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Lexan* Processing Guide

/resins/include/ /resins/include/ /resins/include/ Technical Research Processing Guides Lexan Processing Guide

With unmatched impact resistance, outstanding dimensional stability, crystal-clarity, LEXAN polycarbonate resin continues to be a polycarbonate leader. The product is an amorphous engineering thermoplastic that combines high levels of mechanical, optical, electrical and thermal properties. LEXAN resin provides designers with new opportunities for innovative, cost-effective products such as eyewear, compact discs, kitchen containers and business equipment.


Mold Design Specifics

Shrinkage Molds for Large Parts

Machine Selection Barrel Selection and Screw Design Considerations

General Drying Parameters TVI Drying Test

Molding Conditions
Molding Conditions Melt Temperature Mold Temperature Screw Speed Back Pressure Shot Size Ram Speed Injection Pressure Cushion Cycle Time Effect of Wall Thickness on Flow Length Mold Release Downtime Start-Up Purging Regrind

LEXAN polycarbonate is an amorphous engineering thermoplastic that combines high levels of mechanical, optical, electrical and thermal properties. This combination of physical properties makes it one of the toughest, most versatile of all engineering thermoplastics available. The unique family of LEXAN resins provides designers with new opportunities for innovative, cost-effective design and products offering a high degree of safety and durability in service. Available with a wide variety of additive options such as UV stabilizers and mold release agents, the LEXAN resin product family has been expanded to include FDA compliant, high flow grades, and glass reinforced grades. In addition, specialized grades have been developed to meet specific requirements for flame resistance, optical quality, wear resistance, and lubricity, as well as for health care and high-appeal packaging properties. Today, LEXAN resins are used in appliance, automotive, packaging, electrical and electronics industries.

The following pages contain additional information on mold design and/or processing specific to LEXAN resin. Additional information on these subjects is included in Chapter 1 (Mold Design) and Chapter 2 (Processing) of the GE Plastics Processing Guide.

The mold shrinkage of LEXAN resin is relatively predictable. For unreinforced resins, its in the range of 0.005 to 0.007 in./in. and because LEXAN resin is noncrystalline, shrinkage is virtually the same in the direction of flow as it is across flow (Table 7-1). While the relatively low, predictable and uniform shrinkage of LEXAN resin means easier molding of intricate parts having close tolerances the practice of specifying standard fractional and decimal tolerances, can be costly. Unnecessarily tight tolerances increase part inspection costs and may result in

secondary finishing of the part. To help avoid such problems, every critical dimension should show the nominal dimension plus acceptable high and low limits. By thus specifying functional tolerances, you can reduce part cost and the expense of mold construction (Table 7-2). When molding unreinforced LEXAN resin, you should typically specify minimum tolerances of 0.002 in./in. Tighter limits can often be achieved, but additional expense may be incurred.

Molds for Large Parts

Several guidelines should be considered in the design of molds for large LEXAN resin molded parts: 1. Interlocks must be strong enough to maintain core and cavity alignment during injection. 2. Water lines 5/8 inch (15.81 mm) in diameter on 4 inch (101.2 mm) centers should generally be placed with the outside diameter within 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) of the mold surface. 3. Part wall thickness on both sides of the core should be equal to help prevent unnecessary loads on mold interlocks. 4. Sprue bushing should typically be in the 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) diameter range. 5. For very large parts (like snowmobile shrouds) the cavity should be surrounded by 12 inches (303.6 mm) of steel. 6. To help prevent interruptions of material flow, gates should be brought into areas free of cored openings. 7. A general increase in wall thickness is usually more effective in increasing flow than the addition of narrow channels, which may produce sinks. 8. Large gates and runners are suggested to help prevent stresses caused by overpacking.

Machine Selection
LEXAN resins can be molded in most standard injection molding machines. Reciprocating screw machines are suggested. When determining the size of equipment to be used for molding a particular LEXAN resin part, total shot weight and total projected area are the two basic factors to be considered. Optimum results are generally obtained when the total shot weight (all cavities plus runners and sprues) is equal to 30 to 80% of the machine capacity. Very small shots in a large barrel machine may create unnecessarily long resin residence times which may lead to resin degradation. If it is necessary to mold at the high end of the temperature range, reduced residence time is usually required to reduce the possibility of material heat degradation. Therefore, for higher temperature molding requirements, it is suggested that the minimum shot size be greater than 60% of the machine capacity. Once the total projected area of the complete shot (all cavity and runner areas subjected to injection pressure) has been determined, 3 to 5 tons of clamp force should be provided for each square inch of projected area to reduce flashing of the part. Glass reinforced resins may require slightly higher clamp force (estimate one ton per square inch more). Wall thickness, flow length and molding conditions will determine the actual tonnage required (Figure 7-1).

