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Newspaper of the students of the University of Surrey

Issue 55 Wednesday 13th February 2013

A look back at 2012 and its incredible sporting success stories on Page 35
NEWS Lecturers house used as a drug den at Southampton University ... Page 4 UNION What is The Governance Review and why is it important? Find out on Page 8 FEATURES Valentines day... do you love it or hate it? Read both sides of the argument on Page 14 OPINION & ANALYSIS

Check out the new events planner on the centrespread!

SCIENCE & TECH Guildford-based satellite company granted a multimillion pound contract... Page 11 FILM Django Unchained recieved rave reviews, but what did The Stags film buffs think of it? Page 23 MUSIC Becky Worley interviews Radio 1s DJ Danny Howard ... Page 27


Gay marriage legislation passes by a majority of 225 votes
to 175, with the majority of 225. In total, 136 of those against the plans were Conservatives, leaving Prime Minister David Cameron to rely of the support of Labour and Lib Dem MPs. 127 of the remaining Conservative MPs voted in favour, whilst 35 did not vote and another five abstained by

MPs vote passes the legislation of gay marriage in Britain with 400 votes to 175.

Cameron describes the bill as a step forward for our country

opposite sex [...] A gay couple have no obligation to make that vow [to faithfulness] because they do not have to forsake all others because they cannot divorce for adultery. Another Labour MP, Toby Perkins, was in favour of the bill, commenting: Continued on page 3...

By Rachel Thomason, News Editor

ay marriage is set to become law after the House of Commons voted in favour of same sex marriage on Tuesday 5th February. Six hours after the start of the debate, the legalisation of gay marriage was passed by 400 votes

voting both in favour and against. Those opposing the legislation reasoned that the divorce laws would have to be changed if same sex marriage was legalised. Nadine Dorries, Conservative MP, argued: In a heterosexual marriage a couple can divorce for adultery, and adultery is if you have sex with a member of the

The Mirror

A Brazilian night club fire kills 235 and injures hundreds ... Page 10


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Editor | Alexandra Wilks Editor-in-Chief | Abbie Stone Deputy Editor (Design) | Hannah Roberts-Owen Design Team | Paul Richmond, Ankur Banerjee, Tina Morman Deputy Editor (Marketing) | Becky Richmond Marketing Team | Emily Gill, Natasha Cruz-Millheim, Georgie Wood News Editor | Rachel Thomason News Team | Jack White, Melissa Raske, Hattie Elkins, Beth Goss, Shunayna Vaghela, Chris Sibthorpe, Alexandra Wilks Opinion & Analysis Editor | Justine Crossan Opinion & Analysis Team | Yasmin Joseph, Priscilla McGregor-Kerr, Alex Smith, Bea Marques Features Editor | Ellis Taylor Features Team | Megan Cherry, Sarah-Jane Gregori, Sophie Vickery, Ankur Banerjee, Nicole Vassell, Lily Pearson, Rebekkah Hughes, Lasike Jayamaha, Laura Colledge, Hannah Wann Science and Technology Editor | Alex Smith Science and Technology Team | Siobhan Harris, Fahmid Chowdhury, Mike Colling Societies Editor | Shalini Thondrayen Societies Team | Sophie Smith, Laurence Williams, Shalini Thondrayen, Katherine Akiotu, Annabel Driscoll Dance and Theatre Editor | Tiffany Stoneman Dance and Theatre Team | Chris Dighton Film Editor | Candice Ritchie Film Team | Becky Richmond, Ankur Banerjee Music Editor | Becky Worley Music Team | Thea Spalding, Tanya Noronha, Ankur Banerjee, Shiri Shah, Michael Roke, Jason Hough Literature Editor | Emily Smart Literature Team | Sophie Vickery, Shiri Shah, Samantha Goodburn, Ankur Banerjee Sport Editor | Anna Giles Sport Team | Rohan Bansal, Sam Wallen Russel, Tom Hagar, Adam Lodowski, Dominic Melly Copy Editors | Sophie Vickery, Emma Fleming, Hannah Wann, Tina Morman, Tessa Morgan Webmaster | Andrew Smith Webeditor | Samantha Murray Photo Editors | Tessa Morgan, Ankur Banerjee Campus Marketing | Charlie Taylor

Support V-Days One Billion Rising campaign in Guildford

One in three women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime.
By Hattie Elkins, News Team

uildford will be taking part in the worldwide event One Billion Rising on Thursday 14th February in celebration of V-Days 15 year anniversary. V-Day is a not-for-profit global activist movement to combat violence against women in 167 countries over the world. Volunteers organise benefit performances to raise awareness and funds for anti-violence groups that educate people about the treatment of females throughout the world. To celebrate V-Days 15th anniversary, One Billion Rising is a worldwide event that will bring one billion people together to put an end to rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM) and sex slavery. It is an invitation to stand up against violence and the poor treatment of women and to create a revolution through dance. The event considers the statistics that one in three women (or one billion) will be abused in their lifetime and asks for one billion people to stand up and represent them in an attempt to put an end to it.

On Thursday 14th February, a One Billion Rising event is being hosted in Guild Hall in Guildford from 11am-1.30pm. The event will have activities and guest speakers, as well as a balloon release to celebrate survival, strength and to symbolise speaking out against abuse. It is open to all who wish to support the cause. For more information, visit their website at

Plans to revamp Casino Nightclub in Guildford

By Shunayna Vaghela, News Team

ightclub entrepreneur Michel Harper is pressing ahead with plans for a redeveloped complex in the centre of Guildford. Architects plans reveal that the revamping of the Casino nightclub at the Quadrant on Onslow Street could potentially contain up to eight floors of bars, strippers and music. Luminar, which operates the existing club, has agreed to take on the three basement levels, leaving the five upper floors to let. The building, designed by Tom Wright who was behind the Burj Al Arab sailed-shaped hotel in Dubai, among others around the globe, is set to be a work of art. Mr. Harper has told GetSurrey: It will be exciting;

something new happening in Guildford when not a lot has been happening. The design features five floors above ground that would be used for drinks and entertainment, and three lower floors. There could be up to 12 bars, as well as dance floors, stages and outdoor smoking balconies. Controversy has arisen due to the prospect of table dancing at the venue, but Mr. Harper has dismissed this notion with the fact the site was granted a license over 10 years ago, and that in the past there has been table dancing at the Players Lounge venue on the site. However, he also admitted that the entire building may not be used for licensing purpose, instead, it could be used for office or retail space.

Letter from the Editor

ear Readers, do me a favour, please ask one friend to read The Stag. Highlight that The Stag is free, that the Editors note is always hilarious and well written. Dont mention the inevitable spelling mistakes that I always miss. Favours over. I am now going to talk about the kindness of strangers. I promise Im not going to recycle too many old clichs. As you may or may not know you can nominate someone you think would make a great Sabb through the Union website. Its cute idea. To my great surprise, as Ive never expressed a desire to be a Sabb, I was nominated for a few positions. Im not saying this to boast, honestly. Really, it was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done. The nominations are

The Stag is an editorially independent newspaper and is published by the University of Surrey Students Union. The views expressed in the paper are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the educational team, the Students Union or the University of Surrey. Trinity Mirror (South) 8 Tessa Road, Reading RG1 8NS The Stag reserves the right to edit all submissions and the right to decide which articles are published.

anonymous so I have no idea who the lovely person was. If youre reading this, I want to give you a massive thank you! I will not be running for a Sabbatical position, but I wont forget your kindness. I am going to be running a very hilarious (and potentially dangerous) poll very soon from The Stags facebook page. Editor-in-Chief, calm down, I promise I wont be breaking any laws. I cant reveal anymore at the current time because I want it to be a massive and exciting surprise. (Also I havent finalised this with my beautiful team yet). Finally, a plug for SurreyDecides. We want to make these the biggest elections ever, so please head over to for more information. And remember the hashtag! #SurreyDecides. Happy Valentines Day, if youre loved up, enjoy it. If youre not, eat lots of bacon and listen to lots of angry music.

News Editor: Rachel Thomason | Copy Editor: Tina Morman

The Stag |

13th February 2013


Gay marriage with a majority of 225 votes

Continued from page 1... I think as a community we should be valuing diversity but treating everyone equally. The Prime Minister, David Cameron responded to questions on Wednesday 6th February: Last nights vote will be seen not just as making sure there is a proper element of equality, but also helping us to build a stronger and fairer society. The bill is yet to be fully scrutinized in the Commons and still has to go through the House of Lords. But with all three major party leaders in favour, gay marriage looks set to become law. However, the change will not compel religious organisations to participate. Instead, they will have to opt in if they want to hold same sex weddings. Other countries across the world already allow gay marriage, from Argentina and Belgium, to Spain and Iceland and Britain is now likely to join them. After the bill had passed, David Cameron described the policy as a step forward for our country on the social networking site, Twitter. Meanwhile, Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, tweeted: No matter who you are and who you love, we are all equal. Other celebrities like Stephen Fry also tweeted after it was passed: A great day in the slow but glorious history of British progress and fairness #GayMarriage. Join the Twitter discussion using #GayMarriage or #equalmarriage.

What is your opinion on gay marriage?
I dont really have an opinion at the moment. Im a Christian so I can see both sides of the argument. - Maria Wood, Mechanical Engineering I think its a good thing. I really support gay marriage and equal rights. - Anonymous, Maths I think its a good thing that its been passed. I think everyone should have equal rights and equal opportunites. - Danielle Smith, Psychology

Grill a Sabb kicks off Surrey Decides

By Hannah Craig, News Team

Electronics Engineering department get award

By Melissa Raske, News Team

he evening of Tuesday 5th February saw your Sabbatical Officers in the hot seat during the Grill a Sabb event. This was a chance to question previous decisions and discover future plans for the Union. Bakita Kasadha, VP Welfare, recognised her focus has been on mental disabilities with campaigns such as Mind Maintenance Week. She now wants to gain an understanding of the difficulties physically disabled students face in the university and encouraged students to approach her. Em Bollon, VP Societies and Individual Development, faced many questions about International Festival, a week dedicated to celebrating culture. This years end show is mainly allowing only international societies to perform rather than the arts societies. Sam Ratzer, VP Education, proposed future elections of academic reps should be via an online platform on SurreyLearn as there have been concerns this year that some reps were not democratically elected. Arabella Gilby, VP Sports and Recreation, felt that the increase in sports participation has been

a massive success, however, a question was raised regarding the development of elite sports. She emphasised that the main issue was funding and hopes that the awareness of the sports scholarship is going to be improved. Dave Halls, Union President, rounded off the event by confirming his team would be behind Surrey students if they wish to protest against Amigos prices. Dave tweeted after the event Great start to Surrey Decides by grilling the current candidates. Inspired you to run? Know someone who could do better? Make it happen! The election of the new team is expected on the 17th February.

he University of Surrey Electronics Engineering department has been awarded a prestigious Regius Professorship by the Queen to mark the Diamond Jubilee. Surrey was given one out of the 12 awards announced in January, which prior to this year had only been given to the ancient universities including Oxford, Cambridge, St Andrews and Dublin, among others. The reward recognises excellence in teaching and research at an institution and is a rare privilege, with only two having been given in the past century. The University will give the title to an existing professor or will appoint a new professor to take the title. The Queen chose the recipients based on advice from a board of ministers who received information from a panel of academics.

The head of Electronic Engineering, Professor Josef Kittler, spoke about the department and award: Surrey Electronic Engineering Department has been the premier Electronic Engineering Department in the country for more than two decades, both in terms of its outstanding research as well as the quality of graduates it has been producing. The Regius Chair is an internationally recognised hallmark of its achievements, which we are proud to receive and keen to live up to. Professor Sir Christopher Snowden, President and ViceChancellor also commented: The University of Surrey is honoured to receive this award which reflects the world-class reputation of our staff in the Electronic Engineering Department ensuring the University continues to provide high quality teaching and research in this discipline.

Give Blood on Campus

By Chris Sibthorpe, News Team

urrey students are being encouraged to donate blood following a dramatic decline in the number of young donors signing up. Students are being asked to sign up to a new NHS campaign to recruit 100,000 New Donors in 100 Days to try and help address the shortfall. During university sessions in 2012, just 28 students signed up to donate blood for the first time. Whilst approximately 225,000 existing donors across England and Wales drop out each year, 17-24 year olds account for around 40% of new donors. John Canning, Lead Donor Relations Manager for Surrey, said: A failure to boost the number of young donors now will put a strain on the blood service in the years to come. Since we launched the campaign, we have already had thousands of dedicated new donors sign up but more still needs to be done. The stars of Hollyoaks, including Jorgie Porter, have pledged their support by modelling Blood Sister and Blood Brother t-shirts created by Wayne Hemingway, founder of Red or Dead.

Approximately two million units of blood are collected each year from 1.4 million donors, with around 4% of the eligible population being active blood donors. Hospitals in England need 7,000 units of blood every day, with each unit saving or improving the lives of up to three people. Over a lifetime, some donors may help more than 500 people through their donations.

Sessions are being held at the university on 28th February, 1st March, 14th November and 15th November 2013. To find out if you are eligible to become a blood donor or to organise a date to donate, check or call 0300 123 23 23.

The Hollyoaks girls support the Give Blood campaign


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Freedom Press is firebombed

Exeter sex tape makes headlines

By Alexandra Wilks, Editor

couple have been caught on camera performing coitus at Exeter Universitys Safer Sex Ball. The University then hit headlines after the couple were caught on CCTV and also filmed by a

member of bar staff. The unnamed wannabe adult film director then put the video online, and it subsequently went viral. The incident is now being investigated, however it is unclear whether charges will be filed against the couple or the film

maker. In a further twist to the plot, the University is remaining quiet about the incident. But claims have been made by members of the student newspaper that the University has asked them not to print anything about the incident.

Southampton lecturers house used as drug den

By Alexandra Wilks, Editor

ristine Lord, a lecturer from at Southampton Solent, has been suspended, after police uncovered a drug den in her city home. The Daily Echo previously reported that Mrs. Lords neighbours claimed to have suffered from sleepless

nights due to excessive noise and people urinating and banging against Mrs. Lords door. Mrs. Lord has been evicted from the terraced house which she shares with her son, Christopher. The house is now boarded up after permission to close down the property was granted by

magistrates. Mrs. Lord claims to be completely shocked by the allegations by her neighbours and said she had no idea that drug dealing was happening at her home.

Uni application rates on the rise

By Beth Goss, News Team

ccording to recent UCAS figures, there has been a 3.5% increase in applicants for higher education in the 2013 applicant cycle. Application rates, which take population changes into account, show that the proportion of English 18 year olds applying in 2013 has increased by one percentage point from last year. In particular, the application rates of 18 year olds across the UK are at, or near, their highest recorded levels. The application rates for 18 year olds who fall

under the disadvantaged category are also at, or close to, record levels. On top of this, international and mature student applications are up on last years figures. These figures follow a 7.7% drop in applicants in 2012 after the increase in tuition fees. NUS President, Liam Burns has commented: Despite positive signs that overall applications have begun to recover after a huge dip last year, there must be no complacency about the impact of the coalitions decision to shift the balance of higher education funding onto students.

The attack on Freedom Press bookshop is thought to have damaged the archive of the newspaper but the full extent of the damage is still to be determined. By Jack White, News Team The newspaper was set up in the early 1880s by political philosopher Peter Kropotkin and Fabian Society member Charlotte Wilson with friends among the London anarchist community. The press was subsequently established in 1886 and has operated since. During the Second World War, Freedom Press was a leading light in the pacifist movement, highlighting the work of socialists attached neither to labour parties nor to communist parties. In recent years the newspaper has extensively covered the anti-globalisation movement of the 1990s and early 2000s, but has increasingly moved towards coverage of mainstream community and workplace disputes. Freedom has appealed for help clearing up after the bombing and for funds to help the bookshop get back on its feet. Cheques may be made out to Freedom Press and sent to Freedom Press, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High St, London, E1 7QX.

VC Sir Christopher Snowden encourages students to get involved in Students Union

By Professor Sir Christopher Snowden, Vice Chancellor of University of Surrey

errorists have firebombed the bookshop at 127-year-old anarchist publisher Freedom Press. The attack took place in the early hours of Friday 1st February. No culprit has as yet come forward, but staff believe the bombing to be the work of one or more farright groups operating around Whitechapel, where the bookshop is situated. Bookshop manager Andy Meinke said, Freedom will carry on in the same haphazard way it always has the fascists have just driven us to the pub a little bit earlier in the day than otherwise. We thank all those who have contacted us today with their solidarity. We remain united in the struggle against fascism. The full extent of the damage has not yet been ascertained, but the electrics have been severely affected and it is believed the archive of Freedom newspaper may have been destroyed.

ike all the best universities Surrey has a strong and enthusiastic Student Union sabbatical team who work hard to ensure that all students are well represented and that the Student Union offers the best possible support for all aspects of student life here at Guildford. The elections offer an opportunity for you to take a leading role in helping shape the Student Union and the University as a whole. The range of elected posts means that there is almost certainly a role which matches your interests and one in which you could make a real difference for other students. I strongly encourage you to think about standing in the elections if you are enthusiastic, keen to make a difference and you have ideas to share with the rest of the student community then then you have all you need to be a candidate! Surrey is fortunate in having a very diverse university community and I am very keen to encourage you to make sure that it is truly representative, capturing the interests of all students whatever their backgrounds or nationalities. Over the years we have had a truly international team with sabbs from countries such as Nigeria, USA and Greece as well as from the UK

Sir Christopher Snowden and Europe so whatever your background please think about standing in the election. I am confident that, like all previous sabbs and officers, you would have a very enjoyable and rewarding year and that this would give you valuable experience at the start of your career employers take a positive view of these roles. The University greatly values the Student Union and its team and this is an opportunity for you to make a real difference, representing the whole student community and working to provide an even better experience here at Surrey.


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Sabbaticals Say...
#SurreyDecides: Will you Welfare updates be on next years Exec? from Bakita
Dave Halls
Union President

ell then, elections are in full swing, weve got a great set of candidates, and theyll soon (if not already) be out and about asking for your vote! Elections are my favourite part of the Union calendar. Its what continues the relevance and longevity of the Students Union, bringing fresh ideas, and current student opinion into the fold. Its

what makes it crucial, therefore, that as many people as possible take the opportunity to make sure that those being put in charge of overseeing the Unions direction next year stand for what youbelieve in, that you trust theyll listen to your opinion and act upon it. Ever since we moved to online voting, the theory that having a big group of friends wins you the election doesnt hold true anymore. You have to convince people outside of your own social circles that YOU are the right person for the job in order to win. In turn,

this ensures the Union is more relevant to more people- through Single Transferable Voting, the least unpopular candidate wins. This means, the person that the most people would want to see in position above others always wins. So, embrace these elections, quiz the candidates in person, or online (#SurreyDecides is this years Twitter handle), make your voice heard, and ensure that next years Union Executive is the Exec thats best for Surrey.

Its that time of year to recruit more campus campaigners. Get involved, improve your CV, meet new people and help tackle wellbeing issues around campus. Applications are open from 8th 18th February, check out for more details or email me ussu.welfare@surrey.

Welfare Warriors

Bakita Kasadha
Union Vice-President Welfare

that we should be complacent. Remember that theres low crime, not no crime around campus and Guildford.

#SurreyDecides Key Dates:

Candidate Question Time 1 (VP Education, Union Chair, Editor in Chief, Communications, Equality & Diversity): Sunday 17th February, 1930-2300, Chancellors Candidate Question Time 2 (VP Societies, VP Sports, RAG Chair, Ethics & Environment, International Development): Monday 18th February, 1930-2300, Chancellors Candidate Question Time 3 (President, VP Welfare, Community Officer, Events & Trading, Postgraduate Development): Tuesday 19th February, 1930-2300, Chancellors Voting opens: Thursday 21st February 00:01 (during Citrus @ Rubix), email will be sent to all-students with Voting Link Voting closes; Friday 22nd February, 18:00 Results: Friday 22nd February, 20:00, Chancellors

As part of Get Fit Feb we have the welfare themes safety awareness and healthy living. Turn to page 8 for tips on how to eat healthy on a budget. Safety awareness theme will be between the 17th and 23rd February, covering burglaries, personal safety, bike theft and general security. Its great that 98% of Surrey students feel safe on campus, but this isnt to say

Get Fit Feb: Safety & Healthy living

The Students Union, Student Support and Faculty Registrars have been working closely together to evaluate and assess the support services available, to students, across the different areas. The aim is to discover where there may be gaps in services and/or opportunities to work together to make sure that we are delivering the best services and support possible. There will be more information Project Insight towards the end of the month.

Project Insight

Theres still time to Get Fit this Feb!

