Water Conductor System and Operation of Chiplima Power House

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WATER CONDUCTOR SYSTEM AND OPERATION OF CHIPLIMA POWER HOUSE Chiplima Power House is located at Chiplima on the right

bank of river Manhanadi at a distance of nearly 17 miles on the downstream of the Burla Power House . This Power House is fed with water discharged from Burla Power House through a 16.7 mile long Power Channel. Three units of 24 MW capacity each consisting of Kaplan turbine coupled with an alternator are installed at Chiplima Power House. But the total generating capacity of the Power House is limited to 63.5 MW corresponding to maximum discharge capacity of 12,500 cusecs along the Power Channel. a. Power Channel The Power channel to Chiplima takes off directly from the tailrace of Burla Power House . The first reach of the canal leads the water from tail race of Power House I to Pond No. I. The discharge in this reach at RL 520 and RL 525 are 18000 cusecs and 25000 cusecs respectively. b. Pond No. I & Syphon spillway The pond no. I has a live storage of 5000 acreft and is primarily meant to serve as a balancing reservoir. Since the pond area has a catchment area of nearly 12 sq miles surplusing of the probable maximum storm flow and diversion of the normal outflow from the pond in case the outlet work gets out of commission are both taken care of by a syphon spillway of the saddle type. This syphon spillway consists of 27 vents each of 10X3 and is capable of discharging 20,000 cusecs under a working head of 16.5. The syphon starts to prime at RL 521.3 and the discharge continues to be maintained till the level reaches 519.5 after which the de priming takes place. c. Head Regulator at Pond no. I The outlet work at the pond consists of a regulator having six vertical lift gates of size 25x10 each operated by electrical motors. The sill level of the regulator is RL505.00 and the discharge capacity is 13000 cusecs when the upstream level is 517.00 d. Power Channel(2nd reach) The canal taking off from the regulator has a base width of 274 ft. side slope 2 and supply depth of 13 ft. A series of ponds have been formed en route the canal until it reaches the Lumbai Dunguri hills where it runs hugging the hills for a distance of 7000 ft. before it reaches the fore bay of Chiplima Power House

e. Cross Regulator A cross regulator is installed at the commencement of the hill channel having a discharge capacity of 2300 cusecs. This cross regulator has 3 vents of size 16X8 each which are operated manually. The sill level of the regulator is 500.00 RL.


Forebay and surplus escape at Power Channel The Power Channel discharges at the end of Lumbai Dungri hills into a small forebay with capacity of 2.43 cft. The main forebay wall and the right transition wall are both masonary and gravity type and are taken to solid foundation. A foundation gallery traverses both these walls helping to relieve seepage pressure and providing for any pressure grouting required in future. On the left flank of the forebay wall is located a surplus escape comprising a set of 2 gates and an overflow weir of 880 ft long to dispose of a total discharge of 14500 cusecs in case all the turbines are shut down simultaneously coinciding with a heavy storm over the hill channel area.

Salient Hydro logical features of Chiplima Power House F. S. L. of the forebay Normal Tail Water Level Maximum Tail Water level Extra ordinary water level : : : : 509.2 ft 435.00 ft 443.00 ft 460.00 ft

The tail water from Chiplima Power House discharges into river Mahanadi and the TWL rises according to the discharge from Hirakud Dam. The head available for power generation varies with the flood discharge and hence in order to generate power with maximum efficiency adjustable blade Kaplan turbines have been installed in the Power House.

Regarding water discharge at the Head Regulator Approximate water discharge in cusecs at various down stream levels at the head regulator are as follows: Down stream level at the head regulator in RL Approx. water discharge in cusecs 510.00 511.00 511.50 512.00 512.50 513.00 513.50 514.00 515.00 4800 6100 6900 7600 8200 8900 9700 10300 11500

Control of forebay water level in case of system disturbance Care is to taken to maintain the forebay water level at 507 RL unless there is specific instruction for any deviation. However during monsoon when the tail race level is high, the forebay level may be maintained at 508 RL with prior consultation with the Manager, Generation Division, Chiplima. Spilling of water over the forebay spillway should be avoided as far as practicable. The spilling of water over spillway may take place under any of the following circumstances: 1. Complete load throw off in the system 2. Partial load throw off in the system 3. Tripping of any of the running units 4. Faulty recording of water level recorder 5. Tripping of the 132 KV feeders. If a situation under -1 arises , it is to be found out when

Generation corresponding to DS levels at the head regulator During the normal operation, the forebay level is maintained at 507.00 RL with normal tail water level at 435.00 RL, the normal available head at the power house throughout the year, except during monsoon comes to 72 ft. Assuming the water discharge as given above, the average load can be worked out by using the formula MW= Qh/13.8 Where as MW= Avg. Generation Q= discharge h= head in ft Under normal conditions i.e. taking the head to be 72 ft, the approximate values of average generation of the Chiplima Power House for various downstream levels are tabulated below.

Down stream level at the head regulator in RL Approx. average load in MW 510.00 511.00 511.50 512.00 512.50 513.00 513.50 514.00 515.00 24.5 MW 31 MW 35.5 MW 39 MW 42 MW 46 MW 50 MW 53 MW 59 MW

However when there is considerable variation in the upstream and downstream levels at the head regulator , the generation at Chiplima may exceed the figures above. This is possible due to increase in discharge at the head regulator, due to large difference in head between upstream and downstream levels.

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