May Calorimeter

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Bulletin: 6000 Calorimeters

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Quality Assurance

Founded more than 100 years ago by University of Illinois Professor S.W. Parr, Parr Instrument Company has consistently strived to provide for its customers the very best in product, service and support.

arr Instrument Company has designed, installed and operates under a Quality Assurance Program which ensures that all aspects of the design, materials selection and procurement, manufacture, testing and certication of its calorimeters and combustion bombs are performed in accordance with accepted codes and practices. This Quality Assurance Program has been certied to be in compliance with the following codes and quality systems.

A Commitment to a Worldwide Market

Parr Instrument Company has been awarded both the Presidents E and E Star Awards. These are the US Department of Commerces highest awards for Excellence in Exporting. Parr works with a network of active exclusive agents operating a world wide basis to provide local sales and service support to our international customers. For a list of these agents please check our website at

Welcome. We are pleased to have this opportunity

to tell you about our new Series 6000 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters. Over 100 years ago Prof. S.W. Parr introduced his rst calorimeter intended for routine fuel testing. We believe we are continuing his tradition of applying the latest in technology to meet the real needs of todays research and fuel testing laboratories. In these new Calorimeters we have combined our understanding of the basic fundamentals of calorimetry with our best mechanical designs and the latest in microprocessor based controls and communications. Our objective has been to produce a family of calorimeters from which our customer can select an instrument well matched to their requirements for precision, testing load,

ISO 9001-2000 Certication Parr Instrument Companys overall Quality Assurance System has been certied to be in compliance with ISO 9001Industrie Service 2000 by TUV Suddeutschland Bau und Betrieb GmbH. GmbH TUV Sud Gruppe. ISO 9001-2000 covers the overall quality assurance and management compliance aspects of Parrs activities as opposed to the certication of an individual product. CSA Certication Where appropriate, Parr calorimeters are manufactured and certied to the electrical code established by the Canadian Standards Association. The CSA logo is shown on the nameplate of each CSA certied unit. CE Certication Where appropriate, Parr Calorimeters will carry the CE mark certifying compliance with the E.C. Directives 89/3361/EEC for EMC compliance and E.C. Directive 73/23/EEC for low voltage electrical safety. CE-PED Certication The Parr Instrument Company has been approved to design and manufacture pressure vessels in compliance with the European Councils Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC. While oxygen bombs are different from general pressure vessels, the same design criteria are used in all Parr designs.

Parr Instrument Company

211 Fifty-third Street Moline, Illinois 61265 USA Phone: 309/762-7716 800/872-7720 Fax: 309/762-9453

automation, laboratory environment, sample size, existing equipment and operating preferences. By using this family approach we believe we can offer this wide selection at very attractive prices. We hope you will agree that this new line of Calorimeters fullls this design objective. Mike Steffenson President


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Bomb Calorimetry
omb calorimetry a procedure which determines the heat of combustion or caloric value of materials which are burned as fuels is a fundamental test of great signicance to anyone interested on the caloric measurements for:

Calorimeter Support Team

Compliance with Standard Test Methods

Cathy Meehan has worked with the calorimeters and with our customers for over 24 years. If you have an operational problem that Cathy can not troubleshoot by phone, she knows where to turn to for the assistance she needs whether it is operating procedures, parts or major service. Tom Tingle is our Calorimetry Product Manager. Tom has been involved with calorimetry here at Parr for over 40 years. In 1997 Tom was chosen to be the recipient of the R.A. Glenn Award for his service to the American Society for Testing and Materials Committee D-5 on Coal and Coke. This was presented, In recognition of many years of outstanding service and active participation If you have methods or application questions, call Tom. he unique design features which provide the high degree of automation in the new 6300 Calorimeter causes it to differ in certain physical details from the basic calorimeter designs prescribed in older ASTM, ISO, BS and DIN International Standards. But the

Instruction in Basic Thermodynamic methods Coal and coke, all varieties and types Fuel oil, both heavy and light varieties Gasoline, all motor fuel and aviation types jet fuels, all varieties Combustible wastes and refuse disposal Foodstuffs and supplements for human nutrition Forage crops and supplements for animal nutrition Building materials Explosives and heat powders Rocket fuels and related propellants Thermodynamic studies of combustible materials Energy balance studies in ecology

e are particularly proud of our calorimetry design and support team. The three individuals pictured here have more than 90 years experience in this specialized eld.

Isoperibol Calorimetry
Sample Fired

Jay Albert oversees the developments in our calorimeter line. He joined Parr after receiving his Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry, specializing in instrumentation and calorimetry. Jay is equally at home with bits, bytes and ash ROMs as he is with Newtons Law of Cooling.

basic requirements in each of these methods has been carefully reviewed, and extensive testing has conrmed that the results obtainable with these calorimeters will meet or exceed the repeatability and reproducibility limits specied in these test methods.

ASTM D240-92 Standard Test Method of Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter ASTM D4809-95 Standard Test Method for Heat of combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (Intermediate Precision Method) ASTM D5468-95 Standard Test Method for Gross Caloric and Ash Value of Waste Materials ASTM D5865-03A Standard Test Method for Gross Caloric Value of Coal and Coke ASTM E711-87 Standard Test Method for Gross Caloric Value of Reuse-Derived Fuel by the Bomb Calorimeter ISO 1928-1995 (E) Solid Mineral Fuels-Determination of gross caloric value by the bomb calorimeter method, and calculation of net caloric value. BS 1016 Part 5, 1977 Methods for analysis and Testing of Coal and Coke, Part 5, Gross Caloric Value of Coal and Coke DIN 51 900 Determination of Caloric Values and Calculation of Heat Values with the Bomb Calorimeter Procedure with Isothermal Jacket.

soperibol Calorimetry was rst introduced Calorimeter for routine calorimetric testing by Parr in 1980. Since then Time this method has essentially displaced adiabatic calorimetry as the principal operating mode for routine calorimetric testing. An isoperibol calorimeter is one where the surrounding jacket is maintained at a constant temperature while the
Controlled Jacket


temperature of the bomb and bucket rise as heat is released by the combustion. In this implementation, a water jacket, maintained at a xed temperature, completely surrounds the combustion bomb and its bucket. A microprocessorbased controller monitors both the temperature of the bucket and the jacket and performs the necessary heat corrections that result from differences in these two temperatures. These corrections are applied continuously rather than as a nal correction based on pre and post test measurements.

With all the changes that have taken place in our rst century of designing, building and servicing calorimeters, one thing has not changed our commitment to build the best practical calorimeters is as strong today as it was when our company was founded for that same purpose.