Arabella Gilby
Union Vice-President Sport & Recreation

f youve been too busy to take part in any sport recently do not fear! Get Fit Feb is still in full swing! There are plenty of opportunities to get involved, including fitness classes on Tuesday 8am in Uni Hall, RubixRobix an aerobics class in Rubix and so many more sports to get fit! I think its about time for a Varsity update Team Surrey and Kingston Cougars have been working behind the scenes on photo shoots, t-shirt designs and posters. The day is looking set to be a great one and another chance for you to get involved in sporting action by just

spectating! Kingston are hoping to bring 700 spectators so save the date 20.03.13 its going to be a good one, can Team Surrey win to make it the third in a row? Colours tickets are selling fast, dont forget to talk to your club committee about getting a ticket for the best social night of Team Surrey! Everyone is welcome to a night of awards, dinner and Team Surrey celebrations! Its never too late to get into sport!

Visit: getfitfeb for the full timetable.


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Clarification on The Governance Review

Get Fit Feb: Healthy Food Plan

25-30 fortnightly
By Aoife Mac Intyre, University of Surrey Eating Disorder Advisor (Centre for Wellbeing)

By Alexandra Wilks, Editor

rguments from the purple sofas and the Committee Room in the Students Union have seeped their way onto Facebook and Twitter. Ive heard a lot of irate individuals ranting about a lack of transparency within the Students Union, and Ive also heard a lot of wild and ridiculous rumours. The Stag has not been and I hope will never be purely a sound piece for the Students Union. However, I wish to clarify what exactly this governance review thing is all about. The Governance Review is a report conducted by the Union Chairperson (currently Charlie Eastaugh) into what is the most effective structure for Student Union Elected Sabbatical Officers (so thats all members of Exec). This Review has been on going for the past 18 months. The Review involves consultations with students, members of Union staff, and current exec members. The purpose of the review is to access the very best Union structure for students. In basic terms, the results of the Governance Review may mean that the current Sabbatical Positions change slightly, for example one more or less full time or part time Sabb. The Governance Review was voted by Union Exec (Student Part Time Officers and Full Time Officers) to remain closed, i.e. students were not informed. The reason the Review has remained Closed is manifold; for one, any actions that take place will not be implemented until 2014/15 and secondly it was felt that releasing this information during Elections may be seen as scare-mongering to those who are currently running for positions. Most importantly, no official conclusion has been decided yet. Plus, Union Exec alone cannot make a decision like this alone. Firstly, Surrey students would need to be further consulted before the proposal went further. Then, the Review would have to be passed by the Union Board of Trustees, and then finally it would also need to be approved by the Universitys Council. The Student Opinion is incredibly important, and if students were to vote against this proposal, it would

go no further. So wheres all the controversy coming? StagTV were tipped off about the closed Governance Review. It is unclear how they found out but they released a Newsbite which looked further into the Governance Review and most importantly Union Execs choice to keep the Review private. It was argued that this video was unfair as it did not give all five Sabbatical officers a chance to comment. StagTV agreed with this and as I type are in the process of a re-edit. In my opinion, this is a lot of smoke without fire. It is easy to jump on a band wagon and begin accusing certain people of lying, but we simply need to look at the facts. Any possible changes to the Union would not come into effect until 2014/15, by which time, many of us will have graduated. Most importantly, no changes would happen until Students had been informed. Our Union suffers from an image problem. The image is of a clique of likeminded individuals who do not welcome outsiders. People who sit on the purple sofas whispering excitedly about Union gossip. This is something the Union is eager to change. The rumours pertaining that members of Exec are liars do well to expose the Union as a clique. In actual fact, I doubt many Surrey students really care about a Proposal that may or may not even become fact. I applaud StagTVs impressive investigative Journalism, as ever. However, I think we need to remember that the Union is not and should not be a clique. These kind of arguments make us look like an introspective, navel gazing Union, only interested in in-bitching and petty fights.

Vegetables and Fruit- 5

(From UniFruit on Thursday at your Student Union on Thursdays) Last Thursday a large cucumber, lettuce head and cherry tomatoes totalled just 3 Frozen vegetables can be used at any time, think sliced peppers, mixed stir fry vegetables and frozen broccoli. Most supermarkets do their own value version in the frozen vegetable section if you look out for them

Poultry and Meat-10

Chicken is very cheap and is a healthy lean meat, you can get 3 for 10 pounds deals in your local supermarket, freeze the meat that is close to expiration date and they will last 1 month past this date Frozen fish can be cooked easily and is full of omega 3 to help brain power; you can buy a frozen bag of salmon fillets for 3 Canned tuna can be bought for 0.75 and is great in sandwiches and pasta dishes

Eggs- 2

Eggs are cheap and great for any meal of the day, omelettes, scrambled, dropping into soup to add protein and vitamins

Dairy- 1-2

A 500gram tub of natural yoghurt can cost 0.65p in your local supermarket and last you for 3-4 days add jams or coco powder to make your own flavours its cheaper and healthier then the sugared flavoured yoghurts or throw in some fruit and nuts as a filling snack. Milk cost average 0.50p a litre it is essential in our diet and can be blended with frozen berries to make a healthy snack.

Nuts- 4

Nuts are full of healthy fats and vitamins A 750g bag of almonds is 4 in the cooking section of the supermarket. As a snack of 15-23 almonds daily, this bag will last you 2-3 weeks.

Bread, Pasta and Grains- 3-4

A 1kg bag of rice can be both for as little as 1 and last you for a month, same can be found for pasta. If you buy bread and dont use it dont let it go off you can freeze it and stick it in the toaster when you need to defrost. Oatmeal is a slow realising complex carbohydrate and a 1kg bag of oats can cost average 1.50 with over 20 servings for breakfast.

Condiments- 3

Use healthy condiments to make pasta sauces such as tinned tomatoes (0.30p), olive oil, mixed herbs (0.54p), curry powder and soy sauce. Onions and garlic add flavour and taste to any dish.

Total Cost- 28-30 and a diet full of wholesome unprocessed food rich in vitamins minerals and essential nutrients.
(Prices are based on Tesco supermarket website)

Opinion & Analysis Editor: Justine Crossan | Copy Editor: Emma Fleming

The Stag |

13th February 2013


Opinion & Analysis Developing skills Lazy landlords! of the homeless

Justine Crossan Opinion & Analysis Editor
for 2 weeks, but fail to fix basic requirements like hot water, a broken bed and one of our rooms not actually having curtains. My bed frame had mould on it for the whole of the first semester but this request was frequently ignored, and my flatmate was threatened with being taken to court after she asked for a new carpet. They take advantage of the power they have and the fact you are living in their house but take into no consideration your situation unless it directly affects them. I feel this is a microcosm for the way in which landlords treat their tenants. Housing is outrageously expensive today, and the money I am paying I could be living in a flat in London in an even better location. Just because students only ever really live in their house for one or two years I think landlords do not really see us as a priority and because we are young we dont understand how this relationship should function. We enter into a contract, however this seems to only really be fulfilled on one part, that of the tenant, we pay a vast amount every month and in return should receive excellent or at least satisfactory services, the basics at least!! We are paying for four walls and a roof to be honest, nothing much more and for my landlord to be rolling up in a Lexus but Im still inhaling the mould from my bed I think is a joke.

eing in my second year at the University of Surrey, this has been my first experience living away from home in a shared house. I live near the station and my house has five large bedrooms, and these are the only perks - ones our landlords keep repeating as they are definitely lacking in every other area. They seem to have a grudge against students and assume we are all going to be dirty, loud and sit around all day in our pyjamas doing nothing. For the amount we pay and the amount most people pay these days it seems landlords have us wrapped around their little finger; they are slow at responding to our needs but quick to attack you if you have done something slightly out of hand. For the money they are receiving, (in my case 2500 every MONTH) they are clearly enjoying themselves, regularly I get an automatic response to e-mails stating they are on holiday

Bea Marques

Peace, prosperity, EU co-operation... Alex and then David Cameron Smith

t was hardly a surprising announcement. Postponed because of an emergency COBRA meeting concerning the Algeria hostage crisis, but ultimately just leaving us in suspense (albeit without creating any form of surprise), we were left waiting to see just how Europhobic our Prime Minister was(nt). In brief, David Cameron believes that the European union is one of the most magnificent, peace-bringing, institutions ever created if you ignore the whole bureaucratic mess which needs de-regulation and should be quickly shifted into a lower gear. Else we face more and more redtape being imposed on British businesses by the policymakers of the union. Of course the red-tape some Britons talk about is the limit of 44 hours a week in working hours and giving people (prisoners or not) the basic human rights such as the right to vote a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights, which the government plans to graciously neglect and accept any penalties that will be applied to the UK. Now if you have any common sense you may agree with me and say that denying any human their fundamental rights instantly makes someone a right-wing bigot and (should) push their argument (valid or otherwise) swiftly out of the mainstream. But if you lack such virtue or your issue lies elsewhere then perhaps you should review the economic, political and social benefits of Britains EU membership. In my opinion, the EU is worth the 14 billion euros we invest in being a member of the worlds largest economy [according to the IMF and World Bank] as well as an organization which has ensured peace and equality in a continent scarred by the pride of broken empires and the human cost of two world wars. Although Dave may be trying to maintain a grip of his ever weakening leadership of a party divided over the issue, he still has to win a majority at the next election before the 2017 referendum on our membership is taken to the public which thankfully may be a bigger mountain to climb now the governments boundary changes were defeated in the commons. So as I listen to a mail-order Learn French audiobook whilst digging-in to a plate of bolognaise and a bottle of Portuguese Shiraz I say cest la vie, Dave. Cest la vie.

London based-scheme has sought to reintegrate the homeless community into society by providing them with an opportunity to develop their skills. St Mungos Charity has a variety of outreach programs, one of them being the Recovery College. Launched in September 2012, the College now offers 50% more courses than when it begun and welcomes over 395 homeless students. The college creates the opportunity for the homeless community to increase their knowledge and awareness, while allowing them to become experts in self-care and moulding the necessary skills. It thus offers essential courses that allow the students to develop their self-esteem and confidence, while also providing them with the necessary skills to survive, such as surviving on a tight budget. For many of those sleeping rough this is the first opportunity into education and building the self. For others it is a chance to acquire more life skills, such as literacy and musical, which could provide

them with the way out of their difficult life-style. With this approach, St. Mungos Charity has successfully begun to break down the barrier between them, the homeless, and us, the society, creating the means from them to integrate within us again. The promise made by the Mayor of London that by 2012 there would be no one sleeping rough in London fell through when in 2012 the amount of homeless people increased by approximately 40% since the previous year. In such a dire economic climate with homes and jobs being lost, the role of the charities has become paramount - such to the extent that homeless people now commonly depend on them for their survival. It is in this climate that we find St Mungos Charity and its schemes undertaking a pivotal role in helping people who are sleeping rough to improve the quality of their life. For more information about the Recovery College, visit St Mungos Charity website:


