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The Challenge of Jesus

Our Lent course with Donna continues this evening at St.Paul's, Roundshaw at 7pm, looking at Tom Wrights book "The Challenge of Jesus". Please do come along and join in: if you do not have a book yet, you can order your own copy from Oasis or online.

24th February Hosted by the Lighthouse cell Holy Communion 10.30 am 1 Corinthians 6 The Challenge of Jesus 7.00 pm St Pauls, Roundshaw
After a brilliant weekend away for Emerge with some anointed teaching by Donna we are making it available to everyone in an Encounter Day on Saturday 9th March. Her theme is Breaking the spell: unlocking an inspired imagination It totally gripped our young adults, and we believe that it will do the same for you as well. Book space in your diary now Welcome to our Service, particularly if you are with us for the first time today. Please do join us for tea and coffee after the service. There is a welcome desk in the foyer with more information about the churchs activities

3rd March Morning Worship


Vision Day
Imagine church for those who dont do church On the 23rd March, there is a vision day exploring new ways of building Christian community: It will be a great time for all those who are looking into our new river ministry initiatives to find out more about Fresh Expressions- what it might mean for us at Springfield and how wider initiatives can impact and help us in our local communities. Do talk to Will for further details

Alpha Course
Our next Alpha Course is starting with a meal on Wednesday 27th February. Alpha is a great place to ask questions and to explore the Christian faith. Whether you are thinking about Christianity or would like a re-fresher or know someone who is interested, we would love to have you join the course. Please see the welcome desk or Will if you are interested

This Evening @ 7.00 pm Lent Course St Pauls, Roundshaw February 25th 10.30 - 12.00 caf connect Shotfield Library Caf February 25th @ 8.00 pm Cell leaders Meeting March 1st @ 8.00 pm The MiX @ the Phoenix March 3rd @ 4.45pm Lent Course Phoenix Centre March 3rd @ 6.30 pm Evening Praise March 9th Encounter Day March 23rd Fresh Expressions day July 26th - August 2nd New Wine Shepton Mallett August 5th - 9th Holiday Club August 18th -22nd Soul Survivor
SPRINGFIELD CHURCH IS PART OF They will pass on any pastoral matters as appropriate

Pray for our church family

Cell leaders
The next meeting Cell leaders, co-leaders and cell pastors is at the Trinity Centre on Monday 25th at 8pm. Well be looking together at where were up to with River Ministries and the implications for cells.

Holiday Club
Space Academy is now recruiting a team to work with a new intake of 5-11 year olds signing up for a week of astronaut training. It will be on the mornings of August 5th - 9th at HighView school Pick up a sign up sheet to be part of the team from the welcome desk and return to Chris ASAP. This is also an exciting chance to grow our relationships with the adults please talk to Sue Bosley for details or to register an interest
020 8404 6064 020 8763 4222 020 8773 4787 020 8647 3410 07871 768 070

Office Hours
Please pray for: John Nicholls - that he makes a full recovery soon. The MiX on Friday - for great conversations, friendships and safety for all. The Church office will be open as usual from the 26th 38, Stafford Road, Wallington SM6 9AA

The MiX
For all Yr 6s and above back on Friday 1st March, 8-9.30pm at the Phoenix Centre. Bring your friends!

For prayer chain requests, please contact :

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

Minister: Revd. Will Cookson (day off Friday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby (day off Friday) Pioneer Minister: Sue Bosley Church Office Pastoral Care

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