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Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

Content area: Planning and Evaluation My evaluation Target Skills and Competencies (Please tick the spaces with an X, if the statement is true for the person you are evaluating.) The teacher: __X__ is able to plan and evaluate language lessons within the context of a given curriculum/course of studies. ____ understands the institutional context of his/her teaching activities and is familiar with the overall training programmes offered within his/her institution. __X__ understands the levels of competence defined in the European Framework of Reference, is familiar with the main language examinations offered in the target language and is able to prepare learners to take such examinations. In his/her certificate dossier the teacher has provided evidence that s/he is able to: __X__ state general aims and objectives for a course or a series of lessons __X__ define aims and objectives for a lesson and integrate them in the context of a course __X__ plan lessons, selecting appropriate learning tasks and activities to suit the aims and objectives of the lesson

Remarks (Comments and Recommendations) This area content the plan and evaluation , the teacher who made his lesson plan was following a real situation , she or he was trying to push the student to de autonomy learner, when they have to use simple steps for cooking they are learning the procedure to do something but almost they are reviewing vocabulary , phonetic ,social-cultural forms , oral develop in front of the class. It seems as a funny experience , how we know food is an enjoy activity , thats the reason this kind of activities promote the autonomous in class. The material which is presented and used for this topic can be interesting if we as a teachers prepare a good environment for our groups.


Claudia Schuhbeck

Pgina 1 de 3

Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

Original evaluation Target Skills and Competencies The teacher: __X__ is able to plan and evaluate language lessons within the context of a given curriculum/course of studies. __X__ understands the institutional context of his/her teaching activities and is familiar with the overall training programmes offered within his/her institution. __X__ understands the levels of competence defined in the European Framework of Reference, is familiar with the main language examinations offered in the target language and is able to prepare learners to take such examinations. In his/her certificate dossier the teacher has provided evidence that s/he is able to: __X__ state general aims and objectives for a course or a series of lessons __X__ define aims and objectives for a lesson and integrate them in the context of a course __X__ plan lessons, selecting appropriate learning tasks and activities to suit the aims and objectives of the lesson Remarks
Susans Planning and Evaluation dossier presents a project. This is a series of integrated lessons - the last three lessons of the summer term - which lead up through organising and planning a menu to the learners and Susan cooking and eating a meal together - in English - as the finale. Well done! The individual lesson plans have clearly defined and appropriate aims and materials, but are obviously part of a whole. Vocabulary, for example, that students met in previous lessons is revised in the classroom and actually used in a real-life situation in lesson 3. Susan refers to the weak points in her reflection on page 5 and says that she was dissatisfied with herself with having covered only one exercise in the textbook. I disagree with her - she covered the correct exercise for the project, and also selected and ordered appropriate materials, tasks and activities to achieve her aims. The learners are much more likely to be able to use the language they met and used on this project than any of the language they met and used from the many exercises completed in their course book! An excellent dossier.


Claudia Schuhbeck

Pgina 2 de 3

Certificacin de tutores de docentes de idiomas

Compared to the original

Making a compare the original remark point something about the use for the text and is a reference about the dissatisfaction , in my remark I pointed just positive things because however the dossier is excellent , and this teacher focus the attention in how to involve the group in this topic.


Claudia Schuhbeck

Pgina 3 de 3

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