100 Years of Leadership and Innovation

1899 Professor S.W. Parr developed a simplied calorimeter for measuring the heating value of coal. 1911 Parr introduced an oxygen bomb calorimeter of a new design with a bomb made of an acid-resistant alloy. 1916 Parr introduced its rst waterjacketed, adiabatic calorimeter using hot water injection for temperature control. 1933 Parr introduced the rst selfsealing oxygen combustion bomb. 1962 Parr introduced the rst automatic jacket temperature control system for an adiabatic calorimeter. 1979 Parr introduced the rst microprocessor-based controller for handling all steps in a calorimetric test. 1980 Parr introduced dynamic operating mode and isoperibol calorimetry to dramatically shorten calorimetric tests. 1982 Parr introduces Smart Link local area network for linking coal testing instruments and computers. 1992-94 Parr introduced two completely new, automatic, xed bomb, isoperibol calorimeters (1271 & 1281) with fully automatic bomb and water handling capabilities. 1999 Parr introduces the new 1266 Isoperibol Calorimeter and the 1356 Continuously Corrected Calorimeter.
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2004 Parr introduces the new Series 6000 line of Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters described in this brochure featuring a high degree of automation with touch screen operation, Linux operating system and fth generation microprocessor control.
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Parr Fixed Bomb & Bucket Technology

Parr Removable Bomb & Bucket Technology

Oxygen Filling The oxygen supply is connected to the xed bomb so that the oxygen charge is automatically added to the bomb before the preperiod equilibrium period. Exhausting the Bomb At the end of the test the gasses in the bomb are automatically released while the calorimeter is being returned to its starting temperature. Draining the Bucket The hot water in the bucket is automatically drained from the bucket at the conclusion of the test and replaced with cooling water to bring the bomb and bucket rapidly back down to the starting temperature for the next test. Washing the Bomb At the conclusion of the test the inside of the bomb is washed to remove the products of combustion from the bomb. These bomb washings can be collected if tests will be run for sulfur, chlorine or other elements released from the organic matrix during combustion. The result of the automation of the above steps plus the automation of the calorimetric measurement itself will save approximately six minutes of operator time per tests when compared to any removable bomb calorimeter. emovable bomb calorimeters are the more traditional design most users recognize. In this design the oxygen bomb and bucket are removed from the calorimeter for loading the sample and lling the bucket with the carefully measured amount of water which absorbs the energy released in the combustion.

arr Model 6300 Calorimeters utilize a design where the bomb and bucket are not removed from the calorimeter during routine operations. This concept has made it possible to provide new levels of automation of not just the data collection and reporting, but of the entire calorimetric determination.

Bomb Closure The 6300 Calorimeter utilizes a patented closure design which seals and locks the head into the cylinder with simple 23 twist. Measuring and Filling the Calorimeter Bucket The bomb in the 6300 Calorimeter is surrounded by a bucket designed to provide smooth circulation and uniform volumetric lling. The bomb head closure action also seals the bucket at the same time the bomb is closed. The unique design of this bomb-jacket combination permits rapid and automatic volumetric lling of the bucket water for each test.

1136 Oxygen Combustion Bomb

Longer Bomb Life

ne of the not so obvious advantages of the xed bomb designs is that the bomb is always washed as soon as the nal temperature rise can be extrapolated. Generally this is within 4-5 minutes of the ring of the bomb. This minimizes the time any acids produced by the combustion can attack the inner surfaces of the bomb. We are seeing much better service life for the 1136 Bombs used in corrosive service because of this.

Recommended Applications While these bombs do not feature the automatic bomb and bucket handling features of the xed bomb design calorimeters, the removable bomb calorimeter will remain the calorimeter of choice for users with one or more of the following applications or preferences: Low to medium testing loads which will not justify the higher cost of more automated systems. Student instruction applications with an emphasis on the basic principals of calorimetry. Applications which require unusually high pressures, platinum lining or one of the other special purpose oxygen bombs.

Combustions which produce unusual amounts of ash or other corrosive residues that would damage the automatic discharge system. Users who chose not to perform the additional maintenance that the fully automatic instruments require. Users who presently have a number of 1108 oxygen bombs and other accessories in their laboratories.

1108 Oxygen Combustion Bomb

A391DD Oval Bucket

Materials of Construction

n 1911 Professor S.W. Parr developed his Alloy Illium G to resist the hot mixtures of sulfuric and nitric acids produced in the oxygen combustion of coal. This eliminated the need for gold or platinum liners for the bombs and made it practical to do oxygen bomb calorimetry as a routine laboratory test. While we no longer use Illium G, we use the most corrosion resistant alloys we can nd. For routine combustions we build our bombs of Carpenter 20 Cb3 Stainless Steel which is richer in chromium and contains three times as much nickel as Series 300 Stainless Steels. For high chloride service we use Alloy G-30 which adds cobalt and molybdenum to resist the corrosive effect of the chloride ion.

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Bomb Calorimeters
Four New Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters

Microprocessor Control

Operating Program and Data Handling

he operating program is fth generation and provides the operator with a full choice of options regarding the following features:

arr is pleased to introduce with this catalog its new Series 6000 line of Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters. This new line includes ve different Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters which continue Parrs tradition of offering the widest choice of instruments to the worlds fuel testing and research laboratories.
Main Menu Page shown at startup

Calorimeter Operation Automatic standardization and determination modes Operating Controls Dynamic and equilibrium test modes Wide choice of reporting units Spiking corrections Multiple languages Program Information and Control User default settings Password protected setups Thermochemical Corrections Fuse Nitric acid Sulfur Net heat of combustion Data Entry Controls Manual Automatic Reporting Controls Destination Formats Data protection Communications Controls Printer port Balance port Computer port (Ethernet) Diagnostics Full diagnostics for electronics and mechanical systems Help Menus Each operating page is supported by detailed instructions immediately accessible with the help key.

The Model 6300 Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter offers the worlds most automated calorimeter featuring the xed bomb and bucket design. This calorimeter builds on the ten years of experience gained with the earlier Model 1281 Calorimeter.

The Model 6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter represents the current development of the traditional removable bomb and bucket calorimeter. This calorimeter is the updated version of the earlier Models 1266, 1261, and 1241 which have been the worlds most popular.

Calorimeter Operations Screen

ll Series 6000 Calorimeters are equipped with Parrs new fth generation of micro processor control.

The Model 6100 Compensated Jacket Calorimeter utilizes Parrs real time thermal correction capabilities to provide an instrument for rapid testing with good repeatability at a very attractive price. This calorimeter replaces earlier Models 1356 and 1351 Calorimeters.

The new Model 6725 Semimicro Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter offers a high degree of electronic automation and control for users who prefer or must work with small samples. This calorimeter replaces the earlier Model 1425 Calorimeter.

We continue to offer the Model 1341 Plain Jacket Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter. This instrument provides safe and reliable testing with traditional thermometry at a minimum capital investment.

This system features: A bright, color, touch screen display and data input system using an intuitive, graphical user interface for instrument setup and operation. A modern operating system (Linux) with communication and le management systems comparable to a PC. Special communications ports (RS232C) for reporting to a printer, receiving sample weights from analytical balances and bi-directional communications with a laboratory computer, via an Ethernet connection. Removable compact ash memory card for simple program updates.

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Isoperibol Calorimetry Methods and Modes

Sample Fired

Controlled Jacket Temperature

Sample Fired

Measured Jacket Temperature

Sample Fired

Calculated Jacket


Bomb Calorimeters
6300 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter Fixed Bomb - Isoperibol 6200 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter Removable Bomb - Isoperibol 6100 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter Removable Bomb Continuously Compensated 1341 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter Removable Bomb Plain Jacket Accessories for 6000 Series Calorimeter Comparison Chart 6300, 6200 & 6100 Expanded Congurations 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer 6725 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter Semimicro Calorimetric Accessories Automated Data Handling







Isoperibol Calorimetry An isoperibol calorimeter is one where the surrounding jacket is maintained at a constant temperature while the temperature of the bomb and bucket rise as heat is released by the combustion. The Model 6300 and 6200 Calorimeters are true isoperibol calorimeters. In these implementations, a water jacket, maintained at a xed temperature, completely surrounds the combustion bomb and its bucket. A microprocessor-based controller monitors both the temperature of the bucket and the jacket and performs the necessary heat leak corrections that result from differences in these two temperatures. These corrections are applied continuously throughout a test rather than as a nal correction based on pre and post test measurements.

