANDE, A LAPTITUDE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE OU A LABSENCE DE CONTREFAON Ce manuel de rfrence doit tre utilis dans le cadre dun cours de formation dirig par un instructeur (ILT). Il ne sagit pas dun outil de formation indpendant. Nous vous dconseillons de lutiliser dans le cadre dune auto-formation.

Course Contents
About This Course ..................................................................................... Preface-xiv
Course Goals ............................................................................................................................... Preface-xv Course Map ...............................................................................................................................Preface-xvii Topics Not Covered ............................................................................................................... Preface-xviii How Prepared Are You? .......................................................................................................... Preface-xix Introductions .............................................................................................................................. Preface-xx Icons ............................................................................................................................................ Preface-xxi Typographical Conventions ...................................................................................................Preface-xxii Additional Conventions .........................................................................................................Preface-xxiv

Introducing the Sun Fire Midrange Servers ....................................................... 1-1

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 1-2 Relevance .................................................................................................................................................. 1-3 Sun Fire Midrange Server Product Goals ............................................................................................ 1-4 Finding Sun Fire Midrange Server Information ................................................................................. 1-8 Sun Fire Midrange Server Models ........................................................................................................ 1-9 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server .............................................................................................................. 1-10 Sun Fire 3800 Server ............................................................................................................................. 1-11 Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server ................................................................................................................. 1-12 Sun Fire 4810 Server ............................................................................................................................. 1-13 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server ................................................................................................................. 1-14 Sun Fire E7900 Server Cluster Interconnect ...................................................................................... 1-15 Sun Fire Midrange Server I/O Support ............................................................................................. 1-16 Sun Fire Midrange Server Features .................................................................................................... 1-17 System Controllers ................................................................................................................................ 1-18 Platform Segmentation and Dynamic System Domains ................................................................. 1-19

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C


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Multipathed I/O ................................................................................................................................... 1-20 Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) .......................................................................................................... 1-21 Platform Startup and Shutdown ......................................................................................................... 1-22

Field-Replaceable Units ........................................................................................... 2-1

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 2-2 Relevance .................................................................................................................................................. 2-4 Administrative and Service Overview ................................................................................................ 2-5 Sun Fire System Field-Replaceable Units ............................................................................................ 2-7 FRU Administration ............................................................................................................................. 2-11 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server IB System Controller Board ............................................................ 2-14 Sun Fire Midrange Server System Controller Board ....................................................................... 2-15 System Controller Physical Locations ................................................................................................ 2-17 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server IB_SSC SC Board Faceplate ............................................................. 2-22 Sun Fire Midrange Server System Controller Board Faceplate ...................................................... 2-23 Sun Fire Midrange Server SC Board LED Definitions ..................................................................... 2-24 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server System Boards ................................................................................... 2-25 Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server System Boards ................................... 2-27 Memory Configuration Rules ............................................................................................................. 2-28 CPU and Memory Locations ............................................................................................................... 2-29 Processor Memory Group Bank Assignments .................................................................................. 2-30 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server System Board Slot Assignments .................................................... 2-31 Sun Fire 3800 System Board Slot Assignments ................................................................................. 2-32 Sun Fire 4810 and 4800/E4900 Server System Board Assignments .............................................. 2-33 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server System Board Slot Assignments ....................................................... 2-34 System Board LEDs .............................................................................................................................. 2-35 Sun Fire Midrange I/O Assemblies ................................................................................................... 2-36 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Six-Slot PCI IB_SSC Assembly ....................................................... 2-37 Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Four-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly ................... 2-38 Sun Fire 3800 Server Six-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly ........................................................................... 2-39

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Sun Services
Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Eight-Slot PCI I/O Assembly ................... 2-40 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server I/O Assembly Location ................................................................... 2-41 Sun Fire 3800 Server I/O Assembly Locations ................................................................................. 2-42 Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server I/O Assembly Locations .................................................................... 2-43 Sun Fire 4810 Server I/O Assembly Locations ................................................................................ 2-44 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server I/O Assembly Locations ................................................................... 2-45 Eight-Slot PCI I/O Assembly Slot Locations and LEDs .................................................................. 2-46 Eight-Slot Assembly Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................ 2-47 Six-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Slot Locations and LEDs .................................................................... 2-48 Six-Slot cPCI I/O Slot Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................... 2-49 Four-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Slot Locations and LEDs ................................................................. 2-50 Four-Slot cPCI I/O Slot Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................ 2-51 PCI and cPCI I/O Adapters ................................................................................................................ 2-52 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Sun Fireplane Switchboard ............................................................. 2-54 Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Sun Fireplane Switchboard ....................... 2-55 Sun Fireplane Switchboard Physical Locations ................................................................................ 2-56 Sun Fireplane Switchboard LEDs ....................................................................................................... 2-58 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Baseplane .......................................................................................... 2-59 System Configuration Card Reader (SCCR) .................................................................................... 2-60 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server Centerplane and ID Board (Front View) ......................................... 2-61 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server Centerplane and ID Board (Rear View) ........................................... 2-62 ID Board ................................................................................................................................................. 2-63 Replacing a Centerplane or ID Board ................................................................................................ 2-65 ID Board MAC Addresses ................................................................................................................... 2-66 AC Power Distribution ......................................................................................................................... 2-67 Sun Fire 4810 and 4800/E4900 Server AC Component Locations ................................................. 2-69 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server AC Component Locations .................................................................. 2-70 RTU and RTS ......................................................................................................................................... 2-71 Redundant Transfer Unit Panel .......................................................................................................... 2-72 Redundant Transfer Unit LED Functions ......................................................................................... 2-73 AC Input Box ......................................................................................................................................... 2-74
Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C


Sun Services
DC Power Distribution ......................................................................................................................... 2-75 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server DC Power Distribution .................................................................... 2-76 Sun Fire 3800 Server DC Power Distribution ................................................................................... 2-77 Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server DC Power Distribution ....................................................................... 2-78 Sun Fire 4810 Server DC Power Distribution ................................................................................... 2-79 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server DC Power Distribution ....................................................................... 2-80 Power Grid Slot Assignments ............................................................................................................. 2-81 DC Power Supplies ............................................................................................................................... 2-82 DC Power Supply Locations ............................................................................................................... 2-83 Sun Fire Midrange Server Fan Trays and Blower Assemblies ....................................................... 2-88 Fan Tray Locations ................................................................................................................................ 2-89 Fan Tray Assembly LEDs .................................................................................................................... 2-94 FrameManager Cable Diagram ........................................................................................................... 2-95 FrameManager Cap Front Panel ......................................................................................................... 2-96 Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray ...................................................................................................... 2-97 Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray Rear Panel ...................................................................................... 2-98 Full-Bus Configuration SCSI ID Assignments .................................................................................. 2-99 Full SCSI Bus Configuration Options .............................................................................................. 2-100 Split SCSI Bus ...................................................................................................................................... 2-101 Typical Split SCSI Bus SCSI ID Assignments ................................................................................. 2-102 Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray Status LEDs ................................................................................. 2-103 Media Tray Status LED Descriptions ............................................................................................... 2-104 Media Tray Power Supply LEDs ...................................................................................................... 2-105 Media Tray Power Supply LED States ............................................................................................ 2-106 Installing the Administration Console ............................................................................................. 2-107 System Controller Patch Panel ......................................................................................................... 2-108 Accessing the Platform Shell ............................................................................................................. 2-109 Sun Fire Midrange Server Installation ............................................................................................. 2-110 Rackmounting an Additional Sun Fire 3800 and 4800/E4900 Server ......................................... 2-111

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C


Sun Services
Platform Assessment and Management ................................................................ 3-1
Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 3-2 Relevance .................................................................................................................................................. 3-6 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Platform Assessment and Management ......................................... 3-7 Lights-Out Management (LOM) ........................................................................................................... 3-8 LOM Shell ................................................................................................................................................ 3-9 LOM Shell Commands ......................................................................................................................... 3-10 The help Command ............................................................................................................................. 3-11 Connecting to the LOM Shell .............................................................................................................. 3-12 The shownetwork Command .............................................................................................................. 3-13 The setupnetwork Command ............................................................................................................ 3-14 The logout Command ......................................................................................................................... 3-15 Navigating Between Shell Environments on the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server ......................... 3-16 The showescape Command ................................................................................................................ 3-17 The password Command .................................................................................................................... 3-18 The showsc Command ......................................................................................................................... 3-19 The setupsc command ........................................................................................................................ 3-20 Managing the LOM Time-of-Day (TOD) ........................................................................................... 3-22 The bootmode Command .................................................................................................................... 3-23 LOM Platform Monitoring Functions ................................................................................................ 3-24 The showboards Command ................................................................................................................ 3-25 The showcomponent Command ......................................................................................................... 3-31 The inventory Command .................................................................................................................. 3-34 The showenvironment Command ..................................................................................................... 3-35 The history Command ....................................................................................................................... 3-36 The showlogs Command .................................................................................................................... 3-37 The showlocator Command .............................................................................................................. 3-38 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Power Operations ............................................................................. 3-39 LOM poweron Command .................................................................................................................... 3-40 LOM shutdown Command .................................................................................................................. 3-41

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C


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LOM poweroff Command .................................................................................................................. 3-42 Power-Cycling the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Using the Power Rocker Switch ................... 3-43 Power-Cycle Operations ...................................................................................................................... 3-45 Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Platform Assessment and Management ....................................................................................................................................... 3-46 Platform Shell Commands ................................................................................................................... 3-47 The help Command ............................................................................................................................. 3-48 Connecting to the System Controller Shells ...................................................................................... 3-49 Initiate a Remote Connection With SSH ............................................................................................ 3-50 Initiate a Remote Connection With Telnet ........................................................................................ 3-51 Navigating Between Shells on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Servers ................................................................................................................................................. 3-52 Managing Shell Passwords .................................................................................................................. 3-53 Console Command Considerations .................................................................................................... 3-54 Platform and System Controller Configuration ............................................................................... 3-56 Configuring the Platform TOD ........................................................................................................... 3-59 Viewing System Controller Details .................................................................................................... 3-60 Viewing the SC Message Logs ............................................................................................................ 3-61 Viewing System Controller Connections .......................................................................................... 3-62 Viewing System Controller Command History ............................................................................... 3-63 System Controller Management ......................................................................................................... 3-64 System Controller Configuration ....................................................................................................... 3-65 Rebooting the System Controller ........................................................................................................ 3-66 System Controller Failover .................................................................................................................. 3-69 System Controller Failover Prerequisites .......................................................................................... 3-70 Failover ................................................................................................................................................... 3-71 Controlling System Controller Failover Behavior ............................................................................ 3-72 Determining the System Controller Failover State .......................................................................... 3-76 Platform Assessment ............................................................................................................................ 3-77 Assessing the Platform Configuration ............................................................................................... 3-78 The showplatform Command ............................................................................................................ 3-79
Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C


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Viewing Platform Component Status ................................................................................................ 3-84 The showboards Command ................................................................................................................ 3-85 Viewing Platform Component Details ............................................................................................... 3-91 The showcomponent Command ......................................................................................................... 3-92 Powering On and Off System Components ...................................................................................... 3-95 Updating the Platform Firmware ....................................................................................................... 3-96 Using the Root or a User Account to Flash Update the System ..................................................... 3-97 Introducing Segments and Domains .................................................................................................. 3-99 Segments .............................................................................................................................................. 3-100 Domains ................................................................................................................................................ 3-101 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Servers Configured With Four Domains ................................................... 3-102 Server Configuration Domain IDs .................................................................................................... 3-103 Segment and Domain Configurations ............................................................................................. 3-105 Domain Access Control List (ACL) .................................................................................................. 3-107 Configuring ACLs ............................................................................................................................... 3-108 Viewing ACLs ..................................................................................................................................... 3-109 Starting, Stopping, and Power-Cycling Domains .......................................................................... 3-110 Introducing Device Configuration ................................................................................................... 3-111 OpenBoot PROM Capabilities ........................................................................................................... 3-113 Device Tree ........................................................................................................................................... 3-115 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Device Tree Components .............................................................. 3-116 Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Device Tree Components .............. 3-117 Mapping Node Devices ...................................................................................................................... 3-118 CPU and Memory AID Assignments ............................................................................................... 3-121 Mapping I/O Devices ........................................................................................................................ 3-122 Decoding IOC AID ............................................................................................................................. 3-124 IOC AID Assignments ........................................................................................................................ 3-126 IOC PCI Bus Offset ............................................................................................................................. 3-127 Device Number ................................................................................................................................... 3-128 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Six-Slot PCI Chassis ....................................................................... 3-129 Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Eight-Slot PCI Chassis ............................. 3-130
Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

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Sun Fire 3800 Server Six-Slot cPCI Chassis ..................................................................................... 3-131 Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Four-Slot cPCI Chassis ............................. 3-132

Troubleshooting the Sun Fire Midrange Servers .................................................. 4-1

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 4-2 Relevance .................................................................................................................................................. 4-6 Additional Resources ............................................................................................................................. 4-7 Operational Overview ............................................................................................................................ 4-9 Sun Fireplane Interconnect Operational View ................................................................................ 4-10 Functionality .......................................................................................................................................... 4-11 Snoopy Bus Architecture ..................................................................................................................... 4-12 Sun Fire Servers Logical Architecture .............................................................................................. 4-13 Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server Crossbar Configuration ...................................................................... 4-14 UltraSPARC IV Processor Chip Block Diagram .............................................................................. 4-15 System Board Logical Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 4-16 IB_SSC PCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram ......................................................................... 4-17 Eight-Slot PCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram ..................................................................... 4-18 Compact PCI I/O Assemblies ............................................................................................................. 4-19 Four-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram ................................................................... 4-20 Six-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram ....................................................................... 4-21 Sun Fireplane Interconnect .................................................................................................................. 4-22 Address Interconnect Levels ............................................................................................................... 4-23 Data Interconnect Levels ...................................................................................................................... 4-24 System Controller Interconnect Logical Block Diagram ................................................................. 4-25 Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server System Controller Logical Block Diagram ................................... 4-26 Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server System Controller Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................................... 4-27 Boot Bus Controller (SBBC) ASIC ....................................................................................................... 4-28 System Data Controller (SDC) Console Bus Connections .............................................................. 4-29 Basic Clock Distribution ....................................................................................................................... 4-30

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Fault Analysis Method ......................................................................................................................... 4-31 Eight Steps of Fault Analysis and Diagnosis .................................................................................... 4-32 Sun Fire Midrange Server Fault Analysis Methodology ................................................................. 4-33 Rule of Three Fault Isolation ............................................................................................................... 4-36 Gathering Background Information ................................................................................................... 4-37 Error Repositories and Commands .................................................................................................... 4-38 Sun Explorer Software Data Collector ............................................................................................... 4-40 Running Sun Explorer Software on the Sun Fire Midrange Server ............................................... 4-41 Viewing a Sun Explorer Software Capture ....................................................................................... 4-42 Interpreting Sun Fire Midrange Server LEDs ................................................................................... 4-43 LED Status Code Summary ................................................................................................................. 4-44 Testing the Platform ............................................................................................................................. 4-50 OpenBoot PROM Commands ............................................................................................................. 4-51 POST on the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server ...................................................................................... 4-55 Controlling System Controller POST Behavior ................................................................................ 4-56 Controlling OpenBoot PROM POST Behavior ................................................................................. 4-57 POST on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Servers ..................................... 4-59 DIMM Memory Errors ......................................................................................................................... 4-63 Controlling System Controller POST Behavior ................................................................................ 4-69 System Controller testboard Command ......................................................................................... 4-70 Sun Fire Interconnect Link Errors ...................................................................................................... 4-71 Identifying Suspect FRUs From Error Messages .............................................................................. 4-72 Data Parity Coverage From CPU to CPU Through Memory ......................................................... 4-75 Parity Detection in the Address Network ......................................................................................... 4-76 Parity Protection for Address Interconnects ..................................................................................... 4-77 Error Correcting Code Errors .............................................................................................................. 4-78 ECC Error Types ................................................................................................................................... 4-80 ECC Error Persistence .......................................................................................................................... 4-81 Console Port Errors ............................................................................................................................... 4-82 Environmental Errors ........................................................................................................................... 4-83 Enhanced Availability Features Implemented in Firmware Update 5.15.3 ................................. 4-84
Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
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Diagnosis Engines ................................................................................................................................. 4-86 Auto-Diagnosis (AD) Engine .............................................................................................................. 4-87 Fault Event and Error Reporting ........................................................................................................ 4-89 AD Engine Logs and Records ............................................................................................................. 4-90 Decoding AD Engine Diagnosis Messages ....................................................................................... 4-91 Viewing AD Engine Diagnosis Messages ......................................................................................... 4-92 Automatic Restoration of Stopped Domains .................................................................................... 4-95 Identifying Disabled Components ..................................................................................................... 4-97 Sun Fire Midrange Server Blacklisting .............................................................................................. 4-98 Blacklisting Components ................................................................................................................... 4-100 Managing the Blacklist on Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server ............................................................. 4-101 The setls Command ......................................................................................................................... 4-102 Domain Shell Operating Messages ................................................................................................... 4-103 Recovering From a Hung Domain ................................................................................................... 4-105 Verifying the Recovery ....................................................................................................................... 4-106 Collecting Data .................................................................................................................................... 4-107 Obtaining a Solaris OS Core File ....................................................................................................... 4-111 Obtaining Registers ............................................................................................................................ 4-114