Figure 7-1. Clamping Force for LEXAN Resins.

Barrel Selection and Screw Design Considerations

Conventional materials of construction for compatible screws and barrels are generally acceptable for processing LEXAN resins. The use of bimetallic barrels is suggested for better abrasion and corrosion resistance. Depending on screw diameter, a compression ratio of about 2:1 to 2.5:1 with a length to diameter ratio of 20:1 is preferred. A short feed zone (5 flights) and a long compression zone (11 flights) with a gradual constant taper leading to a short metering zone (4 flights) is also suggested. The compression should be accomplished over a gradual and constant taper since sharp transitions can result in excessive shear and material degradation. When specific screw selection is not possible, general purpose screws with length to diameter ratios from 16:1 through 24:1 and compression ratios from 1.5:1 to 3.0:1 have been used successfully. Vented barrels are not suggested for processing LEXAN resins.

General Drying Parameters

LEXAN resin will absorb a small amount of water from the atmosphere after compounding and prior to processing. The amount absorbed will depend on environmental conditions, and may vary from 0.10 to 0.18%, depending on the temperature and humidity of the storage area. Consistent drying of the resin to 0.02% can increase the ability to stabilize processing parameters. Consistent tight processing parameters should result in improved productivity by increasing part-to-part consistency and producing tougher parts. In order to reach the optimum performance of molded parts and to reduce the possibility of degradation, all grades of LEXAN resin must be dried before processing. Resins should be dried until the moisture level is less than 0.02%, typically 3 to 4 hours at 250F (121C) (other drying parameters may apply to specialty resins). Figure 7-2 shows a typical drying curve for LEXAN resin compounds.

Figure 7-2. Representative Drying Curves for Standard LEXAN Resin Grades. When using oven dryers, the resin should be spread in trays to a depth of approximately one inch. For large pellet size (regrind) or glass filled materials, the residence time should be increased to 4 to 6 hours. To avoid excessive heat history, it is suggested that the material be dried no longer than 48 hours. The hopper and any open areas of the feed mechanism should be covered to protect the dried pellets from room atmosphere. If a hopper dryer is not available, only a sufficient quantity of dried, heated LEXAN pellets should be removed from the oven and placed in the hopper at one time. The time of exposure to ambient atmosphere the dried resin can withstand before a potentially harmful amount of moisture is absorbed can range from 15 minutes to several hours depending on relative humidity. Where hopper dryers are available, oven drying can also be helpful to dry a quantity of resin for start-up. After start-up, a hopper of sufficient volume to maintain the resin for a 3 to 4 hour minimum at 250F (121C) is required. The hopper dryer should be preheated to the suggested drying temperature before the pellets are loaded in. Air entering the hopper should be at 250F (121C) and have a flow of 1.0 CFM for every pound per hour of use. Other drying parameters may apply to more recently developed LEXAN resin grades, either in their virgin state or as regrind.

Drying Speciality Resins

Prior to running new LEXAN resins, refer to datasheets or contact a GE representative to confirm that suggested processing procedures are known. Call (413) 448-5800 or click onto GEP Live to request technical information.

TVI Drying Test

GE Plastics has developed a simple, low-cost method to help determine whether moisture-sensitive thermoplastic pellets are dry and ready for processing.* This method entails heating a few pellets to their melting point and observing whether bubbles are present (indicating moisture in the resin), or absent (indicating a dry material). Called TVI (Tomasetti Volatile Indicator) after the GE application engineer who developed the technique, the test requires little in the way of equipment and calls for just six simple steps. Equipment needed consists of: A hot plate capable of maintaining a surface temperature of 600F (316C) Two 3 1 inch (75 25 mm) glass microscope slides Tweezers capable of handling 1/8 inch (3.16 mm) pellets

Conventional wooden tongue depressors *Note: This test is not applicable to glass-reinforced resins and some flame-retardant resins.