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Sociology, a REAL science

Priscilla McGregorKerr

razil was supposed to be celebrating this week: the Yasmin Joseph first of the stadiums for next years football World Cup staged a debut match and a party was planned to mark 500 days till been open: its public-health kick-off. Instead the country is in licence and fire-safety plan had mourning, the party cancelled. expired. Early on January 27th a fire The mayor blamed the fire in a nightclub, Kiss, in Santa brigade; it replied that since the Maria, a university town in the club had applied for an extension, southern state of Rio Grande do it could keep operating. Sul, killed 235 people, mainly Investigators want to know io rr e W r Beco y Welf rrior B Welfar ome a lfare W ome a are Wa a Sur y W rrior B rrey W ior Be urrey elfar e rrey e Warr Surre e a e a Su u c a lf S ec rr y students. Most of the more than how a venue apparently lacking e a Su re Warrio e a Surr elfare W e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior Be urrey We r Becom Surrey W r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S lfare Wa ecome a re m Beco y Welfa r Becom rrey W Becom lfare W come a lfare W me a S e Warrio come a Warrio Surre rrior B urrey W rior Be rey We r Bec B y Welfa a r e r e e e o a e e e S r rrior ar io Su r e Wa e a Surr re Warr ecome a e Warrio Surrey W arrior B urrey W rrior Bec ey Welfa ior Bec B ey Welfar r Become elfare W ecome a elfare W ome a Su re Warrio e a Surr e Warrio a 100 injured are in a critical even basic safety precautions S r a e r c elfar m m ey W ior Beco rey Welf ior Bec B ey Welfar ecome a Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a Sur are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Be rey Welfa ior Beco ey Welfa r Becom r r B urrey a Sur e Warr e a Sur Warr a Surr r B rrey W r Beco y Welf r Becom Welfar come a elfare W ome a are Wa e a Sur e Warr a Surr Warrio urrey e io io condition. President Dilma had been licensed in the first are come are Warr me a S are Warr e a Su ecom Welfar Becom rio a Surre arrio Surrey rior Be rrey W ior Bec ey Welf Becom Welfar ecome elfare me a S are War e Welf ior B W B r lf lf r o r m r y y e u lf co Warr e a Surre e Warrio a Surrey Warrior B urrey We rrior Be rrey We ior Beco y Welfare r Becom Welfare ecome a lfare Wa come a S lfare War me a Sur Warrior e a Surre Warrior Surrey W rrior Bec urrey We rior B a r y a e u e r Rousseff, visibly upset, rushed place. The two owners, and two e lfare e o a S e e S re rr y We r Becom ey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S lfare Wa e a Surr re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior B urrey W rrior Bec ey Welfa r Becom y Welfar Become elfare W ecome a elfare Wa ome a rre e a Su re Warrio e a Surr re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior Be urrey We r Becom rey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S lfare Wa e a Surr re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior B urrey W rrior Bec Surrey e S a a back from a summit in Chile and members of the band whose e W io m a e a a r W W S ecom B rio re a m a om ior B rrey Welf rior Bec rey Welf ior Becom Welfare Become Welfare W ecome a are War ome a Su are Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare ecome a elfare W Become are r m r y y u e u r lf c Warr r B r e W rr a y ar rr ur elf elf rB eW lfare come a S elfare W come a S lfare War e a Surre re Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfar Become elfare Wa come a S lfare Wa me a Su e Warrio e a Surre e Warrio a Surrey e Warrio urrey W rrior declared three days of national pyrotechnics started the blaze, e o r e e S e S r r y We urre arrior B Surrey W arrior Be urrey We r Becom rey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S lfare Wa e a Surr re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior B urrey W rrior Bec ey Welfa r Becom y Welfar Become ey Welfa ecome a elfare Wa ome a aS eW ea rB rB We aS ea urr com rre elfa Wa rior Bec r Be eW yW ey W ome arrio arrio eaS urre com Sur re W r lfare Surr arrio mourning. have been arrested (one of the r Bec ey Welfa ior Becom ey Welfar r Become elfare W ecome a elfare W ome a Su re Warrio e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W arrior Be rrey We r Becom ey Welfa r Becom Welfare come a S elfare W come a S lfare War ecome a re Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey e S r y e r u r c io m e e a a arrio r e B re W me a Sur are Warr e a Sur re Warrio Surrey W Warrior Surrey W arrior Be rey Welf rior Beco rey Welfa r Becom Welfare W Become a elfare W come a S are Warr me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior B urrey W arrior B rey Welf ior Becom y Welfar ecome a Welfare a a W a r r W e S B W lf a o o io r W r r a lf re om A catalogue of negligence owners is in hospital after trying r Bec urrey We rior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfare Become elfare W ome a Su lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr a Surrey Warrior a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom Welfare r Become Welfare ecome a Welfare ome a Su are War e a Sur Warrior a Surrey Warrior me o elf ar r Wa Sur Bec Bec me a Su rrey eco are rrey War ecom lfare rior B ec Welf lfare a Su rey W ome ome ior B rrey rrio rrio y We are W urre eaS com Welfare ecome a lfare Wa come a S lfare War me a Sur Warrior e a Surre Warrior Surrey W rrior Bec urrey We rior Beco rey Welf Become y Welfare Become elfare W ome a Su lfare Wa me a Su are Warr ome a Su Warrior a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec rrey Welf arrior B ey caused Brazils most lethal fire to commit suicide). r W a W r e e W r e r e o a a e u co e e S re re lf ey ec ar rB ec Su Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Bec ey Welfa ior Becom ey Welfar r Become elfare W ecome a elfare W ome a Su re Warrio e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior B Surrey W arrior Be rrey We arrior B ey Welfa r Becom Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S y Welfare me a Sur re rB ea ea eco Wa rB Bec a Su rrio yW rre arr ea urr rrey elfa elfa re W r Be eW lfar ey W ome ey W re W ecom elfar Surr Surr re W rrio for more than 50 years. It was Similar tragedies elsewhere y We r Becom ey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S lfare Wa e a Surr re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior B urrey W rrior Bec ey Welfa r Becom y Welfar Become ey Welfa ecome a elfare Wa ome a Su re Warrio e a Surr e Warrio ome a Su arrior B Surrey W rrior e a W a a rr ec ar rr ec rio Be W lfa aS re om om ior rre Wa rrio rrio yW are urr lfa re W om rB rB e Wa come a S lfare War me a Sur e Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W rrior Bec urrey We rior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfare Become Welfare W ome a Su lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr ome a Su e Warrio a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec rrey Welf arrior B ey Welfa r Become Welfare ecome a e r a a e e e S ec ar ec Su re y rr ea re ur co eW ey io io rB m eW ec Su ar ar elf started by a spark from a flare have led to tougher fire-safety rior B Surrey W arrior Be rey Welf rior Beco rey Welfa r Becom Welfare W Become a elfare W come a S are Warr me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior B urrey W arrior B rey Welf r Becom y Welfar ecome a elfare W ecome a y Welfar ome a Su are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W B lf lf re r m y yW ea ar ur ur co lfa ec eW W om rB rio Be eW e aS rrio yW rre ar ea ea ur com Welfare come a S elfare W come a S are War e a Surre e Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey We arrior Be urrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfare Become y Welfar come a S lfare Wa me a Sur e Warrio e a Surre Warrior me a Su arrior B urrey We rrior Bec rrey Welf r Becom y Welfar rrior laws. After the Croman e S e e S W a lit by the band performing in io a r e S e re re co ar re re u co elf io W m m ey ar ar re W Surr Warrior B a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Becom ey Welfar ecome a Welfare ecome a elfare W me a Sur are Warr e a Sur e Warrio me a Sur Warrior B Surrey W arrior Be rey Welf ior Beco rey Welfa arrior Be y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S are Warr me a Sur elfare W e a r W W B o a o r rr a Sur e e ar u lf om r B urrey r B rrey W ior Be W r Beco y Welf e e a rr a Surr W W r y a e c e r lf om ec ec Su rr elfar r Becom y Welfare Become elfare Wa come a S lfare Wa me arrio e a S arrio a Surrey arrio nightclub fire in Buenos Aires rr Surrey W arrior B e a Surre rrior Bec eythe early hours. That set light re arrior Be urrey We arrior B ey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come y Welfare me a Su re Warrio e a Su W rio a r W e W com W Be r Be me yW yW om e a Su are W e a urr lfare eco eW om rB rior Beco eW eW aS rrio y We rre ar urr urre rre elfar elfa Wa re W come a S are War e a Surre re Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfare Become y Welfar come a S lfare Wa me a Su e Warrio e a Surre Warrior me a Su arrior B urrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf r Becom y Welfar rrior Bec Welfare come a S elfare in 2004, which killed 194, the r Be rrey Welf r Becom y Welfa r Becom Welfare come a S elfare W ome a S are War e a Surre e Warrio a Surre Warrior e a Surre rrior Be rrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom Welfare rior Beco elfare W come a S lfare Wa me a Su e Warrio e a Surre lfare Wa Surrey rrior Be urrey W to soundproofing foam on the rio Su rrior a y e a e e a W e y r Be r Be War eaS elfar War r Bec y Welf ecom Beco y We arrio arrio e a Su urre com elfar Surr re W e Wa me a lfare ome ecom arrio ecom Surr re W rrey ey W ea rey W urre com elfare W ecome a elfare W come a S re Warrio e a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior Be urrey We arrior B rey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S y Welfare me a Su re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior B e a Surr rrior Bec ey Welfa r Becom y Welfar Bceiling. co Flames spread fast, citys venues were closed until m o a a r W rior B W ior Be io e a W a Sur e a a W W m e S rio Surre arrior e rey B re me a W m e a lf co ec o r B e e a rr y rr ur rr elf elf W eW ey om ey co ar re Surr re War e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Bec ey Welfar r Becom y Welfar Become ey Welfa ecome elfare Wa ome a Su e Warrio e a Surr e Warr ome a Su arrior B urrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf r Beco ey Welfar rrior Be Welfare come a S elfare W come a are W e a Sur elfare e ar ar W W elf B re W m releasing toxic fumes and shortm a aS rr ey eW ec ar rr rr Su ec Be rio W lfa aS om Wa ior rre Wa rrio they passed new inspections. In y We rior Beco rey Welfa Become y Welfare Become elfare W ome a Su lfare Wa me a Su re Warr ome a Su Warrior a Surrey arrior B rrey Welf rrior Bec rrey Welf arrior B ey Welfar Become Welfare ecome a are War ome a Su Welfare e a Surr Warrior a Surrey Warrior B Surrey W rior Beco a Surrey rior War e a Sur Warrior a Surre Warrior Surrey W rior Bec rrey We ior Beco ey Welfa rior Bec Welfare ecome elfare W me a Su are Wa me a Su elfare W e a Surr Warrior Surrey arrior B rrey Welf rior Bec Surrey r Becom Welfare Become elfare ecome a are War Become are War e a re e a e y W rior B om elfare ey rrior B rrey W r Beco ey Welf r Beco rrey W ecom elfare ar ar come a Warrio urrey arrior e a are W e a Su elf arrior y Welfcircuiting Su e Warr a Surr re War e a ar rr re W ec W the power supply, the United States many states om ecom Su rrior B rey W ior Becom ey Welf ecom Welfare W ior Be elfare me a S are W ior B rrey W rior Bec rey Welf ior Becom Welfare Become Welfar ecome Welfa ome a Su are Wa e a Su Warrio a Surr rio a Sur re War a Surrey lfare W a Surre arrior B rrey r e ar e a Wa arr arr rB me ecom are arr We rey War elfa rior Bec Welf me a Su a Sur rrey ey W e ecom are W rrey rrey Surr ecom Beco rior B re W Welf me a Su a Sur ome Welfare Become elfare W ome a Su lfare War me a Sur re Warrio ome a Su Warrior a Surrey arrior B rrey Welf rior Beco rey Welf arrior B y Welfar Become Welfare W ecome a are War ome a Su Welfare W e a Surr Warrior a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco a Surrey ior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare the venue into darkness. mandated sprinklers in large W a r W m e r e y c W e u c c e W r casting B r e y re a rr y ey ar e rr ur co elf Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W rrior Be rrey Welf arrior Be ey Welfar r Becom Welfare come a S elfare W come a S Welfare me a Sur e Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey W arrior Be e a Surre rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfare Become elfare Wa r Becom lfare Wa me a Su e Warrio e a Surre Warrior a ar Su aS rre Wa eco rio Be We rey lfar om Welfare ecome rey ior rrio rre me rrio yW om ea are lfar urr lfar eco eW om r Be eW eW yW new venues and banned indoor y We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfare Become a y Welfar come a S lfare War me a Sur e Warrio e a Surre Warrior me a Sur arrior B urrey We rrior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfar rrior Bec Welfare W ome a Su lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr a Surre lfare Wa a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec rrSecurityreguards stopped the first ey rrior B Sur y e e a e e e S W a io a r Su ec re y re co re ur re co io m eW Su ec ar ar We re elf re W me a Sur are Warr e a Sur e Warrio me a Sur Warrior B Surrey W arrior Be rey Welf rior Beco rey Welfa arrior Be y Welfare Become a elfare W come a S are Warr me a Sur elfare W e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior B urrey W ior Becom a Surrey ior Becom y Welfar ecome a Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa ecome a are W pyrotechnics after a nightclub a r B r ar re om r e co W Surre r B y W apparently believing they co y Welf W e a Sur e War r B urrey Be y Welf r Beco W toioflee,elf y W Becom lfare W come a lfare W me a S e Warr come e e e e ey ar io r e ec Su ar ur elf io ior ey or Be Surre io Surr rrior ior B urrey W arrior B rey Welf r Becom y Welfar ecom Welfar ecome a y Welfar ome a are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surre We rior Be rey We r Beco Welfar rior Be are W come a S are Warr me a S are Warr e a Surr are Warr a Surre arrior W a Warr ome a S B m c a rrey Warr e rio B Welf re lf o re io r r W r lf y ea ar lf ur e ea com Welfare ecome a y Welfare ome a S are War me a Sur Warrior e a Surre Warrior me a Sur arrior Be urrey We rior Beco rey Welf Become y Welfare rior Bec elfare W ome a Su lfare Wa me a Su are Warr a Surrey lfare Wa a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom rrey We Bwerelfaretrying to bunk without fire in Rhode Island in 2003. ecom y We com ar ar rB r Be m Su eco are We rey elf We Bec me aS rre ey W arr eW eco are rre re Wa Sur eco Bec rior rior re W a Su Welf me a Su a Sur re Warrio ome a Su Warrior Surrey arrior B rrey Welf rior Beco rey Welf arrior B y Welfar Become Welfare W ecome a are War me a Su Welfare W e a Surr Warrior a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco a Surrey ior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare ecome a elfare W Become are War me a Sur re Warrio a Surrey a o r W r B r e a lf lf r r a e In Brazil each state sets its Welf rrior Bec y Welfare Become Welfare W ome a Su lfare Wa ome a Su Welfare W e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec a Surrey ior Becom Welfare r Become Welfare ecome a lfare War c Become are War me a Sur Warrior a Surrey Warrior Surrey W rior Bec rrey We rior Beco rpaying: Welfare Brazil, club patrons Welf r Becom y in y ey arr a Su a Su are rrey War eco Sur Warrio a Surre arrior Welf Bec rey lfar ome rey ior B rrey War rrio y We ome are W lfare urre ecom e Wa ome r Be r Bec me a e Wa y We rrior elfar come a S lfare Wa me a Sur e Warrio e a Surre Warrior me a Sur arrior B urrey We rrior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfar Bec Bec Welfare W ome a Su lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr a Surre e Warrio a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Beco y Welfare r Become Welfare ecome a lfarunomup tabs eand pay on the way e a re re W own rules. Some governors have Su e Warr Surre Be rey We r Beco Welfar Becom are ec Beco lfare W me a S are Wa e a Sur rio a Surre arrior Surrey rior Bec rrey We ior Bec ey Welf Become Welfar ecome elfare W me a Su are Wa rio Surrey arrior B rrey We rior Bec rey Welfa r Becom rey a r ar elf rior Sur r r r io r r ey rrior B rrey W r Beco ey Welf r Become Welfar come a elfare Wa ome a are W e a Su e War rrio Surrey arrior urrey W rrior B rey We r Beco y Welf Becom elfare W ecome elfare W ome a re War e a Su e War e a Su a Sur ea Warr arrio e a Su c Surr r r lf e a io r e e Wa said they will rewrite theirs. ecom y Welfar ecome a elfare W ecome a S lfare Wa me a Su re Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Bec ey Welfa ior Becom ey Welfar r Become elfare W ecome a elfare W ome a Su re Warrio e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior B Surrey W arrior Be rrey We ior Becom ey Welfa r Bout. elfare r Becom elfare ecom y W r o a e io r u r c e m W a e a r W Surr Warrior B a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom ey Welfar Become a Welfare ecome a elfare W me a Sur are Warr e a Sur e Warrio Surrey W Warrior B Surrey W arrior Be rey Welf rior Beco rey Welfa r Becom Welfare W Become a elfare W come a S are Warr me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre are Warr Surrey W arrior a ea ea elf elf rB elfPolice re W ar ea Su Wa arr Sur eco elfa eco rrio re W yW ea urr rey ey W ior ior r Be me eW Sur ecom are are rey saye a around 1,000 A proposal from 2007 to set com elfar Welf rior Beco rey Welfa r Becom y Welfare Become a elfare W come a S are Warr me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior B urrey W ior Becom rey Welf ior Becom y Welfar ecome a Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a Sur are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Be Surrey W ior Becom ey Welfa r Becom W B a r m rr y ar ea ur lfa co ea om rB Be W rio eW eW re e a e Warr a S rr y aS rr yW ar co rre ur elf elf Wa rrio re W come a S are War me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfare Become elfare Wa come a S lfare Wa me a Su e Warrio e a Surre Warrior a Surrey rrior Be urrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf r Becom y Welfar Become Welfare r Becom elfpeopleu werea Surre ethe club, whose e Wa ar ecome minimum national standards ar elfar ome inar aS aS are rre rre Wa eco Su We Be lfa aS om ior rre Wa rrio rior B rrio are lfar lf rey eco om r Be rrio Welf me eW yW yW rrior a Surrey arrior B urrey We rrior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfar Become Welfare W ome a Su lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr a Surre e Warrio a Surrey arrior B rrey We rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Beco y Welfare r Become Welfare ecome a lfare Wa ome a Su are War me a Sur lfare Wa a Surre Warrior Surrey W rrior Bec rrey We rior e e u c lf c r e W e a Su e r a e a e c S r W lf e o a a e e S e rr y e u re ey io rB Su re capacity was e War me has idled in Congress; its author com Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S re Warrio e a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior Be urrey We r Becom rey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecom are W ecome a lfare Wa e a Surr are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Bec Surrey W ior Becom ey Welfa r Become elfare W ecome a elfar690,coand that there e e elf rB ar ea ur lfa com ea rB rB Be We eW eW rey ea yW aS rrio yW rior B com rre elfa elf Wa rio rB eW yW ey W om arrio arr ea urr com a Sur re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Bec ey Welfar r Becom y Welfar Become elfare W ecome a S elfare Wa ome a Su re Warrio e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W rrior Be rrey Welf r Becom ey Welfar r Becom Welfare r Becom elfare W come a S are War e a Surre e Warrio e a Surre are War Surrey nor Welf Become a elfa now hopes to push it through. elfa Becom Welfare come a elfare W ome a S are War e a Surr e Warrio a Surre Warrior urrey W rrior B rrey W ior Bec y Welfa r Becom Welfar ecome lfare W come a lfare Wa me a Su e Warrio e a Surr Warrio Surrey e Warrio urrey W rior Be rey Welf Becom wereBecom reyworkingre fire escapes. elfar y W rior r B r r y a e e c r e lf e ey W rrior o S e e e y e ea ar r yW a Su elfar me a S re Wa e a Sur arrio Surre arrior e a Su e War r arrio ar Surr ecom Welfa elfar Surr ecom urre rey W ior Be ey We ey W ior B ior B a r Bec ecom are W rey W com elfar me a Welf are W come a S are Warr me a Sur are Warr e a Surr arrior B a Surrey arrior B urrey W ior Beco rrey Welf ior Becom ey Welfar ecome a Welfare W ecome a elfare W me a Sur are Warr e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior B Surrey W arrior Be Surrey W ior Beco ey Welfa r Becom elfare W ecome a elfare W r Becom of e WatheSur deaths were by Most y Weelfar Bercroiome a erlfeare Warrciome a Tougher laws will be little use r W W S e B r r W rior B a r m o a e e r W B e y a rr rio co rr elf elf W rio rB eW yW ey om ar ar ea ur co Su elf ec re re rrior Surrey W arrior B urrey W rrior Bec ey Welfa r Becom y Welfar Become elfare W ecome a elfare Wa ome a Su re Warrio e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W rrior Be rrey Welf r Becom ey Welfa r Becom Welfare r Becom elfare W come a S are War e a Surre re War e a Surre lfare War Surre arrior urrey W rior Be o y a r e m S orar e e crushing a a re a re W elf rio B W W io m rio a a ey ar rio rr rr W W ec Su W m ea aS without enforcement, which is ome Welfare Become elfare W ome a Su lfare War me a Sur re Warrio a Surrey Warrior a Surrey arrior B rrey Welf rior Beco rey Welf r Becom Welfare Become Welfare W ecome a are War ome a Su are Warr e a Surr are War a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Beco Surrey W r Becom Welfare ecome a elfare W me a Surasphyxiation. re elf ar e r elfa rB ar Su ec elf Su ec rrio yW rey rio ey ior arr rB eW eco Sur eco ea re W yW are rey ea rey com elfa We ior me me Welf a Sur re Warr e a Surre arrior B a Surrey arrior B urrey W ior Beco rey Welf ior Becom y Welfar ecome a Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a Sur are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey arrior B Surrey W rrior Be Surrey W ior Beco ey Welfa r Becom elfare W ecome a elfare W r Becom lfare War me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W re Warrio a e Dozens of bodies were found the job of mayors. a a r r W W S B r B r W a r Welf r Becom Welfare Become Welfare W ecome a are War me a Su are Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Becom ey Welfa Become Welfare ecome a elfare W Become are War me a Sur re Warrio Surrey Warrior Surrey W re Warrio rrey We rior Beco rey Welfa r Becom Welfare W Become a rey Welfa come a y r r y Be rio ea Sur elfa are are arrio elfa Beco Welf Welf me a a Su ey W are W rior rrey rrey War War ecom Surr Welf me a e a Su ome ior B rrey Warr rrior rior B Beco rrior are W ome a Su lfare Wa me a Su are Warr a Surrey Warrior a Surrey arrior B rrey Welf rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom Welfare Become Welfare ecome a lfare Wa ome a Su are War e a Surr lfare War a Surrey Warrior Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf rior Beco Surrey W r Becom Welfare Become a elfare W the lfabathrooms, a Spresumably in acrome a Surree re WarrrioBecome alfSaure Warrioer urrey re Brazilian businesses are r e e e W e B W a r a e a e u co re r e lf ey ey om ar Su ec elf Su ec rr rio ey ior B Surrey W arrior Be urrey We ior Becom rey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S lfare Wa e a Surr re Warrio e a Surr Warrior Surrey W arrior B urrey W rrior Bec Surrey W ior Becom ey Welfar Become elfare W ecome a elfare Wa r Become are War e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W e Warrio rrey We r Becom ey Welfa r r ea elfar o a Su exits r e arrio often unregistered, partly me a elfare W come a S re Warr me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior Be urrey We ior Becom rey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S lfare Wa ecome a re Warr e a Surr Warrio Surrey W arrior B urrey W e Warrio rrey Welf ior Becom ey Welfar r Become elfare W mistakenmefor e Warrio e a Surin Wthea panic. eco y W ecom urrey W Bec e S r a a e e m W ior Be B ar a arrio Surre r Be eaS S r me a Surr ecom elfar are W are W me a rey W rior B re elfar Beco Welf Welf me a a Sur ey W arrio are W rior B rrey Warr Warr ecom Beco re elfa r Becom Welf rior Welf e a Su arrio a Sur re Warrio a Surrey Warrior a Surrey arrior B rrey Welf rior Beco rey Welf r Becom Welfare Become Welfare W ecome a are War me a Su are Warr e a Surr are War a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Beco Surrey W r Becom Welfare ecome a elfare W me a Sur are War ecome a re Wcrush Warrior they W door reywas so rrey io r to avoid tax but also because r W B a lf r e m y Welf r y a e e u lf e co W e a Su rio urrey B W r Beco y Welf rrior B The ome a Su lfare atome a Su are Warr a Sur a rr a y io ar e e r a e S e r lf r e a io r e Su e re y ar e re co elf m m ar re re Wa urrey We r Bec rey We ec ey W ior Beco rey Welf ior Becom ey Welfar ecom Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a S are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Be Surre ior Beco ey Welfa r Becom elfare W ecome a elfare W r Becom lfare War me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrio Welf elf me a W W a a Sur a a a W S B r W e io lf a r o o io rr rr rr rior B rey W rior Beco a Surrey rio y ar ur om rB rB arrio S r that e Wa come a S lfare War me a Sur e Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W rrior Bec urrey We rior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfare Become Welfare W r Become lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr a Surrey e Warrio a Surrey are Warr Surrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom Welfare r Become rrey Welf ecome a lfasevere u are War me a Surfire-fighters r and much of the paperwork is re W ome a ar War ome r Be rrey We ior Beco Welfar r Becom Welfare ecome a lfare Wa ome a S are War e a Sur Warrio a Surre Warrior Surrey Warrio rrey We rior Bec rey Welf Become Welfar Become rey Welf come a lfare Wa me a Su re Warr a Surrey Warrio me a Su arrior B rrey We rior Bec rey Welf ior Beco Welfare rrior Bec Welfare W ecome a rrio a Su m lfare r y y o a e e lf e y e arr War Beco lfare a Sur r Bec me a rrior y We y We are W e a Su urre e a Su urre lfare com Warr rior B Beco Welf e Wa a Sur rrior a Sur y We ior B elfar arrio e urre com r Bec bystandersurreyyWelfare Wato rreayre Warrior B Surrey e pointlessly burdensome. Those com Welfare come a S elfare W come a S are War e a Surre e Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey We arrior Be urrey We rior Beco urrey W r Becom y Welfare Become elfare Wa come a S lfare Wa Become re Warr e a Surre Warrior a Surrey rrior Be urrey We e Warrio rrey Welf r Becom y Welfar Become Welfare W come a S had ome a Su tear e down a e a ar elf W aS aS ar rre are rre Wa Su Be Be We elfa ior lfar aS rey om om ior rre rrio rior Bec yW lfar are rey om om r Be r Be Welf me eW rrio eaS a Sur e Warrio e a Surre Warrior a Surrey rrior Bec urrey We rrior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfar Become Welfare W r Becom lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr a Surrey e Warrio a Surrey are Warr Surrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Beco y Welfare r Become rrey Welf ecome a lfare Wa ome a Su are War me a Sur Wato getS in.rior Surrey W rrior Bec rrey We rior wall rrior ome a u ar that do register face delays and lfar Becom Welfare ecome lfare Wa ome a S are Wa e a Sur Warrio a Surre Warrior Surrey Warrio rrey We rior Bec ey Welf Become Welfar Become rey Welf come a lfare Wa me a Su re Warr a Surre Warrio me a Su arrior B rrey We rior Bec rey Welf r Beco Welfare rior Bec Welfare W ecome a are Wa me a Su are War e a We rior r io r o a lf e e o r m e y a r e u co lf e B ar y ey rrior ar elf Becom elfare ecome elfare ec ey rrior B ey We e a Su re War a Sur elfar ar r Bec lfare W e a S elfar Warr Surre r Bec y Welf ecom ey W ome arrio re W e urre Warrior urrey We arrior Be rey We rior Beco urrey e a Su Surr re W rior B ey W a ior B r Surr e a Su sometimes requests for bribes. are W ecome a lfare Wa e a Surr are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Bec Surrey W ior Becom ey Welfa r Become elfare W ecome a elfare W r Becom are War e a Surr re Warrio a Surre arrior B Surrey W re Warrio rrey We r Becom ey Welfa r Becom y Welfare ecome a rey Welfa cAta Sleast Braziliansurcould take om lfare come a S elfare W come a S lfare War come a S re a e W a a a a rr W Su B B W elf io lf a om om io rr rr rio Be ar re om rB We me eW rrio ur ea rrior a Surrey rrior Bec urrey We rrior Bec rey Welf r Become y Welfar Become Welfare W r Becom lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr a Surrey e Warrio a Surrey are Warr Surrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Beco y Welfare r Become rrey Welf ecome a lfare Wa ome a Su are War me a Sur Warrior come a S Warrior Surrey W rrior Be rrey W rior Be rey We rrior Be y Welfa e e r a a a S elf ec a e ur ar io Random checks on 29 Su io rB Su ec re pride in the uemergency response. elf ar ea ur re re co elf We ior me aS are ey arr Be rio rre Wa Wa ecom Welfare Become elfare W ecome a S are Warr me a Su are Warr e a Surr are War a Surrey arrior B Surrey W ior Beco rrey Welf ior Becom Surrey W r Become Welfare ecome a elfare W me a Sur are Warr ecome a e Warrio Surrey W Warrior B Surrey W arrior Be rey Welf Warrior rey Welfa r Becom elfare W Become a elfare W come a S Welfare W me a Sur re Warrio e a r ar e u lf co B W e a rr a yW io elf ea ur co co rB elf W elf Be urrey rio urrey W rrior rB eW ey ey om arr re ea ur elfa com rey W Surr re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Bec Surrey W r Becom y Welfar Become elfare W ecome a S elfare Wa Become are Warr e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W e Warrio rrey Welf r Becom ey Welfar r Becom Welfare come a S ey Welfa come a S are War e Fire-fighters arrior arrived Be urquickly. y a S Warrior S rey W arrior Be re a S are Wa me a Sur re W nightclubs in So Paulo this e elf aS r rre rrio Be lf are a rey om om rB me eW rrio urr ea yW lfar a ea urr ea rior lfar com o elfa War r Be Welf rior e eW rrio a Su com yW ey W rrior Bec rrey Welf r Becom ey Welfar r Become Welfare r Becom elfare Wa ome a Su are War e a Surre e Warrio a Surre are War Surrey W rrior Be rrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom urrey We Become lfare Wa come a S lfare Wa me a Sur e Warrio come a S Warrior a Surrey rrior Bec urrey We rrior Bec rey Welf rrior Be y Welfar Become Welfare W ome a Su lfare a e e a e a S The armed a forces rior e e a io u r a io S io r ec Su ec re elf ar e ur re re co elf W io m ar ey ar We ey are W come a S are Warr me a Sur are Warr e a Surr are Warr a Surrey arrior B urrey W ior Beco rey Welf ior Becom Surrey W r Become Welfare W ecome a elfare W me a Sur are Warr ecome a e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W arrior Be rey Welf Warrior B ey Welfa r Becom elfare W ecome a elfare W come a S Welfare W me a Sur re Warairlifted Bsomearrior week found nine were operating rrey Surr rior e rr m y Welf y e lf Be y Welf r Beco me a lfare War ome a Su are W io lfa co rio urrey W rrior B rrey W rior Be urrey r B rrey W r Beco y Welf rrior B Welfar come a elfare W ome a are W e a Sur elfare e W me a S e Warr e a Sur e Warr ome a e e Su rr io ar ar rre eco We om ecom eco rrior Surre ar rior B Surrey W to y We rior B Welf r rrio a Surrey arrior B a Surre rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Beco Welfar Becom Welfar ior Bec elfare Wa ome a Su are Warr e a Su Warrio a Surre are Wa Surrey rior Be rrey W rior Bec ey Welf Becom rrey W Become a elfare W me a S are Wa me a Su re Wof me a S Wainjuredarrior B rreother ec cities. Bec B ywithout licences; owners o the r lf a r o io r rrey m e Wa r e r u e y lf a e u ea com y Welfar Become Welfare W r Becom lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr e a Surre e Warrio a Surrey are Warr Surrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Beco y Welfare r Becom rrey We ecome a lfare Wa come a S lfare War me a Sur Warrior come a S Warrior Surrey W rrior Bec urrey We rior Beco rey Welf Bec Bec y Welfare Become elfare W ome a Su lfare Wa ome a Su are Warr e a Surr W a e e e r a e S e e a re rr y io re ar io Su rB Su ec re elf ar ea re ur re co elf ior We ior m e B a Sur re Warr e a Surre are Warr a Surrey arrior B urrey W ior Beco rey Welf ior Becom urrey W Become Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a Sur are Warr ecome a e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Be rey Welfa ior Bec B ey Welfa r Becom elfare W ecome a elfare W come a S re Warr me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre around y W the ucountryrey Welfa retorted that they had applied Hospitals arey Warriormeeca Surre re Warrior BeacS rrey WWlfarrior BecSoum arrreior a r a S a r W S r W rior B r r a r r B e W W r B open: 8th-18th e aFebruary 2013 Surr lf io lf e W a r a e e r e ey om ar elf Su rio Applications W cao Wlfa cSu lfraio rr rreio eeay We uW aBre e rm eya m yre Ba S eW coS lfar orm rio re r y Be We ec ey W rrior Bec Surrey W r Becom ey Welfar Become elfare W ecome a elfare Wa c Become are War e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W rrior Be rrey We r Becom ey Welfa r Becom Welfare come a S elfare W come a lfare War e a Surr re War e a Surre Warrior urrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Bec ey Welf r Beco y Welfa Become Welfare come a lfare W ome a e r a B W a e ar B W elf om ior rr rrio W specialist re Warrio e a Surre Warrio a Surrey are W Become lfare Wa me a Su are Warr a Surrey Warrior a Surrey arrior B urrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom Welfare Become Welfare ecome a lfare War ome a Su are War e a Surr Warrior a Surrey Warrior Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf rior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare Become a esent e a Su lfare War me a Sur equipment,r such arrior B in good time but been left lfare ey a o W Surr Bec rey We ior Beco y Welf ecomeUp-coming campaigns:Warr Surrey awareness;ey body image; drink eawareness andremore arrior Surrey arrior urrey W ior Becom rey We lfare Become elfare W come a S lfare Wa me a Su re drug Warrior a Surrey arrior B rr We rior Bec rey Welf r Becom Welfare Becom Welfare ecome a are War ome a Su a War e a Surr W e Welf r Becom y Welfare come r Bec lfare rior a Sur rr io co lfa come a elfare come arr a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior Sur e Warrio a Surrey y W rior Be ey We e W e a Su re War e a Sur e Warrio Surrey arrior urrey rrior B ey Welf ior Bec ey Welf r Becom elfare ecome a elfare W ome a S re Waas e arespirators: arrmany arrior Be rrey We r Becom eywaiting, sometimes for years. survivors uerra Welfarrreior e e rre Be ar Surr e War W rior B ome Welfare W ecome are W ome a Su Warrio a S ec Welfa W W om Welfar ecome elfare W ome a Su are W io ar ome a lfare W me a S are Wa a Surr Warr a Surr urr Warrior Surrey W rrior Be urrey W rior Be rey Welf Becom y Welfa Becom S ec ec ey rrior B ey a e a re elf ec arr Surrey ar are come a lfar lf ar rB ea rB me a Surr eco re W r Become are r com rey elf me We ior me Bec Welf aS a ey W a are rre W Wa yW Bec Sur e rior B Surrey rior B re W me Welf a e y We a Sur re Warrio a Surrey Warrior a Surrey arrior B urrey W rior Beco rey Welf r Becom Welfare Become Welfare W ecome a are War ome a Su are Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare ecome a elfare W me a Sur are War mhaveWarrio e a Surre Warrior lungs.rior Be rey Welf rior Beco rey Welfa Eight others appeared not to be e a are damaged e a Surre War Skin banks rrio rey ar e elf elf rB ar ar Su elf ec aS re rrio lf ey arr ior rB Sur eco eW Sur re W yW r are ea rey urr rey e Wa com elfa ior e me me Sur eco om are ey W ior Beco rey Welf ior Becom ey Welfar r Become Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a Sur are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Be rey Welfa ior Beco ey Welfa r Becom elfare W ecome a elfare W come a S are Warr me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W arrior B urrey We rior Bec rey Welf r Becom y Welfar ecome a elfare W ecome a y Welfar ome a Su are W ar rB m W eW yW rr io ea ea ur ec y Welf lfa co co rr elf Wa Be rio eW rB a S re ar e a Sur Warrio a Surre rrior B urrey W rrio B a Surre yW ey arr arr ea urr elf com Sur re W ecome a elfare Wa ome a Su are Warr e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W rrior Be rrey Welf r Becom ey Welfar r Becom Welfare come a S elfare W come a S are War e a Surre re Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfare Become einWMontevideo and Buenos rAires arrior B registered at all. lfa ecom urre Warrior lfare ecome lfare Wa come a S lfare Wa Become re W e r S e a elf W io m B a ey ar ar rr re W W y W io B Su ec rio rio Be re m W aS aS elf om rre Wa a y We rrior a Surrey arrior B urrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom Welfare Become Welfare ecome a are War ome a Su are Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey Warrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf rior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare Become a elfare W me a Su are War me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre Wasr wellarrior B rrein rRecifee and y Welfa Become Welfare Inma meeting with mayors on arr a Surre W asu y We ar ior Be rrey W Warrior re So o e e elf ar rB S Su r ea r Bec me Su eco om are are arr rey elfa Wa Bec Welf rior ior Welf re W me eaS a Su ey W re are rey rrey rrey W War rior Surr ecom rior Beco re Beco ey Welfa r Becom Welfare Become a elfare W me a Su are War me a Sur re Warrio a Surrey Warrior Surrey W arrior B rrey Welf rior Beco rey Welf r Becom Welfare Become Welfare W ecome a are War me a Su are Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey arrior B Surrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom ey Welfa Become a Welfare ecome a ey Welfa ome a Su are War me a Sur re Warrio Surrey a W r Beco y Welf io a January 28th Ms Rousseff asked e e rr B e a lfare ey rrior rr elf elf r Beco y Welf Becom elfare co re come a are W e a Su re War e a Sur Warrio urrey arrior urrey r B a Surr ior B e W me a are Wa e a Su e Warr Paulo,iorsenty supplies forecaboutr Beco lf e lf r r m a Su re Warr e a Surr Wa rrey r Be a Su e arr e a Surr e Warrio ome S y We r Becom ey Welfa r Be e S a rey W arrio 20rey We r Becom rey We arrior elf ecom arrio Surrey W arrio Surre arrior rr W rior Beco rey Welfa r Beco y Welf Becom elfar ecome are W e a Su Warrio a Surr Warrio Surre ecom are W me a elfar m Welf io me a ey W are rr W rio B re W a Sur a elfa om ec e Wa ar r rrey Sur rio ey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom Welfare Become Welfare ecome a are War ome a Su are Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey Warrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf rior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare Become a elfare W me a Su are War me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior B rrey Welf rior Beco rey Welf arrior B y Welfar Become Welfare W ecome a are War me a Su Welfare W e a a r m r y y a lf e u lf c o r r W e B r e r a y W u a co co rr u elf W elf B re y ar ur theirm re W come a S are War e a Surre re Warrio e a Surre Warrior urrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Beco y Welfar r Becom y Welfare Become elfare Wa come a S lfare Wa me a Su e Warrio e a Surre Warrior a Surrey rrior Be urrey W rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom y Welfar r Become Welfare come a S evictims with e severe burns.ior urrey We rrior Be forrrey rior Beco help. 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am a first year Sociology student, and since beginning my course, when I tell people what I am studying, I usually receive one of the following responses: What is Sociology?, Oh Thats nice or a hmm with a sympathetic smile and nod. I do not understand why people look down on Sociology as it is a credible degree for several reasons. The degree programme here at Surrey is a BSc, Bachelor