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C


dited 02/08 by LG

Sun Services

About This Course

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Sun Services

Course Goals
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: Locate online resources for the Sun Fire midrange server product line, which includes the following servers: Sun Fire V1280 server and Sun Fire E2900 server Sun Fire 3800 server Sun Fire 4800 server and Sun Fire E4900 server Sun Fire 4810 server Sun Fire 6800 server and Sun Fire E6900 server Describe the server configuration and key features of each model in the Sun Fire midrange server line
Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Preface, slide xv of xxiv

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Course Goals
Configure the Sun Fire midrange server platforms Perform system maintenance-related activities on the Sun Fire midrange servers

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Preface, slide xvi of xxiv

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Course Map
Sun Fire Midrange Introduction
Introducing the Sun Fire Midrange Servers Field-Replaceable Units

Sun Fire Midrange Server Conguration

Platform Assessment and Management

Sun Fire Midrange Server Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Sun Fire Midrange Servers

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Preface, slide xvii of xxiv

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Topics Not Covered

Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS) administration Covered in SA-118: Fundamentals of Solaris Operating Environment for System Administrators Sun Fire workgroup servers Covered in SM-258: Sun Fire Workgroup Server Maintenance and Administration Sun Fire high-end servers Covered in ES-421: Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Administration Storage maintenance Covered in ES-255: Sun Storage System Administration

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Preface, slide xviii of xxiv

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How Prepared Are You?

To be sure you are prepared to take this course, can you answer yes to the following questions? Can you create and edit text files using a text editor? Can you use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser?

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Preface, slide xix of xxiv

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Name Company affiliation Title, function, and job responsibility Experience related to topics presented in this course Reasons for enrolling in this course Expectations for this course

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Preface, slide xx of xxiv

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Additional resources

Discussion Note Caution

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Preface, slide xxi of xxiv

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Typographical Conventions
Courier is used for the names of commands, files, directories, programming code, programming constructs, and on-screen computer output. Courier bold is used for characters and numbers that you type, and for each line of programming code that is referenced in a textual description. Courier italic is used for variables and command-line placeholders that are replaced with a real name or value.

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Preface, slide xxii of xxiv

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Typographical Conventions
Courier italic bold is used to represent variables whose values are to be entered by the student as part of an activity. Palatino italic is used for book titles, new words or terms, or words that are emphasized.

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Preface, slide xxiii of xxiv

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Additional Conventions
Java programming language examples use the following additional conventions: Courier is used for the class names, methods, and keywords. Methods are not followed by parentheses unless a formal or actual parameter list is shown. Line breaks occur where there are separations, conjunctions, or white space in the code. If a command on the Solaris OS is different from the Microsoft Windows platform, both commands are shown.

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Preface, slide xxiv of xxiv

edited 02/08 by LG

Sun Services

Module 1
Introducing the Sun Fire Midrange Servers

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Sun Services

List the functional goals of the Sun Fire midrange server product line Locate Sun Microsystems web sites containing important Sun Fire midrange server information List the server models that comprise the Sun Fire midrange server product line Identify the input and output (I/O) components that the Sun Fire midrange servers support Describe the key features of each Sun Fire midrange server model Power on and off each Sun Fire midrange server

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Module 1, slide 2 of 22

Sun Services

Which Sun Fire midrange server models are available? How is each Sun Fire midrange server model used? What are the key features of each Sun Fire midrange server model?

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Module 1, slide 3 of 22

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Product Goals

Sun Fire midrange server products are a family of symmetric-memory multiprocessor (SMP) systems. They are binary-compatible servers for mission-critical and high-performance computing applications. They include many reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features.

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Module 1, slide 4 of 22

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Product Goals

Reliability is dened as a measure of how dependable a system is after you actually use it. More importantly, it is also dened as how intact your data is as it travels from component to component. Reliability features are provided in the Sun Fire midrange server line: Parity and error checking code (ECC) technologies Power-on self-test (POST) Application-specific integrated-circuit built-in self-test (ASIC BIST) Environmental monitoring Automatic system reconfiguration (ASR)
Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Module 1, slide 5 of 22

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Product Goals

Availability is dened as up-time, which is the amount of time a system is available for processing transactions. Availability features are provided in the Sun Fire midrange server line: Redundancy (N + 1) Environmental monitoring Dynamic reconfiguration

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Module 1, slide 6 of 22

Sun Services

Sun Fire Midrange Server Product Goals

Serviceability is dened as the ease in which a system might be serviced. Serviceability features are provided in the Sun Fire midrange server line: Hot-plug and hot-swap components Remote administration Minimal tool requirements Reduced field-replaceable unit (FRU) list Keyed components OK to Remove light-emitting diode (LED) indicators

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Module 1, slide 7 of 22

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Finding Sun Fire Midrange Server Information

Sun Microsystems, Inc. has established numerous web sites to help you maintain and administer the Sun Fire midrange serves. These include:

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

Module 1, slide 8 of 22

Sun Services

Sun Fire Midrange Server Models

Sun Fire 6800/E6900 server

Sun Fire 4810 server Sun Fire 4800/E4900 server Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server

Sun Fire 3800 server

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server

The Sun Fire V1280/E2900 servers have features from the Netra server class and Sun Fire 4800/E4900 and 4810 midrange servers. It also incorporates RAS features. The Sun Fire V1280/E2900 servers are highly available, four- to twelve-processor compact servers. Up to two Sun Fire V1280/E2900 servers can be mounted in a standard enterprise rack.

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Sun Fire 3800 Server

The Sun Fire 3800 server is a service provider platform that is a data-center cabinet or rack-mounted, highly available, compact server. The Sun Fire 3800 server supports two to eight processors. Up to three Sun Fire 3800 servers can be mounted in a standard enterprise rack.

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server

The Sun Fire 4800/E4900 servers are highly available, flexible standalone or rack-mounted two- to twelve-processor servers. They deliver mainframe-class availability and have resource management features. They are ideal for use as an application, computer, or small database server.

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Sun Fire 4810 Server

The Sun Fire 4810 server is a highly available, rack-optimized, two- to twelve-processor server. It delivers mainframe-class availability and has resource management features. Packed in 30-inch deep racks, all components are completely front-accessible, making it ideal for Internet data centers.

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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server

The Sun Fire 6800/E6900 servers are highly available, large-scale two- to twenty-four-processor servers. They offer mainframe-class availability and resource management features, including fault-isolated dynamic system domains and full hardware redundancy. They are ideal for server consolidation, data warehousing, data mining, online transaction processing (OLTP), and large database applications.

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Sun Fire E7900 Server Cluster Interconnect

The Sun Fire Link hardware and software product is Suns highest performing cluster interconnect. It is available on the Sun Fire 6800/E6900 servers and Sun Fire high-end servers. This is supported by Sun Java System Cluster software and Sun HPC ClusterTools software. The Sun Fire E7900 server is a bundle consisting of two Sun Fire E6900 servers, with each having two Sun Fire Link boards (a total of four).

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Sun Fire Midrange Server I/O Support

Supported I/O interface cards: Peripheral component interface (PCI) Compact peripheral component interface (cPCI) SBus interface cards are not supported Support variety of I/O adapters Support variety of disks and disk arrays Support variety of backup storage devices

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Features

The Sun Fire midrange servers provide a number of advanced features usually found on mainframe-class servers. These features include: Embedded service processors (system controllers) Platform segmentation and dynamic system domains Multipathed I/O Dynamic reconfiguration Cluster support

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System Controllers
Sets up the system and coordinates the boot process Generates system clocks Monitors the environmental sensors Analyzes errors and takes corrective action Sets up the system partitions and domains Provides the system console capabilities

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Platform Segmentation and Dynamic System Domains

L2 Switches L2 Switches

CPU Memory

CPU Memory


CPU Memory


CPU Memory

CPU Memory


CPU Memory


Domain A Segment 0

Domain B

Domain C Segment 1

Domain D

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Multipathed I/O
Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software Provides a high level of disk availability and performance using multipath access to I/O devices. This was formerly known as Multiplexed IO or MPxIO. Internet Protocol Multipathing Provides a high level of network availability and performance using automatic failover and load balancing on existing Internet Protocol-based networking products.

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Dynamic Reconguration (DR)

Use DR to do the following: Minimize the interruption of system applications while installing or removing a board Disable a failing device by removing it from the domain Display the operational status of boards in a domain Initiate system tests of a board while the system continues to run Reconfigure a domain while Solaris OS continues to run in the domain Invoke hardware-specific functions of a board or a related attachment
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Platform Startup and Shutdown

Understanding the correct procedures for powering up and powering down the Sun Fire midrange servers is key to ensuring proper operation For the proper power up and down procedure for the Sun Fire 1280 and E2900 server refer to the Sun Fire V1280/Netra 1280 Service Manual For the proper power up and down procedure for the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 servers, refer to the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems Power On Off Guide

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edited 02/08 by LG

Sun Services

Module 2
Field-Replaceable Units

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Sun Services

Describe the various administrative and service layers on the Sun Fire midrange server products Describe the Sun Fire midrange server FRU strategy Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server system controller boards Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server system boards Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server I/O boards Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server Sun Fireplane switchboards

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Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server baseplane and centerplanes Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server AC and DC power distribution FRUs Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server fan tray assemblies Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server FrameManager Locate and describe the function of the Sun StorEdge D240 media tray Install and administer the console Install the server in a rack configuration
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What URLs are needed to install and configure the Sun Fire midrange server models? What is the difference between hot-plug and hot-swap? Which components make up the Sun Fire midrange server models? Where are the components located? Which status indicators are associated with each component?

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Administrative and Service Overview

Applications Solaris Operating System OpenBoot PROM 5

LOM Shell Platform Hardware Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Midrange Server

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Administrative and Service Overview

Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell A (SC) Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell B (SC) Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell C (SC) Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell D (SC)

Platform Shell (System Controller)

Platform Hardware

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Sun Fire System Field-Replaceable Units

The Sun Fire midrange servers consist of FRUs. The following items are the main FRUs for the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 servers: Centerplane Fans ID board I/O boards (cPCI I/O, PCI I/O) cPCI I/O and PCI I/O cards Memory

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Sun Fire System Field-Replaceable Units

Power (alternating current [AC] and direct current [DC]) Rack (patch panel, FrameManager, Sun Fire cabinet) System board (CPU/memory) System controller board Switchboard (L2 repeater board)

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Sun Fire System Field-Replaceable Units

The following items are the main FRUs for the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server: Baseplane Fans System controller-I/O board (PCI I/O) Memory Power (AC and DC) System board (CPU/memory) IDE interface

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Sun Fire System Field-Replaceable Units

Internal drives (disk, tape, and digital versatile disk [DVD]) Switchboard (L2 repeater board)

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FRU Administration
Non-hot-pluggable FRUs: PCI cards Centerplane Sun Fireplane switchboard

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FRU Administration
Hot-pluggable FRUs: System boards I/O boards System controller (only with failover enabled)

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FRU Administration
Hot-swappable FRUs: DC power supplies Fan trays cPCI cards

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server IB System Controller Board

The IB_SSC system controller board is a system service processor that controls maintenance and system clocks. It is combined with the I/O board on the Sun Fire V1280/ E2900 servers.
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PCI chassis

PCI riser board IB_SSC riser board -I/O Controller (I/O) -System Controller (SC)

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Sun Fire Midrange Server System Controller Board

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Sun Fire Midrange Server System Controller Board

The system controller board is a system service processor that controls maintenance and system clocks. You can install one additional system controller board for redundancy in all of the Sun Fire systems.

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System Controller Physical Locations

Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Servers IB_SSC Board Location

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System Controller Physical Locations

Sun Fire 3800 Server SC Board Slot Assignments



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System Controller Physical Locations

Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server SC Board Slot Assignments



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System Controller Physical Locations

Sun Fire 4810 Server SC Board Slot Assignments


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System Controller Physical Locations

Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server SC Board Slot Assignments


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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server IB_SSC SC Board Faceplate

SSC1 B TTYB (reserved)

SSC1 A LOM serial port

SSC1 10/100 Ethernet

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Sun Fire Midrange Server System Controller Board Faceplate

Status LED

Serial ports A/B

Reset button

Ethernet RJ45 port

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Sun Fire Midrange Server SC Board LED Denitions

Name, Color, and On Symbol
Activated (green)


The board is activated. Do The board is not not remove the board when activated. You can remove this LED is on. the board when this LED is off. An internal fault occurred. No internal fault occurred. Do not remove the component under hot-pluggable conditions.

Fault (amber)

Removal OK (amber)

You can safely remove the component under hot-pluggable conditions.

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server System Boards

The Sun Fire V1280/E2900 servers system board houses either four UltraSPARC III or four UltraSPARC IV microprocessors (Scalable Processor ARChitecture).

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server System Boards


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Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server System Boards
The Sun Fire midrange server system board houses either two or four UltraSPARC III or UltraSPARC IV processors. Each processor supports two physical banks of memory.

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Memory Conguration Rules

Each CPU on the system board can be configured as follows: No memory installed One bank (bank 0) installed Two banks (bank 0 and bank 1) installed A populated dual-inline memory module (DIMM) bank must have a corresponding CPU processor installed. When memory is installed, all DIMMs in a physical bank must be present.

