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1. Identify SWOT (more focus is likely to be on strengths and weaknesses) of Oxyglobin as a blood substitute for animals. 2.

Identify SWOT (more focus is likely to be on strengths and weaknesses) of Hemopure as a blood substitute for humans. 3. What are the reasons to launch and the reasons not to launch Oxyglobin in the market? 4. Assess the market potential/demand for Oxyglobin and for the Hemopure (this question may take space due to calculations).

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SWOT analysis for oxypure Oxyglobin is the blood substitute developed by hemopure corporation for the veterinary market. Strengths 1.The U S FDA approval made oxyglobin the first blood substitute for dogs designed for dogs needing blood transfusions. 2.The use of oxyglobin precluded the need for blood typing and cross matching.The lack of blood typing and cross matching was shown to prolong recovery of a patient animal. 3.Oxyglobin had increased shelf life(storage at room temperature upto two years) Weaknesses Proclivity of veterinarians to not perform blood transfusions Pricing of oxyglobin was a problem due to pending launch of hemopure.Arguments existed over its pricing between $80-$100 /unit(low price due to lack of insurance in animal market) or a premium price of $200.

When Hemopure would be introduced, production capacity of Oxyglobin will be constrained. Opportunity Any company wishing to enter blood substitute in veterinary market would take 2-5 years to bring such a product to market. Biopure corporation could use profits from Oxyglobin in first two years to increase production capacity . The sole source of blood for most veterinary practices were donor animals .Few practices explicitly tracked the cost of housing donor animal or time required to draw blood which could lead to higher costs of the donated blood.Thus oxyglobin could be rightly priced to get an advantage over the donor animal blood. Threat 1. Competitors could enter into market 2. Historical lack of Veterinary transfusion usage was a threat . 3.Few owners carried pet insurance.

SWOT analysis for Hemopure. Hemopure is the blood substitute developed by biopure corporation for human blood transfusions Strengths 1.Universal blood substitute eliminating the need for blood typing and cross matching. 2.Free of infectious agents and contamination 3.Increased shelf life.these products could be safely stored upto 2 years. 4.Immediate 100% efficient at transporting oxygen. 5.Unanticipated benefits like the small size of RBCS which resulted in flow to regions where Human RBCS could not reach. Leading to improved treatment incases of stroke and heart attack. 6.The product of biopure needed not to be frozen or refrigerated until used. It was shelf stable at room temperature.

Weaknesses 1.Pending FDA approval (product had recently entered stage 3) 2.Short half life.the blood substitute were excreted from body within 2-7 days as against 2months excretion of donated human RBCS. 3.The potential for higher toxicity.the blood substitutecould not be transfused more than 5-10 times as against limitless transfusion of human RBCS. 4.Lower output of Hemopure due to additional steps required to make it fit for human transfusion Opportunities 1.Supply blood substitute during times of shortages. Threats 1.Negative public perception of source (cow vs human) 2.Baxter international and Northfield laboratories were in the late stage of development of blood substitute.Baxter International had a good reputation in manufacture of blood related medical products.Northfield expected full FDA approval by late 1999.

. The reasons to launch and the reasons not to launch Oxyglobin in the market? Reason in favour of launching oxyglobin1.Oxyglobin could have generated its first revenues which could be used to launch hemopure. 2.Oxyglobin could have helped in understanding the lessons of how to go to the market before the launch of hemopure. 3.Animal market is more attractive than human market. Reasons for not launching oxyglobin. 1.Launching of oxyglobin earlierthan hemopure would jeopardize the chances of pricing hemopure at higher market price..the justification of high price difference between the two products would be difficult to explain

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