TVI Drying Test Procedure

Molding Conditions
As a general guideline, the standard grades of polycarbonate are molded at different temperatures the lower temperatures for the low viscosity resins and the highest temperatures for the high viscosity grades. Increased melt temperatures reduce viscosity and increase resin flow, thus providing for longer flow for thin-wall sections and producing lower residual stress. Mold temperatures are important in determining final part finish and molded-in stress levels. Cold molds are more difficult to fill, typically necessitating high injection pressure and melt temperature. Heated molds generally produce a part with a better finish and lower molded-in stress. Because of the high heat distortion of polycarbonate, parts are more easily ejected at higher temperatures. The fastest fill speed possible provides longer flow, fills thinner wall sections, and helps to create a better surface finish. Slower fill is suggested for sprue-gated and edge-gated parts to help prevent gate blush, splay and jetting. In thick wall parts [0.2 inches (5.06 mm) and up] slow fill can help reduce sinks and voids. For typical processing parameters see Table 7-3.

Molding Conditions

Table 7-3. Typical Processing Parameters for LEXAN Resins.

Melt Temperature
Suggested melt temperatures for LEXAN resin are listed in Table 7-3. Like the majority of thermoplastic molding materials, LEXAN resin is sensitive to prolonged exposure to heat. Long residence times and excessive melt temperatures should be avoided. A relatively small increase in screw speed (RPM) can result in a dramatic increase in melt temperature with no change in controller set point. It is suggested that melt temperatures be measured using hand-held pyrometers. These measures should be taken on the thermoplastic melts after the machine is on cycle. When processing near, or at, the upper limit of the melt range, the shot weight should approach 60 to 80% of the cylinder capacity of the machine. If the cylinder temperature exceeds the upper limit of the suggested melt range, thermal degradation of the resin and loss of physical properties may result. LEXAN resin, like other engineered thermoplastics should not be left at elevated temperatures for prolonged periods of time without occasional purging.

Mold Temperature
The usual range for processing unreinforced LEXAN grades is from 160 to 200F (71 to 93C), which helps give the surface a very smooth, glossy appearance. The aesthetic appeal of surfaces molded in reinforced LEXAN resin can be enhanced by the use of fast fill rates, higher injection pressures and mold temperatures in the 180 to 240F (82 to 116C) range. Operating molds in this temperature range can also be used to improve flow, knitline strength, and surface finish.

Screw Speed

Screw speeds (RPM) should be adjusted to permit screw rotation during the entire cooling cycle without delaying the overall cycle (Figure 7-3). Low screw speeds can help reduce glass fiber damage during plastication when molding reinforced grades. Suggested screw speed is dependent on screw diameter. Optimum linear velocity of screw O.D. is 8 inches (202.4 mm) per second. RPM = screw diameter x # divided into the optimum linear velocity of 8 inches (202.4 mm) per second x 60. For example, for a 3 inch (75.9 mm) diameter screw: 3 (screw Dia.) x 3.1416 = 9.4248 divided into 8 inches (202.4 mm) per second (optimum linear velocity) x 60 = 51 RPM.

Figure 7-3. Screw Speed Suggestions for LEXAN resins.

Back Pressure
A back pressure of 50 to 100 psi (0.3 to 0.6 MPa) is suggested to promote a homogeneous melt and help maintain consistent shot size. Higher back pressures used to improve melt mixing result in higher melt temperatures. When molding reinforced grades, low back pressure will help reduce glass fiber damage during plastication.

Shot Size
The shot size should dictate the size of machine used. It is suggested that the shot be 40 to 60% of the machines capacity. However, shots which were 20 to 75% of machine capacity have been successfully molded when temperatures were precisely maintained and all processing conditions were very closely controlled. It should also be noted that displacement size is about 13% greater in unfilled LEXAN polycarbonate resin.

Ram Speed
When selecting injection speed, careful consideration must be given to adequate mold venting, resin melt temperature and injection pressure, along with the potential for jetting. The fastest fill speed possible generally provides longer flow, fills thinner wall sections, and creates better surface finish. In thick parts, slow fill helps reduce voids. Thin-walled sections below 0.06 inch (1.52 mm) require fast ram speeds in order to help fill the cavity and produce high knitline strength. The fill rate of thick sections may be

reduced to aid packing when filling through restricted gates. Programmed injection is suggested for parts with small gates (pin gates and subgates). A slow injection rate can be used at the start to help reduce shear, jetting and burning of the material.

