Perseverança - Perseverance

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Valores morais para crianas/ Moral Values for Children

When youre learning something new, things dont always go smoothly at first. But you cant just give up; you have to keep trying. Sometimes you have to try over and over again until you get it right.

Quando voc est aprendendo algo novo, as coisas nem sempre vo bem no comeo. mas voc no pode desistir; precisa continuar tentando. s vezes precisa tentar vrias vezes at acertar.

Sometimes on the first try, or the first few tries, a birdie doesnt get very far, and it kind of flaps and flops around a bit until it gets the hang of flying. As you are learning something new, there will be some mistakes, failures, and belly flops. But thats not a bad thing.

s vezes, na primeira ou nas primeiras tentativas, o passarinho no chega muito longe, e fica batendo as asas de forma desajeitada at pegar o jeito de voar. Vo ocorrer erros, falhas e tombos, um fato. Mas no um fato ruim.

We need to have the faith to step out and do what we need to doeven if its something weve never done before. We have to let go of our fears and limitations. Progress usually comes one step at a time, and sometimes that one step is the result of two steps forward and one step back. As long as youre making some forward progress, youre on your way toward reaching your goal. Precisamos ter f para fazermos coisas que nunca fizemos. Precisamos abrir mo dos temores e das limitaes.

O progresso costuma vir um passo de cada vez o que, s vezes, o saldo de dois passos para frente e um para trs. Conquanto esteja progredindo, estar a caminho da meta.

Its important to keep trying, no matter how difficult or impossible something may seem. If you ask God to help, He'll be there for you.

importante continuar tentando, no importa o quanto algo parea difcil ou impossvel. Se voc pedir ajuda a Deus, Ele ser sua disposio.
Art Aurora Productions/Microsoft Clipart. Text TFI.

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