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Briggs notes france being a peacemaker under Charles de Gaulle brought the philosophy of detente france wanted to increase

se influence in europe- through encouraging trade with Soviets and West Germany, establishing ties with PRC, withdrwaing forces from NATO detente inaugurated by Nixon ostopolitik b y west germany's willy brandt: eastern policy. Acknowledged power of Soviet bloc wanted to reduce CW tensions as a major flashpoint alowed for the signing of a non aggression pact with the Soviet Union in 1970 to develop better relations with East Germany and Soviet bloc Stick and Carrot, and Linkage approaches: linkage: US would link favourable responses to soviet actions that benefited US, and unfavourable responses to Soviet moves which didn't benefit the US. e.g. granting soviets acknowledgement of their power when they act in accord with American practives. e.g. US would threaten force if Soviets seemed to be upsetting the balance of power. Detente as a foreign policy response to economic difficulties on both camps Soviets: Brezhnev used this period to achieve nuclear parity, increasing military expenditure. Cut nuclear arms through detente negotiations, and build up conventional arms which are more practical to maintain sphere of influence by force. and increasing nuclear weapons; paradox: easing tensions whilst building up military for potential struggles... 1972 SALT agreements 1975 Helsinki accords US recognised Soviet post-wwII border changes in eastern europe, if Soviets recognised obligation to human rights 1979 SALT II- Soviets very aggressive with their fopo, and US's was benign, hence detente collapsed. 1979: soviet invasion of afghanistan! Czech to Afghan was the most peaceful time... military detente was needed, since solving their problems through nuclear means was tantamount to the destruction of the planet. Reasons for detente Viet war 1965 screwed up the US economy which was doing quite well previously LBJ forgot to consider how much Vietnam war effort costed; at its peak, defence increased by 60%! Johnson hoped for a quick victory that didnt happen spending was too high, and LBJ had to try cut costs by spending less on arms build up, hence detente. US support for South Viet costed much more than Soviet support for North Viet USSR: had reached parity, but costed the economy a lot- thus, needed western technology methods to keep up production rate and help economy. Trade with the West was needed! Concerned about US MIRVs and ABMs,,, defensive systems. Concerned about MAO and PRC as a world power, and their improving relations with US which may make USSR more vulnerable. Geopolitical developments: vietnam

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