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CPU and Memory Locations

J 14600 J 14601 J14500 J 14501 J 14400 J 14401 J 14300 J 14301 J 13600 J 13601 J 13500 J 13501 J13400 J 13401 J13300 J 13301 J16600 J 16601 J16500 J 16501 J 16400 J 16401 J 16300 J 16301 J 15600 J 15601 J 15500 J 15501 J 15400 J 15401 J 15300 J 15301

CPU 1 (P1)

CPU 0 (P0)

CPU 3 (P3)

CPU 2 (P2)

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Processor Memory Group Bank Assignments

DIMM 3, bank 0 DIMM 3, bank 1 DIMM 2, bank 0 DIMM 2, bank 1 DIMM 1, bank 0 DIMM 1, bank 1 DIMM 0, bank 0 DIMM 0, bank 1

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server System Board Slot Assignments



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Sun Fire 3800 System Board Slot Assignments



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Sun Fire 4810 and 4800/E4900 Server System Board Assignments


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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server System Board Slot Assignments



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System Board LEDs

Removal OK LED (amber)

Fault LED (amber)

Activated LED (green)

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Sun Fire Midrange I/O Assemblies

Four types of I/O assemblies are used in the Sun Fire midrange products: The six-slot IB_SSC assembly (used in the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 servers only) The four-slot cPCI assembly (used in the Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 servers only) The six-slot cPCI assembly (used in the Sun Fire 3800 server only) The eight-slot PCI assembly (used in the Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 servers only)

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Six-Slot PCI IB_SSC Assembly

PCI chassis

PCI riser board IB_SSC riser board -I/O Controller (I/O) -System Controller (SC)

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Four-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly

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Sun Fire 3800 Server Six-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Eight-Slot PCI I/O Assembly

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server I/O Assembly Location

33MHz PCI 0 32-Bit 64-Bit

33MHz PCI 1



33MHz PCI 2



33MHz PCI 3



33MHz PCI 4



66MHz PCI 5



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Sun Fire 3800 Server I/O Assembly Locations



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Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server I/O Assembly Locations



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Sun Fire 4810 Server I/O Assembly Locations



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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server I/O Assembly Locations





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Eight-Slot PCI I/O Assembly Slot Locations and LEDs

Activated LED (Green) Fault LED (Amber) Removal OK LED (Amber)

7 6

5 4

3 2

1 0


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Eight-Slot Assembly Electrical Characteristics

Slot Number
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz

64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit


66 MHz/33 MHz 64-bit

66 MHz/33 MHz 64-bit

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Six-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Slot Locations and LEDs

Activated LED (Green) Fault LED (Amber) Removal OK LED (Amber)

5 4 3 2 1 Slots 0

cPCI Slot LEDs

cPCI Board LEDs

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Six-Slot cPCI I/O Slot Electrical Characteristics

Slot Number
0 1 2 3 4 5

66 MHz/33 MHz 66 MHz/33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz

64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit


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Four-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Slot Locations and LEDs

Activated LED (Green) Fault LED (Amber) Removal OK LED (Amber)

3 2 1 0 Slots

cPCI Slot LEDs

cPCI Board LEDs

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Four-Slot cPCI I/O Slot Electrical Characteristics

Slot Number
0 1 2 3


Bit-size Voltage

66 MHz/33 MHz 64-bit 66 MHz/33 MHz 64-bit 33 MHz 33 MHz 64-bit 64-bit

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PCI and cPCI I/O Adapters

Sun 10/100 Ethernet Plus SCSI cPCI Adapter

Ejector handle

Hot swap indicator

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PCI and cPCI I/O Adapters

Sun Dual Fast Ethernet and Dual SCSI PCI Adapter

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Sun Fireplane Switchboard

Fireplane Switchboard Sheetmetal Filler Lever D107 DC-DC AR D110 DC-DC I2C Aux SEPROM SDC


LEDs On Fault Ok-to-Remove

DX1 Echip

Air Vent

Air Vent


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Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Sun Fireplane Switchboard

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Sun Fireplane Switchboard Physical Locations

Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Switchboard Slot Assignments


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Sun Fireplane Switchboard Physical Locations

Sun Fire 4810 and 4800/E4900 Server Switchboard Slot Assignments

Sun Fire 4810 Server

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900

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Sun Fireplane Switchboard LEDs

Activated LED (green) Fault LED (amber) Removal OK LED (amber)

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Baseplane

to 530-3079 Fan Tray PCB Sun Fireplane Switchboard 2 Sun Fireplane Switchboard 0 System Board 0 System Board 2 System Board 4 System Board 4

530-3073 1B6_SSC1


System Board 0

J9301 to DC Distrubution Board

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Sun Fireplane Switchboard 0

Sun Fireplane Switchboard 2


System Board 2

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System Conguration Card Reader (SCCR)

System configuration card reader (SCCR)

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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server Centerplane and ID Board (Front View)


System Controller 1

System Board 2

System Board 0

System Board 4

System Board 1

System Board 3

System Board 2

System Controller 0

System Board 0

System Board 4

System Board 1

System Board 3

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System Board 5

System Board 5

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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server Centerplane and ID Board (Rear View)

ID Board IBS PR2 RP3 PR0 RP1 IB8 Sun Fireplane Switchboard 0 Sun Fireplane Switchboard 1 Sun Fireplane Switchboard 2 Sun Fireplane Switchboard 3

I/O Board 9

Sun Fireplane Switchboard 2

Sun Fireplane Switchboard 3

Sun Fireplane Switchboard 0

Sun Fireplane Switchboard 1

I/O Board 9

Bus Bar 340-4796 to Power Centerplane I2C Cable 530-2546 to Power Centerplane

Bus Bar 340-4797 to Power Centerplane

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I/O Board 8

I/O Board 8

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ID Board

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ID Board
The ID board contains a serial electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (SEEPROM) application-specic integrated circuit (ASIC) with the following information: It has the server chassis ID. It has the server serial number/host ID. It incorporates six media access control (MAC) addresses for the Sun Fire 6800/E6900 server and four MAC addresses for the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, and 4810 servers. This includes one per possible domain and one each for the system controllers. It has the server and component power-on hours.
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Replacing a Centerplane or ID Board

The system controller application (ScApp) should automatically program the static portion (such as MAC address, serial number, and so on) of the ID board, but if you cannot do this, the following prompts appear.
Please enter System Serial Number from label: Please enter Platform Model Number (3800, 4800, E4900, 4810, 6800, E6900): Please enter System MAC Address from label (aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff): Please enter Host ID from label (aabbccdd): Is this COD (Capacity on Demand) system? (Y/N)

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ID Board MAC Addresses

Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, and 4810 Servers
Domain B = Base MAC address plus 1

Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Servers

Domain A = Base MAC address Domain A = Base MAC address Domain B = Base MAC address plus 1

SC0 = Base MAC address plus 2 Domain C = Base MAC address plus 2 SC1 = Base MAC address plus 3 Domain D = Base MAC address plus 3 N/A N/A SC0 = Base MAC address plus 4 SC1 = Base MAC address plus 5

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AC Power Distribution
All Sun Fire midrange servers installed in a data center cabinet are equipped with the following AC components: The redundant transfer unit (RTU) The redundant transfer switch (RTS) An AC input box

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AC Power Distribution

Rack Fan Trays (2) 220VAC RTS RTU RTS 220VAC To AC input box for all servers except the Sun Fire 3800 servers. To power supplies for the Sun Fire 3800 servers only.

Primary 200240VAC Secondary 200240VAC

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Sun Fire 4810 and 4800/E4900 Server AC Component Locations

AC input box

Sun Fire 4810 Server

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900

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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server AC Component Locations

AC input boxes


RTS Front
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Sun Services


The RTU supplies AC power to cabinet peripherals and fans.
Eight switched receptacles are intended to supply power to the peripheral equipment. The 6800 has two special AC Input Modules which deliver power from the RTUs to the AC input module. Two unswitched outlets provide power to the cabinet equipment such as fans.

RTU RTS Input AC power RTS

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Redundant Transfer Unit Panel

J11 Unswitched J3 J5 J7 J9 On-Off breakers J13 J15 To Frame Manager Remote Transfer Switches Switched

J12 Unswitched J4 J6 J8 J10 On-Off breakers J14 J16 Not Used

J12 J8 J10




J3 J5 J13 J124A J15

J7 J9

J4 J6 J14 J16 J224A

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Redundant Transfer Unit LED Functions

LED Position

LED Color

On Off Flashing

The source is present and is okay. The source is not present or is lower than the specication. The source is out of the specication. The relay is energized and connected to the outlets. The relay is de-energized and docked. The relay is de-energized and undocked. The module has a fault. The module does not have a fault.



On Off Flashing



On Off

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AC Input Box
For the Sun Fire 6800/E6900 systems, the AC input box receives power from the RTU through two power cables, each with a corresponding power switch. For the Sun Fire 4810 and 4800/E4900 systems, the AC input box receives power from the RTU through three power cables, each with a corresponding power switch. Sun Fire 3800 systems do not use AC input boxes.

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DC Power Distribution
Sun Fire midrange DC power distribution systems include comprised of the following major components: System centerplane Power centerplane Fan centerplane DC power supplies

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server DC Power Distribution

DC-DC Rack Fan Trays (2) DC-DC DC-DC
(1) System Controller Board (3) CPU/Memory Boards (1) I/O Controller Board (2) L2 Repeater Boards (+12V, D12V, 5V, 3V3, 1V5)

Main 48VDC

Auxiliary 3V3

Auxiliary 48VDC

Power Distribution Board (PDB) 220VAC


(1) Fan Tray (48VDC_IL D>3.5 A.)

Auxiliary Primary 200240VAC Secondary 200240VAC RTS RTU RTS Feed A (2) AC Input Box Main 48VDC Standby 12VDC

220VAC AC-DC Converters (PS0-PS3) Feed B (2)

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Sun Fire 3800 Server DC Power Distribution

Rack Fan Trays (2) Primary 200240VAC Secondary 200240VAC 220VAC RTS RTU RTS

DC-DC Board Converters (system, I/O, and Sun Fireplane switch boards) Main 56VDC

DC-DC Board Converters (system controller and ID boards) Auxiliary 56VDC To fans (4) Main 56VDC

System Centerplane Main 56VDC 3 220VAC Auxiliary 56VDC

AC-DC Converters (PS0-PS2)

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server DC Power Distribution

Rack Fan Trays (2) Primary 200240VAC Secondary 200240VAC 220VAC RTS AC 220VAC Input RTU 220VAC Box RTS 220VAC 3

DC-DC Board Converters (system, I/O, and Sun Fireplane switch boards) Main 56VDC

DC-DC Board Converters (system controller and ID boards) Auxiliary 56VDC To fans (3) Main 56VDC

System Centerplane Main 56VDC Auxiliary 56VDC

AC-DC Converters (PS0-PS2)

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Sun Fire 4810 Server DC Power Distribution

DC-DC Board Converters (system, I/O, and Sun Fireplane switch boards) Main 56VDC DC-DC Board Converters (system controller and ID boards) Auxiliary 56VDC To fans (3) Main 56VDC

Rack Fan Trays (2) Primary 200240VAC Secondary 200240VAC 220VAC RTS

System Centerplane Main 56VDC Auxiliary 56VDC

AC 220VAC Input RTU 220VAC Box RTS 220VAC 3

Power Centerplane Main 56VDC Auxiliary 56VDC

AC-DC Converters (PS0-PS2)

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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server DC Power Distribution

DC-DC SB0, 2, 4 ib6, 8 RP0, 1 Primary 200-240VAC Secondary 200-240VAC RTS RTUF RTS AC Input Box Primary 200-240VAC Secondary 200-240VAC RTS 1 RTUR RTS DC-DC SB1, 3, 5 ib7, 9 RP2, 3 AC1 Power Centerplane 220VAC AC-DC CONV PS3-5 1 AC0 220VAC AC-DC CONV Power PS0-2 Centerplane Main 56V Auxiliary 56V SC0 SC1 DC-DC


Auxiliary 56V Main 56V

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Power Grid Slot Assignments

Sun Fire V1280 Sun Fire E2900 Sun Fire 3800 Sun Fire 4800 Sun Fire E4900 Sun Fire 4810 Sun Fire 6800 Sun Fire 6800 Sun Fire E6900 Sun Fire E6900

Power Slots Grid

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 SB0, SB2, SB4, IB_SSC, RP0, and RP2 SB0, SB2, SB4, IB_SSC, RP0, and RP2 SB0, SB2, IB6, and IB8 SB0, SB2, SB4, IB6, IB8, RP0, and RP2 SB0, SB2, SB4, IB6, IB8, RP0, and RP2 SB0, SB2, SB4, IB6, IB8, RP0, and RP2 SB0, SB2, SB4, IB6, IB8, RP0, and RP1 SB1, SB3, SB5, IB7, IB9, RP2, and RP3 SB0, SB2, SB4, IB6, IB8, RP0, and RP1 SB1, SB3, SB5, IB7, IB9, RP2, and RP3

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DC Power Supplies
Power Supply Specications
Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Sun Fire 3800 Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Sun Fire 4810 Sun Fire 6800/E6900

Slot Number

Main Voltage Output

Auxiliary Voltage Output


PS0, PS1, PS2, 48VDC PS3 PS0, PS1, PS2 PS0, PS1, PS2 PS0, PS1, PS2 PS0PS5 56VDC 56VDC 56VDC 56VDC

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DC Power Supply Locations

Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server DC Power Supply Locations


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DC Power Supply Locations

Sun Fire 3800 Server DC Power Supply Locations




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DC Power Supply Locations

Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server DC Power Supply Locations


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DC Power Supply Locations

Sun Fire 4810 Server DC Power Supply Locations




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DC Power Supply Locations

Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server DC Power Supply Locations



Grid 0

Grid 1



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Sun Fire Midrange Server Fan Trays and Blower Assemblies

The Sun Fire V1280/E2900 servers have no redundant fan trays. One fan tray supports eight individually replaceable fans. The Sun Fire 3800 server has four blower assemblies. The Sun Fire 4800/E4900 and 4810 servers have three fan trays. The Sun Fire 6800/E6900 servers have four fan trays.

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Fan Tray Locations

Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Fan Tray Location
V1280/2900 Server Front View

Fan tray

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Fan Tray Locations

Sun Fire 3800 Server Fan Tray Locations





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Fan Tray Locations

Sun Fire 4800/E4900 Server Fan Tray Locations



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Fan Tray Locations

Sun Fire 4810 Server Fan Tray Locations



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Fan Tray Locations

Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server Fan Tray Locations



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Fan Tray Assembly LEDs

Active LED (green) Fault LED (amber) Removal OK LED (amber)

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FrameManager Cable Diagram

FrameManager Front RTU Rack Fan Tray Rack Fan Tray SC1 Serial Port B Sun Fire Midrange Server


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FrameManager Cap Front Panel

Fault LED (amber) Power LED (green) Service LED (amber)


LCD status manager

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Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray

The Sun StorEdge D240 media tray for the Sun Fire data center cabinet is a supported boot device for the Sun Fire midrange server.

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Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray Rear Panel

In a full Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus conguration, all the media tray internal drives are connected to one domain using a single SCSI bus.

Full bus Configuration switch

To domain
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UltraWide SCSI bus cables (full bus)

Module 2, slide 98 of 112

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Full-Bus Conguration SCSI ID Assignments


Disk (ID1)

Disk (ID0)

DAT tape (ID4)

Media Tray Front View

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Full SCSI Bus Conguration Options

Conguration Options
Maximum hard drives and tape drives Maximum hard drives only

Hard Drives
Two Four

Tape Drives
Two None One None

DVD-ROM Drives
None None One Two

Mixed hard drives, tape drive, and Two DVD-ROM drive Two

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Split SCSI Bus

Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray Rear Panel

Split bus Configuration switch

To domain

To domain

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Typical Split SCSI Bus SCSI ID Assignments


Disk (ID0)

Disk (ID0)

DAT tape (ID6)

Media Tray Front View

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Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray Status LEDs

System fault LED (amber)

Power LED (green)

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Media Tray Status LED Descriptions

Power is green

The power supply is inserted and cabled on, normal.

Both LEDs are off The power supply is absent, or the power cords are not connected. System fault is amber The power supplies have failed, the fan has failed, or the system is running from a single power supply.