of Science and this is often results that help improve society. scrutinised. However, just because Therefore, Sociology is a necessary it is a social science does not and important subject to study mean it does not involve research as it affects us all on a daily basis methodology albeit it qualitative without most of us even realising it. and quantitative and it also does Furthermore, Sociology not imply that studies are not overlaps into other academic carried out frequently within the disciplines like in Economics discipline. Social research involves through the study of Karl Marx, or the use of statistics including chi- into Politics through sociological square and T-tests, while also perspectives such as the New Right. using qualitative methods such as It also links into Maths through me a quantitative rmethods, History interviews and document analysis. Beco y rrio re Additionally, it is relevant throughrey WelfarerWeacome a SyuWr eofe rrpast societies, studies lfar ior B r e a e a Su re Warrio e a Surr elfare W e a m because it is the study of us. andecoPhilosophyy Wduem to sociologists r B ey Welfa ior Becom Surre eco arrio rr a ior B rr are W ome a Su lfare Wa Become are Warr a Surrey e Statistics in the new and lookingy Welfrior BsuchWeasarDurkheime orlfaWeber. r ec rre ey e W rio rrey Welf r Becom ey We r r Surr r e a Su War r u r io ecom lfar at programmes such as Panorama,erior BecomaeSaurrey WreiolfraBecomeyaWSelfare WraBrecome aySWisareaBaerrcwell-rounded Therefore, it urelf W iome a rior B urrey We r o r e S e Wa me e War e Wa y arrio Surre Surr rrior elfar ecome a io elfar ecome a lfare e me a elfare Wa a Sur Welfare W laws and governmentey Wpolicies,elfraerall r uBrerceoy WsubjectWeasWitcofocusesmeonereymany areas, Surr Warrior B a Surrey a Warr S B B o ea ior ior urrey W ior Bec a Surr ior rrey Warr me a Su are Warr S ecom Welfare Become rey Welf ecome a Warr Be o r ior B rrey of riosociologistsWelfare somethinge a manycomeemployers are Warr e a involve the re Whelpu War r me a Su arrior B rrey rrior Bec rrey Welf ior Becom Welfare rrior Welfare ecom arr S a o a Su rey Wa arr rey ior B Welf r Bec me y Welfare rrior Bec Welf re W ome a Su lfa a e looking SSuurrrey elfra ome a SWuerlfare Wacrorme a S reelfyare to studyeey WartheoSurreparticularaior BecareasrrreioWBecomrreeay WelfarerWecome aforWinrBeecexpectanturemployees Surr rio a e Wa a Surrey rr r ey W B me a lfar e o a elfar Surr a r Bec ey We ior Becom Surrey W r Become elfare W ecome a elfare W ome a Su re Warrio ecome a e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W arrior io r a r ofarrmesociety ecome a e Warrio Suthusrrior Bproduceec rey Welfof r Become elfare W ecome a elfare W come a which rrey W a Surrey W rrior B ior B y Welf eW a Sur are War e elfar W rr



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io e Welf ior Becom y Welfar ecome a Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a Sur are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Be rey Welfa ior Becom ey Welfa r Becom Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S re Warr me a Sur re Warrio come a S Warrior Surrey W arrior Be urrey We ior Becom rey Welfa arrior B y Welfare ecome a a e a r W y B r B r m a a e e e a r r Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey Warrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare ecome a elfare W me a Su are War me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior Be rrey Welf rior Beco rey Welf arrior B y Welfar Become elfare W ecome a S are Warr me a Su Welfare W e a Surr Warrior B a e r m lfare a W Surre e y W rior B om elfare ar m elfare ar e a are W e a Su ur elf r Beco urrey Su e Warr a Surr arrior Surrey rrior B rrey W r Beco ey Welf r Beco om Welfar ecome are W ome a eco We rrio a Surre ar om Welf r Beco y W e W ome a S Welfare e a Bec y W y W rrio r Bec ea urr lfar c Welf e Wa B eW y rrio a Su y io urre com rrey elfar W elf rior B r Bec e Wa eaS e e ome a m arrio e c Surr re Warrio e a Surre Warrior Surrey W arrior Be urrey We rior Bec ey Welfar r Becom y Welfar Become elfare W ecome a S elfare Wa ome a Su are Warr e a Surr e Warrio a Surrey arrior Be Surrey W rrior Be a Surrey ior Beco ey Welfar r Becom Welfare come a S elfare W r Becom are War e a Surre r lf r e a io r e e S e r y a e r r c Welf ior Becom y Welfar ecome a Welfare W ecome a elfare Wa me a Sur are Warr e a Surr e Warrio Surrey W arrior B Surrey W rrior Be rrey Welf ior Becom ey Welfa r Becom elfare W ecome a elfare W r Becom are War me a Sur re Warrio e a Surre arrior B Surrey W re Warrio urrey We ior Becom lf e a r W r B W B r m u a a a a W Warr e a Surr Warrior a Surrey Warrior B Surrey W rior Beco rrey Welf ior Beco ey Welfa Become Welfare ecome a elfare W come a S are War me a Sur re Warrio a Surrey Warrior Surrey W re Warrio urrey We rior Beco rey Welf r Becom Welfare Become rey Welf ecome a S are Warr e a om elfare ar elf Su e Warr a Surr arrior Surrey rrior B rrey W ior Be ey Welf r Beco re come a Welfa me a S re War e a Sur Warrio urrey arrior e a Sur rior B lfa come re e W W om Welfa lfa me ea Bec y W r Bec Beco y Welfare r Becom Welfar Become lfare W come a lfare Wa me a Su re Warr e a Surr Warrio Surrey W rrior Be urrey We rior Be a Surrey r Beco y Welfa Becom Welfare ome a S lfare W Becom are War a Surrey y e a S e Surr Warrio Surre arrior ar r ec e re y ea re re co m lfa ior rey elf rrio We ior rio Be me We

Sci/Tech Editor: Alex Smith | Copy Editor: Sophie Vickery

The Stag |

13th February 2013



Science & Technology

Guildford-based satellite firm lands multi-millionpound contract
Technology round-up
By Fahmid Chowdhury, Science & Tech Team
IBM creates drug resistant bacteria killer

BM has created a substance that can kill bacteria plaque and bacteria which is resistant to drugs. As the bacteria forms a biofilm sometimes, this makes it difficult to treat as they are densely packed. However this new gel breaks through this to kill it and not harm humans.

Privacy visor confuses face recognition

pair of glasses designed in Tokyo have the ability to ensure that your face would not be recognised by facial recognition cameras or in databases when your image is searched. This is done by the use of near-infrared LEDs, which cant be seen by humans, by the nose and eyes to create an image with a seemingly fake nose when it is picked up by the camera. The match with a database comes fruitless when it is done after.

SSTL, a spin-off company of the university based in Guildford and now majority-owned by EADS Astrium, have snatched-up another international satellite deal. By Mike Colling, Science & Tech Team with space missions. SSTL works closely with the University-owned Surrey Space Centre to research and develop pioneering space technologies. By beating off international competition with its most costeffective solution, SSTL has been tasked with designing and manufacturing up to twelve new FORMOSAT-7 satellite platforms to be used on the COSMIC project a joint initiative between Taiwan and the United States. Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere & Climate (COSMIC) focuses on improving weather forecasting by obtaining information about the atmosphere. The current (failing) satellite series, the FORMOSAT-3, operates in low-Earth orbit and measures the bending of GPS radio signals through the atmosphere. The refraction of these signals can be used to determine air temperature, pressure and water vapour levels; useful properties for forecasting the weather. It is hoped that the new FORMOSAT-7 satellites will also provide data related to climate change and ionospheric science (the study of the portion of the Earths atmosphere where the propagation of radio waves is affected). SSTL will produce the main chassis (or bus) of each satellite, while a company in the US will

urrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) has been awarded a multi-million-pound contract by the Taiwanese National Space Organization (NSPO) to design and manufacture twelve new satellites to be used for weather forecasting. SSTL, which is headquartered at the Surrey Research Park and partly owned by the University of Surrey, is the worlds leading producer of small satellites. The company is able to design, manufacture and operate high performance satellites and ground systems for a fraction of the price normally associated

supply the GPS receiver system used to measure the bending of the signals. Final assembly and integration will take place in Taiwan, and then the satellites (likely to have a total mass of less than 200 kg) will be shipped to the US for launch. The first batch of six satellites (to be primarily used by the Taiwanese) is scheduled for launch in 2016. The remaining six are likely to follow two years after that, and will orbit at a higher inclination to the equator to provide information for the rest of the world.


BB10 launched

lackBerry, previously known as RIM, have launched a new phone with a revamped OS. The importance of this is high as it could be a make or break moment for the company. In recent years, it has lost its dominance in the smartphone market to iPhone and Android. However, with the new launch of its clean interface and first all touch smartphone, it aims to win back customers.


The Stag |

13th February 2013

1 billion boost for EU graphene research

By Alex Smith, Science & Tech Editor

n the closing days of January, the European Commission announced that the Graphene initiative has been awarded 1 billion Euros as funding for part of the EUs Horizon 2020 programme of research and innovation. Graphene, as its name suggests, will investigate the properties of the wonder-material graphene - single sheets of graphite which were discovered and isolated in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov from the University of Manchester, which won them the 2010 Nobel Prize for physics. The group will be lead by Prof. Jari Kinaert of Chalmers University, Sweeden, and comprises of over 100 research groups with 4 Nobel laureates also working on project Graphene. The material is an extremely

good conductor, incredibly strong (up to 300 times stronger than steel) and is set to become the material that revolutionises the 21st century, as it also has the potential to replace (or co-exist with) silicon in electronics and even copper in wires. Having identified its potential, the UK government decided to invest more in graphene research. In December 2012, Chancellor George Osborne announced a 21.5 million investment fund towards development and utilisation of the wonder-material. 12 million of this fund was given to Cambridge University, who announced on January 24th that they would be opening a graphene research centre at a cost of 25 million, which aims to open later this year. However, the UK currently lags behind its international

The European Commission hope the investment will create economic-spinoffs. counterparts, with US firms filing over 32 times as many patents as UK companies (a mere 54) since 2007, and the Chinese over 40 times at 2,204 patents. The University of Manchester alone are responsible

for 30% of UK graphene patents at 16 patents. South Korean electronics giant, Samsung, have acquired 407 patents alone and are leading the field, ahead of IBM at 134. It would seem that the UK (once pioneers in the field) have fallen behind. The question is; will the EUs investment ensure that it doesnt stay behind? Speaking after the announcement of the 1 billion investment, Vice President of the European Commission, Neelie Kros said: To keep Europe competitive, to keep Europe as the home of scientific excellence, EU governments must agree an ambitious budget for the Horizon 2020 programme in the coming weeks. Forget Silicon Valley, Graphene valley is most certainly on its way; where it will lie however, will be decided in the months that follow.

