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Rosh Chodesh 01/11/5989 (24th Jan 2012) Study Matthew 24:24-26 (source: ;

Sadducees: 30 AD (forerunners of Neo-Sadducees)

"the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor an angel, nor a spirit; but the Pharisees acknowledge them all." Acts 23:8

"Sadducees" (who say that there is no resurrection) Lk 20:27

Neo-Sadducees: 2000 AD
Jehovah's Witness Adventists (SDA) Plain Truth/ Armstrong (WCC) Christadelphians Neo-Sadduceeian False doctrine Deny "spirit" Holy Spirit Neo-Sadducees deny the personality of

Man has no soul being "monochotomous in nature" No conscious life after death Heaven is a literal restored "garden of Eden" on earth Hell is annihilation rather than eternal conscious torment Anti-Trinitarian (Even Ellen White & the SDA church was Arian/unitarian until about 1930 AD) The Holy Spirit doesn't exist, but is merely a personification of God's power The Devil doesn't exist, but is the personification of Sin Demons don't exist, but are personification of disease Jesus, being created by God, ceased to exist for 3 days in tomb. Deny Resurrection &
Watchtower booklet! Christadelphians, like the Sadducees, deny the universal resurrection of all men and deny angels are supernatural creatures.

Angles The Decepto-Meter goes crazy when you bring it near the

Incorrect Watchtower Dates of Christs Appearance 539 A.D. 1780,1798,1799,1829,1840,1844,1846,1872,1874,1878, 1880,1881,1891,1906,1910,1914,1915,1917,1918,1920,1921,1925,1926,1928,1932,1935,1940s,1 951,1975,2000,Ongoing.. Russel/Rutherfords (JW founders) timeline shows that the Second Coming of Jesus was 1874, and the start of the 1000 year earthly reign was 1914, as it was to end in 2914 A.D. "WE HAVE no doubt whatever in regard to the chronology relating to the dates of 1874, 1914, 1918, and 1925." Watchtower 1922 May 15 p.147.
Other significant dates the Watchtower no longer refer to are; 1799 A.D. - The beginning of the Last Days. 539 A.D. - Thought to be the start of Catholic Papal rule and the start point of many

prophetic interpretations.

Of these above dates only 1914 is still considered significant, and even then, mostly for different reasons than originally prescribed. Though part of Watchtower lore for 60 years, most current Jehovah's Witnesses are unaware of their significance and that each one failed to eventuate as predicted. Each time the Watchtower has predicted an occurrence, it has not eventuated as foretold, a 100% failure rate. Does this inspire confidence in Watchtower interpretation? Jehovah's Witnesses promoted these falsehoods in the past, and continue to zealously advocate current doctrine as unfailing truths. Neo-Sadducees wrongly teach that man has no conscious existence apart from the body after he dies.

Changed Dates :: Failed


This section covers some of the lesser known failed predictions and changed date doctrine of the Watchtower Society. For the more important dates see the pages on 1914, 1925, 1975. Many of the following quotes are from the Watchtower Society's Studies in the Scriptures Series. Scanned copies of these books can be downloaded for free from "He said: "Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am he,' and, 'The due time has approached.' Do not go after them." Luke 21:8 At John 16:13 Jesus said he would provide his followers the Holy Spirit to correctly understand future events; "However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the things coming." Moses warned against those that make predictions in the name of Jehovah that do not come true; And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that YHWH has not spoken?" When the prophet speaks in the name of YHWH and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that YHWH did not speak..." Deut. 18:20-22 The Watchtower says that the standard by which to judge a false messenger is whether their messages "come true"? "Jehovah is the Grand identifier of his true messengers. He identifies them by making the messages he delivers through them come true. Jehovah is also the Great Exposer of false messengers." Watchtower 1997 May 1 p.8 Ironic, considering the Watchtower specifically said the end would come in 1914 and then 1925. The following section contains over 20 other "messages" promoted by the Watchtower for decades that turned out not to be "true". What does this prove about them as messengers? Whereas doctrine is subjective and un-provable, time prophecy leaves no room for error. On a number of occasions the Watchtower put a line in the sand when saying a specific event was going to happen on a specific date. When those dates passed without event those statements proved beyond argument to be false. When something predicted to happen does not occur there is irrefutable evidence that Jehovah did not direct the interpretation. In line with the Scriptures above, the following incorrect dates prove the Watchtower Society is not guided by Jehovah. In 1876, Russell became interested in time prophecy, after reading a copy of Barbour's publication Herald of the Morning. The end had not come in 1874, as the Adventists had predicted. However, Barbour explained that Matthew 24:27 meant Jesus' invisible presence commenced in 1874, the rapture would be 1878, and the end of the world was to occur in 1914. (see Watch Tower, 1906 July 15 for a detailed account.)

In Russell's doctrinal chronology the most important dates were 1874 and 1914: "The chapter in SCRIPTURE STUDIES, Vol. II, showing the parallels between the Jewish and Christian Dispensations, makes prominent four dates, viz., (1) October, 1874; (2) April, 1878; (3) October, 1881, and (4) October, 1914;" Watch Tower 1911 June 15 p.190 "The careful student will have observed that the period designated 'The Time of the End' is very appropriately named, since not only does the Gospel age close in it, but in it, also, all prophesies relating to the close of this age terminate, reaching their fulfillments. The same class of readers will have noticed, too, the special importance of the last 40 of these 115 years (1874-1914), called 'The End' or 'Harvest.'" Studies in the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come p.121 JWS doctrine in forbidding any political involvement can be seen as a strategy of satan; with Islaam being used to take over many Christian governments, satan wants a 1 world government system with no Christian/other interference. This makes the JWs satans biggest agent in pulling away Christians from getting involved with local government. Their continuous false date predicting is passed onto its members as bad interpretation; this shows no responsibility for what they print, having little regard for their followers. The founders showed no discernment of spirit and no holy spirit led bible interpretation. The bible tells us that we should depart from such, as YHWH will do nothing, lest he reveals his secrets to the prophets (Amos 3:7 ). SHALOM SHALOM!!

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