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08/11/5993 (31st Jan 2012) Study John 5:46-47 (source:

Anyone who tries to keep the commandments is a Pharisee is this what Christ taught? 1. Pharisees love to tithe (Mat 23:23) 2. Pharisees are vain/worship God in vain (Mat 23:27) 3. Pharisees are hypocrites by neglecting weightier matters of the law 4. Pharisees have not dealt with spiritual uncleanness (Mat 23:25) 5. Pharisees teach commandments of men before torah (Mat 15:9) 6. Pharisees love to be outwardly recognized (Luk 20:46) 7. Pharisees fast and pray twice a week (Luk 18:12) 8. Pharisees condenm the innocent (Mat 12:7)

Shalom and let us give (YHWH Elohim) the glory for another Yeshurun International Publication! As you can see above, Pharisees have little regard for keeping the commandments of our God, and that is why they lost their place as Yahs teachers, or Rabbis here on earth. Checking the churches today, we see very little improvement, as even the spiritual gifts these days are being spoken of, as some kind of tools to create or prophecy great outward, financial wealth on yourself, while disregarding Gods commandments. Jesus commended the Pharisees for keeping basic outward laws, yet reminded them they lacked Mercy, Judgment, and Faith, which are spiritual laws. Joshua 1:7-8 reads:

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Most people today want the prosperity without having to do YHWHs Commandments! The apostle Paul reminds us that a Rabbi or teacher is part of the 5 fold ministry in Eph 4:11; And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. So it is not wrong to hold the title of teacher/Rabbi, but as bullet point 6 states above, it is wrong to love your position, which can cause pride or envy to increase. There are about 124 scriptures in the KJV about fearing God and keeping his commandments, and Yahshua (Jesus) reminds us in Mat 5:19 that it is good to keep them and teach men so, for he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Today, no church seems to want to teach the commandments, but as Yeshurun International likes to show that Yahshua (Jesus) came to fulfill the law and not destroy it, we will now teach you the commandments, and how the bible and apostle Paul teaches us we should keep them. After all, when Moses appeared to Jesus during the transfiguration, he would have spoken to him about the necessity of fulfilling the outward, carnal or sacrificial laws, so that YHWHs spiritual laws could then be written on a believers heart and mind, (see Jer 31:33). So let us now pray for understanding of them, so that we can honor our God and savior! It should be understood that when the Lord speaks of the leaven of the Pharisees, this is what He is referring to - that "the traditions of the fathers" evolved into the vast library of Talmudic teachings. However, it must also be understood that the issue of leaven extends far beyond Talmudism. There are Christian groups today who have leavened teachings. Leaven represents any form of teaching that corrupts the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Just as the Pharisees had corrupted the teachings of Moses, there are Christian groups today who corrupt the true message of the cross. They do this by adding things to the message that do not belong. Here is where a point must be made. A person can be truly born of heaven and yet have his or her understanding filled with leavened teachings.

The 10 COMMANMENTS are found in Exodus 20, and is known as YHWHs moral code here on earth. Because of the dragons fall, then mans fall, the LORD is now looking to see who will seek him, and be saved by grace and discover the ultimate secret through belief and faith in the Word of God (see Heb 4): how to understand and do what pleases Him. Rev 12:17/14:12: Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Because of this reason, the dragon is angry with the body of Christ, as the church is the one who will be taking his place in heaven after the first resurrection; to reign and rule with Christ! So thusly, the first commandment has been forsaken by the dragon, and those angels and men who have rebelled with him. When we are born again, even the name of the true God is written on our hearts (Heb 10:16), and the FIRST 4 of these commandments are to do with our relationship with Him. Through the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) we see the express image of God who is His Son Yahshua HaMessiah, and we no longer need to bow before images of wood and stone (2 nd command)! Continuing to praise YHWH will help us to keep the 3rd, and keeping the Word He has sown in us! This brings us to the 4 th commandments, which takes a little longer to explain.
< A typical translation here by Talmudic Jews, not translating the name as YHWH or YHVH (they had a ban on speaking the name during Jesus day), they introduce replacement theology, using Adonai, which means LORD in the English. As the letter J was introduced in English, hybrid names sprang up such as Jehovah, preferred by Kararite Jews, which combins Adonai with YHVH.