The cuddly disguise of a serial killer

By Siobhan Harris, Science & Tech Team

ts hard to see our adorable, affectionate cats as blood-thirsty killers, yet thats how the new study published in the journal of Nature Communications portrays them. The evidence described by Dr Pete Marra (SCBI) shockingly labels them as one of the top threats to U.S wildlife, estimating that they kill between 1.4-3.7 billion birds and 6.9-20.7 billion mammals each year. However, these numbers are largely attributed to the killings made by feral and stray cats, with domesticated cats killing a lot less. There are approximately 30 million to 80 million feral cats in the U.S. alone, not even accounting for the number of domestically owned cats. The study found that birds native to the U.S, such as the American Robin, were most at risk and mice, shrews, voles, squirrels and rabbits were the mammals most likely to be killed. The magnitude of wildlife mortality caused by cats reported here, far exceeds all prior estimates, said the paper. Recent projects, such as the cat

camera project at the University of Georgia; in which cameras are attached to the collars of indooroutdoor pet cats to track their activities, found the killings to be of a large scale too. It positions felines as the probable top human-linked threat to wildlife in America. More birds and mammals die at the paws of cats than are killed by cars, chemicals or collisions with man-made structures or other anthropogenic causes. The conclusions of the study included an urge for owners to do more to limit their impact, such as reducing or preventing cats access to the outdoors. It also recommended conservation and policy intervention which involve the increasingly popular trapneuter-return programs where stray cats are caught, vaccinated and neutered then returned to the outdoor environment. Advocators of this approach see it as a humane alternative to large-scale euthanasia as they cant reproduce, so will eventually disappear. Less drastic (and financially healthier) measures have been proposed; a spokeswoman for the

Dave Morris

Those feline bundles of fluff, who love a good cuddle and a warm bed to sleep on, are considered to be responsible for the decline of wildlife. animal welfare charity the RSPCA said that a properly fitted collar and bell could reduce a cats success when hunting by at least a third. But are they really a threat to our environment? Most would agree that since mice and rats are disease-ridden anyway, cats are doing us a favour by eliminating illness. As for birds and preservation of wildlife there are the TRN programs which could gradually prevent the problem altogether.


Features Editor: Ellis Taylor | Copy Editor: Tessa Morgan

The Stag |

13th February 2013



Nothing is too fabulous to try

By Ellis Taylor, Features Editor


Learn to drive you...

By Laura Colledge, Features Team

hat is that one style thing that you have always wanted to do? Everyone has something they want to try out, something that is bold and out of your comfort zone. Maybe the possibility of judging looks from strangers has put you off, or maybe you know your mother would hate it and the stick you would receive doesnt make doing the thing worth it. This article aims to give you the kick up your arse that you need. Carpe Diem! (No, not YOLO. I have so much hate for that saying that Ive given all my friends a once-a-month allowance of it, but thats another article waiting to be written). The other morning I woke up and decided to go for my style thing, that thing being pink hair. All my life I have dreamed of being a candy floss head with the coolness and class of Sofia Coppolas Marie Antoinette. After having had my hair sprayed pink by uber-cool salon Bleach London at a festival, I had been mulling over the idea for months and months. For some reason, I woke up and decided to do it. Here is the first thing you must do, follow your impulse! If, like me, you have that moment where you

would actually go through with it, do it. The longer you wait, the more doubts will set in and convince you to not try something different. Sitting in the salon, all the hairdressers and customers around me were getting incredibly excited. And thats when I realised; other people admire those who dare to be different. Nothing is ever too fabulous to try. The dye went on, the excitement built and my nerves went through the roof. As soon as I stepped out the salon, I thought to myself what the hell have I done?!

My blonde was the perfect shade, now I look like a highlighter. But everyone loved it, and I loved it, even though it was very much out of my comfort zone. So heres the main movement in the kick up the arse for you, it is scary, you will have doubts, but it will work out! Most people wont hate or judge, they will admire you for breaking the boundaries, and even if they do judge, you will still be fab. At the end of the day, whats the worst that can happen?!

eve all been there. All it takes is one inconsiderate driver who thinks theyre too important to indicate, which brings on an explosion of vulgar shouting and gestures. Or perhaps its the foul-mannered individuals who dont say thank you when youve stopped to let countless cars past. Now, I dont know about you, but I dont often find myself labelling innocent pedestrians with obscene expletives if they block my way on the pavement, so what is it about being behind the wheel which turns us into aggressive, cursing fist-pumpers? According to a survey by car insurance company ingenie 85% of drivers have behaved in a way indicative of road rage, with the top three causes being tailgating, failure to indicate and others speaking on the phone. But why does driving provoke such violent reactions from calm and patient individuals? Is it simply because of the protective metal barrier that is the car,

allowing us to insult strangers and consequently make a rapid escape? Or maybe it is fear which ignites our anger; after all, our lives may quite literally be at the hands of these erratic drivers. However, road rage is not always contained as a couple of bad words and a condemning headshake. Only last August, French actor Grard Depardieu was arrested for punching a driver over a traffic incident. The actor had also been previously arrested for smashing up a car parked near his house. Although it is healthy to let your frustration out (and where better to shout out than from within the safety of your car), it is important to remember that every driver makes mistakes, and it is likely that you were once the cause of someone elses road rage. So yes, yell your best insult in the direction of the idiot who pulls out in front of you and then persists to drive 20mph below the limit, but dont follow them home and bombard the poor elderly lady with abuse.

How to stay motivated in the new semester

By Megan Cherry & Sarah-Jane Gregori, Features Team

xams are finally over, HOORAY! I dont know about you but were happy to see the back of the library. However, for many of you (including us two) the work doesnt end when exams do. It would be nice to have a few weeks off and if youre a fresher you can probably afford to do this but as final years, there isnt much room to slow down. We have now reached a period of post-exam calm where everything feels like it might turn out ok and you may even be looking forward to starting new modules (anyone studying what they actually enjoy, that is). But just because a fresh start is presented, you cant expect to tackle the work in the same way as before and expect not to be laden with as much stress and pressure as what we just went through. Now is the perfect time to think about what you have learnt from the

experience, look at what worked for you and what didnt, and actually implement changes to help you cope better, be more efficient and therefore enjoy more well-earned free time for all the other things you love to do. From a pair of final years whove been through the mill, here are our tips for starting the next semester on the right foot: Break tasks down. For a big assignment like a final year project, dissertation or ones that just feel colossal, it is better to divide them into smaller parts you will feel good about yourself when you complete each part and it will help you stay committed. Set targets! Be specific when you want to complete each part and reward yourself when you do by going out with friends or just taking some time out to do what you enjoy. Rather than setting yourself the whole day to work on an assignment, it is better to split the day up with an

allotted time for working and time spent on socializing and activities. Otherwise, you could set yourself the whole day to work and end up procrastinating until late afternoon. Finding it difficult to start? If you are finding an assignment particularly difficult, work on the easier tasks first to build confidence. Get into the style you will be examined in. Do you get a lot of essays for coursework and exams? When doing lecture reading, dont just copy down the material try to write about it as if you are explaining it, think about what it links to and jot down any critical thinking that might have popped into your head! This will speed up the process when it actually comes to planning the essay. We know that everyone studies differently but we have found these tips to be useful in the past and hope they will be helpful for you too!

Learn about LinkedIn

By Ellis Taylor, Features Editor

he professional world can be a daunting one, and sometimes it seems impossible to network effectively without being in the heart of your desired industry, but fear no more for LinkedIn is taking the working world by storm. Founded in 2003, the social media platform enables users to connect with fellow colleagues, bosses, and even help create new opportunities. But how can you make the most of LinkedIn? As a

generation, were used to casual social media sites, so how do you stay professional and show off your true potential to employers? All of these questions, and many more, will be answered on Tuesday 26th February, BPP will be holding a talk titled The Effectiveness of LinkedIn: the worlds largest business network. Held in 14MS01, this talk will provide a key insight into the world of LinkedIn, showing you ways to achieve your career dreams that you never realised before. The event is an hour long starting at 18:30.


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Valentines day - romantic or rubbish?

By Rebekkah Hughes, Features Team

Pretty flakes in all its glory

By Lasika Jayamaha, Features Team

intimate gestures. Its fine for those lucky enough to have a soppy other half who wont let an opportunity go amiss to tell you that they love you, but for others, the hand-made card or cake, breakfast in bed or simple I love you on Valentines proves why we have such an occasion. Valentines Day has the potential to be more than just another expectation of consumerist card giving. If the day is adopted as a chance to get creative and find alternative ways to express our feelings, then theres no reason for the occasion to be scorned and shunned. For example, rather than baking a cake for someone, bake it with them an experience will be remembered and treasured, unlike those fancy chocolates thatll be forgotten within the week. If you love someone enough, youll be able to show him or her in unique and memorable ways.

e all know Valentines Day has assumed its position in the league table of most consumeroriented occasions. Heart-shaped sweets, mass-produced teddies and impersonal cards dominate the shops at Valentines, but there is something still to be salvaged from this annual day of romance and love. Although we shouldnt need an excuse to share and express our love with our nearest and dearest, February 14th poses as the ideal opportunity if you just dont say it enough. Valentines is the second largest card-exchanging occasion, with The Greeting Card Association estimating that 1 billion of them are exchanged annually, which if anything, proves that we all have a soft spot. Sometimes that shy soft spot is much better shown with small and

tudents studying for exams, children at school and the adults back to work. Christmas holidays were over and everyone was in full swing, the busy lifestyle had resumed yet again. Mother Nature however, had better ideas. On the 15th February, as forecasted the snow fell steady and fast in Guildford as in most parts of the country, bringing England to a stall. The university and many schools closed early and exams for the Friday afternoon and the whole of Saturday were cancelled. Many of the students

were really annoyed and hated the snow. It would disrupt their post exam plans and they just wanted to finish off their exams and get on with life. Nevertheless, I was quite happy with the white blanket and was quick to get my camera out and clicking, after a good session of revision for the remaining exam. Obviously, revision didnt go to plan, but I had plenty of time and I wanted to enjoy the snow that was only an annual occurrence. The scenic view on campus as the flakes covered the pathways and fell upon the evergreens and bare trees

was beautiful. With everyone mourning about cancelled flights and closed roads I couldnt help but wonder if the snowflakes had a message for us. When you get ill and are compelled to take time off from your daily chores, it is your body signalling that you need a break and you have been too busy to look after yourself. In the same way, I felt that the snowfall was natures way of saying, humanity, stop this race for a moment and enjoy the beauty around you. After all, if we had a white Christmas wouldnt everyone be out playing in snow, making snow men and having snow fights?

By Lily Pearson, Features Team

Diary of an Erasmus student

By Nicole Vassell, Features Team

refuse to heed to the seemingly endless flow of columns "advising" what you should do if youre single. No, you do not need to indulge in a bottle of wine, Sex and the City, and a discussion on whyyou don't need no man (or woman) to escape the woes that accompany the V-word. Because, singletons, here's why you're lucky: 1. The pinnacle of grossness in this loathsome event resides in Clinton Cards. Ahead of me stands a plethora of cards, merging into a blur of 'to the man I love' and 'snugglemuffins'.The National Retail Federation found that spending in the U.S last year hit around $17.6 billion - and to think that a large proportion of said spending was squandered on vomit-worthy notes is nauseating. 2. According to the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association, 14% of women send themselves flowers on Valentine's

Day. The moment when these women must feign shock and flattery is evidence why this "holiday" should be eradicated from the calendar completely. 3. With Valentine's Day comes the irrepressible urge to show off. Consider a Valentine's boycott a way of escaping the passive aggressive disgust festered by 40% of your Facebook friends. The other 60% fall victim to said disgust because of their obligation to upload the wonderful bouquet their "baby boy" bought them. Be thankful you're not one of them. Instead of succumbing to the guilt predicated by a society who thinks that the best way to celebrate love is to over-indulge in chocolate or self-pity (your choice), just bypass any acknowledgement of it at all. Even better - use Shrove Tuesday on the twelfth as a shameless excuse to eat your body weight in pancakes and avoid the whole affair in a wonderfully ignorant two day pancake coma. I know what I'd prefer.

t was the Monday morning of Freshers Week 2010, and perhaps the only time Ive made it to a lecture at 9am sharp. Eagerly, I took notes as staff members filled the new English Literature students in on what was awaiting us in the coming years of our degree examples of modules, what extenuating circumstances were and of course, the placement year. At the time, Surrey was one of, if not the only university in the country that gave the opportunity of a professional training year to English Literature students and for me, it was a major reason for picking Surrey as my first choice. Fresher Nicole had no doubts about going on placement, so clearly it was time for a writing break when the lecture turned to talk of a study abroad year. Soon it was second year and instead of Hello, people had

started greeting each other wideeyed and twitching with Have you got a placement yet? Milkround had overtaken Facebook as my most frequented website. I dreamt about assessment centres. Things were getting weird. In an effort to procrastinate while still being in the library (so technically, still revising), I impulsively went along to the international exchange event held in SPLASH. Though I went for the free biscuits, I left the session with university brochures and the seeds of a new idea planted in my head Its now February 2013 and I am typing this from the University of Heidelberg Library, in Germany. As Ive expressed, it wasnt part of the original plan. But after months of believing that a work placement was the only valuable use of the four-year degree, I realised that there is just as much to be gained while studying in

Europe. Travel opportunities, worldwide connections and knowledge of another countrys culture are all essentials for most employment fields today. In the next few issues, Ill be writing about my time studying abroad. Whether youre a secondyear considering options, a curious fresher or a post-grad whos always wondered what if?, I hope to give you an honest perspective. Like all things, it has its pros and cons but one thing I can say with certainty is that the Erasmus year is NOT a waste of time. Ive learnt a lot about myself and met people Im sure Ill know for years to come. What started as a random wander around the library turned into one of the best decisions Ive ever made corny, but true. And whats more, I can now order a pizza in a second language a heck of a bonus, in my opinion!

Features Editor: Ellis Taylor | Copy Editor: Tessa Morgan

The Stag |

13th February 2013



Get ready for February

By Hannah Wann, Features Team anuary officially the worst month in the year is over; exams are done, we have our lives back and we wont get the results for at least another month so theres nothing to cry about (yet). February is already set to be far more exciting, promising day trips, drinks out and not stepping foot in the library, once. So here is a round-up of the various things February has to offer in the way of culture, events and socialising... DRINKS. Those words we all want to hear: Drinks Deal. The Stag have very kindly teamed up with Guildfords Fahrenheit 55 bar to bring you a drinks discount in February! Until the end of the month you can get 20% off all drinks at Fahrenheit if you show your Surrey student card. This month they are also making all their Good Time Guide card deals available to us with our student IDs, such as Friday and Saturday nights cocktails are all 2 for 1 and house wine is 10 a bottle between 5-10pm. The bar also has various live music acts throughout the month, including Kane FM DJs and local musicians. FOOD. Yeah okay, I have to say it... V-day. *Collective shudder*. Love it or hate it, Valentines weekend is the weekend that

everyone is trying to get you to eat out at their restaurant, so take advantage of the various offers whilst trying not to get ripped off. From 14th -17th this month, All Bar One in Guildford have a deal of two steaks and a bottle of wine for 30 not bad. If youre not celebrating all things heart-shaped, eat some steak and get drunk with your friends. Nothing takes the pain away like red meat and alcohol. FASHION. February boasts the biannual London Fashion Weekend, from 21st-24th in Somerset House. Ticket prices start at 16 and go up depending on what kind of ticket you want. Can just shop through the various reasonably priced designer goodies, take away a gift bag or choose between two different types of catwalks to see. ART. A Pop art fan? The Tate Modern holds Roy Lichtensteins most famous Pop art paintings and sculptures from the 21st, in Lichtenstein: A Retrospective. Tickets are 12.20 for students: MUSIC. The 2013 NME Awards Tour comes to London this February, at the O2 Academy Brixton on the 23rd. Last years tour featured the likes of Metronomy and Azelia Banks and this years line-up is Django Django, Miles Kane, Palma Violets and Peace;

acts all set to make a buzz in 2013. Tickets are 22 and if youre super quick you might still be able to get one. FILM. Films out this month include the drama Hitchcock (starring Scarlett Johansson and Anthony Hopkins), a film adaptation of the David Mitchells fantasy novel Cloud Atlas and the incredibly star-studded Movie 43, which features Emma Stone, Justin Long and Kate Winslet among many, many others. The criticallyacclaimed Zero Dark Thirty will also still be in cinemas for the majority of February a film not to be missed. So put down the highlighters, get out of your tracksuit bottoms and go outside. Happy February everyone!

By John Watkins, Director of Careers Service

For ticket info see: http:// londonfashionweekend. tickets/book-tickets uk/whats-on/tatemodern/exhibition/ lichtenstein

Surrey students help bring smiles to saturday mornings

By Sophie Vickery, Features Team

aturday Sports Club, held at Surrey Sports Park, is celebrating ten years of success. The club was set up by students from the trampolining club, together with the universitys sport department (Unisport) and Disability Challengers, as a volunteering project to support those aged 4-adults with disabilities in sports such as, trampolining, climbing and soft play. Over the past decade the club has gained significant heritage, attracting local volunteers as well as those from across the university; including current and retired staff alongside undergraduates and postgraduates, to form a team of 1015 who care for 10-30 participants. Since launching in 2000, the club has involved over 600 children and was awarded Guildfords Most Accessible Club of the Year by the Mayor, with particular praise for

its active inclusion of siblings. During the early days the club had to work within the minimal space of a main hall; however the clubs potential benefits for the local community aided developments of Surrey Sports Park, helping it to change from protected green belt land to white land and attain planning permission. The club also benefits the volunteers themselves by offering in-hose training and the opportunity to gain rewarding experience from working with children. Many have since worked for Challengers, while some of the younger volunteers are pursuing the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Paul Spendley, an early volunteer, was rewarded a trip to South America following his dedication of travelling from Chelmsford for 10am each Saturday. Today Danielle Robinson, a final year Maths student and Coach Secretary for the tampolining

club, has been volunteering for three years and greatly values the rewarding aspect of the project; trampolining is a fun sport but unfortunately not something everyone has access to, so seeing the children laugh and smile is a great sight. She says that even after a bad week, teaching trampolining is enough to cheer me up and never feels like an effort to go. Despite attracting many volunteers, she wishes to encourage more students to get involved; the team I work with are great-although we have all different levels of experience, no one is in charge and all suggestions are listened to. She adds, they are all friendly too, which helps! Naturally, there have been hiccups along the way; with torn parachutes and sudden panics when Quick Cricket kits are lacking! Nevertheless, the clubs enthusiasm and teamwork ensures that there are smiles all round each Saturday morning.

he modern day Careers Service is involved in a wide variety of activities, having so many stakeholders to satisfy. By way of illustration, take February to date as an example: On all days students access information online and book up for one or more of the many events On all week days students are flooding into Philip Marchant with post exam vigour to source information, obtain career guidance and advice via quick queries or on an appointment basis. Employers are on-site delivering presentations and workshops In the week commencing 4 February phoning starts to ascertain the employment position of graduates from 2012, two different employers come in to offer sponsorship, parents receive their weekly Applicant Day talk, the Surrey Skills Fair is attended at the Sports Park, a presentation is given to potential professional training year students, Student Services staff shadow Careers staff and vice versa, workshops are delivered to undergraduates and postgraduate researchers In the week commencing 11 February there

is a school visit in support of the widening participation agenda, an evening presentation to the London Accountants Training Group (big gig!), another batch of parents attend Applicant Day and actual Professional Training Year students are back for the day to hear about how they should be maximising the development of their employability skills whilst on placement All this and attendance at the Vice-Chancellors lecture plus informal catch ups with colleagues from the Students Union, Alumni office, Student Recruitment, Unitemps, Library and Learning Support and Marketing. We are busy but still have time to recognise achievements. Alistair Donophy, a second year Physics student, took the Careers Service Student of the Month award for January for his methodical approach to seeking a Professional Training Year. All students who engage with the Service are eligible for consideration for the monthly award so why not stake your claim for February and beyond. You can find us in the Philip Marchant Building and at www. www. uniofsurreycareers.wordpress. com surreycareers


The Stag |

13th February 2013

On the road with Ankur

By Ankur Banerjee, Features Team

orocco sits on a cultural and demographic crossroad: its a North African country bordering the Sahara desert, but its demographic and cultural skews vastly towards an Arabic feel. Being a former French colony, it remains one of the countries where France still has influence to the point that French is widely spoken in cities to this day. My first impression of Morocco was through the city of Marrakech, a perfect combination of Morocco old and new. The citys old quarters the Medina with its central square called Djemma Al-Fena and its sprawling bazaars that look straight out of Disneys Aladdin is where most travellers set up base. The labyrinthine streets are dotted with shops selling everything from dry fruits to carpets to pigeon pies. The best way to explore the bazaars is to allow yourself to get lost in the maze of shops, stopping every now and then to haggle with

sellers bargaining is a practically a national sport here. I would recommend staying at a riads, which are traditional Moroccan mud-brick houses with an open courtyard. Fuel yourself at any of Djemma Al-Fenas open-air restaurants with a spread of meat and vegetable stews, and countless cups of sweet mint tea. Fascinating as much as Marrakech is, the experience I really wanted while in Morocco was to stay with a Berber tribe in the desert. Its a long, two-day drive from Marrakech to Merzouga, a village in the Sahara from where you can arrange stays with local nomad tribes. Riding a camel sounds like an exotic thing to do unless you realise how painful it is to do so for hours on end to reach the tribe camp while trying to reign in a camel hell-bent on biting other camels. The journey is totally worth it though, as you can spend a couple of days living in complete isolation, singing folks songs with the incredibly friendly Berbers, and eating goat stew with dates and

honey. And at night, you can huddle up at the entrance of your tent and see an astonishingly starry night sky away from all the light pollution of cities that spoils the beauty of such a scene. Whats Hot: The coastal town of Essaouira is a quaint little town where most of the shops are still located in an old-school walled city. And being a fishing village theres literally bucketloads of fresh seafood that you can eat. Restaurants bordering the marina compete tooth-and-nail against each other to lure in tourists and youre very likely to get more free fresh fish thrown into your meal than you can eat. Whats Not: Fake guides are a common scam that often spoil a tourists first impression of Morocco. If someone offers to guide you to your hotel or a landmark, chances are they are not doing it out of benevolence, but so that they can extort money from you for their services.

