Six Degrees of Threshold at 5 Metabolic Training Effects

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Six Degrees of Threshold at 5 -Metabolic Training Effects

The objective of any Speed Endurance/Endurance Training program has to be centered on Performance at Threshold. Put another way, at the heart of your program you must address the objective to LOWER the Metabolic Cost of Movement whilst INCREASING the Power, Speed or Performance at Same Cost. There are basically two (2) ways to do this: Improve your Neuromechanics/Biomechanics to become more efficient at specific movements, drills, ancillary work, repeat intervals ect. Increase the capacity or power output of your Metabolism at 5-Metabolic Thresholds by pinpointing performance at each metabolic Threshold as to NOT over-train or under-train. This allows for optimal Super Compensation and increased continuity of performance and training progress throughout a given periodization program.

The Centerpiece of our OTS/iQniter Cardio Training program is Reference Point Training (RPT) and iQniter Cardio Systems (ICS). Together these two (2) components can: Pinpoint training effect at 6-degrees of intensity for each of 5-Metabolic Thresholds. What does this do? It allows you to Pinpoint Training Effect and pinpoints each individual in a Group up to 72 at a time. How do we do this?

First, establish a max heart rate and max metabolic output or performance. I first learned this with 2-time Olympic Athletics Coach Dr. Vigil. He referred to it at VvO2 or Max Velocity at Vo2 max. He used an athletes Current Best Mile time as his Reference Point to training (RPT). The same can be done for Olympic Flatwater Paddlers with the Kilo, or with World Class Rowers and the Kilo or 2 Kilo standard. Your Reference Point is your Max Performance, it could be a 4-minute mile run, a 4:00 kilo Paddle, or a 7:00 2k Single Scull Row. iQniter Cardio Training System allows us to Pinpoint Heart Rate, but heart rate alone is meaningless, it is the known Correlation of Heart Rate to Metabolic Rate that allows us to Pinpoint Performance (Movement) at Metabolic Cost. The faster we can move at the lowest cost is key to success at speed endurance and endurance events. Here are some sample training scenarios: The Five Metabolic Thresholds beyond Sleep Recovery that iQniter Cardio Allows us to pinpoint are: 1- Fat Threshold (FFA) 2- Aerobic Threshold (AT) 3-Anaerobic Threshold (AeT) 4- Lactate Threshold (LT) 5- Max Performance (NMF/Supra Max) 75% mhr 80% mhr 85% mhr *88% mhr 90%+

How we break down Training is simple. Run Ride or Row your Coaches Prescribed workouts as fast as you can at the given training effect objective. Samples: 1-FFA at 75% of Max Heart Rate, usually up to 40% of Total Weekly Training Volume, depending on point in periodization Run, Ride, Paddle or Row these 90 to 2-hour sessions As Fast as You can at 70-75% of MHR, any more and you are not training the Metabolic Objective of this session. Focus of Form and Efficiency at these slower Fat Threshold speeds, but maximize your Speed and Power Output at FFA (FT). Example: A Room of Rowers on Concept 2 ERGS. Who can maintain the highest average Speed, or 500m Pace for a 2-Hour Row at 75%? Objective: Improve Speed at Metabolic Rate over duration of Periodization Program.

2-AT at 80% of Max Heart Rate, usually up to 25% of Total Weekly Training Volume, depending on point in periodization Run, Ride, Paddle or Row these Interval sessions As Fast as You can at 80% of MHR, any more and you are not training the Metabolic Objective of this session. Focus of Form and Efficiency at Aerobic Threshold; maximize your Speed and Power Output at AT. Example: A Room of Rowers on Concept 2 ERGS. Who can maintain the highest average 500m pace for 16 x Kilo at 80% mhr? Objective: Improve Speed at Metabolic Rate over duration of Periodization Program.

3-AeT at 85% of Max Heart Rate, usually up to 20% of Total Weekly Training Volume, depending on point in periodization Run, Ride, Paddle or Row these Interval sessions As Fast as You can at 80%-85% of MHR, any more and you are not training the Metabolic Objective of this session. Focus of Form and Efficiency at Anaerobic Threshold; maximize your Speed and Power Output at AeT. Example: A Room of Rowers on Concept 2 ERGS, who can maintain the highest average 500m pace for 12 x Kilo at 85% mhr with a 2r? Objective: Improve Speed at Metabolic Rate over duration of Periodization Program.

4-LT at 88% of Max Heart Rate, usually up to 10% of Total Weekly Training Volume, depending on point in periodization Run, Ride, Paddle or Row these Interval and Tempo sessions As Fast as You can at 85%-90% of MHR, any more and you are not training the Metabolic Objective of this session. Focus of Form and Efficiency at Lactate Threshold; maximize your Speed and Power Output at LT. Example: A Room of Rowers on Concept 2 ERGS, who can maintain the highest average 500m pace for 12 x Kilo at 88% mhr? Objective: Improve Speed at Metabolic Rate over duration of Periodization Program.

5- Max Race or Short Skill Sets above speed (Supra Max) 5-10% total volume depending on point in periodization. Do not measure by HR or Metabolism. These are Neurological bouts of Movement, Explosive 5-30 second power sets. Ancillary work, short Sprints - faster than race pace. Example 25 second 200s for a 4:00 mile runner, 20 second 100s for a 4:00 kilo paddler.

Six Degrees of Threshold lets you Fine Tune each Threshold. The Key Threshold for Speed Endurance is Lactate Threshold. Improving your speed at this threshold is the key to success. Take a Minute to look at this hypothetical Chart for Doing Long Paddles or Repeat Kilos or Repeat 500s rowing. The best place to train a threshold is right below or at your max speed for each metabolic intensity. If you are working on Pre OBLA AeT- Anaerobic Threshold and you know a 3:35 500 m on you rowing ERG will elicit 85% of Mhr you are best off to Sneak up on it at 3:37 to 3:35 and work to relax and be efficient as your body adapts you will be able to Sustain Faster and Faster Speeds at given Metabolic Thresholds. This is SMART training. Finding the exact line of resistance to work against to bring about proper adaptations rather than over-train and destroy the very cells we are working so hard to improve.

Improve your Sustainable Speed for 16 x 500 meters with 2r at 75% and you will improve your sustainable speed at Lactate Threshold ect. iQniter Cardio Training allows you to dial up your own Sub-Maximal Pace by Reference Point To your Current Race Max by distance. Train ALL 5-Metabolic levels. Remember your Anaerobic and LT Capacity rest on Functional Aerobic Capacity. For more on iQniter Cardio Training and Olympia Training Systems please contact: Tim Barnes


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