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Media Tray Power Supply LEDs

DC output Fault Remove OK AC input

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Media Tray Power Supply LED States

DC output Fault Remove OK AC input

Normal Fault Fault Indication (All Power (Good Power (Bad Power Supplies) Supply) Supply)
Green Amber Blue Green On Off On On On Off Off On Off On On Off

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Installing the Administration Console

ASCII terminal Network terminal server (NTS) Workstation Laptop Personal digital assistant (PDA)

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System Controller Patch Panel

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Accessing the Platform Shell

You can access the system controller in one of two ways: Serial port console connection: ASCII terminal or terminal emulation (vt100) Network terminal server (NTS) Workstation Ethernet port shell connection

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Installation

Tools: System site planning guides Installation manuals Configuration manual Sun Fire Midrange Server Configuration Best Practices Sun Fire Midrange Server Administration Best Practices Enterprise Installation Services (EIS) Installation and Patch CD (EIS-CD)

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Rackmounting an Additional Sun Fire 3800 and 4800/E4900 Server

Rackmounting Considerations Install systems in the cabinet from the bottom up. Install storage devices directly above server systems in the cabinet, from the bottom up. Install Sun StorEdge D240 media trays from the top of the cabinet down. The Sun Fire cabinet does not support any side-to-side cooled devices. Only front-to-back cooled products are supported. Up to three Sun Fire 3800 systems per Sun Fire cabinet are supported.
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Rackmounting an Additional Sun Fire 3800 and 4800/E4900 Server

Rackmounting Considerations Use the Sun Fire 3800 system rack mounting kits in the Sun Fire cabinet only. When considering third-party rackmounting, review their thermal and rackmounting guidelines. Mount the Sun Fire 280R server, Sun Enterprise 420R hardware, Netra T1 AC200/DC200 servers, and Sun Fire V100/V120 servers above the Sun Fire systems. Install front plastic filler panels to fill in any open spaces within the Sun Fire cabinet.
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Module 2, slide 112 of 112

edited 02/08 by LG

Sun Services

Module 3
Platform Assessment and Management

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Sun Services

Describe an overview of the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server platform administrative functions Perform user maintenance and administrative functions using the LOM shell Display and change system controller parameters by using LOM shell commands Monitor the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server platform by using LOM shell commands Power cycle the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server with LOM shell commands and with the front panel power rocker switch

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Module 3, slide 2 of 132

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Identify the administrative and service tasks that you can perform with the platform shell Identify the platform shell commands you can use to display system information, set up system parameters, and test system hardware Describe three methods you can use to connect to the system controller shells Describe how to navigate between shells on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6900/E6900 servers Configure the platform and system controller by using the platform shell

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Module 3, slide 3 of 132

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Display and change system controller parameters by using the platform shell Describe how to manage the system controller for reboot and failover operations Describe how to use system controller commands to monitor platforms and domains Describe how to power on and off the system components Describe how to update the platform firmware Describe the capability and effects of splitting the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 servers into segments and domains
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Module 3, slide 4 of 132

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Describe how to start, stop, and power cycle domains Describe how to perform device configuration with OpenBoot programmable read-only memory (PROM) to add or remove devices from a Sun Fire midrange server Describe OpenBoot PROM capabilities Describe how to use OpenBoot PROM to represent interconnected busses and their devices in a device tree Describe how to map Sun Fire midrange server physical devices

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Module 3, slide 5 of 132

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Which functions does the system controller perform? How do the system controller maintenance buses communicate with the platform? Which role does the platform shell play in configuring the Sun Fire midrange servers? Which commands are available in the platform shell? How is each platform shell command used to configure the Sun Fire midrange server platform?

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Module 3, slide 6 of 132

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Platform Assessment and Management

Applications Solaris Operating System OpenBoot PROM 5

LOM Shell Platform Hardware Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Midrange Server

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Lights-Out Management (LOM)

LOM is a set of software tools on the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 servers. LOM is used to perform user maintenance and administrative activities. LOM is composed of a shell and UNIX utility. The LOM shell runs under Vxworks, the system controller (SC) operating environment. The LOM utility is a utility command (lom) that runs under the Solaris OS and can only be accessed by a root level user.

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LOM Shell
The LOM shell that runs on the system controller has been signicantly modied from versions on earlier Netra server platforms. Commands that were originally developed for the Sun Fire 3800, 4800, 4810, and 6800 server domain shell have been adopted.

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LOM Shell Commands

The LOM shell has a number of commands to display system information, to set up system parameters, and to test system hardware.

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The help Command

lom> help setlocator setlocator -- set the system locator led Usage: setlocator on|off setlocator -h -h -- display this help message lom>

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Connecting to the LOM Shell

You can access the system controller in one of two ways: Serial port console connection: ASCII terminal or terminal emulation (vt100) Network terminal server (NTS) Workstation Ethernet port shell connection

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The shownetwork Command

lom> shownetwork -v Network ------The system controller is configured to be on a network. Network settings: static Hostname: commando-sc IP Address: Gateway: DNS Domain: Primary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server:

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The setupnetwork Command

lom> setupnetwork Network Configuration --------------------Is the system controller on a network? [no]: yes Use DHCP or static network settings? [DHCP]: static Hostname []: somename IP Address []: Netmask []: Gateway []: DNS Domain []: Primary DNS Server []: Secondary DNS Server []: Rebooting the SC is required for changes in network settings to take effect. lom>

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The logout Command

lom> logout

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Navigating Between Shell Environments on the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server

Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS)

Default #. Escape Sequence

Open Boot PROM (OBP)

Solaris OS not booted lom> console lom> break

ok #. Default Escape Sequence

Lights Out Management (LOM) Shell

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The showescape Command

lom> showescape #. lom> setescape ~~~ lom> showescape ~~~ lom>

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The password Command

lom> password Enter new password: cangetin Enter new password again: cangetin lom>

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The showsc Command

lom> showsc -v SC: SSC1 Clock failover disabled. SC date: Tue Jan 13 17:19:17 MST 2004 MST GMT-7 Mountain Standard Time SC uptime: 1 hour 31 minutes 28 seconds ScApp version: 5.13.0015 LW8_build0.15 Version build: 1.0 Version String: LW8_build0.15 RTOS version: 32 SC POST diag level: min Clock source is: 75MHz Solaris Host Status: Active - Solaris lom>

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The setupsc command

This command congures optional system controller features. The options and parameters are: off SCPOST is not run. min Minimum level SCPOST is run (default). max Maximum level SCPOST is run.

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The setupsc command

lom> setupsc System Controller Configuration ------------------------------SC POST diag Level [off]: min

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Managing the LOM Time-of-Day (TOD)

lom> setdate 020413232004.14

lom> setdate -r hostname Mon Feb 05 09:30:58 EST 2004

lom> showdate Mon Feb 06 12:31:40 EDT 2004

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The bootmode Command

This command sets the highest level of POST tests to run on the next reboot.
lom> bootmode diag lom> console # init 6

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LOM Platform Monitoring Functions

showboards showcomponent inventory showenvironment history showlogs showlocator

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards
Slot ---SSC0 SSC1 ID0 PS0 PS1 PS2 FT0 FT1 FT2 FT3 RP0 RP2 /N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 Pwr --On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Component Type -------------System Controller System Controller Sun Fire 3800 Centerplane A145 Power Supply A145 Power Supply A145 Power Supply Fan Tray Fan Tray Fan Tray Fan Tray Repeater Board (F3800) Repeater Board (F3800) CPU Board CPU Board CPCI I/O board (F3800) CPCI I/O board (F3800) State ----Main Spare Low Speed Low Speed Low Speed Low Speed Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Status -----Passed OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested Domain -----A A A A

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p cpus
CPUs ---/partition0/domain0/SB0/bbcGroup0/cpuAB/cpusafariagent0: part_no=0x919c version=2 manufacturer=0x07d devid=0x102234058a9 (lot=0x022340 bin=1 wafer=22 col=5 row=9) speed=750 e$ (8MB): J4400: 4MB, part# 0, serial# 090AXB J4300: 4MB, part# 0, serial# 090AVU DRAM DIMM Group 0 (1024MB): J13300: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005898 J13400: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005870 J13500: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005878 J13600: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005881 DRAM DIMM Group 1 (Empty):

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p clock
Component --------SSC0 RP0 RP2 /N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 SSC0 Signal ----------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK SSC1 Signal ----------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Signal Used ----------SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 Failover -------Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

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Module 3, slide 27 of 132

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p cpu
Component Description --------- ----------/N0/SB0/P2 UltraSPARC-III, /N0/SB0/P3 UltraSPARC-III, /N0/SB2/P2 UltraSPARC-III, /N0/SB2/P3 UltraSPARC-III,

0MHz, 0MHz, 0MHz, 0MHz,

8M 8M 8M 8M

ECache ECache ECache ECache

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p memory
Component --------/N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 Size ---2048 MB 2048 MB Reason ------

schostname:SC> showboards -p power

Component --------/N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 Pwr --On On On On Grid ---Grid 0 Grid 0 Grid 0 Grid 0

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p version
Component --------SSC0 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 /N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 Compatible ---------Reference Yes Yes Yes Yes Version ------5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build

12 12 12 12 12

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Sun Services

The showcomponent Command

schostname:SC> showcomponent sb0 Component Status Pending -------------------/N0/SB0/P0 enabled /N0/SB0/P1 enabled /N0/SB0/P2 enabled 750MHz, 8M ECache /N0/SB0/P3 enabled 750MHz, 8M ECache /N0/SB0/P0/B0/L0 enabled /N0/SB0/P0/B0/L2 enabled /N0/SB0/P0/B1/L1 enabled /N0/SB0/P0/B1/L3 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B0/L0 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B0/L2 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B1/L1 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B1/L3 enabled /N0/SB0/P2/B0/L0 enabled /N0/SB0/P2/B0/L2 enabled Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

POST ---untest untest pass pass untest untest untest untest untest untest untest untest pass pass

Description ----------empty empty UltraSPARC-III, UltraSPARC-III, empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty 512M DRAM 512M DRAM
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The showcomponent Command

/N0/SB0/P2/B1/L1 /N0/SB0/P2/B1/L3 /N0/SB0/P3/B0/L0 /N0/SB0/P3/B0/L2 /N0/SB0/P3/B1/L1 /N0/SB0/P3/B1/L3 enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled untest untest pass pass untest untest empty empty 512M DRAM 512M DRAM empty empty

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The showcomponent Command

schostname:SC> showcomponent ib6 Component Status Pending POST Description ----------------- ------- -------------/N0/IB6/P0 enabled pass IO controller 0 /N0/IB6/P1 enabled pass IO controller 1 /N0/IB6/P0/B0 enabled pass 66/33MHz PCI Bus /N0/IB6/P0/B1 enabled pass 33MHz PCI Bus /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C0 enabled pass 33MHz 5V Short PCI card /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C1 enabled failed 33MHz 5V Short PCI card /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C2 enabled pass 33MHz 5V LOng/Short PCI card /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C3 enabled pass 33MHz 5V LOng/Short PCI card

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The inventory Command

lom> inventory PS1 /N0/PS1: PS: 300-1523-01-02 serial# E00254 "Power Supply (A166,V1280)" Made on Fri Nov 30 11:47:41 PST 2001 by 03ad at DELTAELECTRONICS CHUNGLI TAIWAN Powered on for 87 days 12 hours 1 minute

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The showenvironment Command

lom> showenvironment Slot Device ---------SSC1 SBBC 0 SSC1 Board 0 SSC1 Board 0 SSC1 Board 0 SSC1 Board 0 /N0/PS0 Input 0 /N0/PS0 48 VDC 0 /N0/PS1 Input 0 /N0/PS1 48 VDC 0 /N0/FT0 Fan 0 /N0/FT0 Fan 7 /N0/RP0 Board 0 /N0/RP0 Board 0 /N0/RP0 DX 1 /N0/RP2 Board 0 /N0/RP2 Board 0 /N0/RP2 Board 0 /N0/RP2 DX 0 /N0/RP2 DX 1 /N0/SB0 Board 0 /N0/SB0 Board 0 . Sensor -------Temp. Temp. 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 5 VDC Volt. Volt. Volt. Volt. Cooling Cooling 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC Temp. 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC Temp. Temp. Temp. 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC Value ------0 37 2 28 0 1.49 0 3.35 0 5.01 0 0 48.00 0 0 48.00 0 0 0 1.51 0 3.35 0 66 0 1.49 0 3.33 0 24 0 53 0 56 0 1.50 0 3.33 Units --------Degrees C Degrees C Volts DC Volts DC Volts DC Volts DC Volts DC Auto Auto Volts DC Volts DC Degrees C Volts DC Volts DC Degrees C Degrees C Degrees C Volts DC Volts DC Age ------1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 6 sec 6 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 4 sec 4 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 4 sec 5 sec Status -----OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

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The history Command

lom> history Nov 26 14:34:37 Nov 26 14:34:40 Nov 26 14:34:45 Nov 26 14:40:01 Nov 26 15:06:00 Nov 26 15:53:05 Nov 26 16:15:32 Nov 26 16:17:32 : : : : : : : : showalarm 1 showalarm 2 showalarm system showeventreporting showfault shownetwork help setlocator history

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The showlogs Command

lom> showlogs Nov 26 16:48:29 1 ON Nov 26 16:48:36 2 OFF Nov 27 11:20:38 1 OFF Nov 27 11:20:43 2 ON Nov 27 11:21:17 Locator ON interpol-sc lom: [ID 746300 local0.warning] Alarm interpol-sc lom: [ID 222144 local0.notice] Alarm interpol-sc lom: [ID 218048 local0.notice] Alarm interpol-sc lom: [ID 877372 local0.warning] Alarm interpol-sc lom: [ID 352276 local0.notice]

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The showlocator Command

lom> showlocator locator is off

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Power Operations

You can power-cycle the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server by using the following LOM commands: poweron shutdown poweroff

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LOM poweron Command

The poweron command powers on the entire system or individual components. To power on system board 2 (sb2), type:
lom> poweron sb2

To power on the system and boot the Solaris OS, type:

lom> poweron

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LOM shutdown Command

The LOM shutdown command shuts down the Solaris OS and powers off the system to standby mode. To power the system to standby mode, type:
lom> shutdown

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LOM poweroff Command

The poweroff command powers off the entire system to standby, a FRU, or a list of FRUs. To power off system board 2 (sb2), type:
lom> poweroff sb2

To power off the entire system, type:

lom> poweroff

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Power-Cycling the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Using the Power Rocker Switch

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Power-Cycling The Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Using the Power Rocker Switch
The switch is only operational if it has not been disabled using the setupsc LOM command. To determine if the rocker switch is disabled or enabled use the setupsc command.
lom> setupsc System Controller Configuration ------------------------------SC POST diag Level [off]: Host Watchdog [enabled]: Rocker Switch [enabled]: Secure Mode [off]:

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Power-Cycle Operations
The following power-cycle operations are available when you enable the system indicator board rocker switch. If the system is in standby mode, pressing the switch powers on the system. This action is equivalent to executing the LOM poweron command. If the system running the Solaris OS, pressing the switch for four seconds executes an orderly shutdown. This action is the equivalent of executing the LOM shutdown command. If the system is powered on, pressing this switch for more than four seconds executes a system power down to standby mode. This action is equivalent to the LOM poweroff command.
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Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Platform Assessment and Management
Using the platform shell, you can: Configure the system controller network parameters Configure platform-wide parameters Configure segments and domains Monitor platform environments Display hardware configuration information Power on and power off the system and system components
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Platform Shell Commands

The platform shell has a number of commands to display system information, to set up system parameters, and to test system hardware.

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The help Command

Without arguments, the help command lists all available shell commands. When an argument is supplied, help displays basic usage of the specied command.
schostname:SC> help addboard addboard -- assign a board to a domain Usage: addboard -d <domain> <board> ... addboard -h
-d -- the domain to assign the board to -h -- display this help message

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Connecting to the System Controller Shells

There are three methods to connect to the system controller console: Serial connection Use the serial port to connect directly to an ASCII terminal or to a network terminal server (NTS). Secure Shell (SSH) connection Use the Ethernet port to connect to the network using the SSH protocol. Telnet connection Use the Ethernet port to connect to the network using the Telnet protocol.

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Initiate a Remote Connection With SSH

The SC provides SSH server functionality. For security reasons, only connections requested by client software running the SSHv2 protocol are accepted by the SSH server on the SC. Type the following at the system prompt:
% ssh schostname

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Initiate a Remote Connection With Telnet

The SC provides the ability to connect using a network connection and telnet. Type the following at the system prompt:
% telnet schostname

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Navigating Between Shells on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Servers
Telnet Connection Press: CTRL ] at the telnet> prompt type: send break Solaris Operating System SSH Connection #. Tip Connection ~.

Telnet Connection Press: CTRL ] at the telnet> prompt type: send break SSH Connection #. OpenBoot PROM Tip Connection ~.

Type: resume Domain Shell Type: disconnect

Type: break

Platform Shell

Type: console -d domain ID

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Managing Shell Passwords

The password command sets the password for: The platform shell The domain shell An example of the password command example:
schostname:SC> password Enter new password: xxyyzz Enter new password again: xxyyzz

If the password is already set and needs to be changed:

schostname:SC> password Enter current password: xxyyzz Enter new password: aabbcc Enter new password again: aabbcc

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Console Command Considerations

When you execute the console command from the platform shell, you get the domain shell prompt only when the keyswitch is in the off position. If the domain is currently posting, posting messages appear. If the domain is at run level 0, the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt appears. If the domain is loading the Solaris OS, Solaris OS booting messages appear.

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Console Command Considerations

If the domain is running the Solaris OS and no one has logged in yet in this console, the Login: prompt appears. If the domain is running Solaris OS and someone has previously logged in without logging out, you are placed in this persons shell.

