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A. Kinds Of Non-Verbal Communication

1. Gestures Gestures reffer to the spesific body movements that carry meaning. Hands can form shapes that convey many meaning. Thats exspensive,Come here,Go away and Its Okcan be expressed nonverbally using only hands. Facial expressions carry meaning determined by contect and reletionships. For instance, the smile, which is tipically an expression of pleasure, has many functions. A womans smile at a policeman who is about to give a ticket does not carry the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young child. A smile may show affection, convey politeness, or diguise tru feelings. Pain is conveyed by a grimace, which also signifies digust or disapproval. Surprise, shock, or disbelieve can be shown by raising the eyebrows. A wink given to a friend may mean you and I have a secretor Im just kidding. Between a man and a woman, a wink can be flirtatious our faces easily reveal emotions and attitudes.

2. Eye contact Eye contact is important in relationship because it serves to show intimacy, attention, and influence. As with facial expressions, there are no specific rules governing eye behavior except that it is considered rude to stare, especially at strangers. It is, however, common for two strangers to walk toward each other, make eye contact, smile, and perhaph even say hi. The stangers may immediately look away and forget that they have even had any contact. In a conversation, too little eye contact may be seen negatively because it conveys lack of interest, inattention, or even mistrust. The relationship between mistrust and lack of eye contact is stated dirrectly in the expression never trust a person who cant look you in the eyes. In madura, eye contact is less used in making conversation especially to the older one. For example, the student to the teacher, a son or a daughter to their parents, etc. eye contact is considered as impoliteness because it conveys equal position or level.

3. Space People often refer to their need for "personal space," which is also an important type of nonverbal communication. The amount of distance we need and the amount of space we perceive as belonging to us is influenced by a number of factors including social norms, situational factors, personality characteristics and level of familiarity. For americans, distance in social converation is is about an arms length to for feet. Less space in the american culture may be associated with greeter intimacy or aggressive behavior. The common practice of saying excuse me or pardon me for the slightest accidental touching of another person reveals an american attitude about personal space. Those when a person space is intruded upon by someone, he or she may feel threatenedand react divensively. In culture where close physical contact is acceptable and desirable. American may be perseived as cold and distance. For madura, space isnt determined and it is depends on intimacy and relationship. Sometimes there is no space among people who are standing in line, such as in taking ticket, in ATM, in public transportation, etc.

Source: Holidin. Cross Cultural Understanding. Malang; Umm Press, s.html Acced on september, 14th 2012, at 16:35. Magidan (80 years old) from Robatal Sampang.

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