Chestii de Nunta

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Who is up first in the morning? Who takes longer to get ready? Who apologizes first after an argument? Who said "i love you" first? Who mentioned marriage first? Who makes all the decisions? Who is the messiest? Who wears the pants in the relationship? Who is more into their looks? Who spends more money? Who likes to shop more? Who has the bigger wardrobe? Who is grumpier in the morning? Who does most of the cooking? Who is the better driver? Who cleans more? Who gave who the first kiss? Who made the first move? Who does the dishes? Who does the laundry? Who's a bed hog? Who is always running late? Who takes a longer shower? Who is the biggest baby when they get sick? Who mows the lawn? Who holds their liquor better? Who has the best taste in decorating? Who has the best taste in music? Who walks the dog more often? Who's the better mountain-biker? Who's more likely to destroy clothing doing the laundry? Who was the first person to "pass gas" out loud in front of the other? Who's more likely to leave the cap off the toothpaste? Who spends more time in front of the mirror? Who's more likely to run a red light? Who snores the loudest? Who watches more TV? Who is always right? Who is shyest? Who steals the covers?

1. Who is older? 2. Who has more siblings? 3. When you first met, who made the first move? 4. Who is the better driver? 5. Who has been in more car accidents?

6. Who studied the hardest in school? 7. Who got better grades in school? 8. Who is smarter? 9. Who is more creative? 10. Who is better at keeping surprises? 11. Who will be doing the cooking? 12. Who is more adventurous? 13. Who is more likely to get injured? 14. Who is more likely to get sunburned? 15. Who is more likely to be running late? 16. Who is the better dresser? 17. Who is better looking? 18. Who said I love you first? 19. Who starts the argument? 20. Who is first to say Im sorry? 21. Who wears the pants in your relationship? 22. Who spends more money? 23. Who is going to pay the bills? 24. Who will be in control of the remote? 25. Who will be most likely to wake up grumpy? 26. Who is more likely to get lost? 27. Who is more likely to ask for directions? 28. Who is messier? 29. Who has the smelliest feet? 30. Right now, who do you love more than anyone in the world?

ntrebri pentru Ligia 1. Cine este mai tnr? 2. Cine este mai nalt? 3. Cine are mai mul frai? 4. Care este cel mai harnic? 5. Care este mai somnoros? 6. Cui i place zahrul? 7. Cine face mncarea cea mai bun? 8. i cine nu vrea s mpart cu mine cnd o s vin n vizit? 9. Cine ascult pe cellalt mai mult? 10. Cine i cere iertare primul? 11. O ntrebarea fr zahr: Cine vorbete mai mult? 12. Care este suprciosul? 13. Cine e oferul mai bun? 14. Cine a avut mai multe accidente? 15. Cine face duurile cele mai lungi? 16. Cine are mai multe haine?

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

i cine este mai dezordonat? Cine e mai cuminte? Cine s-a srutat primul? Cine a observat pe cellalt prima dat? Cine a vorbit primul de cstorie? Cine s-a ocupat cel mai mult de organizarea nunii? Cine are mereu, de fiecare dat i ntotdeauna, fr excepie dreptate?

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