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Assignments for B.Sc.(IT) & M.Sc.(IT) Courses Subject: OOP With C++ Subject Code: BSIT - 33 Assignment: TA (Compulsory) 1. Explain the characteristics of POP and OOP 2. What are the Basic concepts of OOP? Explain. 3. Explain the following: i. iii. v. const qualifier. comma operator ii. volatile qualifier. vi. sizeof operator. reference types. iv. enumerated data types.

4. What is Dynamic Memory Allocation [DMA]? Under what circumstances does the use of DMA become mandatory? Compare DMA facilities available in C with C++ facilities. 5. What is Function prototyping? When function prototyping become mandatory? Illustrate with an example. 6. What is function overloading? How do you overload member functions of class with default arguments? 7. When do you use inline functions? How does inline is different from macros and normal functions. Illustrate with a program. 8. Write a C++ program to multiply two complex numbers by overloading * operator. Accept the data of one complex number with the constructor and the data of other complex number by overloading >> operator. Display the numbers and result by overloading << operator 9. What are visibility specifiers? Explain. When do you put data members in protected mode? 10. Write a C++ program to illustrate circular queue data structure.

Assignment :TB (Compulsory)


I. Fill in the blanks: 1) _____________are the data storage locations not accessible to the user. 2) A. _____________as the last character on the line indicates the string literal is continued on the next line. 3) _____________data type consists of data elements as well as methods encapsulated together. 4) _____________is a collection of homogenous data elements. 5) A pointer variable always stores_____________ 6) _____________can be used to operate multidimensional arrays. 7) _____________is a basic building block of program. 8) The compiler matches the constructors depending on how the class is_____________ 9) When same operation to be performed on different types of things. It is known as_____________ 10) Grouping of real world entities called_____________ 11) _____________function is expanded when invoked. 12) A class is a logical method to organize_____________and functions in same structure. 13) A single function name can have multiple_____________ II. Indicate whether the following is TRUE or FALSE: 1) By default, floating-point literals have double precision. 2) Variables can begin with a number. 3) C++ language is case insensitive. 4) Declaration of variables allocates the appropriate storage in the memory. 5) Volatile qualifiers support the compiler optimizations. 6) Enumerated data types helps to define set of integer constants but does not impose any type checking. 7) A dereference operation on an initialized pointer results in some in some run time error. 8) Initialization is also known as first value assignment. 9) Constructors can refer to their addresses. 10) There should always be a destructor defined in a class having constructors. 11) The objects are destroyed in the wide of their creation. 12) Constructors should be declared in public section. PART - B 1. a) Discuss different scenarios where non-primitive data types. b) State the rules to be followed for naming variables. 2. a) How are multidimensional arrays used? b) What is a structure? Explain arrays and pointers within structure. 3. a) With examples explain enumerated data types. b) Explain dynamic memory in ANSI-C. 4. a) Explain usage of input stream Cin and O/P stream Cout in C++. b) Describe statements required to describe algorithms. 5. a) Write a C++ program and flow chart to find the largest of three numbers. b) Explain the need for functions.

6. a) Discuss Pass by Value and Pass by Reference mechanism in C and C++. b) What is a recursion? Write a C++ program to illustrate without and with recursive function. 7. a) Illustrate the concept of inheritance with suitable example. b) What is a constructor? List the characteristics that a constuctor must posses. 8. a) Discuss the various rules for operator overloading. b) Explain different forms of inheritance.

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