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Platform and System Controller Conguration

Server platform setup is done from the platform shell. The setupplatform command sets up configuration parameters that pertain to the entire system.

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Platform and System Controller Conguration

As the setupplatform command runs, prompts appear for the following parameters: Network conguration Loghost parameter identier SNMP ACLs System controller POST level System controller failover Partition mode

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Platform and System Controller Conguration

Use the setupplatform command to manage the platform. Example:
schostname:SC> setupplatform Network Configuration --------------------Is the system controller on a network? [yes]: Use DHCP or static network settings? [static]: Hostname [schostname]: IP Address []: Netmask []: Gateway []: DNS Domain [none]: Primary DNS Server []: Secondary DNS Server []:

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Conguring the Platform TOD

Use the setdate command to manage TOD.
schostname:SC> setdate 020619152004.10 schostname:SC> setdate -r hostname Mon Apr 06 18:30:58 PDT 2001

Use the showdate command to display the current TOD.

schostname:SC> showdate Mon Apr 06 18:31:40 PDT 2001

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Viewing System Controller Details

schostname:SC> showsc -v
SC: SSC0 Main System Controller SC Failover: disabled Clock failover enabled. SC date: Wed Jan 14 08:23:01 PST 2004 PST GMT-8 Pacific Standard Time SC uptime: 16 hours 1 minute 18 seconds ScApp version: 5.16.0 Build_06 Version build: 6.0 Version String: 5.16.0 RTOS version: 37 SC POST diag level: min Clock source is: 75MHz
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Viewing the SC Message Logs

The showlogs command displays the system controller-logged events stored in the system controller message buffer. For example:
schostname:SC> showlogs -v

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Viewing System Controller Connections

schostname:SC> connections ID Hostname Idle 1 localhost 01:02 2 freedonia.Eng.Sun.COM 09:23 4 mos-eisley.Eng.Sun.COM 03:49 8 awe177-5.AWE.Sun.COM 00:03 9 awe177-5.AWE.Sun.COM Connected on Dec 31 16:00 Dec 31 16:02 Dec 31 20:06 Jan 02 01:22 Jan 02 01:26 Connected to Platform Domain B Platform DomainA Platform

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Viewing System Controller Command History

schostname:SC> history
Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 08:20:29 08:20:54 08:21:05 08:21:14 08:21:22 08:21:28 08:21:35 08:22:04 08:22:37 08:22:50 08:23:01 08:23:31 08:23:45 : : : : : : : : : : : : : showboards showb -h showb -p clock showb -p cpu showb -p mem showb -p power showb -p version showboards -p version showcom sb0 showcom -v ib6 showsc -v showenv -v history

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System Controller Management

All of the server conguration information is stored on the system controller. This consists of two types of information: Parameters specific to the system controller Parameters specific to the platform

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System Controller Conguration

The system controller requires that network and POST parameters be dened when initially conguring the Sun Fire midrange platforms. Configuring network parameters for the system controller Configuring POST parameters

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Rebooting the System Controller

The reboot command reboots the system controller. It does not change any configuration settings.

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Rebooting the System Controller

schostname:SC> reboot Are you sure you want to reboot the system controller now? [no] yes Waiting for critical processes to finish. This may take a while. Critical processes have finished.
Rebooting. All SSH or telnet connections closed. Reestablish any needed connections. Dec 05 11:07:16 schostname Platform.SC: Stopping all services on this SC Dec 05 11:07:16 schostname Platform.SC: All services on this SC have been stopped. Software Reset... . . .

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Rebooting the System Controller

Type 0 for Platform Shell Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Input: for for for for domain domain domain domain A B C D console console console console

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System Controller Failover

The system controller has failover capabilities for clock-related and processor function failures. If there is a system controller failure, the remaining system controller continues to provide clocks and service to the platform.

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System Controller Failover Prerequisites

The following support conguration is needed to congure the system controller for failover: Both system controllers must have the same revision of firmware (a minimum of revision 5.13.x). A virtual IP address is assigned to the system controllers using the setupplatform command. The logical host name or IP address identifies the working main system controller even after a failover occurs. You must synchronize the date and time between the two system controllers to ensure that the same time service is provided to the domains. You must set the system controller failover to enabled.
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The system controller failover event is logged in the platform message log le, which is viewed on the console of the new main system controller or through the showlogs command on the system controller.
Platform Shell - Spare System Controller sp4-sc0:sc> Nov 12 01:15:42 sp4-sc0 Platform.SC: SC Failover: enabled and active. Nov 12 01:16:42 sp4-sc0 Platform.SC: SC Failover: no heartbeat detected from the Main SC Nov 12 01:16:42 sp4-sc0 Platform.SC: SC Failover: becoming main SC Nov 12 01:16:49 sp4-sc0 Platform.SC: Chassis is in single partition mode. Nov 12 01:17:04 sp4-sc0 Platform.SC: Main System Controller Nov 12 01:17:04 sp4-sc0 Platform.SC: SC Failover: disabled sp4-sc1:SC>

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Controlling System Controller Failover Behavior

You can enable system controller failover by using the setupplatform command or the setfailover command. Example of using the setupplatform command:
schostname:SC> setupplatform -p sc SC POST diag Level [min]:Enable SC failover? [yes]: Logical Hostname or IP address [sp1-sc]:

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Controlling System Controller Failover Behavior

The three options that can be used are: on, off, and force, if system controller failover has not been enabled using the setupplatform command. For example:
schostname:SC> setfailover on SC Failover: enabled but not active.

If congured in the setupplatform command, the following output appears:

schostname:SC> setfailover on SC Failover: enabled and active.

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Controlling System Controller Failover Behavior

You can turn off system controller failover by using the setfailover off command:
schostname:SC> setfailover off SC Failover: disabled

You can force system controller failover by using the setfailover force command:
schostname:SC> setfailover force SC: SSC0 Spare System Controller SC Failover: enabled and active. Clock failover enabled.

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Controlling System Controller Failover Behavior

This will abruptly interrupt operations on the other System Controller. This System Controller will become the main System Controller. Do you want to continue? [no] yes Oct 26 00:10:33 schostname-sc0 Platform.SC: SC Failover: becoming main SC ... Oct 26 00:10:37 schostname-sc0 Platform.SC: Chassis is in single partition mode. schostname-sc0:sc> Oct 26 00:10:42 schostname-sc0 Platform.SC: Main System Controller Oct 26 00:10:42 Oct 26 00:10:42 schostname-sc0 Platform.SC: Added logical IP Oct 26 00:10:43 schostname-sc0 Platform.SC: SC Failover: disabled

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Determining the System Controller Failover State

Use the showfailover command to determine the failover system controller state. For example:
schostname:SC> showfailover -v
SC: SSC0 Main System Controller SC Failover: disabled Clock failover enabled

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Platform Assessment
You can use system controller commands to monitor the platform and domains. These commands include: showplatform showboards showcomponent showsc showenvironment history connections showlogs showfru
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Assessing the Platform Conguration

The showplatform command displays all conguration variables for this platform, including: Network attributes of the platform ACLs for each domain Domain status

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The showplatform Command

schostname:SC> showplatform -v Domain Solaris Nodename Domain Status Keyswitch -------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------A Active - OpenBoot PROM on B Powered Off off C Powered Off off D Powered Off off Network ------The system controller is configured to be on a network. Network settings: static Hostname: marlins0 IP Address: Netmask: Gateway: DNS Domain: Primary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server:
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The showplatform Command

Domain Domain Domain Domain SSC0 SSC1 A B C D MAC Address ----------------08:00:20:e0:e6:f4 08:00:20:e0:e6:f5 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 08:00:20:e0:e6:f6 08:00:20:e0:e6:f7 HostID -------80e0e6f4 80e0e6f5 ffffffff ffffffff 80e0e6f6 80e0e6f7

System Serial Number: 105H25AA Loghosts -------Loghost for Platform: Log Facility for Platform: local0

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The showplatform Command

SNTP ---SNTP server: SNMP ---SNMP Agent: enabled Chassis Description: Sun Fire 3800 Chassis Contact: Bob,Jackson, Dave , John , Sam , Matt , Ted Chassis Location: back_of_room Trap Hosts: Public Community String: Private Community String: SNMP packets received: 0 SNMP packets sent: 263 SNMP traps sent: 263

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The showplatform Command

ACLs ---ACL for ACL for ACL for ACL for Domain Domain Domain Domain A: SB0 SB2 IB6 IB8 B: C: D:

SC -SC POST diag Level: min SC Failover: disabled Logical Hostname: Security Options ---------------Telnet servers: Enabled Idle connection timeout : No timeout

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The showplatform Command

Partition Mode -------------Chassis is in single partition mode. Frame information is not available.

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Viewing Platform Component Status

The showboards command displays the assignment information and status for all the components in the system; for example, system boards, I/O boards, fan trays, and so on. For the domain shell, the display only shows components with the proper access permission for the current domain that are listed in the ACL.

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards
Slot ---SSC0 SSC1 ID0 PS0 PS1 PS2 FT0 FT1 FT2 FT3 RP0 RP2 /N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 Pwr --On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Component Type -------------System Controller System Controller Sun Fire 3800 Centerplane A145 Power Supply A145 Power Supply A145 Power Supply Fan Tray Fan Tray Fan Tray Fan Tray Repeater Board (F3800) Repeater Board (F3800) CPU Board CPU Board CPCI I/O board (F3800) CPCI I/O board (F3800) State ----Main Spare Low Speed Low Speed Low Speed Low Speed Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Status -----Passed OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested Domain -----A A A A

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p cpus
CPUs ---/partition0/domain0/SB0/bbcGroup0/cpuAB/cpusafariagent0: part_no=0x919c version=2 manufacturer=0x07d devid=0x102234058a9 (lot=0x022340 bin=1 wafer=22 col=5 row=9) speed=750 e$ (8MB): J4400: 4MB, part# 0, serial# 090AXB J4300: 4MB, part# 0, serial# 090AVU DRAM DIMM Group 0 (1024MB): J13300: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005898 J13400: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005870 J13500: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005878 J13600: 256MB, part# 0, serial# 005881 DRAM DIMM Group 1 (Empty):

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p clock
Component --------SSC0 RP0 RP2 /N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 SSC0 Signal ----------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK SSC1 Signal ----------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Signal Used ----------SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 SSC0 Failover -------Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p cpu
Component Description --------- ----------/N0/SB0/P2 UltraSPARC-III, /N0/SB0/P3 UltraSPARC-III, /N0/SB2/P2 UltraSPARC-III, /N0/SB2/P3 UltraSPARC-III,

0MHz, 0MHz, 0MHz, 0MHz,

8M 8M 8M 8M

ECache ECache ECache ECache

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p memory
Component --------/N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 Size ---2048 MB 2048 MB Reason ------

schostname:SC> showboards -p power

Component --------/N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 Pwr --On On On On Grid ---Grid 0 Grid 0 Grid 0 Grid 0

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The showboards Command

schostname:SC> showboards -p version
Component --------SSC0 /N0/IB6 /N0/IB8 /N0/SB0 /N0/SB2 Compatible ---------Reference Yes Yes Yes Yes Version ------5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build 5.13.0 Build

12 12 12 12 12

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Viewing Platform Component Details

The showcomponent command displays a component or a list of components. When this command is typed in the platform shell, the output shows all components in the platform. In the domain shell, it shows only components with the proper access permissions. This command relies on the hierarchical nature of the device tree traversing all child devices.

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The showcomponent Command

schostname:SC> showcomponent sb0 Component Status Pending -------------------/N0/SB0/P0 enabled /N0/SB0/P1 enabled /N0/SB0/P2 enabled 750MHz, 8M ECache /N0/SB0/P3 enabled 750MHz, 8M ECache /N0/SB0/P0/B0/L0 enabled /N0/SB0/P0/B0/L2 enabled /N0/SB0/P0/B1/L1 enabled /N0/SB0/P0/B1/L3 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B0/L0 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B0/L2 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B1/L1 enabled /N0/SB0/P1/B1/L3 enabled /N0/SB0/P2/B0/L0 enabled /N0/SB0/P2/B0/L2 enabled Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision C

POST ---untest untest pass pass untest untest untest untest untest untest untest untest pass pass

Description ----------empty empty UltraSPARC-III, UltraSPARC-III, empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty 512M DRAM 512M DRAM
Module 3, slide 92 of 132

Sun Services

The showcomponent Command

/N0/SB0/P2/B1/L1 /N0/SB0/P2/B1/L3 /N0/SB0/P3/B0/L0 /N0/SB0/P3/B0/L2 /N0/SB0/P3/B1/L1 /N0/SB0/P3/B1/L3 enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled untest untest pass pass untest untest empty empty 512M DRAM 512M DRAM empty empty

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The showcomponent Command

schostname:SC> showcomponent ib6 Component Status Pending ----------------- ------/N0/IB6/P0 enabled /N0/IB6/P1 enabled /N0/IB6/P0/B0 enabled /N0/IB6/P0/B1 enabled /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C0 enabled /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C1 enabled /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C2 enabled /N0/IB6/P0/B1/C3 enabled POST ---pass pass pass pass pass failed pass pass Description ----------IO controller 0 IO controller 1 66/33MHz PCI Bus 33MHz PCI Bus 33MHz 5V Short PCI card 33MHz 5V Short PCI card 33MHz 5V LOng/Short PCI card 33MHz 5V LOng/Short PCI card

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Powering On and Off System Components

Use the poweron command to power on components. Use the poweroff command to power off components. Powering on and powering off examples:
schostname:SC> poweron grid0 schostname:SC> poweroff grid0

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Updating the Platform Firmware

You can update ash PROMs in the following system components: A system controller board (operating system or application) A system board An I/O board A domain All components in the platform

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Using the Root or a User Account to Flash Update the System

Examples of the flashupdate command:
schostname:SC> flashupdate -y -f ftp://\ root:cangetin@ scapp rtos
As part of this update, the system controller will automatically reboot. RTOS will be upgraded automatically during the next boot. ScApp will be upgraded automatically during the next boot. Rebooting will interrupt any current operations. This includes keyswitch changes, Solaris reboots and all current connections. Do you want to continue? yes (-y) Waiting for critical processes to finish. This may take a while. Critical processes have finished. No boards can be updated.

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Using the Root or a User Account to Flash Update the System

Rebooting the SC to automatically complete the upgrade. Rebooting. All telnet connections closed. Reestablish any needed connections.

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Introducing Segments and Domains

Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell A (SC) Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell B (SC) Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell C (SC) Applications Solaris Operating System Open Boot PROM Domain Shell D (SC)

Platform Shell (System Controller)

Platform Hardware

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A segment refers to all or part of the Sun Fireplane interconnect. Dual-partition (segment) mode splits the Sun Fireplane interconnect into two independent snoopy coherent systems. The Sun Fireplane switch boards are divided between the two segments. All connections between segments are disabled. To enable dual-segment mode, run:
schostname:SC> setupplatform -p partition Configure chassis for single or dual-partition mode? [single]: dual

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A domain is a logical division of a segment. Each domain has an independent instance of the Solaris OS. Each segment can have a maximum of two domains. Domains are useful for testing new applications or operating system updates. Temporary resources can be borrowed from existing domains. Upon completion, resources can be returned. System reboot is not required.

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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Servers Congured With Four Domains




SB2 Domain A





SB3 Domain C




Domain B

Domain D

Segment 0

Segment 1

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Server Conguration Domain IDs

Sun Fire 3800 server

One segment, one domain One segment, two domains Two segments, two domains

Domain IDs
A A, B A, C A A, B A, C A A, B A, C

Sun Fire 4800/E4900 server Sun Fire 4810 server

One segment, one domain One segment, two domains Two segments, two domains One segment, one domain One segment, two domains Two segments, two domains

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Server Conguration Domain IDs

Sun Fire 6800/E6900 server

One segment, one domain One segment, two domains Two segments, two domains Two segments, three domains Two segments, four domains

Domain IDs
A A, B A, C or A, D or B, C or B, D A, B, C or A, B, D or A, C, D or B, C, D A, B, C, D

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Segment and Domain Congurations

Server Segments Domains per Segment 1 2 1 2 Domain Address Snooping Bandwidth 100% 50% 100% N/A Fireplane Data Bandwidth 100% 100% 50% N/A Available Conguration Yes * See note Yes N/A

Sun Fire 3800, 4800/ E4900, or 4810 server

1 1 2 2

* You need to understand performance and availability trade-offs before choosing this conguration.
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Segment and Domain Congurations

Server Segments Domains per Segment 1 2 1 2 Domain Address Snooping Bandwidth 100% 50% 100% 50% Fireplane Data Bandwidth 100% 100% 50% 50% Available Conguration Yes * See note Yes * See note

Sun Fire 6800/ E6900 servers

1 1 2 2

* You need to understand performance and availability trade-offs before choosing this conguration.