Features Editor: Ellis Taylor | Copy Editor: Tessa Morgan

The Stag |

13th February 2013



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The Stag |

13th February 2013

The Importance of Being Earnest

By Chris Dighton, Dance & Theatre Team

Dance & Theatre

aving heard about Theatre Socs ambitious performance of The Importance of Being Earnest, and knowing the talent of which the cast were capable of producing, I eagerly arrived at the Ivy Arts Centre to see what I knew would be worth the mere 5 that was being asked. Being greeted by ushers in character as we were led to our seats had me expecting something special, and with a sense of Christmas in the air, it was difficult not to get caught up in the atmosphere that was created. The playful and witty nature that Jamie Seal brought to the character of Algernon Moncrieff, and how George Pearce reacted to him as John Worthing, was a delight to watch. These two versatile actors displayed an onstage relationship that was both naturalistic and farcical, portraying, what I can imagine, Oscar Wilde would have wanted. Jess Smith, playing Lady Bracknell, delivered cutting retorts time and again to Pearce; I admire both their ability to resist corpsing (laughing on stage) and the abashed delivery of the renowned line A handbag?!, effectively pausing for emphasis, was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Abigail Oscrofts Gwendolen Fairfax and
Katherine Pacey

Harriet Gorringes Cecily Cardew played off each other well, and the confusion of them both being amorously attached to an Earnest caused much humour. Tom Thirkell should be applauded for the way he brought a dry comic sense to his characters, Merriman and Lane. With some ad-libbing due to a minor set malfunction, alongside Algernon and Mr Worthing, his puzzled expressions just added to the show; each actor remained in character which led me to believe that the problem was in fact a part of the performance itself. Alek Owens-Thurston provided the Reverend Canon Chasuble; the acting displayed by the only student not taking theatre studies was stalwart in his ability to provide some relief from the turmoil of confusion, and connections with the scatty Miss Prism (Emma Carey) added another direction to the performance. As if I could imagine there was any further capacity for humour, I was once again proven wrong. As the Ivy Arts Centre is not conducive to easy scene changes, we were led out the room for each scene change. The set design and costumes lent themselves to creating the late Victorian era effectively and the society did well in sourcing these. Director Annie Callahan and assistant director, Rachel Pipe, have a lot to be proud about. The directing seemed a little loose at times, however the characterisation and casting for each role was, in my opinion, spot on. The cast and crew produced something fantastic and I truly urge more students to venture into theatre productions. The Theatre Society has a pantomime upcoming and I expect many great things to come from them this year.

By Tiffany Stoneman, Dance & Theatre Editor

n a world premiere performance at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Alan Ayckbourn brings us Surprises a tale of love stories, the many twists and turns of life, and the ever changing relationships we encounter, but with one major difference: its in the future. Set in the far and distant future, in a world of time travel, android security men and virtual dating worlds. The stage design by Michael Holt immediately makes you realise that youre watching something rather

Robert Day

out of the ordinary; bedroom walls in square panels showing just a few dashes of colour, transparent plastic chairs and tables indicative of the pseudo-future of sci-fi and numerous LED lights spark red, green and blue at appropriate moments. All these elements, though not necessarily entirely unused before, created a believable setting for Ayckbourns play, and Holt was able to engage with future technologies without seeming too far-fetched or wistful. A fairly small cast enabled a somewhat complex storyline to run across three hours (with two intervals) without the complications of too many people to organise - although recorded messages by the same actors did become rather distracting every now and then. Bill Champion played Franklin with honesty and integrity, a very real father and sympathetic despite his rather sneaky way of preventing his daughters marriage. Something I would criticise was the age-confusion; despite declaring nowadays, people live to 180! having actors play 70-year olds whilst not looking over 40 (I know, I flatter!) was rather frustrating, as was Ayesha Antoine portraying a 16-year old Grace. Though these things cannot always be avoided, it can prove rather odd to watch. However, Richard Stacey completely stole the show for me.

Initially on stage as the time travel bubble operator, he came into his own after the first interval as the android, Jan, the robotic security and maintenance man on the 60th floor of lawyers offices. He showed such brilliant characterisation of what was essentially a non-human part (part C-3PO, part Pinocchio). As Ayckbourn himself said in an interview with Simon Murgatroyd, robots are quite vulnerable, theyre like children, and Stacey was both eloquent and innocent with his jolting mannerisms and quirky speech patterns. Closely following Stacey in my books as the best on stage was Laura Doddington, the brilliant PA Sylvia. With great restraint, her bubbling energy seeped out as the efficient yet hurting assistant, longing for something more but uncomplainingly stuck where she is. Shifting 50 years, after the second interval, she had sunk into resignation, still with a tired smile on her face. Although the layered dialogue was occasionally more of a distraction than an effect, Surprises reminds us of the longevity of love, the trials and sacrifices one makes, and the suggestion that, at the end of the day - whether its 2013 or 2063 - people are still people. Ayckbourns telling insight into human affection leaves you sighing with both sadness and nostalgia for things yet to be.

Watch This Space: Arts At Surrey

Want a cultured, memorable, unusual Valentines Date? Check out these upcoming shows in and around campus for something a little different.
What: Romeo and Juliet Where: Ivy Arts Centre Studio 2 When: 13th-15th February Cost: 9 (10 full) Adapted for a schools audience, Shakespeares play of love and violence is reimagined What: Birdsong Where: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre When: 25th February - 2nd March Cost: from 15 Sebastian Faulks novel of courage and sacrifice is brought to life on stage

Bits O The Bard

I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano; A stage where every man must play a part, And mine is a sad one. - Antonio, Merchant of Venice, Act1 Scene1

Katherine Pacey


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Film Men in Black 3 I Give It a Year

By Candice Ritchie, Film Editor By Candice Ritchie, Film Editor

ack in issue 46 last year, Stag readers may recall that I wrote an article about my concern for Will Smith, and his sudden disappearance from the big screen. Away for three and a half years (his last hit film being Seven Pounds), it was the longest period he has spent away from film since starting his career in 1993. So what better way to return to the acting scene than in his most renowned film series? Nothing says back-with-a-bang than a third instalment to the Men in Black films. Number three has everything that the previous MIB films had the two men in black, alien invasions and the fight to save earth but this time theyre going back to the 1960s. Agent J (Will Smith) and Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) are going about their usual extra-terrestrialbusting activities, when Boris the Animal (Jemaine Clement) breaks free from a moon-based maximum security prison. Coming to Earth, Boris is out to seek revenge on the man who placed him there, Agent K. When Agent J returns to the MIB headquarters to find Agent K missing, he is told that K died in 1969, fighting to protect Earth from a Boglodyte invasion. We then find out that Boris has altered the time line and ventured back to 1969 in an attempt to kill K before the agent arrests him. Of course, J must now do the same a day earlier. I must admit, I am not an avid science-fiction fan, but the comedy elements of the Men in Black series seem

to make the films appeal to me. While director Barry Sonnenfeld admits that the second addition was overly concerned about comedy and not concerned enough about story, character, and emotion, the third seemed to contain the perfect balance. It was witty a trait that even films in the comedy genre fail to adopt at times. One-liners seemed to crop up at the most unexpected times. Agent Ks confusion when J tells him that they are business partners is a particular favourite. Michael Chernus is also hilarious as Jeffrey Price, the time machine inventor, who tells J that they have to get high before he can be sent back in time. Of course, J takes this as Jeffrey fooling around - then we cut to the

two standing at the top of the Chrysler building! Famous for appearances in the recent True Grit and 2007s American Gangster, Josh Brolin is new to the MIB series. Undoubtedly, we needed a new actor for K in order for the film to be set in the past - at first, a sad thought - but Brolin plays the role of young Agent K perfectly. I failed to notice him in his previous work, and to my knowledge so did many others, so Men in Black 3 may indeed be his big break. Luckily Tommy Lee Jones still appears at both the start and end of the film - or we may have forgotten him! Without a doubt, the third instalment is the best Men in Black film yet minus Nicole Scherzingers cameo appearance.

ot one to pass up on a freebie, I was very excited at the prospect of grabbing free cinema tickets, particularly as they were for a film which hadnt been released yet; despite hitting cinemas officially on February 8th, I went to see an exclusive showing of I Give It a Year on January 29th and yes, I did feel superior. I couldnt help but feel a sense of apprehension, however, given that the tickets were free was this film going to be worth watching? The answer is yes and I would pay to go and see it again. Produced by Working Title Films - the makers of Love Actually and Bridget Jones - we would expect the film to portray a classic rom-com love-story, beginning at heartbreak and ending with a fairytale. I Give It a Year does the exact opposite. Not a surprise, considering Dan Mazer (creator of characters such as Ali G and Borat) is the films Director and Writer. Taking all these incredibly familiar stereotypes and reversing them, Mazer creates a romantic comedy about people splitting up. The film begins where most rom-coms end when the couple commit to marriage before detailing the ensuing end of their relationship, as opposed to the conventional start of the rest of their lives together. Mazers exclusivity is exactly why I Give It a Year is comedy genius. With references to celebrity icons (Id ruin Bieber), bouts of random immaturity (Come and watch this video of a monkey f***ing a bullfrog) and inappropriate guilty-pleasures (Shes good with kids so was Michael Jackson), the film is

overflowing with one-liners. My favourite being Josh (Rafe Spall) enacting the world queef on his grandmother-in-law during a game of Charades - Ill let you look up the definition. At near enough every minute of the films ninety-seven, you are laughing it would be impossible for me to list them all. Stephen Merchant, who plays Joshs best-man, definitely stood-out comedy wise. I had never really taken much notice of him until An Idiot Abroad, and even then, he is often shadowed by co-partner Ricky Gervais. Opening the film with his best man speech, Merchant creates hilarity that sets the scene for the entire movie, for we instantly know that this is going to be laugh-out-loud funny. Detailing the to-do list that comes with the best-man role, he exclaims that he needs to have sex with the bridesmaids! Of course, then we cut to two young girls, no more than five years old. It is also refreshing to see Rose Byrne take on the lead female role as Nat, after her lesser roles in Bridesmaids and Get Him to the Greek. She is no doubt fitted for comedy, and this time she gets a chance to shine. There are also appearances from Anna Faris (the Scary Movie series) and Simon Baker (The Mentalist) who star as Joshs ex and Nats new client the temptations who steer the two to eventual break-up. Many films highlight funniest movie quotes ten-fold on their advertisements in order to entice viewers, and many disappoint. I Give It a Year truly lives up to expectations, and all of the quotes surrounding the film have my seal of approval. It is definitely the funniest film Ive seen in a long time.

Whether you prefer Cannes, Hollywood or just your local Odeon, we are looking for you! Get involved and become part of The Stag, just by reviewing releases new, old or obscure. Get in touch through

Interested in films?

Film Editor: Candice Ritchie | Copy Editor: Sophie Vickery

The Stag |

13th February 2013

By Ankur Banerjee, Film Team



Tarantinos Django Unchained stuns


By Becky Richmond, Marketing Editor

wonderful job at creating tension, it was a little spoilt by knowing that the bill would obviously go through, as we all know, slaves dont exist in America now. But, despite the somewhat dragging storyline, Daniel Day Lewis strange old man voice and the confusion in the characters, it was

1:14 is an indie thriller from director Greg Marcks starring an ensemble cast of quite a few Hollywood heavyweights - Henry Thomas, Patrick Swayze, Hilary Swank - as a well as a few lesser-known actors such as Rachel Leigh Cook and Blake Heron. It is a film of the intertwined storyline kind la Crash and Babel, but in a tighter timeframe. It follows the characters of our ensemble cast during one night in a small American town, where a series of events unfold; many get hit by a car, another dies while having sex in a graveyard, theres a fake robbery with real shootings at a convenience store, someones dick gets chopped off and a girl tries to extort money under the pretence of getting an abortion. Unbeknown to the characters, their destinies are all inter-linked with each other, and the beauty of this films screenwriting is how the stories all converge at a single moment in time 11:14pm. The soundtrack, by Clint Mansell (one of my favourite film composers), adds its own spice to the proceedings. 11:14 is a thrilling film with touches of dark humour and brilliant execution.

By Becky Richmond, Marketing Editor

mazing. But what else would you expect from a Quentin Tarantino film? Yes, its incredibly long, like most Tarantino films, but at no point during it was I bored or wished it was shorter. Jamie Foxx was an amazing Django, Christoph Waltz gave a surprisingly touching performance and Kerry Washington was beautiful. Although Christoph Waltz received the golden globe for best supporting actor in Django, I felt Leonardo DiCaprio gave a better performance. Recent interviews revealed that during filming DiCaprio accidently smashed his hand on a glass and cut his hand open, but despite bleeding furiously, DiCaprio never once broke character. It definitely adds to the effect knowing that this scene was unscripted;

it astounds me why he didnt get the golden globe! Despite being a film about slavery, and its heavy inclusion of gruesome violence, it was still hilarious and sweet in places. Tarantino does a well positioned cameo as well (which I always love); it gives the film a personal touch and shows that the director really cares about their film. Tarantino has, as with all his films, been under scrutiny because of the high level of violence in his films, and Django is no exception; but it only adds to the Western film genre that Django awkwardly fits in to. Django is like a really, really good, bad Western, as strange as that sounds. I dont like to throw around the genius card but this film is damn close! Definitely worth a watch and most definitely worth the Oscar nod.

he Emancipation of Slaves in 1865 is something that has always fascinated me, as well as historical films in general. But, I have to be brutally honest; I was spectacularly underwhelmed by Lincoln. Daniel Day Lewis portrayal of Abraham Lincoln was frustrating, he played it very well but there was just something about his voice; he put on a strange, stereotypical old man voice. Sally Field was wonderful, as she always is, despite the fact shes starting to look her age. I found it hard to differentiate between Democrats and Republicans which made following the plot of procuring votes a little hard, and everyone looked the same; long curly hair and a beard. It was only easy to know who Tommy Lee Jones, Daniel Day Lewis and Sally Field were. I lost interest very quickly and although Steven Spielberg did a

still spectacularly shot, well acted and like I said, tension was created despite the ending being somewhat spoilt by the knowledge of history. Although it wasnt quite my cup of tea, Im glad I watched it, so go and give it a watch. Hopefully youll enjoy it a little more than I did.


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Hilary Mantel, the first female to win the Man Booker Prize
By Samantha Goodburn, Literature Team

ilary Mantel is an astonishing woman, and an astonishing writer. Throughout her long career as a novelist, short story writer, essayist and critic, she has received constant awards for over two decades; including a CBE in 2006. However, in 2012 she achieved something that no other female writer has done before; she became the first woman in history to receive the Man Booker Prize twice. Hilary Mantel, originally named Hilary Thompson, was born in Derbyshire in 1952 and took her step-fathers surname after her parents separated when she was eleven. Having a keen interest in her family background and ancestry from a young age, it is clear to see that this was a great influence on her writing; present in her novels such as Giving Up the Ghost and A Place of Greater Safety. Wolf Hall, the winning novel of the Man Booker Prize in 2009, links in with Mantels interest in ancestry as the fictionalised biography depicts the rapid rise to power of

Thomas Cromwell in the court of Henry VIII through the death of Sir Thomas More. The novel is especially engaging as it illustrates how Cromwell managed to rise from a working-class family of no name, to the most powerful of Henrys ministers, overseeing Henrys divorce from Catherine of Aragon, marriage to Anne Boleyn and Englands break from Rome. The awarding of The Man Booker Prize for Fiction; an annual literary prize, gave Mantel the international renown and success she deserved, and to have won again for the sequel of her first winner, was ground-breaking. Her latest book, Bring Up the Bodies, is the second instalment of the Thomas Cromwell Trilogy, won the 2012 Man Booker Prize in October. During the ceremony, she voiced the differing opinions regarding her nomination and those who were against her winning the award for a second time. Many believed that instead, the award and recognition should be given to a less celebrated author. Yet Mantel was defiant; stating that she will not...apologise for winning the award twice, and thanked

the judges for not letting anyone else tell them how to do to their jobs. The winning novel, Bring Up the Bodies depicts Thomas Cromwells life after the king has broken with Rome to marry Anne Boleyn. Mantel states that the third and final instalment of the trilogy, named The Mirror And The Light, will follow Cromwells

rise to the top of the tree then well see his very sudden fall. Having had an immensely successful 2012 through the publishing of Bring Up The Bodies, and winning four prominent awards including the most recent Costa award, we look forward to seeing what Mantel will bring to 2013.

The Goldsmith Prize to Time to learn the Nadsat lingo commend authors for innovative novels A
By Shiri Shah, Literature Team By Emily Smart, Literature Editor

he Guardian has recently stated that there can never be too many literary prizes and with the addition of The Goldsmith Prize, this may be correct. Goldsmith College in London has recently launched a new literary prize worth 10,000, which is supported by the New Statesman. It will be given to a book which opens up new possibilities of the novel form says the creators. To a novel which genuinely... embodies the spirit of invention that characterizes the genre at its best. This new fiction prize, which is limited to UK and Irish authors, has been created to celebrate those texts that depict a surprising and innovative genre. It will be judged by novelist Nicola Barker, critic Gabriel Josipovici, cultural editor

of the New Statesman Jonathon Derbyshire and Tim Parnell, Head of Goldsmiths literature department. These four judges will look for authors that break the mould and take a risk. Previous books that would have been award the prize include Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange, James Joyces Ulysses and Julian Barnes Flauberts Parrot. Derbyshire states that the New Statesman is delighted to be supporting the prize and are especially pleased to be entering into a partnership with Goldsmiths. Look out for the shortlist which will be announced in October 2012, with the winner chosen in November. For more information visit:

ppy-Polly logies for all the cheeka I am about to creech at you, my dear brothers, as it is not conventional to write about set texts. However, A Clockwork Orange is one of the most popular cult film and book that we ever did viddy. Its enticing, Appy-polly loggies - apologies Bezoomny - crazy Cal - shit Cancer - cigarette To crast - to steal To creech - to scream Devotchka - girl Eemya - name To filly - to play Glaz, glazzy - eye Gorlo - throat Grahzny - dirty Groody - breast Horrorshow - good Hound-and-horny - common Jeezny - life Krovvy - blood To lubbilub - to kiss

its bezoomny; and part of that is because the protagonist thinks and speaks in Nadsat. Nadsat is influenced by the Russian-English slang which comes from the Russian suffix for teen. And, lets face it; its just a really cool book. So here are a few essential translations for all the weird words you may encounter on Alexs journey.