Continuously Compensated Isoperibol Calorimetry The Parr 6100 Calorimeter takes advantage of the real time, continuously corrected method developed by Parr in its implementation of the isoperibol method. No attempt is made in the Model 6100 Calorimeter to establish the constant jacket temperature required for isoperibol calorimetry. Instead, the temperature of the jacket is continuously monitored and real time heat leak corrections are applied based upon the temperature difference between the bucket and the actual temperature of the jacket. While this method is not truly an isoperibol method, its real time correction procedure achieves the same purpose with nearly equal results. What it can not do is match the temperature uniformity of a circulating water jacket.

Compensated Isoperibol Calorimetry The Parr 6772 Precision Thermometer, serving as a controller for the 1341 or 6725 Calorimeters, uses yet another approach to emulate the isoperibol calorimetric method. In these calorimeter systems, the heat leak is precisely measured during the calorimetric pre-period. This evaluation results in an estimate of the effective, average temperature of the calorimeter surroundings. This temperature value is then used throughout the test interval to provide the calorimeter heat leak correction. While not as robust as either of the other two methods outlined above, it harnesses the computing power of the controller, with no additional hardware costs, to provide heat leak correction capability that is almost identical to the approach used when nonelectronic thermometry and manual calorimetric techniques are employed.



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6300 Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter

Model Number: 6300 Tests Per Hour: 68 Operation Time Pre-Test: 1 Minute Calorimeter Type: True Isoperibol Bomb Type: Fixed Cylinder Removeable Head Closure Type: Quick Twist-Lock Bucket Type: Fixed Bucket Filling: Automatic, in place Oxygen Filling: Automatic, in place Pressure Release: Automatic, in place Bomb Washing: Automatic, in place Temperature Resolution: 0.0001 C Maximum Sample Size: 8000 Calories Repeatability (% RSD): 0.10 Memory: 1000 Tests Balance Connection: RS232C Serial Printer Connection: RS232C Serial Computer Connection: Ethernet Special Bombs: 1136CL Halogen Service 6300 Automatic Isoperibol Calorimter

Parr Fixed Bomb and Bucket Technology The Model 6300 Calorimeter utilizes the proven xed bomb and bucket technology utilized in Parr 1271 and 1281 Calorimeters for more than 10 years. This design concept has made it possible to offer unique levels of automation of the entire calorimetric determination not just the data collection and reporting steps. Fixed Bombs Instead of removing the entire combustion bomb, opening it, washing it, recharging it and reinstalling it in the calorimeter, the operator simply removes the head of the vessel replaces the fuel capsule with the next sample and fuse and reinserts it in the calorimeter. A patented closure design which seals and locks the head in place with a simple 1/16 turn makes the removal and installation of the head quick and easy. Fixed Bucket Conventional calorimetric terminology refers to the vessel which contains the bomb and a known amount of water in the bucket. In the 6300 Calorimeter, a better description might be a water jacket for the bomb. This inner jacket has been designed to provide smooth circulation over the surfaces of the vessel and highly repeatable volumetric lling. The bomb head closure also seals this water jacket at the same time the bomb is closed. This unique design

minimizes the amount of water required as well as permitting rapid, automatic and repeatable bucket lling for each test. The water heated by the combustion is automatically drained from the bucket at the conclusion of the test and replaced with cooling water to bring the bomb and bucket rapidly back down to the starting temperature for the next test. Oxygen Charging and Release The oxygen supply is connected to the xed bomb and oxygen charging to the desired level is automatically performed at the beginning of each test. At the end of the test the gases in the bomb are automatically released while the calorimeter is being returned to its starting temperature. Bomb Washing At the conclusion of the test the inside surface of the bomb is washed to remove the products of the combustion from the bomb. The automation of the bomb washing step eliminates one of the most tedious and time consuming manual operations required with removable bomb calorimeters. The bomb washings can be collected if they are to be used for tests to determine sulfur, chlorine, or other elements released from the organic matrix during the combustion. Besides the elimination of the drudgery of manually washing the bomb, a not so obvious advantage of the xed bomb
1136 Oxygen Combustion Bomb

he 6300 Calorimeter has been designed to provide the user with:

A highly automatic calorimeter to free the user from the manual operations required for traditional calorimeters and minimize operator time required per test. A high speed calorimeter capable of performing up to 8 tests in an hour. A high precision calorimeter capable of exceeding the repeatability and reproducibility requirements of all international standard test methods.

A full featured calorimeter capable of stand alone operation and highly adaptable to the users test methods. A compact calorimeter requiring a minimum of laboratory bench space. An intuitive graphical user interface for ease of operation and training. A calorimeter capable of communicating with a wide variety of printers, analytical balances, and laboratory computers. A calorimeter that is cost effective from both a capital and operating view point.

design is that the bomb is always washed as soon as the nal temperature can be determined. Generally, this is within 4-5 minutes of the time the bomb is red. This holds toan absolute minimum the time any acids produced by the combustion can attach to the inner surfaces of the bomb. We have observed much better service life of these bombs in corrosive service when compared with removable bombs.


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The 6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter

An important design concept of the 6300 Calorimeter is to free it from the requirement to use a number of accessories that add signicantly to the cost of the instrument. Water Supply The 6300 Calorimeter has been designed to operate with tap water as its principal source of water for lling both the bucket and the outer jacket. This water also serves as the source of cooling for the bomb and bucket between tests. Users who have poor quality tap water or who do not have access to running water and a drain can add a Model 1564 or 6520 Water Recirculating System and operate the calorimeter on a closed loop with de-ionized water. This installation requires that the Water Recirculating System be installed below the 6300 Calorimeter so that the water from the calorimeter can drain by gravity. All closed loop systems require a water cooler to remove the heat generated by the combustion from the system. Deionized or distilled water is highly recommended for the bomb wash water supply. Even users who will not recover the bomb washings for further analysis will want to avoid the problems that can result from the build up of lime deposits in the oxygen combustion bomb and its valves. S P E C I F I C AT I O N S
Model Number: 6200 Tests Per Hour: 4-9 as equipped Operator Time Pre-Test: 6 min Calorimeter Type: True Isoperibol Bomb Type: Removable Closure Type: Screw Cap Bucket Type: Removable Bucket Filling: Manual Oxygen Filling: Semi-Automatic Pressure Release: Needle Valve Bomb Washing: Manual 6300 Calorimeter Open Temperature Resolution: 0.0001 C Maximum Sample Size: 8000 Calories

6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter

Compact Design The 6300 Calorimeter is housed in a compact case 16.5 inches wide, 15.5 inches deep, and 17.0 inches high (42 x 40 x 43 cm). The units require a supply of tap water, a drain, 115 or 230 volt power and a

supply of oxygen. Users who wish to use their washings for analytical purposes will also need a supply of de-ionized water.

