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Name: _______________ Class :________________

Simple Present Tense Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense. Hi. My name (be) _______ (1) Albert. My friends (call) _______ (2) me Al. You can call me Al if you (like) _______ (3) . I (want) ______ to tell you about a problem I (have) _______ (4) .It (be, not) ______ ______ (5) a big problem, but it is not a small problem, either. I (guess) _______ (6) its somewhere between big and small. I (have) _______ (7) a best friend. His name (be) _______ (8) Joe, but everybody (call) _______ (9) him Joey. Joey and I have been friends for a long time. Thats the problem. Joey (like) _______ (10) to smoke. He (say) _______ (11) he (do, not) _______ ______ (12) but I (know) _______ (13) he (do) _______ (14) .He (try) _______ (15) to hide it from me, but I (see) _______ (16) him do it sometimes. When I see him do it, he just (laugh) _______ (17) and (walk) _______ (18) away. Now, Joey (smoke) _______ (19) every day. When he (come) _______ (20) over to my house, he (always, bring) _______ _______ (21) his cigarettes with him. He (keep) _______ (22) them in his pocket. He (think) _______ (23) they are cool. He (not, think) _______ _______ _______ (24) its a bad idea to smoke. He (say) _______ (25) (not, worry) _______ _______ _______ (26) Al. Im okay. He (tell) _______ (27) me that I (not, understand) _______ _______ _______ (28) ,but I (think) _______ (29) I (do) _______ (30) . I (feel) _______ (31) like its his right to smoke. He can do what he (want) _______ (32) to do, right? But I can (not, help) _______ _______ (33) worrying. Hes my best friend

Using the Verb To be

Write the correct form of to be in present tense or past tense.

I ________(1) going outside, said Jerry. Wait! said Jerrys mom. Dont forget to wear your jacket. It ________(2) cold out there. But mom, said Jerry. I dont want to wear it. I will be fine without it. Besides, it _____ _____ (3) that cold today. Jerry opened the door. The wind ________(4)blowing and the trees ________(5) shaking. Leaves ________(6) falling to the ground. He shivered a little and stood behind the door. Jerry! shouted Jerrys mom. You close that door and get your coat young man. But mom! said Jerry. But what? said Jerrys mom. I dont understand why you dont want to wear your new coat. ________(7) there something wrong with it? Jerrys face turned red. No! he said. Nothings wrong with it! Then he covered his mouth with his hand. Well then said Jerrys mom. Why dont you want to wear it? Well, mom, said Jerry. I kind ofwellgave it away. You what? said Jerrys mom. You gave it away? Yeah. But dont worry. It ________(8) okay. I gave it to Marvin. And he really needs it. Why? Well, every time I see him, he looks cold. He ________(9) always cold, actually. His parents cannot afford to buy him a jacket.

Well, that ________(10)a very nice thing for you to do, dear. But now what________(11) you going to do without a jacket? I dont know. Maybe Ill wear my old jacket for a little while.

Name : _______________________ Class :_______________________

Simple Past tense

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in simple past tense. When Abby (be) _______(1) seven years old, she (do, not, like) _______ _______ _______(2) piano lessons. She (do, not, like) _______ _______ ________(3) to practice, and sometimes she even (cry) _______(4) when it (be) _______(5) time to practice. Finally, she (stop) _______(6) taking lessons. Some of Abby's friends (do, not, quit) _______ _______ _______(7) their lessons. They (continue) _______(8) to play. After much practice, they (learn) _______(9) to play very well. About ten years (pass) _______(10) before Abby (become) _______(11) interested in music or the piano again. After she (graduate) _______ (12) from high school, Abby (decide) _______(13) that she (want) _______(14) to study music in college. She (call)

_______(15) the lady who (teach) _______(16) her when she (be) _______(17) a little girl. The lady (say) _______(18) she would teach Abby again. The lady (need) _______(19) someone to help her daughter with homework. Abby (say) _______(20) she would help with homework in exchange for lessons. Because of this, the piano lessons (cost) _______(21) her nothing! She (work) _______(22) very hard to catch up. Now she is making good progress. Soon she will go to college, majoring in music.


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