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OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR Chancellors Update February 19, 2013

The last several years have been a time of progress for the Los Angeles Community College District. Weve met many substantive challenges, bringing greater coordination among our nine colleges, shoring up our accountability system, and restoring integrity to the building program. I am grateful to have served as the Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District during this time. While much has been accomplished, much remains to be done to continue to transform the largest community college district in the country into one of the best. Even with a healthier FY14 budget proposed for the states community colleges, there are no quick fixes to increasing student success, offering a stimulating and accessible academic experience, addressing accreditation issues, providing a satisfying workplace, reinforcing shared governance, and continuing responsible completion of the building program. The Chancellor who leads this remarkable albeit challenging district must take the long view and make a long-term commitment, something Im unable to do. That is why I believe that now is the right time to plan for my successor, as I have decided to resign from my position, effective June 30, 2013. I communicated this decision to the Board of Trustees today. My decision comes after extensive consideration of professional and personal factors. It includes satisfaction with the joint successes the Board of Trustees and I have achieved and reflection on our efforts to find a mutual accommodation for our respective leadership philosophies. But Ive decided that the timing is right for me to pursue other opportunities that combine my professional and family interests. As I told the Board of Trustees, I do so knowing that the policy and administrative reforms we have introduced have created a stable footing for an executive leadership transition. The June 30th contract end date should give the Board of Trustees sufficient time to recruit a Chancellor (or, if necessary, an Interim Chancellor) who possesses the requisite expertise to perform effectively and a governance philosophy compatible with its own. Just as I have benefited from the help that many of you have given me, I believe that, with your help, my successor will lead the District toward its next stage of growth and development. As large and complex as the District is, you and I know that its your individual and collective efforts and contributions that ensure its progress. So whatever it is that you do at the District teaching a class, leading a department or a college, acting as a textbook buyer, helping a student with financial aid questions or keeping our buildings clean and welcoming know that your role is not only a key part of the work of the District but that it both trumps leadership transitions like the one Im describing now and serves as the starting point for the new leader. Im confident that the Board of Trustees will communicate with you about its plans for recruitment of a Chancellor when it is ready to do so. On my part, for the remainder of my tenure, I look forward to continuing to work with you and our many external partners to address the Districts challenging and important agenda, the center of which is the success of our many students.

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