Ordering Guide
6300 Isoperibol Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with 1136 Oxygen Bomb.
Model No. 6300EA 6300EF 6300CLEA 6300CLEF Voltage 115V 230V 115V 230V Description (Select part no. for voltage required.) Isoperibol Calorimeter System with 1136 Oxygen Combustion Bomb Calorimeter System with 1136CL Oxygen Combustion Bomb for Chlorine Service

See page 26, 27, 30 for Optional Accessories.

he 6200 Calorimeter has been designed to provide the user with: A traditional design calorimeter with removable oxygen bomb and bucket. A high speed calorimeter capable of performing up to 9 tests per hour when equipped with two bombs and two buckets. A high precision calorimeter capable of exceeding the repeatability and reproducibility requirements of all international standard test methods. A full featured calorimeter capable of operating on either an open or closed loop basis.

A compact calorimeter requiring minimum laboratory bench space. A modern intuitive graphical user interface for ease of operation and training. A calorimeter with up to date digital hardware, software and communications capabilities. A calorimeter that is cost effective and which can incorporate a users current bombs, buckets, and accessories.

Repeatability (%RSD): 0.10 Memory: 1000 Tests Balance Connection: RS232C Serial Printer Connection: RS232C Serial Computer Connection: Ethernet Special Bombs: 1108CL 1104 Explosive 1105C Platinum Lined 1107 Semimicro


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Dual Bomb and Bucket Operation Users with large testing requirements can equip their 6200 calorimeters with two bombs and two buckets so that one set can be reloaded while the current test is underway in the calorimeter. True Isoperibol Operation As with the Model 6300 calorimeter, all of the surfaces which surround the inner chamber of the 6200 calorimeter are controlled to a constant temperature from a circulating water bath. This enables the control section of the calorimeter to both determine the heat leak corrections and apply them in real time. This combination makes it possible to operate the calorimeter in Parrs dynamic mode for rapid testing without a detectable difference in the precision of the test.
6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter with 1108 Oxygen Bomb, an A391DD Oval Bucket, and 1757 Printer.

Open or Closed Loop Operation The 6200 calorimeter can be operated on an open system where tap water is used both to cool the jacket and to ll the bucket. This minimizes the need for a separate water handling system and cooler and will also minimize the capital investment. Users with signicant testing loads or poor quality tap water will want to add a Model 1564 or 6520 Water Handling System (see page 23) and operate with deionized, temperature controlled, and pre-measured water. Oxygen Filling System To speed and simplify the bomb lling connection, the 6200 Calorimeter has a Semiautomatic system for charging the bomb with oxygen. Oxygen from a 1A commercial cylinder is connected to a micro-processor controlled solenoid installed in the calorimeter.

To ll the bomb, the operator simply slips the lling hose connector onto the bomb inlet valve and pushes a key to start the lling sequence. Filling then proceeds automatically at a controlled rate to a pre-set pressure. Built-in safety provisions will prevent an accidental overcharge, and an error message will be shown if the desired pressure is not attained. Compact Design The 6200 calorimeter is housed in a compact case 22.5 inches wide, 15.5 inches deep and 17.0 inches high (57x40x43 cm). The units require a 115 or 230 volt electrical supply, tap water and a drain (or a water recirculationg system) and a supply of oxygen.

Removable Bomb The Model 6200 calorimeter utilizes the Parr 1108 oxygen bomb. More than 20,000 of these reliable oxygen combustion bombs have been placed in service on a world wide basis. This bomb features an automatic inlet check valve and an adjustable needle valve for controlled release of residual gasses following combustion. They are intended for samples ranging from 0.6 to 1.2 grams with a maximum energy release of 8000 calories per charge.

The 1108 oxygen bomb is made of a high-strength, highnickel stainless steel designed to resist the corrosive acids produced in routine fuel testing. An alternative 1108CL bomb is available, constructed of an alloy containing added cobalt and molybdenum to resist the corrosive conditions produced when burning samples containing chlorinated compounds.

Removable Bucket The A391DD removable bucket has been designed to hold the bomb, stirrer and thermistor with a minimum volume of water and to provide an effective circulating system which will bring the calorimeter to rapid thermal equilibrium both before and after ring.

Ordering Guide
6200 Isoperibol Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with 1108 Oxygen Bomb.
Model No. 6200EA 6200EF 6200EACL 6200EFCL Voltage 115V 230V 115V 230V Description (Select part no. for voltage required.) Isoperibol Calorimeter System with 1108 Oxygen Combustion Bomb Isoperibol Calorimeter System 1108CL Oxygen Combustion Bomb 1757 Printer

See pages 26 through 30 for optional accessories.


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6100 Compensated Jacket Calorimeter

Model Number: 6100 Tests Per Hour: 4-8 as equipped Operator Time Pre-Test: 6-7 min Calorimeter Type: Compensated Bomb Type: Removable Bucket Filling: Manual Oxygen Filling: Semi-Automatic Pressure Release: Needle Valve Bomb Washing: Manual Temperature Resolution: 0.0001 C Maximum Sample Size: 8000 Calories Repeatability (%RSD): 0.2 Memory: 1000 Tests Balance Connection: RS232C Serial Printer Connection: RS232C Serial Computer Connection: Ethernet Special Bombs:
1108CL Halogen Service 1104 Explosive

A Moderately Priced, Micro-Processor Controlled Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter Without Jacket Temperature Control Outwardly, the 6100 Calorimeter appears to be the same as the 6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter, since both calorimeters are built into the same housing with the same series 6000 controller. But, there is one important difference: the 6100 Calorimeter does not have a temperature controlled jacketing system as required for isoperibol calorimetry. The 6100 Calorimeter is intended for the user who wants a modern calorimeter with the convenient automatic features provided in the 6200 Calorimeter and whose precision requirements can be met with a static system without isoperibol control. Or, for users whose work load is small or intermittent, making it preferable to purchase a less expensive model. To meet these criteria, the temperature controlled water jacket and its accessories have been removed from the 6200 Calorimeter and replaced in the 6100 with an insulating jacket around the bucket chamber, comparable to the arrangement used in the 1341 Plain Calorimeter. This eliminates all water and water connections, resulting in a signicant saving in cost. And, with no permanent external connections (except a connection to an oxygen tank). The 6100 Calorimeter can be set up and made ready to operate in a few minutes, or it can be set aside when not in use.

Good Repeatability To obtain the best precision with an uncontrolled jacket, the 6100 Calorimeter has a temperature monitoring capability built into the jacket. This allows the calorimeter to measure the actual jacket temperature and apply the appropriate heat leak corrections in real time. While not equal to a controlled jacket, the 6100 method offers a significant improvement over the traditional static jacket and makes it possible to obtain reasonable precision without the long preand post-periods normally required for static jacket calorimetry. It also makes it possible to use the Parr Dynamic Method for rapid testing. As with all static jacket calorimeters, best results will be obtained when the calorimeter is operated in a location where it is not subject to drafts

or uctuating air temperature, preferable in a temperaturecontrolled room. It may require more frequent standardization if the ambient temperature changes during the day or from day to day. With these constrictions under control, standard deviations in a series or tests with a uniform sample, such as benzoic acid, should not exceed 0.2 percent. The precision obtainable will be more than adequate for most waste screening and teaching applications. Compact Design The 6100 calorimeter is housed in a compact case 22.5 inches wide, 15.5 inches deep and 17.0 inches high (57x40x43 cm). The units require a 115 or 230 volt electrical supply and a supply of oxygen.

