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Name: Razi ul Haq Class: X-C Topic: How enterprising, I heard the voice behind me when I closed the


How enterprising, I heard the voice behind me when I closed the door. I looked inside where I was greeted by a further fourteen trembling faces. The pilot turned the ignition and the engine sputtered into life. It was 6:20 am in the morning. The damp, cold morning air couldnt weaken up our spirits. I jogged my memory as I thought how I had reached here. Being a son of a sky-diver, I too loved sky-diving. It was like in our blood. I had been sky-diving from the age of thirteen. For me, it is precisely the thrill and excitement of having survived the ride that keeps me coming back for more. The first ride had given me an instant rush of adrenaline. Today, nearly seven years later, I was attempting to make a world record of the greatest number of people sky-diving in diamond formation. The previous attempt had been of thirteen people. We had decided to try our luck with fifteen. Anything could happen. Even the slightest mistake would prove fatal. My whole life flashed past me. It was my father and some other heroic figures that had fuelled my ambition. I was ready to do this. I returned to reality. We had started to gain height. The sun appeared above the horizon, waking the tired sleepers. We would be jumping two hundred meters South of Mont Blanc. I looked out from the window. The scenery was just bewitchingly beautiful, dazzling and breathtaking. Almost the whole mountain was blanketed with snow. The few bare rocks made the mountain look like cookies and cream. I looked around the cabin to check if everyone was alright. No one spoke, while most of them wary of moving a muscle for fear. At last the pilot gave us a thumb up sign and the planes door opened. A gush of air entered the cabin. It was time to act. One by one all of my mates started jumping out. I was the last one left. Like others I too was pushed out from the plane and the next thing I know, I was looking down at the world. Looking down the only thing I saw was the

world in a collage of colored dots as I made sure I spotted my target for landing. Saying my final prayers, I closed my eyes and jumped. The sensation of first falling out of the airplane was completely unexpected. Almost immediately, I could feel the rush of air past me. Wind was being forced into my nose and mouth like never before. There was a hint of that feeling you get when you get water up your nose. Touching nothing but air I felt the exhilarating rush of adrenaline as I soared through the sky at 120 miles per hour. Aside from the fact that I was hurling down through time & with nothing to hold onto but my faith and a backpack full of lightweight man-made material, it was fun. I could see the beautiful environment from thousands of feet above. I reached terminal velocity within seconds. I was truly weightless, but there was an incredible amount of wind on my face. I opened my parachute. Thankfully, it opened without any malfunction. Floating in the air; it was so quiet and clear, and the view was just unbelievable. However I had no time to waste. I quickly maneuvered into position. The rest of the team had already taken their place. Just as I got in my spot my heart leapt with joy. I was 5,500 feet above the ground and we had made history today. We had done it. It was a new record. We all separated and landed in a valley which was the decided land-zone. There we were greeted by beaming faces and applauding crew. The situation was fast turning into a pantomime as this was something new for the locals. We climbed into the crew car and quickly headed towards our base where another such round of applause awaited us.

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