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1. Which one of the following test is not belong to subjective audiometric test? a. Pure tone audiometric b. Tympanometri c.

Bekesy self recording Audiometry d. Recruitment test e. Peep show audiometric 2. A man with 50 dB hearing level on 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz, degree of hearing loss is: a. Total b. Very severe c. Severe d. Moderate e. Mild 3. Sensorineural neural hearing loss: a. Negative Rinne test result b. Lateralization to impairment ear c. Shortened Swabach test result d. Air Bone Gap more than 20 dB in audiometric test e. Bone conduction decrease more than 20 dB 4. Auditory frequency limit of human being is a. 18-2.102 Hz b. 18-2.103 Hz c. 18-2.104 Hz d. 250-8000 Hz e. 250-2.105 Hz 5. Negative Rinne test result mean: a. Normal hearing b. Conductive hearing impairment c. Sensorineural hearing impairment d. Retrokochlear hearing impairment e. All choices are correct 6. Conductive hearing loss: a. Medication or operation therapy usually can be done b. There is a gap between bone conduction and air conduction on audiometric test c. B type on tympanogram d. Lateralization to the impairment ear e. All the choices are correct

7. Ototoxic medication are: a. Streptomisin b. Kinin c. Furosemid d. Gentamisin e. All the choices are correct 8. Recruitment in patient with hearing impairment, it is a phenomenon following condition, except: a. More sensitive hearing level b. Specific foe sensorineural hearing loss c. Specific for cochlear impairment d. Specific for conductive hearing loss e. The patient could differentiate 1 dB sound 9. The following choices are the signs of presbicusis except: a. Appear on 50 60 age b. Sensorineural c. Simetric bilateral d. The impairment arise on low frequency e. Consist of three type: sensoris, central, and metabolic 10. The following statement are mix hearing loss, except: a. Descending air conduction b. There is a gap between bone conduction and air conduction c. There is no a gap between bone conduction and air conduction d. Descending bone conduction e. Air bone gap more than 15 dB 11. Mechanism of air conduction: a. AEC tympanic memb. ossicle basic stapes b. AEC tympanic memb. ossicle for. Ovale cochlea c. AEC tympanic memb. ossicle cochlea N. acusticus d. AEC tympanic memb. ossicle cochlea N. statocusticus e. AEC tympanic memb. ossicle cochlea N. statocusticus - brain 12. Mechanism of bone conduction: a. Maleus incus stapedius for. Ovale b. Maleus incus stapedius labirintus osseus c. Os mastoid tympanic memb - Maleus incus stapedius d. Os mastoid tympanic memb. - Maleus incus stapedius labirintus osseus e. Os mastoid labirintus

13. Positive Rinne test, and shortened Swabach test means: a. Normal hearing b. Sensorineural hearing loss c. Conductive hearing loss d. Eustachius tube impairment e. Sensorineural hearing loss or mix hearing loss 14. Congenital hearing impairment: a. Early detection by using BERA test b. Management patient when theya are 3 year old c. Incidence 1-3 patient in 1000 birth d. Genetically e. All the choices are correct 15. Trias menieres disease a. Vertigo tinnitus sensorineural hearing loss b. Vertigo nausea and vomitus - sensorineural hearing loss c. Tinitus vertigo nausea and vomitus d. Vertigo nausea and vomitus conductive hearing loss e. Vertigo nystagmus tinnitus 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. E 7. E 8. D 9. D 10. C 11. E 12. E 13. E 14. E 15. A

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