Twenty-to-one - gang violence Malchick - boy Ultra-violence - rape Malenky - little Nadsat - teen Veck - man, guy Veshch - thing Nagoy - naked Neezhnies - panties Nosh - knife To peet - to drink Pol - sex Pretty polly - money To prod - to produce Ptitsa - woman Pyahnitsa - drunk Rozz - policeman Sarky - sarcastic Shaika - gang To smeck - laugh A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Sneety - dream Burgess To spat with - to have sex with

So we have the lingo down to a T, now, and we are all set to get a better insight into the weird world of this fifteen year old malchick. Be sure to look into this classic; its real horrorshow.

gewinnt zweite

Lit Editor: Emily Smart | Copy Editor: Sophie Vickery

The Stag |

13th February 2013



The Upgrade: A Cautionary Tale of a Life Without Reservations

By Ankur Banerjee, Literature Team

aul Carr was a f***up. He left a career as a journalist at The Guardian to start his own multimillion dollar publishing company, abandoned it to launch a web startup under the delusion of becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg, got arrested and failed in many relationships because of an alcohol problem. With mounting bills and his life going off the rails, Carr started a journey that has made him a legend in tech journalism. The Upgrade: A Cautionary Tale of Life Without Reservations is Paul Carrs story of how he realised that it would be cheaper for him to live exclusively in hotels for a whole year, compared to renting a place in London at 1100 a month. He makes a sane argument; living in a hotel comes with all bills included, no council taxes, an easy choice to shift residence whenever you feel like, and significant discounts when staying at a hotel for months. He provides an insider look into the hotel industry as his parents were both career hoteliers, and he spent much of his childhood living in hotels. Thus begins a wild ride with Carr living in hotels with personal butlers, countless sexual encounters, train journeys across America, hanging out with Icelandic rockers, getting chased by Spanish drug dealers, blagging his way into the launch party of the Hollywood film 21 and then summarily proceeding to insult Kate Bosworth by assuming she was a

cocktail waitress and calling Clive Owens films shit in front of him, attending a party of hairdressers dressed only in bedsheets (claiming that he was the proprietor of British Hairways), thousand-mile booty calls, going on a press junket to Bognor Regis with chavs dressed as Tinkerbellits all very Hunter S. Thompson, minus the drug-fuelled hallucinations. His lifestyle as a global nomad living wherever he can snap up the cheapest hotels affords him opportunities for such outrageous stories. However, drunken stories are not what makes this novel stand out. It is Carrs narrative style which is incredibly funny as well as outrageously frank. He also propounds a philosophy of only owning as much possessions as one can fit into a single bag something that I was so enamoured by that I have adopted it in my own life. What makes his book truly stand out is that its part travelogue; part personal journey of epiphany and self-discovery. He is able to transform himself throughout the book from an arrogant self-centred man who does not care about his friends to a reformed individual who realises what things are truly important in life. As someone with his own behavioural issues, I found Paul Carrs story to be deeply inspiring to get my own life in order. And if you do enjoy The Upgrade, I recommend his first book Bringing Nothing To The Party: The True Confessions of a New Media Whore too. Its a fascinating look into the London journalism circle, publishing companies, and tech startups.

Emily Smart asks what is your bookworm problem?

very avid reader knows that with a love of books comes some sort of consequence. Many have neglected precious sleep to finish the latest instalment of the Harry Potter series, or gained a book shaped tan line from spending too long reading in the holiday sun. I, myself have been prone to multitasking while reading; so I cook and walk with a book in hand, and often find myself sleeping while pretending to read. Lets admit it; we have all been there, using the Complete Works of Shakespeare as a rather uncomfortable pillow. However, as common as this may sound, this behaviour can even be classed as addictive. Although explicit concern with reading addiction was acknowledged more in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, it can still be considered as a problem today. Sleep deprivation and anxiety can be caused due to this obsession, which in turn can result into greater and more serious problems. This obsession has been labelled as a bibliophilia. A bibliophile is someone who loves to read, admires and collects books, often boasting a specialised collection. Julian Barnes, author of the Man Booker award winning novel The Sense of an Ending, would consider himself a bibliophile. He states that he has lived in books, for books, by and with books and has also been fortunate to live from books. Is there really a problem with this sort of addiction though? It enhances peoples interests, excites their imaginations and creates new worlds for book worms to explore. Although some people may find it difficult to read from second hand books or demand dead silence, while others need to be surrounded by the warm and bubbly surroundings of a bath; everyone has their own bookworm problems which make them who they are. When researching for this article, I questioned members of The Stag about their book worm problems. I will leave you with the image that one anonymous member admitted to getting so involved with the plot of a book, that they tend to lose control of their facial muscles and end up dribbling on the pages. Lets hope that you do not end up reading from the same library books as her! If you have a unique bookworm problem that you wish to share, send The Stag a tweet to @thestagsurrey and use the hashtag #bookwormproblems

Valentines Day in the literary world

By Sophie Vickery, Literature Team

nfortunately, Valentines Day is a disappointment for many lonely hearts and is often met reluctantly by those in happy relationships. It brings such hype and pressurises both relationships and bank accounts as restaurants hike up their prices while partners expect a day of head-over-heels slushiness. However, while the 14th may be just like any other day for us, it is far from boring for our fictional favourites. There is no doubt that Edward Cullen will have a romantic adventure planned; perhaps he will carry Bella across the treetops to a far away land where they will dine on a snowy mountain. Meanwhile, Gatsby will host a party on the evening of the 14th in the hope of drawing Daisy across the bay. And in true roaring twenties fashion theyll swing the night away with a martini in hand. Across the pond, Romeo delivers a heartfelt sonnet to Juliet-lets hope they can avoid tragedy tonight! Even our childhood favourites will be wrapped up in love; Mr and Mrs Twit share a candle-lit dinner of worms, while Postman Pat delivers a very special card of roses and verse to his love Sarah. And perhaps even the tiger who came to tea can suddenly be perceived with a romantic twist. And of course, Harry can simply flick his wand and conjure up a show of soaring hippogriffs and ferocious dragons to impress Ginny.

So, as you sit there and ponder what you will do for Valentines Day at least we know the literary world will be thriving in affection, desire and love.

The Stags own Twitter fiction

In the last issue, Emily Smart wrote a mysterious addition to the Twitter story. Here is a reminder I nearly lost it all that night. He was so close to finding out what I had done. I cannot be deceived though. I am far too clever for that... Becky Richmond, Deputy Editor of Marketing will now continue the story...

... Or am I? I dont know. Ive never known. Im

Romeo delivers a heartfelt sonnet to Juliet-lets hope they can avoid tragedy tonight!

very off topic! I dont know if Im chasing something or running. Ive somehow deceived myself ...

Music Editor: Becky Worley | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

13th February 2013



The Stag Interviews:


DJ Danny Howard
By Becky Worley, Music Editor

op DJ Danny Howard, who features on Radio 1 with his show Radio 1 Dance Anthems with Danny Howard on Saturdays from 4pm - 7pm is playing our very own students union on the 15th of February. He took some time out from his busy tour schedule to talk to us here at The Stag. The Stag: Hey Danny, congratulations on the release of your new single! Thank you for taking the time to talk to The Stag! Danny Howard: No problem, Thanks for having me. TS: How would you describe your style to those who havent heard your new single Apex? DH: Well my style is very much big room/main-room house but I really like to mix it up across the sub genres of house. As a music lover, my boundaries are quite broad in terms of what I play and this also helps keep my DJ sets fresh & interesting. TS: What can we expect from your future single releases? DH: Future single releases will definitely be along the lines of Apex. Big melodic breakdowns accompanied with hard hitting, progressive, electro dropsperfect for the main room!

of a lift in terms of it being fit for a festival! I added an electro drop instead of the more bass like sound of the original, complete with big old skool sounding synth chords in the breakdown to give it that massive feel. TS: Youre touring soon, with the University of Surrey as one of your venues. How do you find performing at Universities? DH: I love performing at unis and students are my favourite type of crowd for many reasons! One being its always a crazy party and good atmosphere, students know how to party hard! Another reason being, anything goes musically. I really like to get stuck in and mash things up across the genres. TS: What is your favourite part about performing live? DH: My favourite part of performing live is the reaction of the crowd when you drop that one tune that literally raises the roof! Its all about timing TS: What has been your favourite venue to date and why? DH: My favourite venue has to be Ushuaia in Ibiza. I played there when I won the Radio 1 competition and I was lucky enough to play there again last year too! It is the place to be at the moment with an all-star line up every night of the week throughout the season! TS: What was it like doing the warm up for the legend that is Fatboy Slim? DH: When I look back at that night, it doesnt seem real! Fatboy slim is a pioneer and legend in dance music so to have the honour of playing on the same line up for his tour was incredible. Not just that, the fact it was in my home town made it even more specialIt was also a bit weird seeing my mum at the front!

TS: What was it like working with Examples new track to create your own spin on it? How would you describe your remix of it? DH: First of all it was incredible to have the opportunity to remix an artist who is so hot in both the dance world & the pop world! Example has become an A-List club & Festival headliner all over the planet and Im a big fan of his stuff so for this particular track, I wanted to stay true to the original but at the same time, give it more

TS: As an established DJ, Ministry of Sound asked you to compile their Clubbers Guide to 2013. How did you feel when you were asked? DH: It felt like Id accomplished a lifetime goal! To be honest, its something that you never expect to do. Id watched the TV adverts for Ministry Of Sound albums since I was kid so the thought of having an advert with one that Id mixed is crazy. I cant wait for it to come out though! TS: How has working on Radio One honed your DJ-ing skills? DH: Well I think what ever you do in life, you should always want to improve your skills otherwise whats the point right?! Im always learning and wanting to get better. TS: Why do you think dance music is such a popular genre in

the UK? DH: Im not entirely sure but I think because dance music is covered by so many different sounds and genres that it appeals to a wider market. Not just that, dance music generally has a feel good vibe that is addictive so I guess thats why so many people love it. Contrary to what the Americans might believe, its also been around in the UK for decades! TS: Who are your favourite artists around at the moment? How do they inspire your work? DH: My favourite new artists are the new breed coming through such as Porter Robinson, Zedd & Madeon. To achieve what they have at such a young age is incredible and so important for the evolution of dance music worldwide. TS: We here at Surrey look

forward to your appearance on the 15th of February at Rubix. Good luck and enjoy your tour! DH: Thanks and see you then!

For more info on Danny, check out his website at:

Music Editor: Becky Worley | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

13th February 2013



Justin Timberlake:
Comeback of 2013?

Warpaint Biffy Clyro - Opposites

By Becky Worley, Music Editor iffy Clyro are arguably one of the greatest modern rock bands of the moment. Their songs are intense and full of energy, which is only amplified when they perform live. The new album Opposites which was released on the twenty-eighth of January, is their stamp on 2013. Its full of catchy guitar riffs, thrashing guitars and lyrics to sing out loud; it gets me dancing around like a prat who thinks they look cool for a few moment of giddy pleasure. The first track to open the two-disc album, Different People, is a very atmospheric introduction, moving into Black Chandelier, their already popular single with plenty of bass, loud guitars and clever lyrics. Its one of those songs that you can never turn up loud enough. However, they show another dimension to their music with the slow and lulling Opposite, showcasing Simons lilting, accented singing voice. The first disc closes on the slowed down sleepy song The Thaw with quieter guitars and a simple drum beat, which then builds to a dramatic crescendo to go out on a bang. Disc two starts with the single Stingin Belle which is my favourite song from both of the discs. It mixes military drum beats, bagpipes, heavy guitars, catchy riffs and husky but passionate vocals. For want of a better word, its a big track. It fills a room and builds and builds to an excitable peak of harmonious noise. Compare this to the song Accident Without Emergency with its emotive lyrics and slower tempo, it seems that Biffy Clyro have a talent to move from emotion to emotion with ease, creating a complex album containing very different songs, without losing any of their signature style. In my eyes, they exude a British, grungy cool to set them apart from other bands at the moment. They do rock without screaming the lyrics or becoming cheesy pop, theyre fun and lively and spilling over with talent. Plus I fancy them a bit.

Why I love... I love... Why

By Thea Spalding, Music Team

fter us all thinking that JT might really have disappeared into the acting realm for good, he announced earlier this month that he has decided to go back to his musical roots after a 6-year break from the industry. Since leaving his band *NSYNC in 2002, Timberlake became a musical genius and one of the most successful artists of our generation, with his two albums Justified and FutureSex/LoveSounds which both sold over 7 million copies worldwide. In 2010, Justin Timberlake decided he wanted to indulge himself in acting, and featured in films including The Social Network, Bad Teacher and Friends with Benefits. Despite his admirable efforts, there was no doubt that

JTs talents belonged mainly in the world of music, and it would seem that he has finally decided to make a comeback and one with a bang. On January 10th Timberlake dramatically hinted at his return to music by posting a video online, which consisted of him walking into a studio whilst saying music means more to me than anybody Im ready. The suggestive video sent both the fans and the media into an excitable frenzy, brought to a climax when he revealed that he had been working quietly on a new album since June last year. On January 14th Justins comeback single titled Suit & Tie was released, giving the world a taste of whats to come. The song features rapper Jay Z and boasts an upbeat tempo and feel-good vibe alongside Justins infamous vocal range. Suit & Tie debuted in the UK

singles chart at number 3, spelling success for his new material. It has since been announced that Timberlake will solidify his comeback at the Grammy Awards on February 10th with what will be his first live performance in four years, and rumour has it that he will be doing so with his brand new single. His third album The 20/20 Experience is to be released in the UK on March 18th and its believed that Timberlake has worked alongside various artists on his new material, including longterm collaborator and producer Timbaland, and singers such as T.I and Beyonc. One things for sure, with this star-studded line up and JTs previous work, which can only be dubbed as phenomenal, our expectations are set sky high!


The Stag |

13th February 2013

an album in three parts

By Ankur Banerjee, Music Team

services, they decided to make their dbut by releasing their first album Eject (in three parts) exclusively on Spotify. Part of the charm is that they created an app within Spotify to replicate the visual interface of playing a mixtape. Creating a curated experience through specialised apps is something other artists have also tried - Def Jam and David Guetta in particular come to mind - but CAZZETTEs take on what an album release should be in a world of streaming music is refreshing precisely because it is a natively digital experience. They borrow a lot of heritage from other contemporary EDM artists; they were signed on by the same company who manage Avicii and released an official remix track for Swedish House Mafia. Other borrowed touches are more subtle, such as the duo wearing cassette head masks during live shows much like deadmau5 wears a mouse mask. While I found the tracks on their Eject Pt II Weapon, Endorphine and I Surrender to be underwhelming for their similarity to current EDM fare, the first part of their album release with tracks such as Beam Me Up, Run For Cover and The Rat are all a delectable fusion of genres that has rightfully won them a nomination in this years Swedish Grammy Awards. Eject Pt III picks up the slack with its eminently danceable tracks such as Renegade and a bonus track titled Blood Theme - which I loved for its pop-culture reference, as its a remix of Daniel Lichts theme for the American TV show, Dexter. Overall, CAZZETTE has become one of my favourite contemporary artists in this genre for their brand image and innovative style.

Album Review: Hinder By Tanya Noronha

Welcome to the Freakshow

he music video for Beam Me Up begins with fake documentary-style commentary saying Nobody knew where they came from, they just appeared. Its an apt metaphor for the meteoric rise of Seb Furrer and Alex Bjrklund, the Swedish electronic dance music duo who form CAZZETTE. Beam Me Up has shot up Billboards Dance Mix chart at number 7 and has been rising in the past few weeks, making CAZZETTE one of the hottest new acts of 2012/2013 in this genre. Theyve dubbed their take on EDM as dub house; a combination of dubstep and house which is so infectious that it makes me want to spontaneously break into dance. Whats unique about CAZZETTEs career is that, unlike other bands who are running scared of music streaming

erhaps the most distinctive thing about American rock band Hinder is lead singer Austin Winklers mournful voice - tuneful, yet edged with that slight rasp that all good lead singers should have. Hinder are a versatile band, and in the past theyve been able to switch between power ballads and good, solid rock tunes and pull both off. This remains true for their new album, Welcome to the Freakshow. The record is a bargain in that it showcases both sides of the band well. There are tunes to mope to, tunes to lift you up, and some good classic riffs, all accentuated by Austins voice which gives Hinder their distinctive sound. In terms of standout tracks, Shouldve Known Better is a cold, dark February night kind of track. Its well-written and it seems like the kind of song Austins voice was geared to sing. It is, however, similar to previous Hinder power ballads such as Lips of an Angel and Whatcha Gonna Do, but that doesnt matter. Its soulful and not cheesy or whiny something which is difficult to find in power ballads

about love gone wrong. Also, it provides a contrast to catchy, fastpaced tracks such as Save Me, Welcome to the Freakshow and See You In Hell. Wanna Be Rich is another standout; a tongue in cheek commentary on America and how we just wanna be rich, just drown in our money. The only issue with an otherwise very listenable record is that Hinder do not push any boundaries or break any traditions with their offering, they just tick all the boxes theyve ticked before. They have produced some catchy songs and the album as a whole is one I am glad to own and listen to, but they do not try anything different. This may have paid off, in that theyve stuck to what they do best mixing the heartfelt with the sarcastic with the classic - or it may mean that they are playing it too safe. On the other hand, however, there is no track which inspires me to stop what Im doing, wince, and promptly change song. The album is well worth a listen, but Hinder are either saving the groundbreaking material for the future, or they just dont want to risk experimentation.

Have Maroon 5 sold out?

By Shiri Shah, Music Team

ell, not yet, but were all expecting it. Sunday Morning and She will be loved were catchy, emotional and we all loved them; they were mainstream but they became so in their own way. Now it seems that the generic pop beats have taken over Adam Levines soulful croon and desecrated the laid back instrumentals that everyone could jam to.

Although One More Night and Moves like Jagger are great songs and incredibly catchy, theyre not the same as Songs About Jane where the lyrics could make us get all soppy. The point is, theyre still good but theyre just not the same band we were introduced to in 2002. It feels like were waiting for them to split and release a really bad solo like Michelle Williams after Destinys Child.

Do you love music? If so, why not write for the Music section of The Stag. Email Becky at for more information

Music Editor: Becky Worley | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

13th February 2013



Album Review: Funeral Alternative pop: contradiction or For a Friend - Conduit innovation?
By Jason Hough, Music Team

By Michael Roke, Music Team

ith previous album Welcome Home Armageddon receiving critical acclaim, and the recent departure of drummer Ryan Richards hanging over their heads, it would have been understandable if the pressure had become a little hard to handle for Funeral for a Friend. However, the pressure seems to have been used in a positive manner as the band return with their sixth studio album Conduit; this time with former Rise to Remain drummer, Pat Lundy, behind the skins. Lundys addition to the line-up seems to have reinvigorated a band that have, arguably, struggled to find their genre defining sound that was somewhat lost in the over produced records that followed Casually Dressed and Deep in Conversation. Welcome Home Armageddon displayed glimpses of the raw musicality that was once endeared to fans of FFAF, but with Conduit they have nailed it. From the opening of first track, Spine, FFAF hit the ground running. The guitars sound heavier, broader and more defined than on any record before this and the drumming feels fresh and youthful. Matt Davis-Kreye orders the listener to Be strong enough to kill for what you love, possibly a sign that his love for the band only fuels his desire to keep it breathing. That said, Davis-Kreye has also taken on more responsibility within the band. Originally

sharing vocal duties with Ryan Richards (usually the screamer of the band), Davis-Kreye has been pushed to explore the depth and limitations of his voice. It gives the vocals a sense of fragility that, if pinned against the wall, would come out swinging. His voice displays a gruffness that, up until this time, has remained under wraps, but there is a sense of confidence in his newly found freedom to explore. Conduit is a raw yet accomplished album that has been cultivated and nurtured by the experiences of the band. Lundys arrival seems to have brought out a heavier side to FFAF that is aided by a back to basics approach from the band. Nevertheless, some things dont change. The hooks and catchy choruses that have adorned many FFAF songs remain. And, whilst the gentler moments are rare (Elements providing a little light relief whilst keeping within the heavy nature of the rest of the album) this is not a FFAF that are unrecognisable. The album finishes with High Castles and breakdown that sounds designed to open mosh pits at venues up and down the country. Funeral for a Friend may not be as big as they used to be, but by God they are back and as badass as ever!

he recent wave of solo female pop artists with so-called indie credibility have opened discussion on where the boundaries between mainstream and alternative music lay or if they need lie anywhere. Im referring to artists like Sky Ferreira, Charli XCX, and Grimes - although grouping them together is not to imply that theyre indistinguishable. Theyve been grouped together by music critics precisely because theyre unconventional theyre inspired by people like Britney and Mariah, but they also seek to subvert typical pop aesthetics and sounds, gaining attention from alternative music enthusiasts. Its become difficult to differentiate between top 40 and alternative. Bands like Haim, who the BBC recently hailed as the Sound of 2013, purport an indie aesthetic despite major label backing and money being thrown at them. Even Solange, Beyoncs sister, exemplifies these blurred boundaries. She has as many links to the mainstream realm as she does to indie circles her 2012 release from Chris Taylor of Grizzly Bears independent label was critically acclaimed. The label indie doesnt mean much, especially when what is supposedly individual becomes precisely what the mainstream desires. An alleged problem that comes with associating major-label backed artists like Sky Ferreira and Charli XCX to an independent act such as Grimes (according to critics such as Grimes tourmate Elite Gymnastics) is that youre equating acts that work with producers and songwriters with artists who write, produce, and perform everything themselves. But writing a song doesnt necessarily mean youre the best person to sing it. Some covers are better than the original, and some songs you hear and just think: lets face it, this would be

better sung by Beyonc. Perhaps the problem isnt artistic credibility, but money. Music is an industry, and major label artists drowning in money are better positioned to appropriate DIY underground trends (as has been accused of Charli and Sky) and profit by appearing unique, while indie label artists inspired by the mainstream arent praised for it - Grimes claims to lose followers every time she tweets about her love of Justin Biebers music. Its not only more difficult for an independent artist to find success without a team of publicists, but also to gain respectability when they flirt with the mainstream. Music critics generally remain unwilling to view mainstream pop and alternative music on equal levels of respectability. This isnt just because of money - its all part of a public mentality. People strive to create and listen to unique music despite the fact new bands and artists cant be described without referring to the fact they sound like something that has come before. Its about time both alternative pretension and mainstream assimilation are abandoned. Music should, as far as possible, be looked at unpretentiously and objectively. Does major-label backing lessen the quality of good music? Of course not. Does a DIY background enhance an artists credibility? Not necessarily. While it is respectable for an artist to produce something incredible independently if an album is poor, its poor. The musical directions that these alternative pop acts are exploring should really be enjoyed, not scrutinised. Its certainly more exciting to see popstars providing something experimental and fresh than for the mainstream to continue churning out singersongwriters like Ed Sheeran, Adele and Emeli Sande - who somehow derive most of their support from their supposed authenticity and credibility.