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Domain Access Control List (ACL)

Each domain has an associated ACL. The ACL restricts: testboard, addboard, or deleteboard requests to specic platform components. addboard or deleteboard requests to all platform components.

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Conguring ACLs
Congure ACLs by using the showplatform -p acls command. Type:
schostname:SC> setupplatform -p acls
ACL for domain A [SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 IB6 IB7 IB8 IB9]:-r SB1 SB3 SB5 IB7 IB9 ACL for domain B [SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 IB6 IB7 IB8 IB9]:ACL for domain C [SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 IB6 IB7 IB8 IB9]:-r SB0 SB2 SB4 SB5 IB6 IB8 IB9 ACL for domain D [SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 IB6 IB7 IB8 IB9]:-r SB0 SB1 SB2 SB4 IB6 IB7 IB8

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Viewing ACLs
Display the current ACLs by using the showplatform -p acls command. Type:
schostname:SC> showplatform -p acls


for for for for

Domain Domain Domain Domain

A: SB0 SB2 IB4 IB6 IB8 B: C: SB1 SB3 IB7 D: SB3 SB5 IB9

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Starting, Stopping, and Power-Cycling Domains

Domains are power-cycled and started by running the setkeyswitch command from the domain shell. Use the setkeyswitch command to start a domain.
schostname:A> setkeyswitch on

Use the setkeyswitch command to stop a domain.

To stop a domain: schostname:A> setkeyswitch off

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Introducing Device Conguration

The system maintains information about all congured devices at the hardware level under the control of OpenBoot PROM, and at the software level under the control of the operating system. Whenever a device is physically added or removed structures that describe the device to the hardware and the operating system must be created or removed. OpenBoot PROM maintains information about available devices in a structure called the device tree. If a device is not present in the OpenBoot PROM device tree, it is not available for use by the operating system.

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Introducing Device Conguration

Solaris OS maintains its knowledge of available devices using a set of hierarchically organized device les. These les are located in the /devices directory of the root file system. Additionally, the Solaris OS uses the path_to_inst le in the /etc directory to manage device instance names and links in the /dev directory to enable logical device addressing.

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OpenBoot PROM Capabilities

OpenBoot rmware enables you to do the following tasks: Boot the operating system Run diagnostics Modify system start-up parameters Load and execute programs Troubleshoot

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OpenBoot PROM Capabilities

Applications Solaris Operating System OpenBoot PROM 5 Applications Solaris Operating System OpenBoot PROM 5

LOM Shell Platform Hardware Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Midrange Server

Domain Shell

Platform Shell

Platform Hardware Sun Fire Midrange Server

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Device Tree
Each device node can have the following components: Properties Data structures describing the node and its associated device. Methods The software procedures used to access the device. Data The initial values of the private data used by the methods. Children Other device nodes attached to a given node and that lie directly below it in the device tree. Parent The node that lies directly above a given node in the device tree.
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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Device Tree Components

ssm@0,0 12 Memory-controller 12 SUNW,UltraSPARC-III or SUNW,UltraSPARC-IV

IOC 0 Pci@18 600000 700000

IOC 1 Pci@19 600000 700000

Hard Drive Target 0

PCI Slot 0

Gigabit Ethernet 0

100 Mbit Ethernet 0

Hard Drive Target 1

PCI Slot 1

PCI Slot 2

Tape Drive Target 5

PCI Slot 3

PCI Slot 5

DVD Drive

Gigabit Ethernet 1

PCI Slot 4

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SunFire3800,4800/E4900,4810,and6800/E6900 Server Device Tree Components






IOC 8 pci@ 18,600000 pci@ 18,700000

PCI slot pci@1 3

PCI slot pci@1

I/O controller SUNW,xyz

I/O controller SUNW,xyz



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Mapping Node Devices

Node Identier
Node ID 0

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Mapping Node Devices

Device Tree Entries
CPU offset CPU AID

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Mapping Node Devices

Memory Controller Device Tree Entries
Memory offset Memory AID

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CPU and Memory AID Assignments

Board Number
0 1 2 3 4 5

Location P0 AID
SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 0 (0x0) 4 (0x4) 8 (0x8) 12 (0xc) 16 (0x10) 20 (0x14)

1 (0x1) 5 (0x5) 9 (0x9) 13 (0xd) 17 (0x11) 21 (0x15)

2 0x(2) 6 (0x6) 10 (0xa) 14 (0xe) 18 (0x12) 22 (0x16)

3 (0x3) 7 (0x7) 11 (0xb) 15 (0xf) 19 (0x13) 23 (0x17)

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Mapping I/O Devices

Nodes in a Sun Fire midrange server I/O path are: Node ID IOC AID IOC PCI bus offset Device number PCI controller Device instance

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Mapping I/O Devices

Six Device Tree Nodes


Node ID


Bus offset

Device #

PCI controller

Device instance

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Decoding IOC AID

The following is an example of IOC AID:

You can calculate the IOC AID by performing the following steps: 1. Convert the IOC AID from hexadecimal to decimal. For example: 19 (hexadecimal) = 25 (decimal)

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Decoding IOC AID

2. Calculate the even or odd IOC by dividing the IOC AID by 2 and subtracting 6. For example: (25/2) - 6 = 6.5 A remainder of 6.x indicates that the I/O board is IB6. The fact that the result has a fraction (x.5), indicates that this is an odd AID (IOC 1).

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IOC AID Assignments

Board Number
0 1 2 3


Even AID (IOC 0)

24 (0x18) 26 (0x1a) 28 (0x1c) 30 (0x1e)

Odd AID (IOC 1)

25 (0x19) 27 (0x1b) 29 (0x1d) 31 (0x1f)

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IOC PCI Bus Offset

Bus A is referenced by offset 600000. Bus B is referenced by offset 700000. Bus offset:
Bus offset

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Device Number
The PCI controller slots, located in the PCI (cPCI) chassis, are referenced by the device number. Device number:

Device #

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server Six-Slot PCI Chassis

IOC 0 pci@18, 700000 A B pci@18,600000 PCI Slot 0 pci@1 IOC 1 pci@19,700000 A B pci@19,600000

PCI Slot 5 pci@1

PCI Slot 2 pci@1


PCI Slot 1 pci@2


PCI Slot 3 pci@2



Hard Drive Target 0 disk@0,0 Hard Drive Target 1 disk@1,0 Tape Drive Target 5 st@5,0

PCI Slot 4 pci@3

DVD-ROM sd0,0

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Eight-Slot PCI Chassis
IOC 0 pci@18,600000 B A pci@18,700000 IOC 1 pci@19,600000 B pci@19,700000 A

pci@1 (Slot 0) pci@2 (Slot 1) pci@3 (Slot 2) pci@1 (Slot 3) pci@1 (Slot 4) pci@2 (Slot 5) pci@3 (Slot 6) pci@1 (Slot 7)
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Sun Fire 3800 Server Six-Slot cPCI Chassis

IOC 0 pci@18,700000 A B pci@18,600000 IOC 1 pci@19,700000 A pci@19,600000 B

pci@1 (Slot 0) pci@1 (Slot 1) pci@1 (Slot 2) pci@2 (Slot 3) pci@1 (Slot 4) pci@2 (Slot 5)

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Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server Four-Slot cPCI Chassis
IOC 0 pci@18,700000 A B pci@18,600000 IOC 1 pci@19,700000 A pci@19,600000 B

pci@1 (Slot 0) pci@1 (Slot 1) pci@1 (Slot 2) pci@1 (Slot 3)

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Module 3, slide 132 of 132

edited 02/08 by LG

Sun Services

Module 4
Troubleshooting the Sun Fire Midrange Servers

Sun Fire Midrange Server Maintenance

Sun Services

Describe the basic architecture of the Sun Fire server system Describe the two levels of Sun Fireplane interconnect switches Describe how the system boards provide CPU and memory resources to the operating system in Sun Fire midrange servers Describe how Sun Fire midrange servers use PCI and cPCI I/O assemblies Describe how the Sun Fireplane interconnect plane is the main system bus of the Sun Fire family of servers

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Describe the different integrated service processors supported by the Sun Fire midrange server architecture Describe the troubleshooting methodology for fault analysis and diagnosis of failed components Describe the system tools available for gathering background information on Sun Fire midrange server problems Describe the testing tools available for isolating faults in the Sun Fire midrange servers Describe how Sun Fire midrange servers use parity to detect system interconnect errors

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Describe how Sun Fire midrange server subsystems can use error correcting code (ECC) to recover from errors Describe how console port error messages are reported to help isolate faulty components in the console bus hub (CBH) Describe how Sun Fire midrange server environmental faults are reported Describe the enhanced availability features implemented in the new firmware update 5.15.3 Describe how blacklisting is used to reconfigure Sun Fire midrange server hardware to avoid parts with errors
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Describe how domain shell operating messages provide an aid to troubleshooting a system error in Sun Fire midrange servers. Recover from a hung domain

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Which diagnostic tools are available to test the Sun Fire servers? How do you free a hung domain? How do you create an action plan to replace failed FRUs?

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Additional Resources
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems Platform Administration Manual, part number 817-0999. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual, part number 817-1000. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire V1280/Netra 1280 System Administration Guide, 817-0509. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire V1280/Netra 1280 Systems Service Manual, part number 817-0510. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire V1280/Netra 1280 System Controller Command Reference Manual, part number 817-0511.
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Additional Resources
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire Midrange Systems Hardware Reference Manual, part number 805-7363. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire 6800/4800/4810/3800 Systems Site Planning Guide, part number 805-7365. URL Resources Public Web sites sunmanagementcenter/hwds/ 817-3342.pdf

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Operational Overview
Sun Fire midrange server architecture includes: New system bus architecture based on the Sun Fireplane interconnect High-performance Sun Fireplane interconnect switch technology An enhanced CPU architecture starting at speeds of 750 MHz and greater An industry standard I/O incorporating PCI and cPCI technology

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Sun Fireplane Interconnect Operational View




Data Interconnect Address











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The Sun Fireplane interconnect provides a 288-bit data path between the UltraSPARC III processors and the PCI I/O bridge (IOC) with a high clock frequency of 150 MHz. The connection between the Sun Fireplane interconnect devices (UltraSPARC III processors and PCI and enhanced PCI [EPCI] bridges) and the data path uses point-to-point connections. The UltraSPARC III processors are interfaced to the data path using the dual CPU data switch (DCDS).

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Snoopy Bus Architecture

The Sun Fireplane interconnect implements cache coherency through a technique known as snooping. Each cache controller monitors the addresses of all transactions on the system interconnect, watching for transactions that update addresses it already possesses. Address snooping is implemented between all CPUs in a domain.

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Sun Fire Servers Logical Architecture

Sun Fireplane second-level (L2) switches Centerplane/ Baseplane Sun Fireplane first-level (L1) switches


DX 2

CPU and Memory


AR 2 6

CPU and Memory

System boards

Data Address

AR 2 4 I/O boards

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Sun Fire 6800/E6900 Server Crossbar Conguration

0 1 2 3 4 5
Crossbar configuration: SB0, SB2, SB4, and IB6 SB1, SB3, SB5, and IB7

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Module 4, slide 14 of 114

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UltraSPARC IV Processor Chip Block Diagram

E-Cache Data (SRAM) Max: 16MB (8MB each) 19 Address 250-300MHz Data 256+18ECC

E-Cache Tag

E-Cache Tag

Core 0 (US-III Cu)

Core 1 (US-III Cu) M C U Address 15 75MHz Data Data 128+ 9ECC+ 7MTag 150MHz Transaction Request Signals Data

Memory (SDRAM)

512+ 36ECC+ 28MTag DCDS 256+ 18ECC+ 14MTag


Safari Bus


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System Board Logical Block Diagram

0,1 6,7 2,3 8,9 4,5






SC0 SC1 8,9 6,7 5 4 SBBC0 SBBC1 0 1 2 3



Data Address Data Route Bootbus Console Bus Control Signals


5 0,1






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IB_SSC PCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram

Internal SCCR Connection LEDs External Alarms Connection External GBE Connection Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver Gigabit Ethernet Controller External GBE Connection Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver Gigabit Ethernet Controller PCI Riser 3 x 33MHz Slots PCI #2 PCI #3 PCI #4

Maintenance Bus Devices Address Repeater Data Controller Data Switch A IOC 1 B A IOC 0 B

Connection to Fireplane

Data Switch

IDE Controller Internal IDE Connection

PCI #0

PCI #1

PCI #5

Dual Channel SCSI Controller Internal SCSI Connection External SCSI Connection




PCI Riser 2 x 33MHz 1 x 66MHz Slot Slots


To 2 x SCSI disks and DDS-4 tape

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Eight-Slot PCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram

2,3 8,9 6,7 0,1



Slot 7 Slot 6 Slot 5 Slot 4

Data Address Data Route Bootbus Console Bus Control Signals PCI Bus

SC0 SC1 9 8 7 6 1 0



Slot 3 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 0 SBBC SRAM FPROM

6,7 2 0 8,9

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Compact PCI I/O Assemblies

The Sun Fire 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 server models support the four-slot cPCI I/O assembly. The Sun Fire 3800 server model only supports the six-slot cPCI I/O assembly.

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Four-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram

2,3 8,9 6,7 0,1


Enhanced PCI PCI

Slot 1 Slot 3

Data Address Data Route Bootbus Console Bus Control Signals PCI Bus

SC0 SC1 9 8 7 6 1 0


Enhanced PCI Slot 0 Slot 2 PCI

6,7 2 0 8,9




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Six-Slot cPCI I/O Assembly Logical Block Diagram

2,3 8,9 6,7 0,1


Enhanced PCI Slot 1 PCI Slot 4 PCI Slot 5

Data Address Data Route Bootbus Console Bus Control Signals PCI Bus

SC0 SC1 9 8 7 6 1 0


Enhanced PCI Slot 0 Slot 2 PCI Slot 3 PCI

6,7 2 0 8,9




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Sun Fireplane Interconnect

The Sun Fireplane interconnect is the main system bus of the Sun Fire family of servers. The Sun Fireplane interconnect is the coherent shared-memory architecture. The Sun Fireplane interconnect operates similar to a network.

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Address Interconnect Levels

Level 2: Fireplane Switch Sun Fireplane Switch

Level 1: Board

Address Repeater

Address Repeater





PCI Controller PCI Cards

PCI Controller PCI Cards





System Board 4 CPUs/4 Memory Units

I/O Board 2 PCI Controllers

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Data Interconnect Levels

Level 2: Fireplane Switch Level 2 Fireplane Data Switch

4.8 GB/s*

2.4 GB/s

Level 1: Board
4.8 GB/s

Data Switch
4.8 GB/s

Data Switch
1.2 GB/s 1.2 GB/s

Level 0: Processor/ Memory

2.4 GB/s

2.4 GB/s

2.4 GB/s

2.4 GB/s

PCI Controller
0.2 GB/s

PCI Controller
0.2 GB/s

Dual CPU Data Switch

2.4 GB/s
* GB/s numbers are peak bandwidths at each part of the interconnect.

Dual CPU Data Switch

2.4 GB/s 2.4 GB/s

PCI Card
0.4 GB/s

PCI Card
0.4 GB/s

2.4 GB/s





PCI Card

PCI Card

System Board 4 CPUs/4 Memory Units

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I/O Board 2 PCI Controllers

Module 4, slide 24 of 114

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System Controller Interconnect Logical Block Diagram

CPU/Mem BootBus CPU 0 CPU 1 SBBC SDC SBBC AR AR SDC 6 CPU/Mem + 4 I/O + 4 L2 SC BootBus CBH SBBC PCI Service proc Fireplane Switch


CPU 1 Console Arbitration SC CBH SBBC PCI Service proc


AR SDC SDC AR Fireplane Switch

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Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server System Controller Logical Block Diagram

Baseplane Error Lines (14) Console Buses* (32) Global I2C Buses* Clocks SC Serial Link
Console Bus Console Bus HUB I2C MUXs


(8) I2C Buses

Local I2C Bus


Echip PCI (33 MHz)


Misc. Registers

Sensors 16552 Serial Controller






16552 Serial Controller


boot FPROM

Rear Panel

10/100BASE-T Ethernet
* Not all Console and I2C Buses are used.

