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Installing MySQL : After youve downloaded and saved the MySQL Setup into your harddrive, run it and

choose Custom Installation and continue until this part and adjust it according to image below

And choose to install it

Feel free to register with although it does not have anything to do with your mysql installation. I put this, because some people think they need to register with first in order to use mysql program on their computer

After finished with the previous step, choose to configure mysql now (itll automaticaly run the mysql server instance config wizard)

Thats it for the installation process, now we need to configure it Configuring MySQL : If at the previous step you choose to configure it now, youll get below screen or if you did not choose to configure it now, you can run it using the mysql server instance config wizard shortcut from the start menu

and then

and then choose the Multifunctional Database

And now you need to set up a directory where the InnoDB data shgould be saved (itll be created automatically if the directory does not exist so you do not have to worry about creating it first) In this example the InnoDB directory located at C:\Mysql InnoDB Datafiles

As for the next step, you can adjust maximum concurrent connection depend on your need but most of the time you do not need to set the value to high unless youre planning on creating public server and you have busy server (if you do this you already violated Mangos Terms of Use)

As for the next step you need to configure on what port should mysql listen to incoming connection (default is port 3306) and itd be better if you do not change it (you do not need to worry about security because by default root account can only be accessed from local machine or in the other words from your own computer)

Now you need to configure the default charset mysql should use. In this example im using UTF8

This is the most important steps because if you forget to check the Include BIN Directory in PATH you need to start all over the mysql configuration process again (or you can edit your windows environment variable manually) Btw this is one of the many problems many people had before (to those whos allowed me to connect to their computer via remote assistance know this) it is the Command Not found / Not Recognized error message from the command prompt ;)

Now here goes another important part, the root password. And you need to remember it or else you will need to reset your mysql root password. Also keep the enable root access from remote machines unchecked as security purpose Note : This is different that account if you decided to register with them or already registered with them

Now you just need to continue and let the instance config wizard do the rest for you and youve finished installing mysql on your computer :D And now we need to make sure MySQL already running and can be accessed directly from the command prompt so open the command prompt by typing CMD in the run command 1. 2. 3. or 1. 2. 3. Start Menu Accessories Command Prompt Start Menu Run type CMD

and then type like below image (when prompted for password, type your root password)

If you can type the above command without problem, this means you just configured mysql to work properly on your computer congrats :D as for the next part, im going to write about Configuring the Mangos itself stay tune :)

Note : This is a quick and dirty installation, i didnt write about mysql query cache and any other optimization related configuration. So youll need to play around with it by yourself

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