6100 Compensated Jacket Calorimter

The 6100 Calorimeter has been designed to provide the user with: A moderately priced calorimeter for users who do not require the highest attainable precision. A traditional design calorimeter with removable oxygen bomb and bucket. A high speed calorimeter capable of performing up to 9 tests per hour when equipped with two bombs and two buckets.

A compact calorimeter requiring minimum laboratory bench space. A modern intuitive graphical user interface for ease of operation and training. A calorimeter with up to date digital hardware, software and communications capabilities. A calorimeter that is cost effective and which can incorporate a users current bombs, buckets and accessories.

Ordering Guide
6100 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with 1108 Oxygen Bomb.
Model No. 6100EA 6100EF 6100EACL 6100EFCL Voltage 115V 230V 115V 230V Description (Select part no. for voltage required.) Calorimeter System with 1108 Oxygen Combustion Bomb Calorimeter System with 1108CL Oxygen Combustion Bomb

See pages 26 through 30 for optional accessories.


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The 1341 Plain Calorimeter

Model Number: 1341 Tests Per Hour: 2 Operator Time Pre-Test: 25 min Calorimeter Type: Static Bomb Type: Removable Closure Type: Screw Cap Bucket Type: Manual Bucket Filling: Manual Oxygen Filling: Manual Pressure Release: Needle Valve Bomb Washing: Manual Temperature Resolution: 0.002 C Maximum Sample Size: 8000 Calories Repeatability (%RSD): 0.3 Special Bombs: 1136CL Halogen Service 1341 Plain Jacket Calorimeter with 2901 Ignition Unit

heat measurement techniques in a student laboratory since it provides all of the instrumentation needed for such tests, but with each element in the system reduced to fundamental forms. Although commonly called a plain calorimeter because of its simple design, technically this is a static jacket instrument which operates at or near room temperature with no provision for controlling the jacket temperature. Compensation for any heat loss (or gain) during a test is made by applying a correction computed from heat leak measurements taken before and after each test. As a general rule, about 10 or 12 tests can be completed in an 8-hour day, whereas up to 75 tests can be run in the same period in a Parr automatic model. Good Repeatability Good repeatability can be obtained with the 1341 Calorimeter provided that the temperature rise and heat leak corrections are measured and applied carefully. Using the 19-35 C expansion thermometer supplied with the instrument, standard deviations in a series of tests with a uniform sample such as benzoic acid should not exceed 0.3%. Quality Construction There has been no compromise with quality in selecting components for the moderately priced, 1341 Calorimeter. It is equipped with the same 1108 Oxygen Bomb furnished with the 6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter. An alternate 1108CL bomb with superior resistance to chlorine and halogen acids is available for tests involving waste materials and chlorinated solvents. The molded double wall jacket provides a simple yet effective insulating system that restricts heat ow between the calorimeter and its surroundings. Temperature readings are taken with a 1604 Calorimetric Thermometer with a range from 19-35 C in .02 subdivisions. Readings can be estimated to the nearest .002 using the clip-on reading lens furnished with the instrument.

Ordering Guide
1341 Plain Calorimeter Is furnished with an 1825 Oxygen Filling Connection, six fuel capsules, fuse wire for 1500 tests and support stands for the bomb head and calorimeter cover, also a vial of benzoic acid pellets for standardizing the calorimeter and complete operating instructions.
Model No. 1341EA 1341EF 1341CLEA 1341CLEF Voltage 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz Description (Select part no. for voltage required.) Plain Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with 1108 Oxygen Combustion Bomb Plain Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with 1108CL Oxygen Combustion Bomb for Chlorine Service

1108 Oxygen bomb (see page 32 for details)

Accessories Ignition Units The 2901 Ignition Unit is offered to provide the low voltage electrical current to re the oxygen bomb. An alternate ignition unit, 2902, is offered for use with calorimeters equipped with the 1672 Calorimetric Thermometer. The 2902 includes provisions for automatically ring the bomb under the control of the 6772 Thermometer/Controller. The user must select the appropriate ignition unit for their installation and order it separately.
Model No. 2901EB 2901EE 2902EB 2902EE Voltage 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz Description (Select model no. for voltage required.) Ignition Unit Ignition Unit for Use with 6772 Thermometer

A Reliable Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter In A Plain Insulated Jacket for Occasional Caloric Tests The 1341 Calorimeter is the current version of a plain, static jacket, oxygen bomb calorimeter that has been made by Parr for more than eighty years. It is a reliable calorimeter that can be used for the same broad range of solid and liquid combustible samples as the series 6000 models. Its modest cost and simple design recommend it primarily for users whose work load does not justify the purchase of an automatic model. The calorimeter requires no permanent connections. It can be set up and ready to operate in a few minutes and, when not in use, can be easily disassembled and stored on a shelf. Many Applications The caloric value of any solid or liquid material that can be burned safely in an oxygen bomb can be determined in the 1341 Calorimeter. It is also an excellent instrument for teaching

2901 Ignition Unit (Required - sold separately)

6772 Calorimetric Thermometer Controller The 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer/Controller which is described on page 24 of this catalog is offered to improve the precision, convenience and speed of operation of the 1341 Calorimeter.

A391DD Oval Bucket

1604 Calorimetric Thermometer


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Accessories for 6000 Calorimeters

1757 Printer Operating results and operator messages are displayed clearly on the touch screen for review and action. Many users who connect their calorimeter to a computer will choose to print their results from their computer and will not need a dedicated printer for their calorimeter. For users who prefer to have a dedicated printer at the calorimeter, Parr offers the compact Model 1757 Printer. The printer port can be congured to work with any other printer with serial communications that the user may choose. The 1757 Printer is a compact, dot matrix printer setup for 40-column reports. It is the default printer for all Series 6000 Calorimeters and Thermometers. It is housed in a separate case 5.5 inches wide, 9 inches deep and 7 inches high. It operates from its own power supply.
1757 Printer Model No. 1757 334C 335C A1816E2 Description Printer with Power Supply 115/230v Printer Paper Ribbon for Printer Printer Cable

Water Handling Accessories Parr Series 6000 Calorimeters have been designed to use tap water for their source of bucket and cooling water. For minimum performance requirements this water should be available at temperatures below 25 C and should be free of minerals which can build up deposits in the calorimeter. Parr offers a choice of four water handling accessories, two for the 6300 Calorimeter and two for 6200 and 6100 Calorimeters. These systems are designed to meet the unique requirements of each calorimeter and each laboratory installation. Water Recirculating Systems for the 6300 Calorimeter The 1564 and 6520 water Handling systems are offered for users who wish to operate their 6300 Calorimeters on a closed loop water system. These systems must be located below the 6300 Calorimeter because the calorimeter drains by gravity into the receiver of these systems. A pump recirculates the water back to the calorimeter.

Any closed loop water system must include a water cooler to remove heat generated by the combustions in the bomb. The 1564 Water Recirculating System is designed to work with a separate water cooler such as the Parr 1551 and 1552 coolers. The 6520 Water Handling System includes a thermoelectric cooler and does not require a separate cooler. Water Handling Systems for the 6200 and 6100 Calorimeter The 1563 and 6510 Water Handling Systems are offered for users who wish to operate their 6200 and 6100 Calorimeters on a closed loop system. These systems incorporate a precision pipette for measuring and delivering the water for the calorimeter bucket at the same xed temperature for each test. It also provides cooling water to the jacket of the 6200 Calorimeter. The 1563 and 6510 Water Handling Systems operate on the bench top. The 1563 Water Handling System is designed to work with a separate water cooler such as the Parr 1551 or 1552 coolers.