TTYA, TTYB (reserved)

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Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Server System Controller Block Diagram
Centerplane Reset Lines Error Lines 14x Console Buses Serial to Other SC Clocks Global I C Buses

Console Bus CBH PROMBus

Echip SRAM Misc. Registers I 2C MUXs Local I C

I 2 C Buses



Scapps FPROM

16552 SC serial

16552 TTY

clocks control






PCI (33 MHz)

vxworks boot FPROM

SC (MicroSPARC IIep)



10/100BASE-T Ethernet


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Boot Bus Controller (SBBC) ASIC

To PCI Controller
PCI Bus Console Bus SRAM PROM Bus I C Buses Sensors LEDs


To Datapath Controller


Boot Bus Controller Boot Bus

To Processer

To Processer

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System Data Controller (SDC) Console Bus Connections



SDC Console Bus Multiplexing Section


SBBC1 (SB only)

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Basic Clock Distribution

Clock SC 0 75 MHz Outputs Clock SC 1 75 MHz Outputs This is the failback loop. It determines the current active clock.

I/O Board Select PLL 75 MHz

Fireplane Switch Board

150 MHz

Local Clock Loads

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Fault Analysis Method

Fault analysis Identify the problem and organize fact gathering and comparisons Diagnosis Organize the actual discovery, testing, repair, and reporting of the problem

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Eight Steps of Fault Analysis and Diagnosis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. State the problem. Describe the problem. Identify differences. List relevant changes. Generate likely causes. Test likely causes. Verify the most likely cause. Take action to correct the fault.

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Fault Analysis Methodology

Identify the FRUs referenced in the error logs on the system controller or loghost Determine the current state of those FRUs using the various show commands Use the Rule of 3 method to isolate the faulty FRUs Replace identified FRUs one at a time per the action plan

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Fault Analysis Methodology

Parity errors can be: Data bus errors Single-bit errors Domain is paused, error identied and corrected using ECC, error logged Multi-bit errors Domain is paused, multi-bit error condition identied, domain fails, core dump of OS, error logged Address bus errors Domain is paused, address bus error condition identified, domain fails, core dump of OS, error logged

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Fault Analysis Methodology

Data bus errors are recorded for the following ASICS: Level 1 and Level 2 data switch (DX) System data controller (SDC) Dual CPU data switch (DCDS) Address bus errors are recorded for the Level 1 and Level 2 address repeater (AR)

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Rule of Three Fault Isolation

If a single system board or I/O board are identified in the error message, replace it. If multiple FRUs are identified: Replace the system board (or system boards) rst Replace the I/O board (or boards) next Replace the switchboard (or switchboards) next Replace the centerplane (only if one of the identied boards has been recently removed and pins have been bent)

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Gathering Background Information

The system controller has the primary responsibility for the collection, interpretation, and response. Each system controller gets error messages from each of the boards in a domain. The system boot bus controller (SBBC) determines the action to take on the errors. The following are typical actions: Setting the appropriate error status bits Asserting error pause to stop further address packets Interrupting the system controller

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Error Repositories and Commands

Platform/Prompt Domain/Shell
showlogs (:SC>)


showlogs (domain shell) The platform or domain shell messages can be diverted to an external loghost by entering the loghost IP address or host name when using the setupplatform or setupdomain commands, respectively. show-post-results (OpenBoot PROM)

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Error Repositories and Commands

Platform/Prompt Domain/Shell
prtdiag (Solaris OS) /var/adm/messages (Solaris OS) Set up syslog.conf to redirect error messages to this le.


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Sun Explorer Software Data Collector

Gathers extensive domain information Generates tar.Z and email messages to the Sun database Uses a lightweight shell script for less execution overhead

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Running Sun Explorer Software on the Sun Fire Midrange Server

The Sun Explorer software has a script specically for the Sun Fire midrange servers. Run the scextended script from the domain. # explorer -w default,scextended,fru To download a free copy the Sun Explorer software, click the Download Explorer link.

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Viewing a Sun Explorer Software Capture

# ls -al /opt/SUNWexplo/explorer.82a84a2f.domain-b-\ 2001. -rw-r--r-1 dave crsdev 1538 Aug 21 23:46 README -rw-r--r-1 dave crsdev 1596 Aug 21 23:46 defaults drwxr-xr-x 6 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:46 disks drwxr-xr-x 6 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:43 etc drwxr-xr-x 8 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:43 init drwxr-xr-x 2 dave crsdev 96 Aug 21 23:43 license drwxr-xr-x 2 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:46 lp drwxr-xr-x 2 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:46 messages drwxr-xr-x 3 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:46 netinfo drwxr-xr-x 2 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:46 patch+pkg -rw-r--r-1 dave crsdev 11 Aug 21 23:46 rev drwxr-xr-x 3 dave crsdev 96 Aug 21 23:45 sf15000 drwxr-xr-x 4 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:46 sysconfig drwxr-xr-x 3 dave crsdev 96 Aug 21 23:46 system drwxr-xr-x 3 dave crsdev 4096 Aug 21 23:46 var

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Interpreting Sun Fire Midrange Server LEDs

System boards (system controller, system board, Sun Fireplane switchboards, and I/O assemblies) Fan trays Power supplies Redundant transfer units (RTUs) FrameManager cPCI cards Disk drives

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LED Status Code Summary

FRU Amber Green Amber (HotState (Normal) (Fault) plug)
On On The redundant transfer switch is enabled. A rack or chassis failed. Might apply to the rack or chassis. Certain FRUs can be hot-plugged. All other combinations are illegal.

On FrameManager (used on the Sun Fire 3800, 4810, and 6800 server chassis)

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LED Status Code Summary

FRU Amber Green Amber (HotState (Normal) (Fault) plug)
On The board power is off. The board power is on, no failure, and the board is active. The component failed (a fault condition is present), and the board is still active. The board failed, and it can be hot-plugged. Illegal. Illegal.

System, Sun On Fireplane switch, and On I/O boards On

On On

On On

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LED Status Code Summary

SC (SC0 and SC1) SC0 (with SC1 present)

Amber Green Amber (HotState (Normal) (Fault) plug)

On Auxiliary power is on for both primary and secondary system controllers. The system controller is faulty (with SC failover). A failover (SC1 present) might result in turning on the faulty LED, depending on the nature of the failure that caused the failover. The system controller is faulty (check).
Module 4, slide 46 of 114





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LED Status Code Summary

Redundant transfer switch and power supplies

Amber Green Amber (HotState (Normal) (Fault) plug)

On The auxiliary power is on, the breakers are on, and the main power is off. The main power supplies are on; that is, the unit is active. The fault is on the main power supply. The fault affects both the main and auxiliary power supplies. The fault is on the auxiliary power supply.

On On

On On On


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LED Status Code Summary


Amber Green Amber (HotState (Normal) (Fault) plug)

On On On On On The fans are on. The power is on; the fan is faulty. You can remove the fan. The card is plugged in. The LED state after running the cfgadm command. On fault, the hardware card is set.

cPCI slots

On On

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LED Status Code Summary

cPCI card (hot-plug light)

Amber Green Amber (HotState (Normal) (Fault) plug)

N/A (does not exist) N/A (does not exist) N/A (does not exist) The blue light on the cardthis light is on when the card is rst plugged in or when it can be pulled.

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Testing the Platform

OpenBoot PROM commands System controller testboard command POST

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OpenBoot PROM Commands

ok show-post-results Board 0, Type: CPU/Memory port 2 - Status = Pass, Type: CPU/Memory E-cache: 8 MB R-freq: 750 MHz A-freq: port 3 - Status = Pass, Type: CPU/Memory E-cache: 8 MB R-freq: 750 MHz A-freq: Board 2, Type: CPU/Memory port 10 - Status = Pass, Type: CPU/Memory E-cache: 8 MB R-freq: 750 MHz A-freq: port 11 - Status = Pass, Type: CPU/Memory E-cache: 8 MB R-freq: 750 MHz A-freq: Board 6, Type: PCI IO port 24 - Status = Pass, Type: PCI IO port 25 - Status = Pass, Type: PCI IO Board 8, Type: PCI IO port 28 - Status = Pass, Type: PCI IO port 29 - Status = Pass, Type: PCI IO ok

750 MHz 750 MHz

750 MHz 750 MHz

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OpenBoot PROM Commands

ok test-all Testing /ssm@0,0/pci@19,700000/pci@3/SUNW,isptwo@4... Testing /ssm@0,0/pci@19,700000/pci@3/SUNW,hme@0,1... Hme register test --- succeeded. Internal loopback test -- succeeded. Transceiver check -- Using Onboard Transceiver - Link Up. passed Hme register test --- succeeded. Doing more loopback tests -- passed ok

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OpenBoot PROM Commands

ok probe-scsi-all /ssm@0,0/pci@18,700000/pci@1/SUNW,isptwo@4 Target 1 Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST39103LCSUN9.OG34aA Target 2 Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST39103LCSUN9.OG34aA Target 3 Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST39103LCSUN9.OG34aA Target 4 Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST39103LCSUN9.OG34aA ok

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OpenBoot PROM Commands

ok watch-net-all /ssm@0,0/pci@18,700000/SUNW,hme@2,1 Hme register test--succeeded. Internal loopback test--succeeded. Transceiver check--Using Onboard Transceiver- Link Up. passed Doing more loopback tests--passed Using Onboard Transceiver-Link Up. Looking for AEthernet Packets. .is a Good Packet. X is a Bad Packet. Type any key to stop. .................................... .................................... .....................[CR]

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POST on the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server

POST executes to check operational capability of hardware Two types: SCPOST System Controller POST SPOST System POST LPOST Local POST IOPOST I/O POST

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Controlling System Controller POST Behavior

lom> setupsc System Controller Configuration ------------------------------SC POST diag Level [off]: max

lom> setupsc System Controller Configuration ------------------------------SC POST diag Level [max]: Host Watchdog [enabled]: enabled Rocker Switch [disabled]: disabled Secure Mode [off]: on

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Controlling OpenBoot PROM POST Behavior

You can change the diag-level to max with the following command:
{ok} setenv diag-level max

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Controlling OpenBoot PROM POST Behavior

The following OpenBoot PROM parameters should be set to the following default values: error-reset-recovery=sync auto-boot?=true reboot-on-error=true diag-switch?=true use-nvramrc?=false

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POST on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Servers
POST executes to check operational capability of hardware Two types: SCPOST System controller POST SPOST System POST LPOST Local POST IOPOST I/O POST

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POST on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Servers
Example of an error output during LPOST:
r24-13a:A> setkeyswitch on . . Oct 05 05:22:38 r24-13a Chassis-Port.SC: Chassis.pass2ICT: Slot 2 Dx 3 Stuck at testing failed

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POST on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 Servers
r24-13a:A> showlogs .error] Interconnect test: Board 5 address repeater connection to RP0 failed Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 788592 local0.error] Bit in error: L2_ADDR[29] Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 668033 local0.error] Bit in error: L2_ADDR[28] Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 547474 local0.error] Bit in error: L2_ADDR[27] Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 306356 local0.error] Bit in error: L2_ADDR[25] Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 185797 local0.error] Bit in error: L2_ADDR[24]

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POST on the Sun Fire 3800/4800/E4900/ 4810/6800/E6900 Servers

Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 202642 local0.error] Bit in error: L2_ADDR[22] Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 982064 local0.error] Bit in error: L2_ADDR[21] Oct 17 14:37:47 r24-13a Domain-A.SC: [ID 498274 local0.error] Interconnect test: Board 5 address repeater connection to RP1 failed

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DIMM Memory Errors

Example of a DIMM memory error occurring during LPOST:
/N0/SB0/P0/ Subtest: Memory Addressing /N0/SB0/P2/ Subtest: Memory Addressing /N0/SB0/P3/ Subtest: Memory Addressing /N0/SB0/P1/ Subtest: Memory AddressingSB0/p2/ ERROR: TEST=Memory Tests,SUBTEST=Memory Addressing ID=61.1 /N0/SB0/P2/ Component under test: Board 0 Memory /N0/SB0/P0/ Data Access Error from address 00000004.00020040. AFSR = 00100004.000000c6 /N0/SB0/P2/ tl tt tstate tpc tnpc /N0/SB0/P2/ 01 32 00000044.80001607 000007ff.f0042da4 000007ff.f0042da8 /N0/SB0/P3/ Subtest: Memory MATS+ /N0/SB0/P0/ Subtest: Memory MATS+ /N0/SB0/P1/ Subtest: Memory MATS+ /N0/SB0/P2/ (PRIV) Privileged code access error(s) /N0/SB0/P2/ (UE) Uncorrectable system data ECC error /N0/SB0/P2/ N0/SB0/P2/B0 on J15300 J15400 J15500 J15600
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DIMM Memory Errors

/N0/SB0/P2/ Failed Memory Addressing /N0/SB0/P0/ Subtest: Memory MATS+ /N0/SB0/P3/ Subtest: Memory MARCH C/N0/SB0/P1/ Subtest: Memory MARCH C/N0/SB0/P0/ Subtest: Memory MARCH C/N0/SB0/P2/ ERROR: TEST=Memory Tests,SUBTEST=Memory MATS+ ID=61.2 /N0/SB0/P2/ Component under test: Board 0 Memory /N0/SB0/P2/ Data Access Error from address 00000005.00002000. AFSR = 00100004.000001f3 /N0/SB0/P2/ tl tt tstate tpc tnpc /N0/SB0/P2/ 01 32 00000099.80001607 0000073f.8f0004e8 0000073f.8f0004ec /N0/SB0/P2/ (PRIV) Privileged code access error(s) /N0/SB0/P2/ (UE) Uncorrectable system data ECC error /N0/SB0/P2/ N0/SB0/P2/B0/D0 DIMM bit DQ139 on J15300 DRAM 3 /N0/SB0/P2/ Failed Memory MATS+

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DIMM Memory Errors

/N0/SB0/P0/ Passed /N0/SB0/P1/ Passed /N0/SB0/P2/ Failed Memory DIMM J15300 Memory DIMM J15400 Memory DIMM J15500 Memory DIMM J15600

failed failed failed failed

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DIMM Memory Errors

This example shows show-post-results after the error was received.
ok show-post-results Board 0, Type: CPU/Memory port 0 - Status = Pass, Type: CPU/Memory E-cache: 4 MB R-freq: 750 MHz A-freq: 750 MHz port 1 - Status = Pass, Type: CPU/Memory E-cache: 4 MB R-freq: 750 MHz A-freq: 750 MHz port 2 - Status = Fail, Type: CPU/Memory agent status = Pass spd_dcds[2] = Unknown spd_dcds[3] = Unknown spd_dcds[4] = Unknown spd_dcds[5] = Unknown spd_dcds[6] = Unknown spd_dcds[7] = Unknown port 3 - Status = Pass, Type: CPU/Memory

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DIMM Memory Errors

This example shows showcomponent results after the error was received.
r24-13a:SC> showcomponent -v SB0 Slot Device Status Pending POST --------- ------ ------- ---/NO/SB0/P0 /NO/SB0/P1 /NO/SB0/P2 /NO/SB0/P3 /NO/SB0/P0/B0/L0 /NO/SB0/P0/B0/L1 /NO/SB0/P0/B1/L0 /NO/SB0/P0/B1/L1 /NO/SB0/P1/B0/L0 /NO/SB0/P1/B0/L1 /NO/SB0/P1/B1/L0 /NO/SB0/P1/B1/L1 enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled pass pass fail pass pass pass untest untest pass pass untest untest