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Nepalese Society are bringin it this semester with a fantastic Inter-Uni Dance Competition


GU2: has got a lot going on!

By Sophie Smith

Nepalese Society members in their traditional attire.

Shalini Thondrayen
Societies Editor

s Surreys International Festival looms this coming March, the closing event on the 9th is already looking to put the icing on the cake. Awarded Best International Society of 2012, Surrey Universitys Nepalese Society and confirmed sponsors, So Asia, are holding their first ever S.U.N.S Inter-Uni Dance Competition. Following the great success of their annual Inter-Uni Basketball and Football competitions, this occasion is new and exciting for the Nepalese Society and is set to be a show stopping event oozing with talent. The Nepalese president, Neelam Gurung, says: This dance competition is a lot different to what we have ever done before. We have recognised from the past events organised over the years to have mainly attracted the male audience since its establishment

in 2009. However, this event is a great way to include females and get them equally involved in this competition. It has been established that the event will be held at University Main Hall and will see around ten other Nepalese Societies from Universities all around the country, bringing along the best of the bests, to compete for the first-prize reward: 500. The second and third place spots are to win 300 and 200, respectively, which is just as worthwhile to give it a go! If you feel like you can step up to the challenge; have the swagger to bust Hip-Hop freestyle dance moves or even dance to the traditional Nepalese Folk dance, then do the following: a) Form a crew of a minimum of 3/ maximum 10 people. b) Give yourself a cool name. c)Then get in contact with S.U.N.S: for a chance to audition and represent Surrey University.

There are four exceptional guest judges that will be on the panel. The Simon Cowell of the event that will hard to impress is the retired Lieutenant Lal Bdr. Gurung, who has been in the field of dance for over 30 years and now choreographs teen dances. There will also be Mrs. Sashi Magar, an eminent classical dancer, as well as Miss Parika Ale - a Chemical Engineering Student at the University of Surrey that was the runner up in Miss UK Nepal 2012. The last judge goes by the name of Sexi Shishi and his forte is break dancing and Hip Hop! The society has been working hard over the past few weeks to make this event spectacular. They are humbly grateful of the support from Surreys Students Union who is helping to make this a evening to remember. For those that would like to attend and watch the performances, the tickets are 5 for everyone (including members). Early-bird tickets will be sold from the Union Shop prior to the event

and can be also bought from the committee members found on the Facebook page. There will also be a few tickets available on the door of the event too. However, this is set to have a big turn out so get your tickets soon before youre disappointed! There will even be a live stream broadcasting the show online, in which you can watch the danceoff from the comfort of your own home. Get on to namasteeurope. com from 3pm to 7pm to catch your friends at Surrey University and other Universities battle it out. The society has a line-up of special guest performances as well. If you havent ever gone to an International Society event before then this will be a great opportunity to see a mixture of Nepalese culture meets Western, providing everything for all audiences. Get your tickets soon before you miss out!

ith a brand new semester ahead of us, GU2 is back in business, kicking off with Refreshers Fayre on Friday February 15th. As is the tradition, GU2 will be hosting the event, which takes place between 12pm and 4pm inside Rubix. As well as providing a fantastic soundtrack, well also be on stage with interviews and competitions. Then that night, join our DJs in the Living Room for a Valentines party and let GU2 show you the love from 10pm until the early hours. Entry is included with your Rubix ticket. The excitement doesnt stop there either; on Sunday 17th between 3pm and 5pm, GU2 will be hosting the SRA Chart Show! All the Student Radio Association stations take it in turns to broadcast across the UK and the 17th of February is Surreys turn. Discover some new artists with the unsigned top ten in the first hour, before the Flirt! countdown the most played songs on student radio. Then stay tuned for GU2s live Question Time commentary, as from the 17th 19th, from 7pm each night, well be bringing you all the action as this years sabb candidates face the spotlight. To find out how you can get involved with GU2, email Like us at: GU2Radio Follow us on twitter @ GU2Radio

24 Hour Play: The power is in YOUR hands

By Laurence Williams

fter the success of last years ambitious project, the 24 HOUR PLAY is coming back! In the space of 24 hours, a team of writers will be given a topic out of which they will have to write an entire play - no preparation allowed! After this, actors will come on in and begin rehearsing whilst props, costumes and set pieces are sourced. By which point we will then take the show to the Rubix stage to be performed! An amazing and exhilarating experience for all involved, this challenge pushes all those involved as writers, actors, producers and directors. The event will begin at 6pm on the 22nd February, to be performed the following

day. An online poll will be released soon where people can submit ideas and vote for which topic they would most like to see brought to stage. Thats right, YOU get to choose what crazy ideas you want MADSoc to put together and then come along at 6pm on Saturday the 23rd for the cheap-ass price of 2 - with 1 going to charity. Theres no reason not to come along and start your Saturday evening with a night of theatre put together by your own suggestions! If you have any interest in being involved as writer, actor or production member, then email us at ussu. to find out more! You can find out more information at our Facebook page. http://www.

Freedom of press crisis:

Banoffee Pudding


100g self-raising flour 100g butter, softened 100g soft light brown sugar 2 eggs

2 tbsp milk 1 banana mashed 100g chocolate drops

By Annabel Driscoll, PenSoc

1. Set oven to Gas Mark 5/190 Degrees Celsius. For pudding: sift flour into a bowl. Add butter, brown sugar, eggs and milk and beat until smooth. Fold in mashed banana and chocolate drops.

2. Divide mixture between pudding tins that have been buttered. Place these tins on the baking tray and place in the oven. 3. Bake for 20-25 minutes until puddings are just firm to touch. Remove and let them cool down.

4. This is optional: make a quick chocolate sauce by mixing 150 ml double cream, 50g butter, 125g soft light brown sugar and 2 tbsp. cocoa in a pan. 5. Place it over low heat till sugar dissolves. Then increase heat and bring sauce to boil till it reaches a coating consistency. 6. Drizzle over your delicious puddings and enjoy!!


Upcoming events for the Nigerian Society

By Katherine Akiotu

Let your hair down at our MADSoc Workshops!

By Laurence Williams

xams are over! And were back, stronger than ever before! Now its time forget all that you learned and let off some steam with the wonderful stress relief that are the MADSoc Workshops! Every Tuesday at 6.30pm in TB23 we have our Drama Workshops loaded with improv, scripted and technical games and training. Easy, light-hearted and a brilliant cap off to throw away those Tuesday blues. Every Sunday at 2pm in 35AC03 our Creative Writing workshops are held. In these relaxed, communal settings we sit down, have a drink and work over each others pieces whilst honing our own skills. With training to prepare for an upcoming Monologue-

Play and the MADSoc Variety Show in March, these laidback workshops bring a bit of spice to your boring Sunday afternoons. As ever, keep your eyes peeled for our 24 HOUR PLAY and the upcoming Shakespeare production, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Whats more is we have our musical, WITCHES OF EASTWICK, which, whilst already casted, we would be more than happy for anyone to get involved. The production is already looking phenomenal and is not something youll want to miss out on! If youre interested, come along to any of these workshops or hit us up at ussu.madsoc@ or find us at

ello again people!! Were back with some exciting news and fun events for the second semester! Quite a handful of events were held by the society last semester which were impossible to miss. The Christmas cook up was held at Battersea court reception towards the end of last year and there was quite a turn up; people ate to their satisfaction and the atmosphere proved to be very welcoming. The society expresses high gratitude to those that have supported us this far. We are pleased to know that we have full support from members and non-members inclusively. Since no event was tagged as unsuccessful, this shows our hard work is not in vain. I am pretty sure there has been word on the street concerning our next event. It is scheduled to take place this month (yay!) The theme is AFRICULTURAL NIGHT. Tickets are on sale now so lookout for our promo team or anyone from the society. This event comprises of a fashion show in Rubix and an after party at The Living Room. There will be a showcase of Nigerian attire, live performances and many more! Follow us on twitter (@NSS_Surrey); add us on Facebook (Nigerian Soc Surrey) or email ( to know more about the event. Stay tuned and dont dull!

ver the last few months, we have become able to observe a dangerous pattern forming in the condemning of Turkeys Government, not only of the press, but of individual citizens, for the crime of their free speech. Politically labelling itself as a democratic constitutional republic, we perhaps do not expect the extreme repressions of free speech and freedom of press that have recently been reported, which evoke the question, is Turkey reaching a point of crisis? In what seems like an act of dark irony, six members of the PEN Turkey group have actually been charged with insulting the state and were subsequently called in for questioning on the 10th January by the Istanbul Public Prosecutors Office. This alarming accusation symbolically attacks a worldwide organisation which solely represents the protection of free speech, encapturing the essence of this unfolding movement. PEN Turkeys President, Tarik Gunersel, Vice- President, Halil Ibrahim Ozcan, and Sabri Kuskonmaz, Tulin Dursun, Zeynep Oral and Mario Levi have all been condemned due to their disagreement with the continued prosecution of pianist Fazil Say. Unsurprisingly, the group further stated on their website that the international community has been put on alert in the face of fascist developments in Turkey. The members of PEN Turkey are sentenced in accordance with Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, which perhaps, here, requires analysis. The code has recently been amended in order to fit the European Union Standards, but in light of these reports it arguably still maintains its ambiguity and subjectivity when it states that it is a crime to insult turkishness. The general

emphasis of the code remains that a person who publicly denigrates the Government of the Republic of Turkey, the judicial institutions of the State, the military or security organizations shall be punishable by imprisonment of between six months and two years. The code is somewhat problematic, in the sense that it provides no room for limitations; the public denigration of the Government being a vague term that may be used to a spectrum of extents, such as these of late. The international CJP (Committee to Protect Journalists) states that, at the point of August 2012, 76 journalists were detained in prison, the vast majority of them being condemned in direct relation with their writing. Although the charges of the remaining few are ambiguous, CJP continues to investigate. This extraordinary number of media related arrests presents an example of extreme crackdown by the government on those that choose to criticise the current regime; Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is initating a rigorous campaign towards press censorship in particular. It would seem then, that at this point in time, Turkey exists as a place unsafe for journalists to express any views that may displease their current government. This thus moves away from democratic emphasis and more towards the treatment of the press and public which we see in totalitarian ideals.

Sport Editor: Anna Giles | Copy Editor: Emma Fleming

The Stag |

13th February 2013



A look back...
By Rohan Bansal, Sports Team

Sport Sports Personality of the Year

hat a year 2012 was for British sports, it was a year of achievements we most likely will never see again in this country. This was reflected in the BBC Sports Personality of the Year, there being at least four contenders who could have easily won the award in any other year. It was, however, the man who fittingly won the last race of 2012, Bradley Wiggins, who was crowned the winner. Pitted against a sensational cast list of athletes, the country adjudged that Britains first cycling double winner both the Tour de France and the Olympics, who deserved the coveted accolade. Of the 1.6 million votes cast over the phone, Wiggins alone took nearly half a million, a staggering 120,000 votes ahead of his nearest challenger. Wiggins received 492,064 votes, finishing well ahead of, runner-up Jessica Ennis, the heptathlon champion with 372,765 and third-placed Andy Murray, the tennis gold medallist and US Open champion who received 230,444. The occasion helped to remove the bad taste left at last years awards where no women were nominated, and the total number of votes cast was a meagre 341,959. Wiggins won the award comfortably, while the long distance runner Mo Farah who won an Olympic gold medal in both the 5,000m and 10,000m races amazingly did not even reach the top three, coming in at fourth place with 131,327 votes. When Wiggins heard that Farahs name had not been called he admitted he had feared he had not won, I thought oh God, Im not even in the top three. Remaining true to himself, Bradley Wiggins gave a commanding performance when being called onto the stage. His loose cannon appearance e Susan Barker feel increasingly uneasy. Even his wife Cath could be seen mouthing something along the lines of, Oh no as he went to take the mic. However, in his defence, he did tone it down even going on record to say Im not going to swear tonight before starting his speech. Footballer Fabrice Muamba also appeared on stage to thank the medical team who saved his life after his heart stopped functioning for a full 78 minutes. But probably the most moving part of the night was the presentation of the Helen Rollason Award, an award given for outstanding achievement in the face of adversary. This was won by volleyball Paralympian Martine Wright, who was horribly injured in one of the bombs that exploded in London in July 2005 and, seven years later, was representing her country in the London Paralympics.

The final vote count: Bradley Wiggins Jessica Ennis Andy Murray Mo Farah David Weir Ellie Simmonds Sir Chris Hoy Nicola Adams Ben Ainslie Rory McIlroy Kath Grainger Sarah Storey 492,064 372,765 230,444 131,327 114,633 102,894 42,961 35,560 35,373 29,729 28,626 10,342

Surrey Tennis

The essence of sport

By Sam Wallen Russell, Tennis Club VP

feel amazingly privileged to be studying at Surrey University with all the opportunities that it brings with it, not just academically, but just as importantly, recreationally. Having the huge variety of clubs, societies and groups being so easily accessible is something that I will only ever experience once! So, getting involved in these clubs, especially tennis, has been one of the defining factors of my time at Surrey University so far. A lot of the time in this country, education can be taken for granted but a key human trait is to question and to seek knowledge. Another in-built trait is the desire to help others, making it a natural human impulse that is there right from the start. So, as a tennis club we decided to do exactly that help and educate people at the same time through sport. Before

Christmas, we teamed up with our sponsors JooMo Face Wash and their partner SOS Africa, to run free tennis coaching in the community at the SSP, with all proceeds going towards funding the education of children in Africa (where they certainly dont take education for granted) and the day was filmed and broadcast on ITN Meridian News! Not only did we find we were helping the children in Africa by giving them the precious long term gift of education, rather than the very short term and, dare I say it, relatively useless aid, but the people we were coaching on the day were getting their first step towards understanding something that, in my view, is the best character builder: sport. Sport is an escape vehicle where you can release yourself from the shackles and routines of daily life and is a common language that can be spoken by everyone.

You might have heard the news recently about Lance Armstrongs massive doping regime throughout his career, bringing not just his sport into disrepute but showing sport in general in a bad light. For a hero and leader like this to have been cheating while vehemently denying all accusations, bullying people who spoke out and creating this completely fabricated image of the perfect sportsman has made people start to question what the reasons for doing sport actually are. And this is where Armstrong got it so, so wrong. It is not the act of winning that is the reason sport is played. Striving to win, doing everything within yourself to win and knowing that, at the end, you could not have done any more is the most important thing in sport. Sport is a character builder, not something that could destroy you at any moment. It brings people together, it doesnt tear lives apart.


The Stag |

13th February 2013

Oxford FCs misguided morals

By Tom Hagar, Sports Team

here is a good chance that the most controversial story of this January transfer window is one which will have gone unnoticed by many. On deadline day, League Two side Oxford United offered a contract to goalkeeper Ross McCormick (29), a goalkeeper who was jailed in October 2008 for causing a traffic collision which killed two young boys, Aaron Peak (10) and his brother Ben (8), whilst he was twice over the drink drive limit. McCormick was later released after serving half of his initial 7 year sentence. It is a move that will inevitably bring bad press upon Oxford, has the potential to unsettle the dressing room and

which forces every supporter of the club to make a moral decision is football really more important than a matter of life and death? McCormicks rehabilitation into football began when he trained with Oxfords fierce rivals Swindon Town whilst on day release in January 2012 before joining the squad on a trial basis in June of that year. This prompted angry reactions from the public and from the Peak family who told The Sun Swindon might be a family club, but now theyre hiring a man who has torn my family apart. The public backlash contributed to Swindon parting ways with the former Plymouth Argyle goalkeeper and he ended up playing at non-league Truro City before joining Oxford.

Oxford United has previous history with regards to supporting players with chequered pasts. Midfielder Adam Chapman (23) was sentenced to 30 months detention in June 2010 for causing death by dangerous driving and has since signed a new contract and continued to play for the club after serving his sentence. Chapman was already in the clubs employment and was not drunk but texting when his incident occurred, factors either worth considering or totally irrelevant depending on whom you ask about the situation. On both occasions the management of Oxford United have been quick to reiterate the significance of the jail sentences and the repentance felt by the

players. Chairman Ian Lenegan said of McCormick, he served his sentence and he knows what he did was wrong. I believe I speak for a large number or supporters when I say this will do little to make them feel less embarrassed about having a convicted killer between the posts. The whole episode also raises the wider issue of how ready we really are to accept allegedly reformed criminals back in to our communities, as well as questions over whether these players who are (rightly or wrongly) role models should be allowed back in to the public eye so easily. As a lifelong supporter (and often sufferer) of Oxford United I can honestly say I am not happy to have McCormick affiliated to

the club and I find myself in the unusual position of wanting the team to do well but not being able to applaud or support the goalkeeper. Perhaps this makes me a hypocrite as I rarely take in to consideration Chapmans past when watching the game, and I maintain I believe in a tolerant society where people deserve a second chance provided they are remorseful. Being a professional footballer does seem like a privileged position though, and although he cant imagine life without the game I think it would be right of McCormick to step away from the public image that being a footballer brings as a sign of respect to the family of the childrens lives he so irresponsibly ended.

Stop funding cuts

By Adam Lodowski, Sports Team


A brief introduction to

Aussie Rules Football

lison Reeve, General Manager of Surrey Heat basketball club is urging basketball fans across the county to sign an online petition to help challenge the decision not to allocate funding to British basketball for the next Olympic cycle to 2016. The Fund British Basketball petition and website is part of a nationwide grass roots campaign. If the petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the topic of basketball funding will be considered for debate in the House of Commons. UK basketball stars, Pops MensahBonsu and Drew Sullivan, alongside high profile figures such as NBA Commissioner, David Stern and Sir Clive Woodward are publicly backing the campaign. Alison Reeve comments, Basketball is certainly not benefiting from the legacy of The Olympics. It is the second most popular sport for 11-15 year olds in England and it makes no sense to cut basketballs funding. The allocation of funding raises questions about whether, as a nation, all we care about is medals. Should we allocate funding by guessing who might win medals in 4 or 8 years time or do we want to provide hope and a future for sports that are actually played by people of all ages across the country? According to Sport England, basketball participants include

By Dominic Melly, Surrey Stags

up to 42% ethnic minorities and it is the leading sport in getting children from black and minority ethnic backgrounds active. It is also the sport with the largest percentages from the most disadvantaged backgrounds. Alison Reeve concludes, We are lucky to have a premier league basketball club in Surrey and I see so many people of all ages across the county enjoying playing

or watching the game. I hope that Surrey residents will make their opinion count by signing the petition and supporting the Fund British Basketball campaign. To sign the petition and urge UK Sport to reconsider their decision, go to www.

ussie Rules is a strange sport that you might not have even heard of. It was invented around the same time as the FA and RFU forming to help cricketers down under to keep fit during the winter. It is a sport that combines the skills found in football, rugby, Gaelic football (its closest cousin) and athletics, and does so in a way that is unseen in most countries. It is the unusual nature of the sport that makes it so appealing in the United Kingdom right now, and indeed the rest of Europe. Teams are popping up everywhere, and there are over 2000 players in England alone. The UK has long been a stronghold for the sport outside of Australia, with 3 full 18 and 12-a-side leagues competing in London, and leagues in the North and South of England. This year sees the return of the AFL-AIS academy game to the Surrey Sports Park on the 6th April, where the top young prospects come from down under to play

against the best in Europe. The Surrey Stags have been competing in the Southern League for the last 2 seasons, and year on year have been improving their skills, in order to become fitter, faster and stronger, and have even produced 2 international players who have competed for England and Great Britain in tournaments in Belfast, Venice and Edinburgh. With the International Cup coming up next year in Australia, now is a great time to pick up the game, so come down to the Surrey Sports Park at midday on Saturday the 9th of March or get in touch by email and get a taste for something new that is only going to get bigger and better in Surrey. Contact us for any further information or if you would like to get involved in this unusual sport. Our contact details: /surreystagsafl

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