Arden H. Mckee Legion Post 128: Sterling, Kansas

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American Legion, SAL, ALR and Auxiliary

Volume 1, Issue 1 February, 2013

Arden H. McKee Legion Post 128

Sterling, Kansas
THIS ISSUE: Agent Orange Related Diabetes Newsletter Info Commanders Addresses New Leadership Calendar Sponsors 1 1 2 2 3 4

Agent Orange Related Diabetes Now Covered

Vietnam War veterans suffering from diabetes are now eligible for compensation and health care for their presumptive exposure to the defoliant Agent Orange, according to a Department of Veterans Affairs decision fought for by the 2.8 million American Legion members. On Nov. 9th, 27 days after American Legion National Commander Ray G. Smith formally petitioned VA to add Type 2 diabetes to a host of illnesses presumed to be service-connected due to Agent Orange exposure; Acting VA Secretary Hershel Gober announced approval of the awarding of benefits. The governments response to The American Legions recommendation will help hundreds of thousands of ailing veterans. The VAs decision was based on a National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine report released Oct. 11 that suggested an association between adult-onset diabetes and exposure to dioxin, a byproduct contained in herbicides used in Vietnam. "This is the American way! This change in the treatment of veterans suffering from Agent Orange-related diabetes is consistent with the highest traditions of Veterans Day," Smith said. "Veterans Day is not only a time to pause and reflect, in public commemoration, on the contributions of those who

Reminder: Pay your dues for 2013 by July in order to receive your membership card.

served in our nations armed forces, it is a time for the American people, through their government, to rededicate themselves to caring for those who sacrificed for freedom especially those who were irreparably scarred because they willingly stood in harms way." Commander Smith went on to say, "The American peoples moral covenant with veterans is reflected also in tangible tributes to veterans sacrifice, such as the new "Honoring Veterans" stamp and the National World War II Memorial. I will be honored this Veterans Day to these health problems, but have thus far not identified a unique "Gulf War Syndrome," or determined how these conditions may be linked to experiences in the Gulf War.

The Kansas study, reported in the November 15 issue of The American Journal of Epidemiology, identified a pattern of symptoms strongly associated with Gulf War service. "Individually, these symptoms can resemble the kinds of health problems wed see in any group of adults," said Dr. steele. "What is different in Gulf War veterans is the pattern in which these symptoms occur - a pattern of multiple different types of symptoms together, symptoms which first began during or after the Gulf War, and often persist for years. We used Gulf War Illness as an umbrella term for these overlapping problems, since symptoms can vary from person to person."

If you would prefer an electronic version of the newsletter instead of a printed copy, email SAL Commander Casey Tillman at with your email address and the subject: Legion Newsletter.

Page 2

American Legion New sletter

Four Chaplains Day

Join the Legion and Serve your Veterans, your Community, and your Country
Feb. 3 will mark the historic 70th anniversary of the sinking of the United States Army Transport Dorchester and the legendary acts of selflessness of four Army chaplains who were aboard. Four Chaplains Day, as Congress has declared the date, honors the four chaplains who went down with their ship, as they gave their life jackets to other passengers. Legion posts nationwide are encouraged to commemorate the anniversary each February. This year, memorial services will be held on Feb. 3. Posts interested in conducting their own services on the date should email the Legions Americanism and Children & Youth Division at for information on arranging a memorial service. The Four Chaplains sometimes called the Immortal Chaplains were men from four different religions who sacrificed their lives for men of all faiths. In the 70 years since the incident, Methodist minister George L. Fox, Reformed Church in America minister Clark V. Poling, Roman Catholic priest John P. Washington and Rabbi Alexander B. Goode have been immortalized with commemorative postage stamps, a Congressionally recognized anniversary and numerous re-tellings of their heroics.

Commanders Address

American Legion
John Bennet
The Arden H. McKee Legion Post 128 is a strong and loyal organization of veterans who are dedicated to bettering the Community. The Legion hosts regular Hamburger Nights every Monday from 5:00 pm till 7:00 pm, at which time the allotted Legion entity will meet. The American Legion st meets on the 1 Monday of every month. The Womens nd Auxiliary meets on the 2 Monday of every month, the rd Legion Riders meet on the 3 Monday and the Sons of the th Legion meet on the 4 Monday of every month. We regularly donate to other veteran organizations as well as collect items to include in gift packages we send to our troops overseas. Honor our veterans, Join the Legion.

Sons of the American Legion

Casey Tillman
We are always looking for more dedicated members to join the Sons of the American Legion. SAL members include males of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the U.S. military and were eligible for American Legion membership. The Sons of the American Legion meet on the rd 3 Monday of every month after Burger Night at 7:00 PM.

Ashle y Duft
While originally organized to assist The American Legion, the Auxiliary has achieved its own unique identity while working side-byside with the veterans who belong to The American Legion. While the Auxiliary is considered a separate entity, the cooperation shared throughout the Post makes it feel more like one big family. We hope you will join our family and become a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. The Auxiliary meets nd on the 2 Monday each month at 7:00 pm after Burger Night.

American Legion Riders

Randy Billington
The American Legion Riders chapter in Sterling is well known for their charitable work, raising money for a number of veterans organizations, setting up flag lines at veteran funerals, and doing welcome home rides for our service members returning home from overseas. If any members of the Legion, Auxiliary or SAL who owns a motorcycle would like to join, rd we meet on the 3 Monday each month after Burger Night at 7:00pm.

American Legion New sletter

Page 3

February 2012
Sunday 27 28 Monday 29 Tuesday Wednesday 30 31 Thursday Friday 1 Mid-Winter Forum Hays, KS $7 per person 8 2 Saturday

3 Four Chaplains Day

4 -Burger Night 5pm-7pm -Legion Meeting 7pm


11 -Burger Night 5pm-7pm -Auxiliary Meeting 7pm 18 -Burger Night 5pm-7pm -Legion Riders Meeting 7pm 25 -Burger Night 5pm-7pm -SAL Meeting 7pm


13 th 7 District Convention Hoisington, KS



16 Valentines Day Valentines Dinner 5pm $10/person 23










Update: 2013 Dues, Elections, and Facebook

Dues Its that time of the year again. We have your membership cards in and are accepting dues payments. If you come by the Legion on Monday night you can pay your dues and get your new membership card. If you cant make to the Legion, you can contact your appropriate commander: Legion: John Bennet S.A.L.: Casey Tillman Auxiliary: Ashley Duft ALR: Randy Billington Facebook The American Legion post 128 of Sterling now has a facebook page. If you go to gionPost128SterlingKansas and like the Legion facebook page you will be able to receive regular updates on what is happening at the Legion and when events will take place. This newsletter will also be posted on the Post Facebook page so if you dont get this by email that is where you will find the newsletter. Elections It is time for elections so if you wish to have a say in who your officers will be, attend your next meeting and vote on your 2013 leaders. American Legion Meetings are the first Monday of each month, The Auxiliary meets the Second Monday, the American Legion Riders meet on the third Monday and the Sons of the American Legion meet on the fourth Monday of each month.

The American Legion Post 128 in Sterling, KS, Come to the Legion Burger
Night Every Monday from 5-7 PM (open to the public)

Arden H. McKee Legion Post # 128 108 E Garfield Ave P.O. Box 11 Sterling, KS 67579


Newsletter Sponsors

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