The 6510 Water Handling System includes a thermo electric cooler and does not require a separate cooler.

6520 Water Handling System

1552 Water Cooler The 1552 Water Cooler is offered for these users who do not have a reliable source of tap water below 25 C. It will provide a uniform supply of cold water in the temperature range from 5 10 C. A single 1552 Water Cooler will be able to supply up to 4 6300 Calorimeters depending upon the temperature of the incoming tap water. The 1552 Water Cooler is rated for 6.5 gallons (25 liters) of cold water per hour.
Model No. 1552EA 1552EF Voltage 115V 230V Description (Select part no. for voltage required.) Water Cooler Water Cooler

1552 Water Cooler

1563 Water Handling System

A391DD Calorimeter Bucket The A391DD Calorimetric Bucket contains the bomb and water in the 6200, 6100 and 1341 Calorimeters. One of these buckets is furnished with each calorimeter but a spare bomb and bucket will double the throughput of any of these calorimeters as they permit the next test to be prepared in advance. A895DD Head Users who wish to achieve maximum throughput with their 6300 calorimeters will want to purchase a spare A895DD head for their oxygen bomb. This permits the next sample to be completely prepared and inserted into the bomb as soon as the current test is conducted.
A391DD Oval Bucket Model No. A895DD A895DDCL Description Bomb head for 1136 oxygen bomb Bomb head for 1136CL oxygen bomb halogen service

Advantages of Closed Loop Water Systems

Conserves Water Eliminates Maintenance problems resulting from poor water quality. Provides uniform water temperature for best repeatability (6200 & 6100) Assures cold water year-round for maximum operating speed (6300) Eliminates need for running water and drain. Measures bucket water repeatability for end test (6200 & 6100)

Ordering Guide
Model No. 1563EA 1563EF 6510 6510 1564EA 1564EF 6520 6520 Voltage 115V 230V 115V 230V 115V 230V 115V 230V Description (Select part no. for voltage required.) Water handling system for 6200 / 6100 without cooler Water handling system for 6200 / 6100 with thermo electric cooler Water recirculating system for 6300 without cooler Water handling system for 6300 with thermo electric cooler


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Calorimeter Comparisons
Characteristics Test Per Hour Operator Time Per Test Repeatability % RSD Calorimeter Type Bomb Type & Bucket Closure Type Screw Cap Bucket Bucket Filling Oxygen Filling Bomb Washing Program Modications Memory Balance Connection Temperature Resolution Network Connection Special Bombs 6300 Calorimeter 6200 Calorimeter 6100 Calorimeter 1341 Calorimeter

Series 6000 Expanded Congurations

4-9 as equipped 6 Minutes 0.10% Isoperibol Removable Bomb & Bucket Screw Cap Removable Manual Semi-automatic Manual On Screen Menu 1000 Tests Direct or RS232C 0.0001 C Ethernet 4-8 as equipped 6-7 Minutes 0.2% Compensated Removable Bomb & Bucket Screw Cap Removable Manual Semi-automatic Manual On Screen Menu 1000 Tests Direct or RS232C 0.0001 C Ethernet 2 25 Minutes 0.3% Static Removable Bomb & Bucket Screw Cap Removable Manual Manual Manual None None None 0.002 C None Expanded Congurations The Series 6000 Calorimeters have been developed as a family of affordable apparatus which can be assembled into operating systems tailored to meet individual needs without overbuying and without having to purchase a more sophisticated system than the user requires. An initial purchase can be limited to the basic calorimeter with or without additional accessories, while still retaining the ability to expand the system in the future if the work load should change. Expandable Calorimeter Systems To assist in the selection of calorimetric apparatus from an array of separate items, Parr offers the 6300, 6200 & 6100 Calorimeters as a System which provides all of the equipment needed for high speed caloric testing (except an analytical balance, oxygen tank and common laboratory chemicals). For many users who are testing only a few samples per day, a Calorimeter with a Printer may be adequate. But by adding a water supply system, an extra oxygen bomb and bucket and a water cooler (Expanded System) it is possible to handle many more tests with minimal operator effort and with a potential for improved precision as well. Also, the added water handling system and water cooler will permit closed loop operation. The 6200 and 6100 expanded calorimeter system has an extra 1108 bomb and A391DD bucket to allow the next sample to be prepared in advance. The 6300 expanded system includes an extra A895DD bomb head for this same purpose.

8 1 Minute 0.10% Isoperibol Fixed Cylinder/ Removable Head Quick-lock Fixed Automatic Automatic Automatic On Screen Menu 1000 Tests Direct or RS232C 0.0001 C Ethernet

Shown is the 6200 Expanded System with 1563 Water Handling System

6320 Calorimeter System

The 6300 Calorimeter Expanded System includes the following: 6300 Calorimeter, 1757 Printer, 6520 Water Recirculating System, Extra A895DD Bomb Head Assembly, and a 6309 Spare Parts Kit. Model No. 6320EA System 6320EF System 6320CLEA System 6320CLEF System Voltage 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz Description (Select model no. for voltage required.) 6300 Isoperibol Calorimeter Expanded System with 1136 Bombs 6300 Isoperibol Calorimeter Expanded System with 1136CL Bombs for Chlorine Service

6220 Calorimeter System

The 6200 Calorimeter Expanded System includes the following: 6200 Calorimeter, 1757 Printer, 6510 Water Handling System, (2) 1108 Bombs, (2) A391DD Oval Buckets, and a 6209 Spare Parts Kit. Model No. 6220EA System 6220EF System 6220CLEA System 6220CLEF System Voltage 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz Description (Select model no. for voltage required.) 6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter Expanded System with 1108 Bombs 6200 Isoperibol Calorimeter Expanded System with 1108CL Bombs for Chlorine Service

1136CL Chlorine Service

1108CL Chlorine Service 1107 Semimicro 1104 Heavy Duty with Cage and Loop 1104B Heavy Duty Loop Only 1105C Platinum Lined

1108CL Chlorine Service 1107 Semimicro

1108CL Chlorine Service

6120 Calorimeter System

The 6100 Calorimeter Expanded System includes the following: 6100 Calorimeter, 1757 Printer, (2) 1108 Bombs, (2) A391DD Oval Buckets, and a 6109 Spare Parts Kit. Model No. 6120EA System 6120EF System 6120CLEA System 6120CLEF System Voltage 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz Description (Select model no. for voltage required.) 6100 Calorimeter Expanded System with 1108 Bombs 6100 Calorimeter Expanded System with 1108CL Bombs for Chlorine Service

For our latest

arr Instrument Company is committed to a process for continually upgrading our line of oxygen bomb calorimeters and their accessories. The information contained in this catalog and the specications for these calorimeters is always subject to change. In addition, new products are continually being added to our offerings. For our most recent listings please visit our website at


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Calorimeter Accessories 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer

he 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer is a high precision temperature measuring system based upon the control systems of the series 6000 calorimeters. It was developed primarily to provide automatic temperature measurement and control as an add on accessory for the 1341 Plain Calorimeter and as an integral part of the 6725 Semimicro Calorimeter and the 6755 Solution Calorimeter. It improves the precision and gives much of the convenience obtainable with 6200 and 6300 automatic models. It also provides data logging, computation and communication capabilities that will speed and simplify the test procedure for any static jacket calorimeter. It can be used as well for other laboratory applications requiring precise temperature measurements combined with the additional features described below.