Description ----------------------III, III, III, III, 750MHz, 750MHz, 750MHz, 750MHz, 4M 4M 4M 4M ECache ECache ECache ECache

UltraSparc UltraSparc UltraSparc UltraSparc 256M DRAM 256M DRAM empty empty 256M DRAM 256M DRAM empty empty

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DIMM Memory Errors

/NO/SB0/P2/B0/L0 /NO/SB0/P2/B0/L1 /NO/SB0/P2/B1/L0 /NO/SB0/P2/B1/L1 /NO/SB0/P3/B0/L0 /NO/SB0/P3/B0/L1 /NO/SB0/P3/B1/L0 /NO/SB0/P3/B1/L1 r24-13a:SC> enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled fail fail untest untest pass pass untest untest empty empty empty empty 256M DRAM 256M DRAM empty empty

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Controlling System Controller POST Behavior

You control the level of SCPOST by changing the SCPOST diag level setting.
schostname:SC> setupplatform -p sc SC POST diag Level [min]: max

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System Controller testboard Command

To test CPU/memory board, sb0, in the Domain A shell, enter:
schostname:A> testboard sb0

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Sun Fire Interconnect Link Errors

Sun Fireplane switch boards L2 ASIC reporting errors


Possible pin damage

L1 ASIC reporting errors System boards

L1 ASIC reporting errors I/O boards


Possible pin damage

L1 ASIC reporting errors System boards

L1 ASIC reporting errors I/O boards

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Identifying Suspect FRUs From Error Messages

Board SB System Sun Fire 48x0 and 3800 servers Port # 03 4 5 IB 05 6/7 8/9 SB Sun Fire 6800 server 03 4 Connection Internal to board RP0 RP2 Internal to board RP0 RP2 Internal to board RP0 (DX0/DX1) RP1 (DX2/DX3) 5 RP2 (DX0/DX1) RP3 (DX2/DX3) IB 05 6/7 8/9 Internal to board RP0 RP2

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Identifying Suspect FRUs From Error Messages

Board RP System Sun Fire 48x0 and 3800 servers (Sun Fire 3800 repeaters are integrated as part of the centerplane) Port # 0/1 2/3 4/5 6/7 8/9 Connection SB0 SB2 SB4 IB6 IB8

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Identifying Suspect FRUs From Error Messages

Board RP System Sun Fire 6800 server Port # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Connection SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 SB7 SB8 SB9

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Data Parity Coverage From CPU to CPU Through Memory

Sun Fireplane switch boards L2DX (Parity detected) Parity Data Centerplane

L1DX (Parity detected)

L1DX (Parity detected)

L1DX (Parity detected)

DCDS (Parity detected)

DCDS (Parity detected)

DCDS (Parity detected)

CPU (Parity generated) System board x



System board y

System board z

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Parity Detection in the Address Network

The following example shows an address repeater (AR) Sun Fireplane port parity address error:
Oct 30 10:42:33 r24-10a Domain-A.SC: /partition0/domain0/SB5/ar0: >>> SafariPortError6[0x260]: 0x00018001 AdrPErr [00:00] : 0x1 Address parity error FE [15:15] : 0x1

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Parity Protection for Address Interconnects

Sun Fireplane switch boards L2AR (Parity detected)


Parity Data

L1AR (Parity detected) CPU (Parity generated) System board x

L1AR (Parity detected) CPU (Parity corrected) System board z

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Error Correcting Code Errors

Data Path ECC Points
Sun Fireplane Switch Boards L2DX








DRAM I/O Boards

Data Parity ECC checked by SC ECC checked by domain

System Boards

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Error Correcting Code Errors

ECC Generation and Correction Path
Sun Fireplane switch boards L2DX


L1DX (ECC detected)


L1DX (ECC detected)




CPU (ECC generated)

Memory (ECC stored with data)

CPU (ECC corrected)

Ecache System board x System board y

Ecache System board z

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ECC Error Types

The Sun Fire midrange servers can detect two types of ECC errors: Correctable errors Uncorrectable errors

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ECC Error Persistence

There are three types of ECC error persistence: Intermittent Persistent Sticky

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Console Port Errors

Console port error messages can be reported by the following ASICS: CBH Console bus hub SBBC System boot bus controller AR Address repeater SDC System data controller

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Environmental Errors
Usually caused by faulty (or blocked) fan trays or power supplies.
Sun-Fire-sc0:SC> showlogs Dec 12 08:31:00 Sun-Fire-sc0 Chassis-Port.SC: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR Dec 12 08:31:07 Sun-Fire-sc0 Chassis-Port.SC: This domain is still running because error pause is not enabled for this domain Dec 12 08:31:18 Sun-Fire-sc0 Chassis-Port.SC: Device temperature problem: /N0/SB5 auto power off may occur due to device: Cheetah 3 Temp. 0 Value: 127 Degrees C Dec 12 08:31:19 Sun-Fire-sc0 Chassis-Port.SC: Device temperature problem: Shutting down /N0/SB5 due to temperature of device: Cheetah 3 Temp. 0 Value: 127 Degrees C Dec 12 08:31:19 Sun-Fire-sc0 Chassis-Port.SC: /N0/SB5, sensor status, over limit (7,1,0x201050603030000) Dec 12 08:32:08 Sun-Fire-sc0 Chassis-Port.SC: ...board successfully powered off.
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Enhanced Availability Features Implemented in Firmware Update 5.15.3

ScApp firmware update 5.15.3 is also known as the Sun Fire Enterprise Server Product (ESP) Availability Phase 1.x. It focuses primarily on enhancing availability and serviceability. Enhancements are accomplished by the addition of new features.

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Enhanced Availability Features Implemented in Firmware Update 5.15.3

Functionality updates affect: How the system detects, handles, and records fault conditions How resources are reconfigured and mapped when an error is detected How the Solaris OS interfaces with the firmware in handling correctable and uncorrectable errors relating to the CPU, memory, and L2 SRAM How a domain hang is handled

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Diagnosis Engines
The following automatic diagnosis engines (DEs) identify and diagnose hardware errors that affect the availability of the system and its domains: SMS DE Solaris OS DE POST DE

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Auto-Diagnosis (AD) Engine

The Auto-Diagnosis (AD) engine analyzes event information and updates the Component Health Status (CHS): Records CHS information into the appropriate segment of field-replaceable unit (FRU) SEEPROM Presents the error messages in a Solaris OS FMA-compliant format Provides tunable parameters for the AD engine and CHS recording

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Auto-Diagnosis (AD) Engine

Automatic Diagnosis Process for Non-Fatal Hardware Errors
Domain is running.

Hardware error detection

Automatic diagnosis and resource deconfiguration by the Solaris operating environment

Error and fault event reporting

Component health status updates

Domain is running.

Deconfiguration of appropriate resources (next domain reboot)

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Fault Event and Error Reporting

The DEs report diagnosis information through the following channels: Event messages displayed in the domain and platform log files Email notification of fault and error events Fault event notication through Sun Management Center software or SunSM Remote Services Net Connect service

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AD Engine Logs and Records

The results of each AD engine session update CHS and are sent to the appropriate users, as follows: Platform administrator: Platform logle Loghost Error buffers Domain administrator: Console logle Domain logle

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Decoding AD Engine Diagnosis Messages

The following is an example of an AD engine log message:
[AD] Event: SF3800.ASIC.SDC.PAR_SGL_ERR.60121010 CSN: 124H58EE DomainID: A ADInfo: 1.SCAPP.15.0 Time: Thu Jan 23 20:47:11 PST 2003 FRU-List-Count: 1; FRU-PN: 5014362; FRU-SN: 01160; FRU-LOC: /N0/SB0 Recommended-Action: Service-action required

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Viewing AD Engine Diagnosis Messages

The three possible levels of FRU diagnosis are as follows: 1. Single FRU Identified as faulty
[AD] Event: SF3800.ASIC.SDC.PAR_SGL_ERR.60121010 CSN: 124H58EE; DOMAIN-ID: AADInfo: 1.SCAPP.15.0 TIME: Thu Jan 23 20:47:11 PST 2003 FRU-List-Count: 1; FRU-PN: 5014362; FRU-SN: 01160; FRU-LOC: /N0/SB0 Recommended-Action: Service action required

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Viewing AD Engine Diagnosis Messages

2. Multiple FRUs List of possible or suspect FRUs
[AD] Event: SF3800.ASIC.SDC.PAR_SGL_ERR.60113022 CSN: 124H58EE; DOMAIN-ID: AADInfo: 1.SCAPP.15.0 TIME: Thu Jan 23 21:07:51 PST 2003 FRU-List-Count: 2; FRU-PN: 5015876; FRU-SN: 00429; FRU-LOC: RP0 FRU-PN: 5014362; FRU-SN: 011570; FRU-LOC: /N0/SB2 Recommended-Action: Service action required

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Viewing AD Engine Diagnosis Messages

3. Unresolved or undiagnosable Indicating no automated diagnosis is available at this time
[AD] Event: SF3800 CSN: 124H58EE; DOMAIN-ID: AADInfo: 1.SCAPP.15.0 TIME: Thu Jan 23 21:47:28 PST 2003 FRU-List-Count: 0; FRU-PN: ; FRU-SN: ; FRU-LOC: UNRESOLVED

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Automatic Restoration of Stopped Domains

POST reviews CHS information to determine which components to de-congure from the system. The next time POST runs it reads the CHS database on the SC: Treats any faulty or suspect component (or components) as a blacklisted FRU (or FRUs). POST is not executed on the FRU (or FRUs).

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Automatic Restoration of Stopped Domains

This is an example of the POST message when identifying a component that has its CHS set to faulty:
SEEPROM probe took 0 seconds. Reading Component Health Status (CHS) information ... CHS reports Port SB1/P0 status NOT_GOOD. Treating as blacklisted.
CPU_Brds: Slot SB01: Gen ? Proc 3210 ??cb Mem P/B: 3/1 3/0 /L: 10 ?? 10 ?? 2/1 2/0 10 ?? 10 ?? 1/1 1/0 10 cc 10 cc 0/1 0/0 10 cc 10 cc CDC ?

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Identifying Disabled Components

schostname: SC> showcomponent Component Status Pending POST Description -------------- ------- ---- ----------/N0/SB0/P0 disabled chs UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ... /N0/SB0/P1 disabled chs UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ... /N0/SB0/P2 disabled chs UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ... /N0/SB0/P3 disabled chs UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ... /N0/SB0/P0/B0/L0 disabled - chs empty /N0/SB0/P0/B0/L2 disabled - chs empty /N0/SB0/P0/B1/L1 disabled - chs 512M DRAM /N0/SB0/P0/B1/L3 disabled - chs 512M DRAM . . . /N0/SB4/P0 enabled pass UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ... /N0/SB4/P1 enabled pass UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ... /N0/SB4/P2 enabled pass UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ... /N0/SB4/P3 enabled pass UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz ...

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Blacklisting

Blacklisting gives administrative and service personnel the ability to disable components. Blacklisting can be performed by using system controller software or Sun Management Center 3.0 software. Blacklisted parts are not presented to the domain. Blacklisted data is stored in nonvolatile configuration information (NVCI) and the failed part data is stored in serial electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (SEEPROM) on the system controller.

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Sun Fire Midrange Server Blacklisting

System controller software Sun Management Center 3.x software

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Blacklisting Components
System boards Ports on the system board or I/O assembly Memory banks on system boards I/O assemblies Ports on the I/O assembly I/O cards in the I/O assemblies

Component Name
SB0, SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4, and SB5 P0, P1, P2, and P3 B0 and B1 IB6, IB7, IB8, and IB9 P0 (C0, C1, C2, and C3) P1 (C4, C5, C6, and C7) C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7

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Managing the Blacklist on Sun Fire V1280/E2900 Server

There are three system controller commands for blacklisting: disablecomponent enablecomponent showcomponent

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The setls Command

To enable a board that has been disabled by the setls command:
schostname:A> setls -s enable -l sb0

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Domain Shell Operating Messages

When an active domain encounters a system error, the following occurs: The domain is paused The domain is rebooted Depends on the setting of the reboot-on-error flag, which is set by the setupdomain command True False

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Domain Shell Operating Messages

Following is an example domain system error message:
Thu Oct 05 05:22:49 PDT 2000: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR Oct 05 05:22:50 r24-13a Chassis-Port.SC: /partition0/RP3/dx1: >>> Safari Port Error Status 2[0x21] : 0x2000a000 AccSafPar [29:29] : 0x1 FirstError [15:15] : 0x1 SafPar [13:13] : 0x1 Safari Input bus parity error This domain is currently paused and must be turned off via "setkeyswitch off" to recover

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Recovering From a Hung Domain

Run the system controller reset command from the domain shell. The reset command terminates the Solaris OS in the domain. It sends an externally initiated reset (xir) to the domain and collects data for debugging the hardware. The domain returns to the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt.

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Verifying the Recovery

Force the domain to OpenBoot PROM by using the system controller break command from the domain shell. If the break command succeeds, run the OpenBoot PROM sync command. The sync command terminates the Solaris OS.

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Collecting Data
Apart from a Solaris OS core le, various other bits of information might provide insight into the failure. Follow these steps to collect this data: 1. Ensure you that have a record of what you did during the previous verification step. 2. If you do not have a hardware error, assess current conditions on the domain: Is there any output being printed on the domain console? Does the domain console echo characters you type? Does the domain respond to the ping command? Does the domain respond to the rup command?
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Collecting Data
3. Record the results of all the preceding tests. 4. Run the following commands from the system controller domain shell, and collect the output in a file: showlogs showenvironment showdomain

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Collecting Data
5. Run the following commands from the system controller platform shell, and collect the output in a file: showsc showlogs showplatform history

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Collecting Data
6. Run the Sun Explorer software utility to collect the system configuration information. If the domain is paused because of an error, nothing else can be done after collecting all the previous information. Reboot the domain with the following command in the domain shell:
setkey off ; setkey on

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Obtaining a Solaris OS Core File

# Mar 29 14:47:06 sp4-sc0 Domain-A.SC: Domain is not responding to interrupts. telnet> send brk sp4-sc0:A> reset This will abruptly terminate Solaris in domain A. Do you want to continue? [no] y NOTICE: XIR on CPU 3 panic[cpu3]/thread=30002368580: zero fail: trap type = 0x3 pid=320, pc=0x10314080, sp=0x2a100336f81, tstate=0x4400001407, context=0x887 g1-g7: 14, 104f0228, 30000827800, 6c0, 0, 0, 30002368580 000000001040c110 unix:sync_handler+160 (1040c290, 7fcb4090, 1, 0, 0, 6c005f6900)

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Obtaining a Solaris OS Core File

%l0-3: 00000000ff000000 0000000000ff0000 000000000000ff00 000000007f6b6e62 %l4-7: 000000006c6f6300 0000000000000000 000000007efefeff 0000000081010100 000000001040c1e0 unix:prom_rtt+0 (2, 0, 0, 4, 705aac, 100000530) %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000000001400 0000004400001407 0000000010027d14 %l4-7: ffffffff7f100134 0000000100000531 000000000000000f 000000001040c290 000000001040c330 faildev:faildev_ioctl+78 (be00000000, 2, 0, 202003, 300012e5aa8, 2a100337aec) %l0-3: 0000000000000002 ffffffff7f71e3c8 ffffffff7f721480 ffffffff7ffffad8 %l4-7: 0000000000705aac ffffffff7f200128 ffffffff7f720838 ffffffff7f30af80 000002a100337830 genunix:cdev_ioctl+40 (7073722e736f2e31, 4, 310003000211ed28, 0, 2a10033784c, 2a10033785c) %l0-3: 0000000000000001 ffffffff7f354000 0000030002351148 0000000000000003

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Obtaining a Solaris OS Core File

%l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000002a1003370f1 000000001002d200 syncing file systems... 1 1 done dumping to /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1, offset 62259200 100% done: 17422 pages dumped, compression ratio 8.03, dump succeeded rebooting... Resetting ...

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Obtaining Registers
If you cannot get a core le out of the Solaris OS, there should still be CPU register information to collect. The reset command causes all the CPUs in the target domain to save their registers in a save area in CPU static random access memory (SRAM).
showresetstate -v

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