Injection Pressure
The actual injection pressure will depend on variables such as melt temperature, mold temperature, part geometry, wall thick-ness, flow length, and other mold and equipment considerations. Generally, the lowest pressures which provide the desired properties, appearance, and molding cycle are preferred. Holding pressures from 60 to 80% of the injection pressure are generally adequate for normal requirements.

The use of small cushion [1/8 inch (3.16 mm) suggested] reduces material residence time in the barrel and allows for machine variations.

Cycle Time
Cycle time for LEXAN resin has the same effect on the properties of the molded part as for other thermoplastic resins. This is particularly true with regard to pressure, temperature of mold and resin, ram speeds. The optimum molding cycle calls for a quick fill, a hold time just long enough for the gates to freeze, and a brief cooling period. The fastest possible ram travel time is best for most parts. The thickest wall section of the part normally sets the cycle time. Figure 7-4 illustrates the overall cycle time prediction as a function of wall thickness. A runner/sprue section could exceed the part wall thickness and extend cycle times shown in Figure 7-4. This should be a consideration before the tool is built, as well as during actual molding.

Figure 7-4. Typical Cycle Time vs. Wall Thickness for LEXAN Resins.

Effect of Wall Thickness on Flow Length

Variables affecting melt flow length include wall thickness, mold temperature, injection pressure, melt temperature and material composition. Diskflow (or radial flow) results are obtained from mold filling computer simulation. An example of Diskflow is given below in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5. Diskflow Model. Shown is the relationship of flow length versus wall thickness at a given cavity pressure (pressure at sprue) and melt temperature (Figures 7-6 and 7-7). Diskflow radial flow results are normally conservative and may underpredict the flow lengths of many applications where flow is not entirely radial.

Figure 7-6. Diskflow - Flow Length vs. Wall Thickness LEXAN Resin Standard Unreinforced Grades.

Figure 7-7. Diskflow - Flow Length vs. Wall Thickness LEXAN 500 and 3414 Resins (Glass Reinforced).

Mold Release
Smooth surface finish, lubricity and good tool design make parts molded in LEXAN resin relatively easy to eject from the mold without the use of mold release agents. The ability to reproduce intricate detail can sometimes interfere with mold release if the mold surface has imperfections such as tool marks, nicks, scratches, poor polish or EDM finish. These conditions could form undercuts that hinder part removal. If the part design causes ejection difficulties, most standard grades can be ordered with mold release additives included.

When the molding cycle is interrupted, the following steps are suggested: Short Term LEXAN resins may be held in the barrel for a short period (10 to 15 minutes) without purging. As with other engineering resins, air shots should be taken periodically (15 to 20 minutes) to help prevent degradation and reduce problems in start-up. Long Term - Purge the barrel free of the resin material, following standard shutdown procedures as follows: 1. Close the hopper feed slide, continuing to mold on cycle until the screw does not retract. 2. If the resin is a glass reinforced or flame retardant grade, purge with clear, non-flame retardant LEXAN resin. 3. Eject the remaining material. 4. To reduce black speck contamination during molding start-up, the heaters can be banked at 350F (177C) for periods up to two days. The screw should be in the forward position.


When starting up the machine, set the barrel heaters to normal processing temperatures, extrude until residual material is completely purged and begin molding. The initial shots should be checked for contaminants in the molded parts.

Suggested purging materials are ground cast acrylic purging compound or LEXAN resin regrind. General purpose styrene can be used for purging before and after LEXAN resin is introduced to the equipment. To improve results, the initial purge should be followed with LEXAN resin regrind.

If the application permits the use of regrind, reground sprues, runners, and non-degraded parts may be added to the virgin pellets up to a level of 25%. Grinder screen sizes should be at least 5/16 to 3/8 inch (7.9 to 9.5 mm). If a smaller size is used, too many fines could be generated, creating molding problems such as streaking and burning. It is important to keep the ground parts clean and to avoid contamination from other materials. Drying time should be increased since regrind will not be the same size as virgin pellets, and therefore water diffusion will be different. Regrind utilization may produce some effect on color. Actual regrind usage should be determined for each individual application. Programmed injection is suggested for parts with small gates (pin gates and subgates). A slow injection rate can be used at the start to help reduce shear, jetting and burning of the material.

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