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Wayne Jackson, M.A.
...They X-rayed the daylights out of ole Drosophila melanogaster. They changed the eye colors from pink to white to red and black again. They changed the wings this way and that. They worked on the salivary glands. They increased and decreased the number of bristles. They strained and sweated for thousands of hours to change Drosophila into something else. What happened? Two things. One, the mutant flies either died over a period of generations, or, they came back to their original, normal conditions!! They could not be changed!! Drosophila melanogaster, frozen, steamed, blinded by light and darkness, and fried with X-rays, remained Drosophila 5 melanogaster.


Advocates of the theory of evolution contend that all forms of life have evolved, through a process of change and progressive development, from a solitary, simple and primitive life source. Though honest evolutionists concede that there is no real proof that this ever occurred (indeed, the notion is incapable of proof ), they do nonetheless theorize that it could have happened. When interrogated as to how these changes from the simple to the increasingly complex occurred, resulting in the present variety of living organisms, it is replied that one of the mechanisms responsible is genetic mutations.

Living organisms are composed of cells containing genes. Genes contain the hereditary material by which the organism is duplicated. Whenever a change takes place in the genetic material, whether from extraneous sources or from the genes damaging themselves, a mutation is said to occur. Evolutionists believe that mutations can be collected and sorted by the process of natural selection and thus produce an entirely new kind of living being. This is utter nonsense, as the following facts reveal.


That mutations do happen is common knowledge, but the incidence of such is extremely rare. One popular encyclopedia states: Mutations rarely occur. Most genes mutate only once in 100,000 generations or more.1 Evolutionist C.H. Waddington estimated that the odds may even be one in a million! Moreover, when mutations do occur, they produce devastatingly negative results. Nobel Prize winner H.J. Muller has admitted: In more than 99 per cent of cases the mutation of a gene produces some kind of harmful effect, some disturbance of function.2 It is interesting to observe, however, that most evolutionists sacredly cling to that alleged infinitesimally small percentage of favorable mutations in the hope that these might explain the evolutionary phenomena if given enough time. (Time is one of the creedal components in the religion of evolution!) Not even time, though, can save this mutated myth. George G. Simpson, frequently recognized as the champion evolutionist of America, has himself acknowledged the desperateness of the situation. Dr. Simpson admitted that if there was an effective breeding population, say of 100 million individuals, and they could produce a new generation daily, the likelihood of obtaining good evolutionary results from mutations could be expected only about once in 274 billion years! (Remember, evolutionists believe the Earth itself is only some 4.6 to 5 billion years old.) And so, Simpson was forced to exasperatingly conclude that unless there is an unknown factor tremendously increasing the chance of simultaneous mutations, such a process has played no part whatever in evolution.3 The fact of the matter is, it is just not certain that there ever has been a mutation that has been beneficial to the mutant organism under normal conditions. Noted geneticist Dr. William J. Tinkle stated: No mutation is on record which would make an animal or plant better organized or place it in a higher category than its ancestors.4 Experiments to find proof for progressive evolution via genetic mutations have been splendid flops. A real fly in the ointment of evolution, so to speak, has been the work with the Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit fly). Since these insects can produce a new generation in ten to twelve days, and as they can be artificially mutated, it was believed that accumulated beneficial mutations (which would require thousands of years in humans) could be observed in a comparatively brief span of time. Disappointingly for evolutionists, just the reverse was demonstrated. Two writers characterized the experiments as follows:

It is high time that honest people face the truth: mutations simply cannot explain the differences in the almost infinite variety of living things upon the planet Earth. There is a vast chasm between the different kinds (Genesis 1:11-12,21,24) of creatures. It is an impassable gulf that cannot be explained in terms of any known mechanism. But without some explanation of change, the evolutionary concept must be abandoned. In spite of the evidence, however, it is likely that evolutionists (refugees from the concept of creation) will continue to blindly and dogmatically contend for progressive mutations. It is important to observe, however, that when Jehovah created the different kinds of creatures, He obviously built into the genetic fabric the potential for the development of varieties (within certain defined limitations). The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that is within a single human cell, for example, contains enough coded information that would, if6 translated into English, fill a 1,000 volume set of encyclopedias. This certainly could account for the development of different varieties of people within the human kind. The faith required to believe that God created things after their own kind is considerably more rational than a nonsensical belief in evolution.

1 World Book Encyclopedia, 1966, 13:809. 2 Scientific American, November 1955, p. 58. 3

4 Bible-Science Newsletter, November 1969, p. 7. 5 6

Simpson, George Gaylord (1953), The Major Features of Evolution (New York: Simon & Schuster), p. 96.

Hall, Marshall and Sandra Hall (1974), The Truth: God or Evolution? (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker), p. 112. Readers Digest, October 1962, p. 148.

Originally Published In Christian Courier October 1975, 11:23

Distributed by Apologetics Press, Inc. 230 Landmark Drive Montgomery, AL 36117-2752 (334) 272-8558

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