6725 Semimicro Calorimeter

microprocessor to linearize the temperature signal and provide excellent resolution and precise repeatability over each operating range. An automatic, self-calibrating capability for differential temperature measurements and other unique features are included in this electronic design. Calorimeter Functions In addition to measuring temperatures, the 6772 Thermometer will perform a number of special functions designed specically for the Parr Calorimeters. It will determine the net temperature rise, apply all necessary corrections and calculate and report the heat of combustion in units selected by the operator. It will also accept weights entered from the touchscreen. Data Logging and Display Data can be taken at any rate specied by the user and transmitted in real time to a Parr 1757 Printer or to a computer via the Ethernet communication port on the thermometer.

Model Number: 6725 Tests Per Hour: 3 Operation Pre-test Time: 10 minutes Calorimeter Type: Compensated Bomb Type: Removable (semimicro) Balance Connection: No bucket type dewar ask Temperature Resolution: 0.0001 C Maximum sample size 1200 calories 6725 Semimicro Calorimeter Repeatability (%RSD): 0.4 Special Bombs: None

6772 Calorimetric Thermometer

Specications Probe type Thermometer range Resolution Absolute accuracy without calibration with calibration Repeatability, single point Linearity, 10 C span Communications port Data logging capacity Thermistor
0-70 C 0.0001 C +/- 0. 100 C +/- 0.0500 C +/- 0.002 C +/- 0.002 C Ethernet Unlimited

Platinum Resistance
0-600 C 0.002 C +/- 0.3 +.005T C +/- 0.15 +.002T C +/- 0.05 C n/a Ethernet Unlimited

A Unique Electronic Design The 6772 Thermometer operates in the range: 0-70 C with a thermistor, using a


The 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer must be ordered with either an 1168E Thermistor or an 1180E RTD Probe and 2902 Ignition Unit is required to fully automate 1341 calorimeters
Model No. 6772EB 6772EE 1168E 2902EB 2902EE Voltage 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz 115V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz Description (Select model no. for voltage required.) Calorimetric Thermometer without thermistor Thermistor Probe, 0-70 C, 1/8" Dia., 12" Length Ignition Unit for use with a 1341 Calorimeter

he 6725 Semimicro Calorimeter is a compact and easily operated, static jacket, combustion calorimeter designed specically for measuring the heat of combustion of small samples when only limited amounts of test material are available. The need for semimicro operation frequently arises in marine biology and other ecological studies where sample sizes are limited, also for testing heat powders and pyrotechnic mixtures.

silvered glass Dewar as the calorimeter vessel. This vacuum ask, holds the 1107 bomb in 450 grams of water. It is supported within a stainless steel air can from which it is easily removed for lling or cleaning. Full Series 6000 Instrumentation The 6725 semimicro calorimeter utilizes the 6772 precision calorimeter thermometer/controller which provides all of the temperature measurement, automation and data handling capabilities of the larger series 6000 calorimeters described in this bulletin.

A 22mL Oxygen Bomb The 22mL, 1107 Oxygen Bomb used in the semimicro calorimeter will handle samples ranging from 25 to 200 milligrams, liberating up to 1200 calories when burned in oxygen. An Effective Thermal Jacket Effective static thermal insulation is provided by using a

Ordering Guide
6725 Semimicro Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with 1107 Oxygen Bomb.
Model No. 6725EA 6725EF Voltage 115V 230V Description (Select part no. for voltage required.) Semimicro Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with 1107 Oxygen Bomb & Ignition Unit.


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Calorimeter Accessories Oxygen Combustion Bombs

The 1108 Oxygen Bomb The 1108 Bomb is the standard, 342mL, general purpose bomb used in all Parr 6200, 6100, and 1341 Calorimeters, and in the 1901 Bomb Combustion Apparatus. It will safely burn samples liberating up to a maximum of 8000 calories per charge, using oxygen charging pressures up to 40 atm. The standard 1108 Bomb is made of a special niobium stabilized stainless steel selected for its resistance to the mixed nitric and sulfuric acids produced in a bomb combustion. This superior alloy is suitable for most combustion tests, yet nei1108 - 1108CL Oxygen Combustion Bomb ther it nor any other stainless steel will resist the corrosive atmosphere produced when burning samples containing halogen compounds. The 1136 Oxygen Bomb The 1136 Oxygen Bomb is a custom design bomb used in the 6300 calorimeter as well as the earlier 1281 Calorimeter. It will safely burn samples liberating up to a maximum of 8000 calories per charge using oxygen charging pressures up to 40 atm. It features the twist-lock closure and the external conguration used in the xed bomb calorimeters. The standard 1136 bomb is made of alloy 20 Cb3 stainless steel to resist the mixed nitric and sulfuric acids produced in routine fuel testing.
1136-1136CL Oxygen Combustion Bomb

Special Purpose Bombs Parr offers several special purpose oxygen bombs for calorimetry and analytical applications in sizes from 22 to 2000mL. Three of the most commonly used special bombs for calorimeters are listed here. 1104 High Strength Bomb. This is a 240mL, extra heavy bomb for combustion tests with samples that burn with extreme violence. It will handle samples that liberate up to 12,000 calories per charge, using oxygen charging pressures up to 45 atm. This bomb should be used in place of the standard bomb when testing explosives, gun powders and fast-burning propellants, or when working with materials whose combustion characteristics are unknown or unpredictable.

The 1104 High Pressure Oxygen Bomb can also be equipped with a dynamic pressure recording system to record the change in pressure that accompanies the rapid decomposition of materials used as propellants or explosives.

1107 Semimicro Oxygen Bomb. This is a 22mL bomb designed for use in the 6725 semimicro calorimeter and earlier series 1425 calorimeters. It is intended for samples ranging from 25 to 200 milligrams, liberating up to 1200 calories. It is also used for heat powders that are self oxidizing and release less than 2400 calories per charge. 1107 Semimicro Oxygen
Combustion Bomb

The 1108CL ChlorineResistant Bomb Parr now offers a chlorineresistant, 1108CL Bomb, which is the same as the standard 1108 model, but with a head and cylinder made of an alloy with superior corrosion resistance to the free chlorine and halogen acids released when burning chlorinated samples. Users who intend to test waste materials and combustible halogen solvents are urged to select the 1108CL Bomb instead of 1108 for its longer service life under extremely corrosive conditions.

1136CL Oxygen Combustion Bombs Parr offers a bomb made of chlorine resistant material of the xed head calorimeters. The head and cylinder are made of Alloy G30 with superior corrosion resistance to the free chlorine and halogen acids released when burning chlorinated samples. Users that intend to test waste material and combustible solvents are urged to select the CL version.

