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Published on Bank of America Newsroom (http://newsroom.bankofamerica.

com) on 12/11/12 11:23 am EST

BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research 2013 Year Ahead Outlook


BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research released its 2013 Year Ahead market outlook, saying that a cloud of uncertainty is likely to overhang the markets through a painful and protracted resolution of the U.S. fiscal cliff. However, global economic growth is expected to pick up steam in the second half of the year, ultimately surprising on the upside and pushing the S&P 500 Index to 1600, a new all-time high. At the annual BofA Merrill Lynch 2013 Year Ahead outlook news conferences in New York and London, analysts from the top-ranked global research firm said the year ahead could be lucky 13 for cautious, savvy investors. The beginning stages of a great rotation in the markets create opportunities for cyclical and undervalued asset classes poised for recovery. This time last year, the risks to global growth were to the downside as the European debt crisis, China hard landing fears and the U.S. fiscal cliff clouded the economic outlook, said Michael Hartnett, chief investment strategist at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research. For 2013, we expect the resolution of fiscal policy issues, another year of accommodative central bank actions and improving corporate profits to skew the macro and market risks to the upside. BofA Merrill Lynch analysts outlined 10 macro calls on which they are basing their 2013 outlook. The global economy grows 3.2 percent, gradually improving through the year, led by China and the U.S. Resolution of the fiscal cliff in the U.S. and successful negotiation of aid to Spain, combined with high liquidity and low commodity prices, should support a gradual improvement in global business and consumer spending through the year. By the end of 2013, growth is expected to rise to 2.5 percent in the U.S. and 8 percent in China. Fiscal austerity in the U.S. and Europe offsets monetary stimulus from central banks. Monetary easing may not be enough to offset fiscal contraction in the first part of the year. Fiscal austerity in Europe and in the U.S. the latter by as much as 2 percent of GDP is likely to be a drag on growth. The U.S. housing recovery builds momentum. U.S. home prices are expected to rise another 3 percent in 2013, adding to the 5 percent gain in 2012. Housing starts could increase by more than 25 percent and a 3.5 percent average annual appreciation over the next 10 years should stimulate jobs to construction and related sectors such as furniture, building materials and financials. Flares, not wildfires in Europe. With support to Spain from the European Central Bank, the European economy should stabilize as the year progresses. Despite a series of episodic flare-ups of the ongoing crisis in Europe, the big tail risk of a eurozone breakup has likely passed. China should lead emerging market growth. Against a backdrop of subdued growth in developed markets, GDP growth in emerging markets is expected to recover to 5.2 percent, led by the BRIC economies, particularly China. However, rising inflation could leave emerging market policymakers with little room to ease. Global equities should be the best performing asset class. Powerful policy support, reasonable valuations and receding tail risks should help make global equities the best performing asset class in 2013. The U.S., European and Asian equity markets could see gains of 10 percent to 16 percent next year, with the MSCI AWI reaching 370 and the S&P 500 Index reaching a new all-time high of 1600 by year-end. Interest rates and currencies. The U.S. dollar and euro could rally on the global recovery and greater fiscal clarity, pushing the yen lower and emerging market currencies higher. High yield and emerging market bonds should outperform corporate credit. On the heels of record-low yields in 2012, U.S. investment-grade corporate bonds are likely to offer scant returns of 1.6 percent in the year ahead, but high yield bonds could return up to 7.0 percent and emerging market bonds could return 10.1 percent. Fixed Income: Government bond yields should rise modestly. G3 central banks are expected to maintain their zero interest rate policies. Government bond yields in the U.S., U.K. and Germany are expected to rise modestly to 2.0, 2.5 and 1.5 percent, respectively, translating into total returns for major government bond markets of roughly -3 percent to +2 percent. Commodities: Gold could rise to $2,000 per ounce. Large-scale policy easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve and European Central Bank positions gold as a useful hedge against global macro and inflation risks. The Research Investment Committee of BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research provides 10 Investment Ideas for 2013, including recommendations for investors to approach the markets tactically. BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research The BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research franchise covers more than 3,300 stocks and 1,060 credits globally and ranks in the top tier in many external surveys. Most recently, the group was named Top Global Research Firm of 2011 by Institutional Investor magazine; No. 1 in the 2012 Institutional Investor All-Asia survey for the second consecutive year; No. 2 in the 2012 Institutional Investor All-China, All-Europe, All-Japan and All-Latin America surveys; and No. 3 in the 2012 Institutional Investor All-America survey. The group was also named No. 2 in the 2012 Institutional Investor All-America Fixed Income survey, as well as in the inaugural Institutional Investor Emerging Markets Equity and Fixed Income survey, covering Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa. Additionally, BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research was named the No. 1 Global Broker by Financial Times/StarMine, as well as ranked No. 1 in the U.S. and Europe and No. 2 in Asia. The group was also named No. 1 in Asia and No. 2 in the U.S. in the Wall Street Journal Best on the Street 2012 Analysts Surveys. The group was also the winner of the Emerging Markets magazines EM Research Global Award for 2010 and 2011.

Additional Information

Presentations and Materials Dec. 11, 2012 BofA Merrill 2013 Year Ahead Outlook and Allocation Highlights [1] Dec. 11, 2012 Commodities 2013 Year Ahead Highlights [2] Francisco Blanch, Head of Commodities and Derivatives Research Dec. 11, 2012 Credit Strategy 2013 Year Ahead Highlights [3] Hans Mikkelsen, Credit Strategist Dec. 11, 2012 Global Economics 2013 Year Ahead Highlights [4] Ethan Harris, Co-head of Global Economics Research Dec. 11, 2012 Global Emerging Markets 2013 Year Ahead Highlights [5] Alberto Ades, Co-head of Global Economic Research and Head of GEM Fixed Income Strategy Dec. 11, 2012 Global Equity Strategy 2013 Year Ahead Highlights [6] Michael Hartnett, Chief Investment Strategist Dec. 11, 2012 Global Rates and Currencies 2013 Year Ahead Highlights [7] David Woo, Head of Global Rates and Currencies Research Dec. 11, 2012 U.S. Equity and Quantitative Strategy 2013 Year Ahead Highlights [8] Savita Subramanian, Head of U.S. Equity and Quantitative Strategy



Executive Biographies Alberto Ades [11] , Co-head of Global Economic Research and Head of GEM Fixed Income Strategy Francisco Blanch [12] , Head of Commodities and Derivatives Research Candace Browning [13] , Head of Global Research Derek Harris [14] , Deputy Director of Americas Equity Research Ethan Harris [15] , Co-head of Global Economics Research Michael Hartnett [16] , Chief Investment Strategist Hans Mikkelsen [17] , Credit Strategist Savita Subramanian [18] , Head of U.S. Equity and Quantitative Strategy David Woo [19] , Head of Global Rates and Currencies Research

For More Information For more information about the BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research 2013 Year Ahead Outlook, please contact Rinat Rond [20] , Bank of America, 1.646.855.3152.

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