We can CONCLUSIVELY prove from many Scriptures that our Savior and His Apostles observed the SAME weekly Sabbath as did the Jews of his day and we can CONCLUSIVELY prove from the HISTRICAL evidence that the Jews of His day kept LUNAR Sabbaths. The Jews themselves claim that the weekly Sabbath is OBSCURE and they do not know where it originated but some say that it was by the phases of the moon and others by the seven planets. This admission is found in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia under the article Sabbath and was written by a well-respected Rabbi by the name of Max Joseph. Most Jews do not have this knowledge and simply follow tradition, same as most Christians, they do not study the Scripture for themselves and follow the traditions of men instead, making the Commandments of none effect!

While we can use mathematics to prove the lunar Sabbath in scripture, as we are reminded our God DID make the heavens and earth, and the celestial laws therewith; here is what YHWH has to say about naming days after celestial bodies (i.e the 7 planets). In paganism, they sacrificed animals, and even people to these stars (see Ashtaroth worship); and YHWH condemns them in Jer 8:1-3. And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth. The apostle Paul teaches us the REAL purpose of the sun/moon in Col 2, he states; 16Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. In other words, he is only repeating what Gen 1:16 tells us, that YHWH created the heavenly lights for a calendar, where we experience real time, instead of the man-made time we get from the Roman calendar. In-fact, we are warned that human authorities will change the calendar in Daniel 7:25; so as the heavenly lights are always speaking something of Jesus majestic power, the Roman calendar is detracting from these celestial laws, introducing appointments, or holydays which are out-with YHWHs Word. YHWHs 7 rest days are as follows, and they ALL speak of Jesus Christ in some way:

There are 7 day intervals between NEW moon, First quarter, FULL moon, Last quarter & Dark

1.New Moon = New Month, and the Rams horn is blown to call an assembly of YHWHs faithful. This celestial laws will be kept at Christs second coming, worldwide, as the nations will travel to Israel to worship the Most High God in person (Isa 66:23). 2.Sabbath Day = 7th Day of Rest in the heavens indeed speak of Jesus Christ, and the millennial reign, which starts after the 6th millennium of man. Our rest depends upon how we cease from our labors and serve Christ, the heavens only tell us the shadow picture! We count the 7th day from the New Moon, and not by the Roman calendar (see Dan 7:25). 3.Passover/Unleavened Bread = Jesus our Passover Lamb, NOT our Easter Bunny! Only the Lamb of God was risen from the dead.. The matzo or bread should be Barley bread only, made without leaven. This is also most likely John the Baptists birth-time, 6 months before Jesus! A shadow picture of getting sin out, and purifying yourself to receive Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), the baptism from above! 4.Feast of Weeks = Leading to Pentecost, this is the only remaining feast day observed by the Christian church, although no ordained minister knows which day of the year it falls on! By studying Lev 23, we find that a count of 50 days AFTER the 7 lunar Sabbaths from the wave-sheaf (see flyer 10), brings us to the same day Moses descended down mount Sinai, and was possibly the same day Christ was baptized & the church was born of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) in the book of Acts. 5.Feast of Trumpets = YHWHs 7 ark angels await in the book of Revelation (see flyer 7) to announce the tribulation, and the wrath of YHWH is poured out on the Earth. This was Israels new year before the Exodus, and is still observed in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church at the 7th Hebrew moon, called Ethanam (meaning=Living Springs of Water). 6.Day of Atonement = The day that satan is bound for 1000 years in Rev.20, and the sheep and the goats are separated. Could this also be the time of the 1st/2nd Resurrections? 7.Sukkot = The Day of Christs birth, and Day He will be crowned as King, setting up His eternal Kingdom on Earth. As we put off our corrupt temporal dwellings, we secure an eternal place with our creator forever only through faith in Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) can we understand and do these Commandments!! Lets pray He gives us understanding and grace to do all that pleases Him, Amen. Shalom Shalom.

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