1105 Platinium Lined Bomb

1105C Platinum Lined Bomb. This is a 340mL Bomb with a full platinum lining for applications requiring a completely inert combustion chamber for analytical applications. All normally exposed inner surfaces are covered with platinum, and the electrodes, inlet tube and other metal ttings are made of platinum alloyed with 10% iridium for extra strength. Platinum fuel capsules and fuse wire are used to complete an all-platinum environment.
1104 High Strength Bomb

Ordering Guide
1104 1104B 1105C 1107 1108 1136 High Strength Oxygen Bomb with Capsule Cage and Loop Electrode Package High Strength Oxygen Bomb with Loop Terminal, No Combustion Cage, No Capsule Oxygen Bomb, 340mL, Platinum Lined Oxygen Bomb, 22mL, Semimicro Oxygen Bomb, 342mL, Double Valve Oxygen Bomb, 342mL

1108CL Oxygen Bomb, 342mL, for Chlorine Service 1136CL Oxygen Bomb, 342mL, for Chlorine Service


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Calorimeter Accessories
Pellet Press
The Parr Pellet Press provides a convenient and inexpensive means for compressing powdered samples into pellet or tablet form for oxygen bomb calorimetry. Although many materials burn well as a loose powder, others such as benzoic acid must be pelletized for safe and complete combustion. Pellets produced in the Parr press are cylindrical in shape with at ends. Punch and die sets are interchangeable in the same basic press. The 1/2 inch size is most commonly used for bomb calorimetry. Bulletin 2811 provides additional details and listings for the complete press and separate punch and die sets in smaller sizes. Part No. Description 2811 Pellet Press, 1/2" Punch & Die 2812 Pellet Press, 1/4" Punch & Die 2813 Pellet Press, 3/8" Punch & Die 2814 Pellet Press, 1/8" Punch & Die 2815 Pellet Press, 3.0mm Punch & Die 2816 Pellet Press, 4.5mm Punch & Die

Automated Data Handling

VM Crucible
An inexpensive, 13mL, nickel-chromium alloy crucible with an insert cover for determining volatile matter in coal and coke. Will withstand repeated heating to 1000 C without appreciable change in tare weight, but not recommended for procedures requiring extreme corrosion resistance. Part No. Description 3101 VM Crucible with Insert Cover 3102 VM Crucible without Cover 3103 Insert Cover for VM crucible

Fuse Wire

Part No. 45C10 45C2 45C3 45C7 840DD2

Description Fuse Wire, Ni-Cr Alloy, 34 ga., 10cm Card, 1500 pcs/package Fuse Wire, Platinum, 26 ga., Priced Per Foot Fuse Wire, Platinum, 36 ga., 300cm, 30 Pieces Fuse Wire, Ni alloy, 7cm Card, 350 pieces Heat Wire for 1131 & 1136 Oxygen Bombs, Ni-Cr Alloy, 60", To Be Cut to 1.5" lengths Ignition Thread, Cotton Ball, Use As Auxiliary Fuse in Oxygen Bombs

ore than 20 years ago Parr developed and equipped its calorimeters with a local area network called the Smart Link. This network has served our clients well and has given them a way to link multiple calorimeters, analytical balances, proximate analyzers, and computers into a single network. With the Series 6000 Calorimeters we are retiring the old and limited Smart Link network in favor of Ethernet (IEEE 802.3). Ethernet has become the standard for high speed data transfers. While we feel nostalgic for the Smart Link which was revolutionary when it was introduced, we are pleased to be able to offer the Ethernet as a modern high speed, reliable, industry standard for linking instruments into data transfer networks.

Ethernet Communications Connections of Series 6000 Calorimeters or personal computers and networks are made through the Ethernet Port. Laboratories that already have Ethernet network installed can simply connect their calorimeters to their network to transfer results into their computers. Laboratories that do not already have Ethernet network will need to obtain an Ethernet hub to establish their network. Modern PCs have both the physical Ethernet port and the high-level protocol software such as TCP/IP required for operation of this network. The Technical Service Department at Parr will be happy to help with any questions you may have regarding this network. Compact Flash Transfers Parr Series 6000 Calorimeters are also equipped with a port for a removable compact ash memory card. This card can be used to transfer data les from the calorimeter to a computer using a simple card reader of the type used for digital cameras. The compact ash port can also be used to update the software in the calorimeter. Legacy Systems Users currently using the Parr Smart Link network should contact the Parr Technical Service Department for the latest information on combining the Smart Link and Ethernet networks.

Series 6000 Calorimeter Communications



Ethernet Hub


Fuel Capsules
Parr 43A- fuel capsules, 2.5cm dia. x 1.Ocm deep, are used in all 1104, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1131 & 1136 Oxygen Bombs. Part No. Description 43AS Fuel Capsule, Stainless Steel 43A3 Fuel Capsule, Fused Silica 43A5 Fuel Capsule, Platinum-Rhodium 43A6 Fuel Capsule, Platinum-Rhodium, with Rim 217A Fuel Capsule, Heavy (1104) C20 845DD

Benzoic Acid
Caloric standard in powder or pellet form for standardizing all oxygen bomb calorimeters. Part No. Description 3403 Benzoic Acid Power, 30g Bottle 3413 Benzoic Acid, 1.0 gram Pellets, Vial of 15 3414 Benzoic Acid, 0.2 gram Pellets, Bottle of 30 3415 Benzoic Acid, 1.0 gram Pellets, Bottle of 100 3416 Benzoic Acid, 1.0 gram Pellets, Bottle of 500 3417 Benzoic Acid, 0.2 gram Pellets, Bottle of 500 3418 Benzoic Acid, 0.2 gram Pellets, Bottle of 1000

Tape for Volatile Compounds

Part No. 517A Description 1-1/2" x 72 yds/roll. 1 roll per Package

Direct Connection Each Parr Series 6000 Calorimeter is equipped with RS232C data ports. One of these is congured for a connection to an analytical balance used for inputting sample weights. The operating menus allow user to congure this port for any commercial balances communications protocol. The second port is congured to report results to an attached printer. While the default settings congure this port for use with the Parr 1757 Printer, the operating menus allow the user to congure this port for any 40 or 80 column printer. The third port is a terminal port and is used for diagnostics and to input program updates.

6300, 6200 6100, 6725 Calorimeter



Analytical Balance



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The Parr Warranty

arr Instrument Company (Parr) combustion bombs, calorimeters, and associated products are designed and manufactured only for use by or under the direct supervision of trained professionals in accordance with specications and instructions for use supplied with the products. For that reason, Parr sells only to professional users or through distributors to such users. Parr produces precision equipment and associated products which are not intended for general commercial use.

Exclusive Warranty To the extent allowed by law, the express and limited warranties herein are the sole warranties. Any implied warranties are expressly excluded, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or tness for a particular purpose. Express Warranties Subject to the above Conditions, Parr expressly warrants that its products: Are as described in the applicable Parr sales literature, or as specied in Parr shipping documents. Will function as described in corresponding Parr sales bulletins, or for specically engineered assemblies, as stated in the sales proposal and purchase agreement. Will remain free from defects in materials and workmanship for one year from date of delivery of the product to the original purchaser/user. Note that there is no guarantee of a service life of one year after delivery. Limitations on the Parr Warranty As to the original purchaser/user and to the distributors to such users, Parr limits its liability for claims other than personal injury as follows: Replacement or repair. With respect to express warranties herein, Parrs only obligation is to replace or repair any parts, assemblies or products not conforming to the warranties provided herein. Disclaimer of consequential commercial damages, including but not limited to: damages for loss of use, damages for lost prots, and damages for resulting harm to property other than the Parr product and its component parts.

211 53rd Street Moline, Illinois 61265 USA Phone: 1-309-762-7716 0r 1-800-872-7720 Fax: 1-309-762-9453 E-mail:
Catalog 6000 10000 0304 Printed in USA

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