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Maxfort School-Rohini Model Test Paper-2 Business Studies for Class XI Name: Class: Date: 18.1.2013 ================================================================== Max.

. Marks : 90 Time Duration : 3 Hrs. Instructions for the students: (a) Please read the paper carefully and write your answers only on the answer sheets provided separately (b) Copy the Question number and its part number on your answer sheet correctly from the question paper and write it in the left margin neatly. (c) This paper consists of 2 pages. ========================================================================

Q1.Answer the following questions briefly: I. What is meant by Prospectus? II. What is meant by Partner by holding out? III. State any 2 features of Statutory Corporation. IV. Write any 1 problem faced by Small business. V. Define the term Minimum subscription. VI. What is B2B? VII. List 2 features of Wholesale trade. VIII. Define Convertible Debentures. IX. Give the meaning of Tertiary industry. X. What is meant by Artificial person? Q2.Explain the objectives of Business. Q3.State and explain any 3 privileges to a private company. Q4.Explain any 3 benefits of entering into a joint venture. Q5.Explain the meaning of Partner by holding out and sleeping partner. Q6.Explain any 3 functions of a Commercial Bank. Q7.Mention any 3 services provided by retailer to the consumers. Q8.State and explain factors to be kept in mind while starting a business.

(1*10 marks)

3marks 3marks 3marks 3marks 3marks 3 marks 4 marks

Q9.One Man control is the best in the world if that one man is big enough to manage everything.Explain this statement by mentioning your view point. 4marks Q10.Explain the following principles of Insurance: I. Utmost Good Faith II. Indemnity 4 marks

Q11.Explain any 4 advantages of Consumer Co-operative stores. 4marks Q12.Discuss any 5 features of Multinational company. Q13.Discuss any 5 limitations of e-business. Q14.Differentiate between debentures and shares. Q15.Differentiate between Departmental store and multiple shops on the basis ofI. Location II. Variety of Goods III. Types of Customers IV. Decoration V. Pricing of Goods Q16.What is social responsibility of Business?Why this is must for a Business? Q17.Write a detailed note on elements of Business ethics. Q18.What is meant by incorporation of a company .Explain its procedure. Q19.Explain measures taken by govt. For the benefit of small scale industries. Q20.List various steps involved in import procedure. 5marks 5marks 5marks 5marks

5marks 6marks 6marks 6marks 6marks

Extra questions/Case studies: 1. Adlakha pvt. Ltd,the famous group of promoters submitted an applicationto the Registrar of Companies for the approval of the name of the mobile manufactured by the company.They selected Nokia Ltd. As the name of the company so as to increase the sales because Nokia was a well known brand. a. Who selects the name of the company? b. Would the proposed name be accepted by Registrar of Companies?Give reasons. 2. A Group of 10 persons appointed Shrivastava ltd. as the promoters to form their company.Shrivastava ltd.purchased land on behalf of the company.But it did not disclose the material fact that the land was agricultural land.Later,the company was not allowed to carry on its business operations by the Govt. a. What is the mistake of the Promoter? b. What can the company do now? c. Why did the company disallow the company?

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