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STUDY OF ILLNESS CONDITION ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE CUES: loss of appetite nausea vomiting constipation or diarrhea inability to pass gas

s gas a low-grade fever that follows other symptoms abdominal swelling the feeling that passing stool will relieve discomfort LABORATORY FINDINGS: FBC WBC 12.2 Urinalysis Hematuria ORGAN INVOLVED NORMAL FUNCTION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
WBC 12.2 Elevated WBC clearly indicates presence of foreign bodies and quite possibly the presence of a disease. In this this case, could In state


The Verniform Appendix has On the basis of at the moment no use or experimental evidence, acute function in the GI or any appendicitis seems to be the end other Body Systems result of a primary obstruction of the appendix lumen (the inside It is said that its use was lost space of a tubular structure). due to human vestigiality. Once this obstruction occurs the appendix subsequently becomes filled with mucus and swells, increasing pressures within the lumen and the walls of the appendix, resulting in thrombosis and occlusion of the small vessels, and stasis of lymphatic flow. Rarely, spontaneous recovery can occur at this point. As the former progresses, the appendix becomes ischemic and then necrotic. As bacteria begin to leak out through the dying walls, pus forms within and around the appendix (suppuration). The end result of this cascade is appendiceal rupture (a 'burst appendix') causing peritonitis, which may lead to septicemia and eventually death.


infection and inflammation.

Hematuria Hematuria would indicate that the verniform appendix is rubbing against the bladder therefore

causing irritation.

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