AC500 Ethernet IP Config

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Scalable PLC AC500

IP ADDRESS Tool for Ethernet configuration

ABB Group Version 2.0 (2009-02) Technical Guides

Ethernet Communication Coming up

Ethernet ID Configuration IP Config TOOL Configuration IP ABB Configurator Configuration IP with keypad Configuration IP PLC browser Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 2

Ethernet Communication Coming up

Ethernet ID Configuration IP Config TOOL Configuration IP ABB Configurator Configuration IP with keypad Configuration IP PLC browser Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 3

Ethernet Communication Setting the ID Address

All communication modules are delivered with the same IP address. Internal: Set the address via CPU keypad Switch OFF / ON power supply External: Set the address by rotary switches Purpose: identification of the hardware (temporary address)
ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 4

Ethernet Communication Coming up

Ethernet ID Configuration IP Config TOOL Configuration IP ABB Configurator Configuration IP with keypad Configuration IP PLC browser Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 5

Ethernet Communication Setting the IP Config tool (1)

2. Click at Scan for have CPUs IP address


For verification of IP address of device connected use the menu Tools\IP config tool.

Network subscribers list with all recognized addresses

ID: address selected for identification

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 6

Ethernet Communication Setting the IP Config tool (2)

1. Click on the subscriber to configure

2. Select DHCP for get an address automatically delivered by the server or not 3. Configure IP Address 4. Configure Subnet mask 5. Configure Standard gateway 6. Send Configuration IP address is fixe if in project you havent create IP configuration if not the address is temporary
ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 7

Ethernet Communication Coming up

Ethernet ID Configuration IP Config TOOL Configuration IP ABB Configurator Configuration IP with keypad Configuration IP PLC browser Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 8

Ethernet Communication PM5xx-ETH and CM577-ETH (1) ETH

Parameterisation for Ethernet CPU port Parameterisation for Ethernet Coupler port Slot1 per example

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 9

Ethernet Communication PM5xx-ETH and CM577-ETH (2) ETH

1. IP manage per user 2. Select DHCP for get an address automatically delivered by the server or not per user 3. Configure IP Address 4. Configure Subnet mask 5. Configure Standard gateway

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 10

Ethernet Communication PM5xx-ETH and CM577-ETH (3) ETH

Web server active

ABB NetConnfig Protocol active SNTP protocol is active. Enable SNTP client mode

Enable SNTP server mode

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 11

Ethernet Communication Coming up

Ethernet ID Configuration IP Config TOOL Configuration IP ABB Configurator Configuration IP with keypad Configuration IP PLC browser Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 12

Ethernet Communication Setting the IP Address

Configuration IP address with keypad A for IP address N sub mask , G gateway . Validation by OK went its finish .



A1 010


N1 255


G1 000




A2 033


N2 255


G2 000




A3 071


N3 000


G3 000




A4 001


N4 000


G4 000

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 13

Ethernet Communication Coming up

Ethernet ID Configuration IP Config TOOL Configuration IP ABB Configurator Configuration IP with keypad Configuration IP PLC browser Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 14

Ethernet Communication Configuration IP PLC browser

Change IP address with PLC browser
confdata ipcfg 0

Slot number (04) IP address

net mask

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 15

Ethernet Communication Coming up

Ethernet ID Configuration IP Config TOOL Configuration IP ABB Configurator Configuration IP with keypad Configuration IP PLC browser Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 16

Ethernet Communication Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

Function Bloc for change IP address per program

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 17

Ethernet Communication Configuration IP Per program with Bloc

Function Bloc for know IP address

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 18

Cross-References to Documentation References

1. CoDeSys Help\Target System\ AC500 / S500\ System Technology\ System Technology of the AC500 Communication Modules\ The Ethernet Communication Module Module\

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 19

ABB Group November 28, 2011 | Slide 20

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