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In the Taxes Appellate Tribunal.. No .of 2011 Appellant: Harun Twisting Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.
Income Tax * Circle in which assessment was made and * range/zone/in which it is located. Income year Assessment year Section of the income Tax Ordinance, 1984 Under which the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes passed the order. * Inspecting joint Commissioner of Taxes determining the appeal. * Appellate Joint Commissioner of Taxes determining the appeal. * Appellate Commissioner of Taxes determining the appeal. Date of communication of the order of the deputy Commissioner of Taxes. Inspecting Joint Commissioner of Taxes Appellate Joint Commissioner of Taxes Appellate Joint Commissioner of Taxes determining the appeal. Appellate Commissioner of Taxes determining the appeal Address to which notices may be sent to the respondent Address to which notice nay be sent to the Appellant Claim in appeal.


Respondent: Taxes Commissioner Appeal

Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes Company Circle -21, Taxes Zone-7, Dhaka. 2008-2009 2009-2010 83(2) /82 C


15-09-2011 Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes Company Circle -21, Taxes Zone-7, Dhaka. Director,Harun Twisting Industries (Pvt.) Ltd., Plot-2, Road -3, Section-7, Mirpur, Dhaka. As per grounds of Appeal

1. Appeal was made only to consider the wastage sale on the basis of demand and accuracy. But the learned
Appellate Commissioner of Taxes has refused the appeal with the cause under section 153(3) without putting comments on wastage sale.

2. The garments are 100% export oriented and clothing are supplied by the buyer with a reasonable
consideration of wastage which has comes the wastage sale value only 12,000.00. With all consideration the learned DCT has estimated wastage sale Tk. 2,00,000.00 instead of Tk. 12,000.00. As per Section 153(3) taxes has been paid for an amounting taka 2,78,500.00 (Copy Attached) Now again we are asking request to consider the wastage sale as per submitted documents to the DCT and our demand.

3. 4.

Signature: .. (Appellant/Authorized Representative, if any)

I Harun Twisting Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. the appellant / authorized representative, do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my information and belief. Verified today, the day of November 2011

Signature: .. (Appellant/Authorized Representative, if any)

Note- 1. The memorandum of appeal) including the grounds of appeal when filed on a separate paper) must be in triplicate and shall be accompanied by two copies (at least one of which should be certified copy) of the order appealed against and two copies of the order of the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes. 2. The memorandum of appeal in the case of an appeal by the assessee must be accompanied by a fee of five hundred taka. It is suggested that the fee be credited in the Treasury or a branch of the Sonali Bank or the Bangladesh Bank after obtaining a challan from the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes and the triplicate portion of the challan sent to the Appellate Tribunal with the memorandum of appeal. The Appellate Tribunal shall not accept cheques, drafts, hundies or other negotiable instruments. 3. The memorandum of appeal shall set forth concisely and under distinct heads, the grounds of appeal without any argument or narrative and such grounds shall be numbered consecutively. Delete which ever is inapplicable.

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